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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/12/2012 3:29:34 AM

Hello Evelyn

I wonder where I've heard that before :))

See Page 453 of this forum.


Helen, I listened to a few minutes of this but I'll have to listen to the rest of it later. From what I've heard so far it sounds very interesting. I'll let you know my thoughts after I listen to the rest of it. Have a blessed day. :)
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/12/2012 1:09:22 PM
Inspirational Quote of the Day
If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.
J.M. Power
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/12/2012 1:14:34 PM

Here's a little heart warming story for all you animal lovers. Have a wonderful day everyone. :)

Cop frees moose stuck in swing set

Posted: Aug 09, 2012
By Elizabeth Klynstra

A sheriff's sergeant in Weber County, UT, made a brave attempt to free a moose whose antlers were tangled up in a backyard swing set, and it was all caught on video.

The video, posted on YouTube by the Weber County Sheriff's Department, showed the moose struggling to free himself from the chains of two swings.

The sergeant tried to calm down the moose, who was breathing heavily and thrashing back and forth, before he could get close enough to try to cut the chains.

After several attempts, the sergeant cut through the chains and freed the animal, who bolted into a field.

According to the YouTube post, the moose was so exhausted from the struggle that he lay down outside a nearby home. In an attempt to cool off the moose, the sergeant brought him some water and sprayed him down with a hose.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/12/2012 1:33:16 PM

How many of you have aging pets and watched helplessly as they suffered some of the same age related ailments we as humans have? Watch this video as one man tries in an unusual way to help his best friend alleviate some of his pain. It's a beautiful story. :)

Man's swim with ailing dog goes viral

Posted: Aug 10, 2012
They say dogs are man's best friend. John Unger and Schoep of Bayfield, Wisconsin are proof of that.

Their friendship started when Unger adopted Schoep from a shelter as a puppy 19 years ago.

It turns out Schoep wasn't the only one who needed to be rescued.

"He's been my guardian for a number of years," Unger said.

Time has given them memories, but it has also taken a toll on Schoep's body.

"This joint right here kind of freezes up," Unger said pointing to Schoep's hind leg.

Arthritis and hip dysplasia have settled into Schoep's joints. The only comfort now is a routine that keeps Schoep off his feet.

Unger takes Schoep out into Lake Superior for a dip as often as they can.

Unger gently places his arm under Schoep as they float together in the water. With no pressure on his body, Schoep quickly falls asleep in Unger's arms.

Schoep's eyes close as his head rests on Unger's chest. Sometimes they stay that way for hours.

"This is living," Unger said as they floated in Lake Superior Thursday evening.

Unger is careful with every minute because he's not sure how much longer Schoep will be around.

He wanted just one picture of them in the water to capture their friendship.

He asked Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, owner of Stonehouse Photo in Bayfield, to take a few pictures.

She posted one picture of Unger and Schoep on Facebook, and it went viral within a few hours.

It has now been viewed more than 2 million times.

Unger said he is overwhelmed by all the attention.

He just wanted to capture one moment with his best friend; instead he captured the world.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/12/2012 1:59:50 PM

Hi Mary Evelyn,

That is wonderfully heartwarming! We really love our pets because they always love us, no matter what! Unfortunately, they get older a lot faster than we do.

My ex-mom-in-law & her boyfriend (sounds funny to call a man in his 70's a boyfriend!) had an ancient cat, they had several cats, one was so ancient and had arthritis and pain in moving, just like the boyfriend did, and that cat was on a big pillow all the time and they'd put it's food & water in front of it, and carry it to the litter box a few times per day...

and so John asked his doctor if it would be okay to give the cat a tiny part of his cortizone pill, and the doctor said, that's part of YOUR pill and you'll have less for yourself and the cat is very small, but that's up to you. So John cut the pill into fourths and gave the cat one-fourth sometimes and had three-fourths for himself, and on those days, the cat felt better, tried to get up and walk around a little.

The cat lived for about another year after that, and John also passed away a few years ago.


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