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Dave Cottrell

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Re: BEWARE ! Winhound is making the rounds again
12/31/2005 9:30:41 PM
Hi Doug, I use have used Netscape and Firefox, but have found over the years that my best bet is IE - I recently used the latest Firefox on one computer and the latest IE on another, and went back to IE. (although I still have the other browsers - IE is default.) I do a lot of website work, and if it looks good in IE, most people can see it. Incidently, when I first started using the latest version of Firefox, I got hit by more adware and spyware than I'd EVER had before. I guess the answer is to just keep all our security software up-to-date and running. I DO prefer most other open source software over MS. God bless, Dave God bless,
Cheri Merz

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Re: More info on Winhound
1/2/2006 2:16:47 PM
I think this must be what my husband picked up on his computer last week. It took him hours to fix it. Cheri

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