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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2018 4:18:27 PM
Trump meets with North Korean defectors in Oval Office in bid to raise pressure on Kim Jong Un

President Trump meets with North Korean defectors in the Oval Office of the White House on Feb. 2. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)

President Trump met with North Korean defectors in the Oval Office on Friday, a provocative action meant to highlight human rights violations and one that could raise alarms in Pyongyang.

Trump welcomed eight defectors — six who live in South Korea and two who live in the United States — two days after he punctuated his State of the Union address by praising Ji Seong-ho, a defector from North Korea who had been invited to watch the address from the first lady's box. He was among the group at the White House on Friday.

During brief remarks to reporters, Trump, seated next to Ji, said some of the defectors had remained in another room out of sight of the television cameras because they remain fearful for their safety. “They are petrified to be here,” Trump said. “It's tough stuff.”

As he has before, Trump criticized past administrations for not acting more forcefully on North Korea, though he did not specify whether he meant shutting down the nation's nuclear weapons program or dealing with human rights violations, or both.

“Many administrations should have acted on this a long time ago when we weren't in this kind of position,” the president said. “It could have been done 12 years ago, it could have been done 20 years ago. . . . We have no road left. We'll see what happens. We'll get through the Olympics, and maybe something good will come out of the Olympics.”

The United States and South Korea agreed to suspend joint military exercises on the peninsula until after the two-week Winter Games, which begin Feb. 9 in PyeongChang. The North has agreed to send a delegation of athletes and officials, and they will join the South during the traditional march into the opening ceremony. But experts said such displays of harmony are unlikely to last.

The visit of the defectors offered Trump a chance to shine a spotlight on human rights abuses in North Korea, emphasizing the human costs of Kim Jong Un's authoritarian regime.

“No regime has oppressed its own citizens more totally or brutally than the cruel dictatorship in North Korea,” Trump said Tuesday night during the annual address to Congress. “North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland.”

The visit was arranged by Greg Scarlatoiu of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, a person familiar with the meeting said. Foreign policy experts warned that there are risks for Trump to engage so directly with the defectors.

For years, the United States has tried to persuade the Kim family to agree to drop its nuclear weapons program in exchange for negotiations to lift economic sanctions and potentially restore diplomatic relations. As part of that effort, past U.S. administrations have emphasized to North Korea that their goal is disarmament, not regime change.

Trump's administration has said that it is continuing that policy. But the president's rhetoric, including vows to use military power to “totally destroy” the North, and his personal denunciations of Kim have ramped up tensions on the peninsula. Experts said Trump's embrace of defectors could also be interpreted in Pyongyang as a threat.

“Meeting them in the Oval raises the question of whether the U.S. strategy is regime change,” said one foreign-policy expert who specializes in East Asia. “It could reduce the incentive to negotiate and potentially undercut efforts [of cooperation] with China. The real question is: Is North Korea strategy changing?”

The White House had not disclosed Ji's appearance at the State of the Union ahead of time. Ji lost a leg and an arm after being hit by a train as a boy while scavenging for food during a nationwide famine. He eventually escaped to South Korea.

“Today he lives in Seoul, where he rescues other defectors and broadcasts into North Korea what the regime fears the most — the truth,” Trump said during his address to Congress. “Today he has a new leg, but Seong-ho, I understand you still keep those crutches as a reminder of how far you have come. Your great sacrifice is an inspiration to us all.”

Ji lifted his crutches as the audience of lawmakers and other guests applauded, in one of the most emotional moments of the speech.

Another of the eight defectors is Lee Hyeon-seo, a prominent human rights advocate who recounted her harrowing escape, including being sold as a bride in China, in a memoir called “The Girl With Seven Names.”

Lee, who was in the audience in South Korea’s National Assembly when Trump delivered a speech there in November, said ahead of the meeting she planned to urge Trump to stop China from repatriating North Koreans who are caught escaping.

Torture and imprisonment are standard, and some North Koreans are publicly executed, Lee said she would tell Trump.

“That’s why even today, many defectors carry poison with them in case they are caught in China. They would rather die than be repatriated to North Korea and suffer a horrible punishment for the rest of their lives,” Lee wrote in her prepared remarks to the president, shared with The Washington Post.

Aides to former president Barack Obama said they do not recall him meeting with defectors. Some of his top lieutenants, including Secretary of State John F. Kerry, did condemn North Korea's human rights record after a United Nations report in 2014.

President George W. Bush met with defectors in the Oval Office in 2006 during the Six-Party Talks with the North, the United States, South Korea, China, Japan and Russia.

