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Donggeun Yoo

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Chapter Thirteen: On the Order 23
12/11/2011 2:30:22 AM
Chapter Thirteen: On the Order 23

The Founding Master said, “Fortunately, you have all come to this order’s gateway, but since what you have learned and been accustomed to are different, and since it takes one to know one, some of you will be unable to overcome a minor adversity and will end up leaving. Those people are like blind persons who are fortunate enough to grab hold of the doorknob, but turn away in anger and return to aimless wandering when they trip over the threshold. The physically blind man knows that he is blind, so at least he takes precautions; but the blind man whose mental vision is dark does not even know he is blind, so he falls into a deep pit without even realizing that he is falling. How can this not be dangerous!”
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