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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 5:35:18 PM

India’s Drought Is Killing Crops—And Pushing People to Suicide

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 5:48:49 PM

VCG via Getty Images

Nitrogen pollution is a problem as big as climate change. Science might have a fix.

Some think nitrogen pollution may be the greatest danger we face. The Stockholm Resilience Center, an organization that examines the largest threats to natural life-support systems, considers our overuse of nitrogen a more extreme risk to life on Earth than climate change.

But a new paper, published in the journal Nature this week, uncovered a way that we could keep millions of tons of nitrogen fertilizer from evaporating into the atmosphere and running into the oceans.

Nitrogen is a basic building block of our food, so farmers spread tons of the stuff — in the form of manure, compost, and synthetic fertilizer — on their fields. But only half of this nitrogen makes it into plants. The rest gets chewed up by hungry soil bacteria and turned into a greenhouse gas 300 times worse than carbon dioxide, or gets washed into waterways where it fuels an explosion of algae growth that turns into lakes and oceans into gloopy, oxygen-starved dead zones.

It’s a massive problem that doesn’t get enough attention. If the Earth were a spaceship [eds note: isn’t it?], the control panel’s nitrogen light would be flashing red.

The Stockholm Resilience Center’s estimation of planetary boundaries F. Pharand-Deschênes/Globaïa

Humans accelerated the nitrogen disaster during the “green revolution” of the 1960s with the worldwide adoption of fertilizer-hungry crops. These replaced strains of wheat, rice, and other grains that grew more slowly and conservatively. Grain harvests more than doubled in two decades, but clouds of pollution spread into the air and water. It seemed like a vicious tradeoff.

But this new research suggests that crops can be nitrogen-hoarding and high-yielding at the same time. Before this study came out, it seemed like we had to choose between frugal crops that grow slowly and hoard nitrogen, and spendthrift crops that grow quickly require extravagant nitrogen.

What had looked like a trade-off may simply have been a mistake. The scientists identified a gene that inhibits nitrogen absorption in rice, which had become hyperactive in high-yielding strains, and figured out how to counteract it. This gene (metaphorically) shouts, “Don’t suck up nitrogen!” Through breeding, scientists were able to turn down the volume of this shout to a whisper. The result is high-yielding rice that needs less fertilizer.

A rice-breeding program to bring this breakthrough to farmers is underway in China, where nitrogen pollution is especially bad. It will take about five years before we really know if this works for farmers outside of greenhouses and test plots. If it does, it might change that nitrogen warning on spaceship earth’s dashboard from red to yellow.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 6:09:09 PM

Pedro Portal / Miami Herald / TNS via Getty Images

Toxic algae has oozed out of lakes and into Florida’s Senate race

Slimeballs could determine who wins a race for the U.S. Senate. And in this case, slimeballs isn’t another word for disgraced politicians or dirty-money lobbyists.

Slime is flowing off Florida’s Lake Okeechobee in balls, clots, and sheets into coastal waters. It’s made of algae that blooms in massive numbers when fertilizer-laden agricultural runoff sits in warm water. Rain raised the level of this fetid brew until officials had no choice but to send it downstream to the sea.

The environmental disaster is choking dolphins and strangling the tourism economy. It’s stinky, ugly, sad, and impossible for Floridians to ignore, and so it’s become a central element in the race for Senate between the incumbent, Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, and the challenger, Governor Rick Scott. Both blame the other for the crisis.

What’s surprising here is that environmental issues are taking a starring role in a an election campaign. We complain all the time at Grist about the lack of attention to climate change in presidential debates and the like. This lack of focus has allowed politicians — mostly of the Republican persuasion — to ignore and deny the many environmental disasters unfolding in slow motion. But as those problems begin to erode voters’ quality of life, they’re bound to become more of a political issue, which means politicians of all stripes will have to address them to get elected.

In this case, it was Scott — the Republican! — who started the skirmish, releasing this ad saying that Nelson has not managed to clean-up Okeechobee in his 30 years of political service.

Nelson fired back back with his own TV spot, quoting newspapers that blame Scott for the crisis.

Who’s right? Well, Sen. Nelson hasn’t fixed the environmental mess that is Lake Okeechobee, the slimy source of the scum, but it’s an enormous challenge that has bogged down many attempts, said Michael Grunwald, senior writer for Politico Magazine, who laid out that history in his book, The Swamp. The proposed solution was a deal to turn 100,000 acres of sugar-cane farms into reservoirs for storage. “If you build a **** ton of storage you don’t have to dump water on the estuaries and Everglades,” Grunwald said.

But Scott passed a law to block the reservoirs. He also oversaw budget reductions for state environmental agencies, according to the Washington Post, cutting “scientists and engineers whose jobs were to monitor pollution levels and algal blooms.” Thanks to those budget cuts, scientists don’t have the data to show the root causes of the crisis.

