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Diane Bjorling

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RE: How to Help Yourself (and
12/19/2012 2:55:11 AM
I put the K9 on the children's computers as I was not satisfied with what they had. On my beast ( I'm still thinking of a good name for my computer lol) I have enough bells and whistles to keep me safe..thank goodness!

As for the other... well I am sure eyes are just prying as heck and I have said what I wanted to say..that is enough and to heck with people like that!
Dave Cottrell

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RE: How to Help Yourself (and
12/19/2012 3:28:50 AM
As for the other... I would suggest that it consists basically of two people talking to each other on a forum, with an occasional visitor popping in. It is not where anyone should be focusing their energy. There are WAY better and more important things to be done.

One thing we ALL should be doing is our very best to make sure that whatever we promote, sell or offer on should be straight up honest business.

The only way we can do that is by each one of us doing our own due diligence and NOT on sites that purport to be anti-scam sites but that offer no good information other than the jaded opinions of the few.

Furthermore, when and if we discover something being promoted in our community that is either not legal or has all the signs of something that will be found to be illegal, we need to speak up.

Tell you friend of he or she sends you something that isn't right or might have problems. Don't keep quiet; you're not helping your friend if you don't warn them that the bridge on the road they are traveling is out!

Don't be afraid to speak out if something is wrong.

I have been accused on a certain site of not doing my job, since I'm not going around "policing" this site. In fact, that is not my personal job. I am doing my job, and am doing it with my eyes wide open. However it is EVERYBODY'S job to make this a safe community for everyone.

Be careful NOT to make false accusations. I can never overemphasize the importance of doing due diligence. Never, ever join anything without checking it out all the way to the bottom, first. Even then, you may make a mistake. I certainly have. When you do, you need to admit it, and if you have given bad advice, you need to speak up and admit it.

Be careful. Sometimes it seems that people get lulled into the false sense that because it is online, it doesn't matter. However, what you get involved in, what you do, and what you say DOES matter. What is illegal or unethical online is just as illegal and unethical as it would be offline. The difference is that it can be worse online, far more reaching, and far longer lasting.

Stay safe and have fun. Don't ever be a SNIOP! :)

God bless,


RE: How to Help Yourself (and
12/19/2012 3:56:04 AM
Thanks for doing so much research on stuff to help us all to be edjumacated Dave. I appreciate the opinions of everyone here. I am glad that I have been using myWot though.
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Diane Bjorling

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RE: How to Help Yourself (and
12/19/2012 4:00:02 AM
I want everybody to see this...why because it is true is right and dang... well said!!!

As for the other... I would suggest that it consists basically of two people talking to each other on a forum, with an occasional visitor popping in. It is not where anyone should be focusing their energy. There are WAY better and more important things to be done.

One thing we ALL should be doing is our very best to make sure that whatever we promote, sell or offer on should be straight up honest business.

The only way we can do that is by each one of us doing our own due diligence and NOT on sites that purport to be anti-scam sites but that offer no good information other than the jaded opinions of the few.

Furthermore, when and if we discover something being promoted in our community that is either not legal or has all the signs of something that will be found to be illegal, we need to speak up.

Tell you friend of he or she sends you something that isn't right or might have problems. Don't keep quiet; you're not helping your friend if you don't warn them that the bridge on the road they are traveling is out!

Don't be afraid to speak out if something is wrong.

I have been accused on a certain site of not doing my job, since I'm not going around "policing" this site. In fact, that is not my personal job. I am doing my job, and am doing it with my eyes wide open. However it is EVERYBODY'S job to make this a safe community for everyone.

Be careful NOT to make false accusations. I can never overemphasize the importance of doing due diligence. Never, ever join anything without checking it out all the way to the bottom, first. Even then, you may make a mistake. I certainly have. When you do, you need to admit it, and if you have given bad advice, you need to speak up and admit it.

Be careful. Sometimes it seems that people get lulled into the false sense that because it is online, it doesn't matter. However, what you get involved in, what you do, and what you say DOES matter. What is illegal or unethical online is just as illegal and unethical as it would be offline. The difference is that it can be worse online, far more reaching, and far longer lasting.

Stay safe and have fun. Don't ever be a SNIOP! :)

God bless,


Dave Cottrell

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RE: How to Help Yourself (and
12/19/2012 4:06:19 AM
Thank you, Diane. It is time to look forward to the future.
