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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2017 10:28:54 AM

House Committee Votes to Allow Feds to Kill Thousands of Wild Horses

(ANTIMEDIA) Washington, D.C.— The House Appropriations Committee voted last week to allow the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to begin euthanizing wild horses, whose large, mostly unchecked population has reportedly created problems for both government and private businesses. Though advocates of the approved amendment claim this euthanasia is the most humane solution, horse and animal advocates object and blame the BLM and government directly.

This is not a new issue. Last year the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board suggested reversing the government’s ban on euthanasia to deal with the population problem, but the recommendation was quickly shelved amid outcry from the public. So was an effort to sterilize mares.

However, as Buzzfeed News reported, Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah introduced an amendment this month to reverse the longstanding policy against killing wild horses. Stewart has argued the many of the wild horses in the country “are starving, they’re destroying the range, and they’re crowding out the deer and elk because we cannot manage them.

He argued that opposing euthanasia implicitly means supporting a slow, captive starvation for tens of thousands of wild horses, 46,000 of which the BLM is currently tasked with taking care of. USA Today noted the amendment aims to address the population 67,000 wild horses.

The outlet reported that the committee “voted to remove language from the Interior Department’s budget that would have prohibited ‘the destruction of healthy, unadopted wild horses and burros in the care of’ the Bureau of Land Management or its contractors. It passed by voice vote.”

The vote came after the Trump administration proposed allowing euthanasia or selling horses for slaughterBuzzfeed News noted, adding that the amendment would keep slaughtering wild horses for meat or commercial products illegal.

Stewart has the support of ranchers in the region, who have complained that the wild horses excessively graze the lands, creating inconveniences and extra costs when it comes to feeding their cattle.

“It’s probably costing $100,000 a year to have to do that,” Mark Wintch, a rancher in Milford, Utah, said. “That’s been a longtime burden that we have expressed to the BLM for over 30 years.” Wintch sued the BLM in 2014 in an attempt to force them to remove the horses, who themselves are struggling to survive amid a lack of food and water.

In May, amid the Trump administration’s proposal to increase horse sales, Quartz reported that advocates claim the move will not help conservation efforts and will simply benefit the rancher lobby.

Removing limits undermines conservation efforts, however, according to advocates. More sales will lead to more horses captured, gathered, and sold off, freeing terrain for foraging livestock. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and state rancher groups have been explicit about seeking support for their goals and pushed for a shift in BLM’s position.

“‘This is simply a way to placate a very well-funded and vocal livestock lobby,’ Laura Leigh, president of the nonprofit protection group Wild Horse Education, told Courthouse News.”

Further, in 2014, the New York Times reported that horse advocates claim the official story is not as it seems (though they agreed that the BLM’s practice of storing horses is unsustainable):

Horse advocacy groups say that the population problem is overblown, and that the agency has unfairly relegated horses to scraps of marginal land where they are vastly outnumbered by cattle, then blamed the horses for the damage done by all grazers. Many are pushing for expanded horse territories and better management on the range.”

Regardless, the BLM does currently attempt to round up thousands of horses to feed and care for them, but the agency claims it could cost $1 billion to care for the 46,000 horses currently under their care. This has led some to support euthanizing them, but others claim doing so is a poor solution to a problem the BLM has failed to solve for years.

Buzzfeed News notes that some horse advocates favor simply leaving the horses alone, though that doesn’t solve the reported problem of overpopulation and depletion of the environment. One solution is to have private ranchers adopt the horses, though the number willing to do so has dropped in recent years. Some 3,000 horses were adopted last year.

Others advocate the use of a birth control called PZP for mares, and the American Wild Horse Campaign points to a survey conducted earlier this month by Public Policy Polling showing the vast majority of Americans supports this method of dealing with the problem.

However, Jason Lutterman, a spokesman for BLM, claims this is ultimately an ineffective solution because it only lasts for a year and that it is not feasible to routinely round up thousands of horses to administer the vaccine contraceptive (however, it seems no more inefficient than maintaining them in captivity year-round).

“That means gathering and treating 29,000 to 30,000 animals every year. What we really need is a longer lasting fertility control vaccine,” he told Buzzfeed News.

Despite Lutterman’s contentions, other experts blame the BLM outright. “Several wild horse advocates told BuzzFeed News that the problems with birth control and adoptions have to do with the way they have been administered, not with the concepts themselves,” the outlet reported.

Willis Lamm, a spokesperson for the Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates, said ‘the BLM has really screwed up,’ and blamed Congress for funding issues.”

Gillian Lyons, who works for the Humane Society as a wildlife fertility specialist, expressed support for the birth control method despite the BLM’s objections. She also criticized the agency’s tactics in general.

We have told the BLM for 15 years that they cannot keep removing horses from the range and putting them in holding facilities,” she said. “Now as a result of their own failure to pick up on what everyone was telling them, they want to euthanize the horses.”

Sheila Schwadel of the Pine Nut Wild Horse Advocates also accused the agency of incompetence. “”[I]t is not about lack of options, it’s about long standing federal mismanagement,” she said. Even Alma Adams, a commissioner in Utah’s rural Iron County who has emphasized the severity of the wild horse problem, acknowledged that “This is the only species the BLM manages and they just don’t know how to do it.”

Lutterman’s comments appear to confirm this. As he told Buzzfeed News, “We just don’t have a good solution right now. We’re sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place.” Though it is certainly a difficult problem to solve and it seems impossible to please everyone — from the public to cattle ranchers to horse advocates — the BLM does not appear to be offering viable solutions.

