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Re: It's the fad
1/8/2006 10:02:25 PM
Hello Leanne. thanks for that one. you got a smart son. he will go far in life. you have to get out of the box at an early age.
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Re: It's the fad
1/9/2006 3:27:17 AM
Hi Freddie, Thanks,but all the characters in these jokes are fictional,my sons not quite up to the girl stage yet.Although I dont think he'll need to work too hard once he is! Dont know if thats a good or bad Thanks also to everyone else that visited this forum. Leanne Busby
Manuel Davis

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Re: It's the fad
1/11/2006 1:09:58 PM
Leanne, I believe that you have a very intelligent son there, he's found a way to get attention from women without actually asking for it LOL. He and his friends are boardering on Genius you know that right? Tell him that I am his fan, as it is difficult enough to get a woman to pay attention to what we do and or wear, and he's gotten them to go one setp further, simply genius. Sincerely, Manuel D.