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Buyer? Seller? Who Really Wins in a Traditional vs. Auction Transaction?
12/12/2013 3:18:41 PM

Buyer? Seller? Who Really Wins in a Traditional vs. Auction Transaction?

During my real estate career here in Northern Utah, I have often pondered this question as I assist my clients in the purchase or sale of their home. After participating in quite a few transactions, I have come to an alarming conclusion. In a typical real estate transaction (non-auction), I have...Read More

Sellers, Be Careful Whom You Chose When Selecting a Realtor®

You have decided to sell your house and came to a conclusion on what the property is worth. Being a sensible home seller, you embark on further due diligence by scheduling appointments with three or four local Realtors® who have been hanging marketing materials on your front door for...Read More

Pirate Ship-Styled Building Heads to the Auction Block in Bonita, FL

I’ve said it before, you can sell almost anything at auction. You can get toys, CDs and DVDs, cars, artwork and, let’s not forget, homes at a real estate auction! But what about a pirate ship? Yes, in Bonita Springs, Florida, a pirate ship is for sale via auction...Read More

Unexpected Twist Makes This Auction One to Remember

This story (author unknown) will make you think of auctions a little bit differently next time you may happen to be in that bidding position. I hope you enjoy it as I did.


There once lived a wise and wealthy man with a passionate appreciation for collecting art. He had numerous works by prominent masters but his favorite painting was an amateur portrait of his only son...Read More

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