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Jim Allen

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let the truth about the left's superficial commitment to "diversity" slip out.
9/21/2015 3:05:39 PM


Actor gets a taste of his own medicine when he defends his merit-based competition show.

For decades, the "progressive" champions of government affirmative-action policies have used minorities as highly visible Christmas ornaments to assuage liberal white guilt. It's always been for show.

Whether it's the progressives of pallor at MSNBC or the Associated Press board of directors or the top brass at The New York Times, I've pointed out many times over the years that the loudest preachers of manufactured skin-deep diversity work for media and entertainment organizations that fail to practice their own social engineering sermons behind the camera and in their backrooms.

Damon and his ilk routinely attack tea party conservatives as racists and bigots. They savage the GOP for not being "inclusive" enough. They lambaste Fox News for being too "white" and "blonde."

Yet, the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism found that "in the top-grossing movies since 2007, there were more than twice as many speaking roles for men as for women." Measured by the gold standard of liberal proportional representation metrics, only 11 percent of those 100 top-grossing films had "balanced casts" (e.g., women representing 45 to 55 percent of the characters). And of nearly 800 directors involved in those movies, only 28 were women, 45 were black/African-American and 18 were Asian or Asian-American.

Hypocritical Hollywood touts its fealty to token racial, ethnic and gender "diversity," but like every major institution dominated by the left, it demands the most extreme political conformity. Conservatives in the performing arts are ostracized, blacklisted and closeted. Conservative minorities are humiliated as sellouts, puppets, Uncle Toms and Aunt Tomasinas.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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