Scott and Nelson are now neck and neck in the polls. If there’s a bright spot here it’s that this race is proving that some Republicans are willing to campaign on environmental issues, provided voters care enough to raise a stink. “The old saying here is that election years are good for the Everglades,” Grunwald said.

Taking action once in office, as opposed to using the environment to score campaign points, is another story.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 6:25:50 PM

Over 700,000 People Take Shelter in Relief Camps as Waters Begin to Recede in Kerala

Focus shifts to relief as waters recede in Kerala

Focus shifts to relief as waters recede in Kerala

Special Correspondent, The Hindu, Thiruvananthapuram, August 20, 2018

Death toll rises to 210 [now 223 and rising]; over seven lakh people take shelter in relief camps

After five days of extremely heavy rain and floods that ravaged several parts of Kerala, Sunday brought respite following a gradual decrease in rainfall and receding water levels in the flood-affected areas, particularly Chengannur and Chalakudy.

With 13 persons killed in rain-related incidents on Sunday, the toll since August 8 stood at 210.

Five killed in flash floods

Five persons were reported dead in flash floods in southwestern Thrissur when Karivannur river, which services Chemmeni Dam and Manali river, breached a temporary embankment. Around 42 villages in and around the paddy fields were inundated.

Two bodies were recovered near St. Xavier’s Church, Kuthiathodu, near north Paravoor, where a portion of a wall around a relief camp collapsed on Thursday, reportedly trapping six persons. Local MLA V. D. Satheesan said five persons were still missing.

After rescue, time for relief operation

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who said rescue operations were in the final round, said priority would now be given to providing safe drinking water and restoring electricity and water supply. A total of 7,24,649 displaced persons have been housed in 5,645 relief camps, he told reporters.

The Chief Minister said six health officers would be deployed in each panchayat to ensure there was no outbreak of any communicable diseases as the flood water recedes.

The State government would distribute 36 lakh textbooks free of cost to school children who had lost their books in the floods, he added.

Transportation partially restored.

Transport and train services were partially restored on the Thiruvananthapuram-Kottayam-Ernakulam stretch, with the KSRTC plying services to Pathanamthitaa district for the first time after the water engulfed several parts in the districts. The trains were packed with flood affected people moving to the houses of their friends and relatives.

According to an official statement, 156 lorry loads of essential goods were sent from the State capital to Alapuzha, Pathanamthitta, and Thrissur districts. The materials were collected through various collection centres in the capital district. Over 12,000 tonnes of essential commodities were airlifted to Chengannur, Alapzuha and Pathanmthitta utilising the services of 10 helicopters. The airlifting operations were concentrated on areas which continued to be inaccessible.

The Health Department opened a control room in the office of the Director of Health Services to coordinate the functioning of various medical camps and prepare for possible outbreak of contagious diseases. Health Minister K.K. Shylaja said the Control Room would be nodal point for addressing issues related to medicine supply and deployment of personnel. She said temporary primary health centres will be opened in Thiruvala and Pathanamthitta, and ayurveda camps if necessary.

The Indian Airforce said it had flown over 288 sorties and 537 surviors were rescued by winching, with Airfields of Sulur, Trivandrum and Kochi (Garuda) as the centre of flying activity with extensive dawn to dusk operations. Additional helicopters are now also stationed and operating from Palakkad to facilitate quicker responses to remote areas. In addition, 75 tonnes of relief materials were air dropped. So far a total of 90 sorties by various fixed wing aircraft have been flown and 458 Tonnes of load have been deployed, the IAF said in a statement here.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/22/2018 9:58:38 AM

NATO Launches Largest War Games to be Staged in Latvia
AUGUST 20, 2018

By Joseph Jankowski

NATO has launched the largest war games to take place in Latvia since the country became independent in 1918.

The military games, which have been in preparation for four years, are scheduled to include military and police addressing “spontaneous” unrest in Russian-populated towns, reports RT.

“After four years of intensive preparations, this will be the largest military training exercise since the restoration of Latvia’s independence in which we will test the armed forces’ readiness to defend Latvia from any threats,” said Latvian Chief of Defense, Lieutenant General Leonids Kalnins.

One such drill will include troops being deployed to counter unrest among the general public in the towns of Valmiera and Jekabpils, both of which are made up of a Russian ethnic majority.

Citizens have been made aware that no live ammunition will be used but received warning that the training would be very realistic.

The war games come just weeks after the Russian Priminister Medvedev voiced opposition of Georgia joining NATO.

“This (Georgia’s entry to NATO) could provoke a terrible conflict. I don’t understand what they are doing this for,” Medvedev told a local paper.

NATO discussed its commitment to admit Georgia to the military alliance during a July summit in Brussels.

The drills are also shortly proceeding a warning from Russian President Putin who warned NATO against cultivating closer ties with Ukraine and Georgia, saying such a policy was irresponsible and would have unspecified consequences for the alliance.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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