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Branka Babic

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5/14/2013 4:37:35 AM

The power of good and the power of evil PEOPLE subscribe to the things and happenings. Everyone subscribes the power of good to himself, leaving the power of evil to his neighbor, to test (challenge) his supposed good. Alas!!! Neighbor does totally the same, leaving the tools of evil into our yard. Then the priests and lawyers pop in and ... and smartness and intelligence leave the space in favor of passions and vanity. (Branka Babic)

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Reflections
5/14/2013 4:43:52 AM
There used to be an expression of the 60's generation..that is one heavy thought you have going there!
I wanted to acknowledge that I had read this, but it is fairly late and to give you my thoughts required being able to focus.
I really need to think on this one Branka.



Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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RE: Reflections
5/14/2013 4:48:26 AM
There used to be an expression of the 60's generation..that is one heavy thought you have going there!
I wanted to acknowledge that I had read this, but it is fairly late and to give you my thoughts required being able to focus.
I really need to think on this one Branka.



LOL don't worry Diane, issues caused by the good versus evil mirrors would still be here until you get enough rest.

Thank you very much for touching them, even though I know how late is there and that you surely need rest. Sincerely, you are one of most honest and openminded people that I was fortunate to meet.

Wishing you a nice dreams and good night :).
Michael Caron

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RE: Reflections
5/14/2013 5:28:18 AM

10_1_136.gifHello my dear friend Branka,

As Diane stated, it is getting late here as well, however I did want to acknowledge this thread before retiring for the evening. This is an interesteing title as when we view our image or reflection in a mirror, we see exactly who we are, however we see only what we want to see, however if we viewed our reflection in a pond of water, the motion of the water would distort our reflection and the ripples would cause our features to constantly change as though we were not in control of who we really are. Perhaps if we viewed our image in a pond more often, we would eventually begin to realize who we really are.




Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Reflections
5/14/2013 6:00:17 AM

10_1_136.gifHello my dear friend Branka,

As Diane stated, it is getting late here as well, however I did want to acknowledge this thread before retiring for the evening. This is an interesteing title as when we view our image or reflection in a mirror, we see exactly who we are, however we see only what we want to see, however if we viewed our reflection in a pond of water, the motion of the water would distort our reflection and the ripples would cause our features to constantly change as though we were not in control of who we really are. Perhaps if we viewed our image in a pond more often, we would eventually begin to realize who we really are.




Always jolly (and grateful) to see you Mike, knowing that you'd surely add some secret (unknown to me) spice into the pot.

I agree. As often as we ponder into the image in the pond ... we'd see more of the picture in it.

Lately, my self-esteem is pretty stable, and not only stable. Hm it is as stable that it became totally unimportant. What matters in our life is our weak and stuff which we do not desire. We are what we like, but we are also what we dislike.

It happened recently that person whose confidence in me has never come to be questioned, became greatly disappointed by results of my work.

OH!!!!! Still kind and tender in his speech to me, he told me how medical analyzes of his health (in one prominent clinics in Austria) have shown ultimately disturbing results. His health conditions seemed as bad, as he was urged to stay in clinics for the surgical treatment immediately.

I was calm, telling myself : "No, I won't empower his (unconscious) need to again experience disappointment in person to who he trusts." So, I told him that I take a full responsibility for what I claim: YOUR HEALTH IS PERFECT and please repeat all exams and tests once more, in 3 days from now.

He accepted.

New results were as perfect as I claimed.
What I wrote here, my friend Milos Babic can confirm (he is mutual friend of that person and me).


Conclusion: we empower things to work either to satisfy our desired or our undesired stuff.


Mike, say HI to Shirley please, hug and kiss her for me please, and hope to see you back.

Hug you my Hanes Boy :),


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