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Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
11/7/2007 1:16:57 PM
Congrats to John, already a winner, but now recognized by those in the know. Howard
Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
11/8/2007 9:20:22 AM

Hello Beryl and Howard!  8)


Thank you for your posts here in this forum.

I hope all is well with the both of you.

Take care my friends!  ;-)





Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
12/15/2007 8:09:52 PM

Hi John, I would like to take this time to congratulate you on this very well deserved award.  You have shown, and proven consistantly that you are a very upstanding, caring decent human being that I believe is a very good role model that people can look up to.  Thank you for your hard work; I appreciate you.


Pauline Spence



Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
12/16/2007 9:32:12 AM

Hello Pauline!  :-)


Thank you for your kind comments!  :-)

I appreciate you taking the time to post here.

Have a great weekend my friend!  ;-)



