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Small Town Living, Small Town Auctioneering
9/9/2013 2:53:59 PM

Small Town Living, Small Town Auctioneering

I grew up most of my life in a small town. We didn’t have much to do , we cruised the strip, on Friday nights, comparing our weeks experiences and looking at our friend cars and motorcycles. Maybe if there was a good movie we would all pack in the one walk-in theater for the latest Harrison Ford movie or James Bond thriller...Read More

San Diego Team Plans Auction for Sept. 28. Listings Coming is a national company that is “territory driven.” For instance, my territory is that of the City of San Diego. Therefore, any owners of commercial, luxury homes, multifamily and land will be serviced by myself and a team of Project Managers. When you hire me, you hire an entire team of agents, not just one...Read More

Rural Nebraska Residents Step up for One Another

Never question the power and determination of the people in a small community. I was raised in Western Nebraska and used to take for granted much of what is commonplace in small communities. The support and generosity is astounding. Fundraisers happen with regularity...Read More

San Diego Homes Finding New Buyers From Across Our Borders

Investment, vacation or second home? With our near-perfect weather year-round and favorable exchange rates for Asian and European buyers, San Diego is the port of call for many homebuyers to enjoy the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of in a home away from home...Read More

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