“The world requires courage to confront people who do not respect human rights,” Bush said.

Anna Fifield in Seoul contributed to this report.

(The Washington Post)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2018 5:24:47 PM

US Troops Arrive in Israel to Practice for Potential War With Hezbollah

February 2, 2018 at 12:26 pm

(ANTIMEDIA) At a time of heightened tensions in the Middle East, U.S. forces have been deployed in Israel ahead of a large-scale joint Israel-U.S. military exercise set to start next week, the Times of Israel reports.

According to the Times, the drill will simulate a major conflict in which Israel is attacked with thousands of missiles. Known as the biennial Juniper Cobra military exercise and in its ninth installment, the simulation is clearly aimed at confronting Hezbollah’s alleged arsenal of between 100,000 and 150,000 missiles.

Approximately 3,200 soldiers from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) took part in the February 2016 drill of the same name.

Despite the fact that the Israeli air force routinely strikes Hezbollah targets in Syria, it seems likely that these drills are intended to target Hezbollah in Lebanon, instead. On Wednesday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that if war were to erupt again, Beirut would “pay the full price” for Iran’s presence in the country.

“Lebanon’s army and Hezbollah are the same — they will all pay the full price in the event of an escalation,” Lieberman also said. “If a conflict does break out in the north, ‘boots on the ground’ remains an option. We won’t allow scenes like in 2006, where we saw citizens of Beirut on the beach while Israelis in Tel Aviv sat in shelters… If people in Tel Aviv will be in bomb shelters, all of Beirut will be in bomb shelters.”

Though Israel rarely respects international law, the threat of violence towards a sovereign state in and of itself is a breach of the U.N. Charter.

“Israel’s northern front extends to Syria; it is not just Lebanon. I am not sure that the Syrian government can resist Hezbollah’s attempts to drag them into a war with Israel,” Lieberman added.

In September of last year, Israel held its largest military drill in 20 years, and it was specifically designed to simulate an invasion of Lebanon to target Hezbollah. Even the Israeli soldiers playing the role of the enemy were dressed in Hezbollah’s traditional attire and donned their yellow and green flag.

In December of last year, Israeli Intelligence Affairs Minister Yisrael Katz told Saudi Arabian media that Israel will act to prevent an Iranian military presence in Lebanon by striking Iranian missile plants.

“What happened in 2006 will be a picnic compared to what we can do. I remember a Saudi minister saying they will send Hezbollah back to their caves in south Lebanon. I am telling you that we will return Lebanon to the Stone Age,” Katz said [emphasis added].

Unsurprisingly, Israel’s motives for launching wars of aggression are almost in complete tandem with that of the United States and have nothing to do with human rights, democracy, or protecting Israel from violent Islamist militants who seek to destroy its existence. Even Newsweek already intimated that the real driving force behind the impending spat is the control over natural resources in disputed territories.

“We reiterate our firm and unequivocal position in decisively confronting any aggression against our oil and gas rights, defending Lebanon’s assets and protecting its wealth,” Hezbollah told Newsweek in an email statement.

As it stands, it appears both sides are preparing for the worst-case scenario, and neither side looks to be exploring any form of meaningful diplomacy.

“We need to be aware of what the Israeli enemy is plotting against Lebanon, especially with the support of those who are working internally and externally to provide a climate of harmony with the Israeli threats to attack Lebanon,” Lebanon’s president, Michel Aoun, said last Thursday in a statement, according to Lebanon’s official National News Agency.

Aoun, a Christian, is a staunch backer of Hezbollah, which he views as a vital ally in countering the threat of an Israeli invasion.

Creative Commons / Anti-Media

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2018 5:53:17 PM

At least 90 migrants, mostly Pakistanis, feared dead in shipwreck off Libya coast

© Angelos Tzortzinis, AFP | A member of the Aquarius rescue ship of the European search and rescue association "SOS Méditerranée", during a Mediterranean Sea search operation, 20 nautical miles from the Libyan coast, on August 11, 2017.


Latest update : 2018-02-02

An estimated 90 migrants are feared to have drowned off the coast of Libya after a smuggler’s boat capsized early on Friday, leaving three known survivors and 10 bodies washed up on shore, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said.

Survivors told aid workers that most of the migrants on board were Pakistanis, who form a growing group heading to Italy from North Africa, IOM spokeswoman Olivia Headon, speaking from Tunis, told a Geneva news briefing.

“They have given an estimate of 90 who drowned during the capsize, but we still have to verify the exact number of people who lost their lives during the tragedy,” she said.

