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Don’t Make Blind Offers! Auctions Offer a Better Way
12/9/2013 2:06:27 PM

Don’t Make Blind Offers! Auctions Offer a Better Way

Through real estate laws and tradition, multiple offers always lead to buyers being forced to bid on a house without any real point of reference beside the list price which may or may not be accurate.

As a real estate professional in the Wake County and Triangle area of North Carolina, I have encountered situations where the above scenario has played out numerous times over the years...Read More

Auctions Throughout History

The American auctions go back to the Pilgrims and Indians. Indians had the fur pelts and the Pilgrims wanted them. The furs were auctioned at the shoreline to merchants who then took the furs back to Europe and auctioned them again! Competitive manufacturers sold the furs to the wealthy.

Auctions took place thousands of years ago – before the birth of Christ. Auctions have worked for centuries. In Greece, 500 BC, the annual auctioning of brides took place. A father...Read More

Hunting Season Ends, Hiring Season Begins in Big Sky Country

As the Thanksgiving holiday came to an end, so did big game hunting here in Montana. It came to a close Sunday night at sunset. Got up before daylight and took my 14 year-old-granddaughter out for a morning hunt. As we left the house there was a freezing rain. The roads were solid ice. Not long after daylight the rain turned to snow. By the time we decided to head home it...Read More

Raleigh Real Estate Market Trends

There are currently 10,648 homes for sale in the North Carolina Triangle area, covering Chapel Hill, Durham and Raleigh. This represents 5.59 percent of the total national inventory which totals 1,905,064.

We have seen a 6.85 percent decrease in the total number of properties for sale, listed with Realtors® so far this year...Read More

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