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RE: General Discussion
3/25/2013 3:45:16 AM
Wow thanks everyone for the participation here I really appreciate it! I really don't know why I enjoy scripted shows they really are a waste of time lol. I usually record shows on DirecTV DVR but if i miss them or to many things are recording I like to download them. I prefer watching shows on the bigger TV in living room lol. I can use a feature called mediashare on the DirecTV receivers. It is nice because it allows me to stream shows from my computer. I use Serviio on my computer which will live transcode most video formats to the one format DirecTV receiver uses. My roommates brother lets me use the netflix streaming also. I just wish that they had more new stuff on streaming.

As for watching on YouTube you might get lucky to watch shows the day they aire. YouTube is pretty fast about taking stuff like that down real fast. I usually get my shows from a blog or other sites but even the longer the show has been posted the harder it is to find. Finding shows streaming online is usually easier but I personally prefer downloading them.

I enjoy talking with people that are interested in working together and communicating with others. If you are interested in chatting or joining a friendly team of people the best way to reach me is through Skype or Twitter. Skype Name: HRJustinPTC
Ken Wolff

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RE: General Discussion
3/25/2013 6:42:08 AM

Hi Friends,

Sorry I was not online today....did not watch TV either. I went on a road trip with one of my sons David and a couple of close friends Steve and Richy!

Here is a map of the area that we covered:

Sonoma County in California

We started out in Camp Meeker near Occidental taking the back roads through the redwoods topping many hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean near Bodaga Bay. We went through Guerneville, Cazadero, on some roads so tight that cars coming from the other direction would slow down or stop to let us pass by safely. We met Elaine, Misty (my daughter in law), Wesley, and Genevieve (our grand-kids) and David's mom Deborah at Busters in Calistoga for lunch.

I think we road about 200 miles all together and it took all day.

Hope your day was as fun as mine was!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
RE: General Discussion
3/26/2013 2:15:16 PM

Hi Friends,

Sorry I was not online today....did not watch TV either. I went on a road trip with one of my sons David and a couple of close friends Steve and Richy!

Here is a map of the area that we covered:

Sonoma County in California

We started out in Camp Meeker near Occidental taking the back roads through the redwoods topping many hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean near Bodaga Bay. We went through Guerneville, Cazadero, on some roads so tight that cars coming from the other direction would slow down or stop to let us pass by safely. We met Elaine, Misty (my daughter in law), Wesley, and Genevieve (our grand-kids) and David's mom Deborah at Busters in Calistoga for lunch.

I think we road about 200 miles all together and it took all day.

Hope your day was as fun as mine was!


Ive been busy lately so havent had a chance to make many posts. That sounds like an amazing road trip! I would like to be able to travel more often if I had a better vehicle. That is my main goal from working online is saving up enough for a new vehicle. I know I will make a steady income from the internet I can just feel it lol. I hope everyone else is having a good day so far!

I enjoy talking with people that are interested in working together and communicating with others. If you are interested in chatting or joining a friendly team of people the best way to reach me is through Skype or Twitter. Skype Name: HRJustinPTC

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