
Devasish Gupta

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A New Kind of Karma! Would You Believe It’s Stored in Your DNA? Take the Wealth
11/3/2015 4:17:27 PM
A New Kind of Karma! Would You Believe It’s Stored in Your DNA? Take the Wealth Gene Poll...

Have you ever had thoughts like:

Money doesn't grow on trees...

There’s not enough... not enough money... not enough time...

Life is a struggle...

Take this 30-second landmark Wealth Gene Poll:

It's mapping Global Hotspots for beliefs that hold us back and your input matters!

To thank you, you will receive the Global Hotspots Map and a FREE copy of the new groundbreaking book, Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene!

The book you get today!

The map will be sent to you as soon as the results are in.

Find out how to 'Turn Off' what's holding you back...

You might be surprised!

This Wealth Gene Study takes trans-generational DNA research one step further by mapping hotspots - pockets of beneficial and limiting inherited beliefs worldwide.

At a global level, author and researcher, Dawn Clark, believes that understanding the epigenetics of wealth and how to overcome the invisible barriers of our secret inheritance, will unlock people's potential for creating the live they desire, and foster solutions for challenges facing the world today.

I hope you'll join me, and be part of a this global phenomenon.

The poll is fast, the book you get as a gift is amazing! A real win-win!

Together, we can free ourselves and others from the limitations we have suffered for millennia. And in doing so, we will create true wealth in the process.

That’s why this work is so exciting. This is the sort of work that brings us all closer to being all of who we can be.

Find out how you can start operating at your full potential:

If you've ever felt like a salmon swimming upstream, or no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get ahead, then you’ll definitely want to take the 30-second Wealth Gene Poll!

This will get you the Global Hotspot Map when it's ready and your Free copy of "Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene" today!

Get the Global Hotspot Map:

Please recommend this post to your friends. The more participation in the poll, the quicker the results can be ready and more the comprehensive the Global Hotspot map will be!

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