Earlier security officials in the western Libyan town of Zurawa said two Libyans and one Pakistani had been rescued from the boat. It said 10 bodies had been recovered, mostly Pakistani, but gave no further information.

Zurawa, located near Libya’s border with Tunisia, is a favoured site for migrant boat departures .

Libya is the main gateway for migrants trying to cross to Europe by sea, though numbers have dropped sharply since July as Libyan factions and authorities - under pressure from Italy and the European Union - have begun to block departures.

More than 600,000 people are believed to have made the journey from Libya to Italy over the past four years.


Date created : 2018-02-02

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2018 9:04:56 AM

'Russia threat' used as excuse to funnel trillions into military industry – Russian envoy to US

Washington uses the alleged Russian threat as a pretext for its nuclear build-up, while the real purpose behind the new hawkish nuclear strategy is to pump money into the military complex, the Russian ambassador to the US told RT.

"The problem is that the Americans are again using Russia as a bogeyman to justify the rise in military spending and the nuclear buildup," Anatoly Antonov said, responding to the newly released US Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).

The document, which calls for a reciprocal response to a conventional nuclear threat, classes Russia as a major challenge to the US along with China, North Korea and Iran. Justifying the need to upgrade America's nuclear arsenal, the review warns of Russia modernizing its nuclear weapons program and alleges that Moscow is ready to“use force to alter the map of Europe.”

"We realize this comes from their desire to inject more money into the military industry sector, we know the price tag is trillions of dollars," Antonov said.

As part of its nuclear triad upgrade, Washington said it would modify its submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) so as to be able to carry lower-yield warheads; with a plan to eventually switch to sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCM) to deter Russia. Such measures are needed to counter “Russia’s non-compliance with the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty [INF], its non-strategic nuclear arsenal, and its other destabilizing behaviors,”the review states.

Antonov dismissed US allegations that Moscow is in breach of its obligations under the 1987 INF treaty.

“I would like to state clearly that, as far as Russian obligations under any international treaties are concerned, we have been implementing them responsibly and accurately,” the ambassador said. He added that he would like a detailed discussion of the matter at the level of experts, and not through the media.

While the review states that the US does not want to see an “adversary” in Russia, the document repeatedly sounds alarm over Moscow’s actual and would-be nuclear capabilities. It alleges that the Russians are willing to use nuclear weapons first to “de-escalate a conflict on terms favorable to Russia.”

The Russian nuclear doctrine, however, states that the only scenario when it will deploy nukes is in retaliation to either a nuclear attack; the use of weapons of mass destruction; or conventional aggression on a scale which threatens the existence of the state.

America's nuclear build-up was key point of Trump's first State of the Union address earlier this week. To thunderous applause, he vowed to make the US nuclear arsenal “so strong and powerful” to deter any aggression.

Trump’s ambitious plan to “rebuild and modernize” the nuclear program might stumble due to the lack of resources, however, the former chief of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) said. Frank Klotz, who retired from the agency last month, said in a recent interview the agency is already at a “full capacity,” working on life extension programs for nuclear warheads and will need additional funds to process new tasks.

It's estimated that Trump’s nuclear-weapons upgrade would cost taxpayers some $1.2 trillion from 2017 until 2046, according to a US Congress Budget Office (CBO) report published in October.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2018 9:23:30 AM

US Airstrikes in Yemen Have Increased Sixfold Under Trump

February 3, 2018 at 5:52 am

(ANTIWAR.COM) — With the Saudi invasion of Yemen turning sour and causing a humanitarian disaster, and the US having withdrawn most of its troops from the country early in that invasion, US officials have largely sought to downplay their military involvement in Yemen.

In reality, however, the number of US airstrikes being carried out has increased precipitously since President Trump took office, with 21 airstrikes on Yemen reported in 2016, and a more than sixfold increase leaving the 2017 figure at 131 strikes. 10 have been reported so far in January of 2018, suggesting that the escalation continues.

The strikes are theoretically targeted at al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and ISIS, though in practice with US troops in Yemen only “intermittently,” according to the Pentagon’s own accounting, it’s difficult to see how officials could know with any certainty what is being targeted by US warplanes, beyond being remote areas where such factions are believed to be operating.

Yet war-torn Yemen is in such a state, and so many factions are operating in so many places, that even with reliable intelligence it would be difficult to know exactly who is where, or what is being struck. As it stands, the US strikes are far less certain, with little sign from officials on what evidence they even require before ordering such attacks.

By Jason Ditz / Republished with permission / ANTIWAR.COM

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