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Doug Woodall

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Spyware, application attacks to be biggest 2006 threats
12/26/2005 11:32:40 AM
Happy New Year? IT security pros hope it will be, but if industry experts are right, companies in 2006 will be plagued by a number of new threats -- most notably application exploits and next-generation spyware. Many still believe worms and viruses pose a greater risk than any other security scourges. But Natalie Lambert, security analyst with Cambridge, Mass.-based Forrester Research Inc., said that's not necessarily true. Read the entire article here,,289142,sid14_gci1153130,00.html
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.
Carla Carey

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Re: Spyware, application attacks to be biggest 2006 threats
12/26/2005 12:54:46 PM
HI Doug, Thanks for the info about spyware, I will check it out . Thanks and have a great day! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: Spyware, application attacks to be biggest 2006 threats
12/26/2005 1:24:02 PM
Thanks Doug. I have noticed a gradual increase in spyware recently. Anyone surfing unprotected now is just asking for a computer crash. I have even heard of people complaining that their IE was so loaded with spyware they can't even surf anymore. Can you make any recomendations as to what people can use to be safe? I run FireFox, Avast antivirus, and Ad-aware to protect my computer. Is this enough? Are the free programs as good as the high dollar versions? I still find many people running no protection at all. You might be able to help a lot of people by just telling them what you consider the minimum protection needed.
Doug Woodall

199 Posts
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Re: Spyware, application attacks to be biggest 2006 threats
12/26/2005 3:50:22 PM
Hi Arthur, Im using Firefox with Ad-Aware SE. In this case the free version is not as good as the paid 4 one. Sorry, thats not just because I sell it at my site. Paid Puters get their signatures first. The notice is sent via email. Its the same with Avast, I tried the free version and about 2 weeks later I switched to the paid version. This was before I started selling it too. As with Ad-Aware, paid puters get the updates first. Now somw will say whats the diff between getting the updates a few hrs earlier than the freebies ? Alot of difference unfortunately. Ive seen forums posting virus hits 7 minutes after they hit the Internet ! The only additions I can recommend for you is Sygate Firewall. Its absolutely the best Ive ever seen for a Software Firewall. Check it out at my site. I also use WinPatrol and StartUp Monitor with Registry Rescue. There are only a few great Hackers left out there that are able to bypass most of todays defenses. Im not talking Virus writers and Spyware writers, they dont rate !
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.
Re: Spyware, application attacks to be biggest 2006 threats
12/26/2005 4:50:38 PM
Thanks Doug. I am using the paid versions also. I was using Zone Alarm for a firewall but was told that hackers could still get through. Now I use a hardware firewall. I was asking about the free versions just to help the people who cannot afford the upgrades. At least they are better than no protection. Following the forums I am seeing many people getting infected with spyware and trojans while autosurfing. These people need protection more than anyone else. Unfortunatly many of them will not get protection until it's too late.