The American Wild Horse Campaign’s executive director, Suzanne Roy, was harsh in her condemnation, accusing the House committee of advocating outright slaughter.

“Let’s be clear: House Appropriations Committee members just signed a death warrant for America’s mustangs and it will lead to the wholesale destruction of these irreplaceable national treasures. The Stewart amendment is a slaughter amendment, and its proponents are trying to hide that fact from the American people.

The amendment will be subject to a House vote before it moves on to the Senate, where it will be deliberated after the August recess.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2017 10:53:44 AM

Someone Is Finally Solving the Climate Change Problem, but It’s Not Government

July 25, 2017 at 12:49 pm

(ANTIMEDIA) — A new report this month should make anyone who believes in the ability of free people to solve society’s complex problems feel vindicated.

Despite the outrage in the wake of President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, a new study from Morgan Stanley — one of many major corporate firms to denounce Trump’s decision to leave the Paris agreement in early June — suggests the U.S. will be just fine without the ‘historic’ Paris Climate Accord.

The Morgan Stanley report forecasts that the United States will exceed carbon-emission reduction goals not because of government prodding and planning, but because of the burgeoning market reality regarding renewable sources of energy.

Put simply, renewable energy sources are becoming cheaper through innovation and market competition. By golly, it seems people pursuing their self-interest can actually end up serving the greater good!

According to the analysts, as quoted by Quartz:

By our forecasts, in most cases favorable renewables economics rather than government policy will be the primary driver of changes to utilities’ carbon emissions levels. For example, notwithstanding president Trump’s stated intention to withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord, we expect the US to exceed the Paris commitment of a 26-28% reduction in its 2005-level carbon emissions by 2020.

Will this process carry on as quickly as many people would like? Will every renewable product be an optimal solution to the wicked issue of climate change? Will every new innovation be hailed as the salvation of the human race from our own decadence just as, say, government climate accords are so lionized?

No, of course not. But that’s how market solutions and innovation work. Markets tend to do the dirty work of taking us onward and upward, step by step, rung by rung, without the fanfare that usually accompanies political solutions that aren’t really solutions in the first place.

Maybe that should change. Maybe it is high time we gave our fellows working through the market process their due. Maybe it is time we recognize that the freedom to trade and compete absent government sanctions (in the renewable energy sector or any other) allows us to pick and choose and eventually see which paths are worth the journey, i.e. which production processes are productive and profitable for society.

I say “maybe” because we must remember that the future is incredibly uncertain and subject to change, especially in regard to immensely complex problems such as climate change. With that in mind, I would rather we allow people to freely pursue their own solutions to society’s many problems than continue to impose one singular government solution on people against their will.

As I’ve said before, we do not need the trappings of central planning to solve our collective problems. Society can run itself, thank you very much; it needs no single creator or director.

Society already has great gifts for solving complex human issues — individual liberty, initiative, and ingenuity, along with the free and open exchange of goods and ideas — and we need not sacrifice these liberal benefactors of the modern world to dream impossible dreams and fight unbeatable foes. The greatest achievements of the human race have not come from government committees and accords, but from intrepid yet everyday individuals working in concert to tackle the unknown and implacable through innovation and persuasion.

Maybe, just maybe, freedom works!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2017 11:09:52 AM


Stuff that matters


Utility companies knew about climate change for decades, too.

A report out today from the Energy and Policy Institute, a clean energy advocacy organization, provides evidence that scientists warned utility companies about the potential dangers of climate change as early as 1968. That’s about two decades before global warming generally broke into the public consciousness.

Researchers at the institute have unearthed speeches from scientists to utility companies and industry groups, as well as government reportsthat those groups contributed to, both of which predicted that fossil fuels could spur climate change — although the scientific consensus then wasn’t as solid as it is now.

The Electric Research Council, a research group with input from utility companies like Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, set aside $1.5 million to study the long-term effects of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants in 1971, the documents show.

Knowledge, or at least suspicion, of the impending crisis from utilities adds to the list of fossil fuel industry leaders who were aware of the risks of global warming well before they emerged on the world stage. Activists say that by keeping mum on the topic, those leaders “robbed humanity of a generation’s worth of time to reverse climate change.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2017 4:59:07 PM

Welcome To The Era Of Artificial Intelligence And Technological Deceit

Daisy Luther

The era of artificial intelligence and technological deceit is upon us. If you think “fake news” and propaganda is bad right now, just wait.

And you won’t have to wait very long, at that.

Pretty soon, computer wizardry and artificial intelligence will allow video footage to be created that is practically indiscernible from the real deal. Add to this holograph technology, and soon a person could appear to be speaking, live, in front of you, and you’d never even know it was all fake. The ethical ramifications of AI and technology are simply mind-boggling. In fact, some folks even believe it will signal the beginning of the end of humanity.

But apocalyptic AI aside, let’s look at the manipulative potential of our current tech. We are very close to real life meeting science fiction; and if you think we are being deceived now, once these technologies are rolled out, you won’t be able to believe your eyes or your ears.

There are several unsettling parts to this story.

First, there’s the video editing to a new soundtrack.

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed an artificial intelligence software so powerful that it can put words in the mouth of just about anybody. It’s basically like artificially intelligent lip-synching.

…as long as there’s an audio source to use, the video can include realistic mouth shapes that are almost perfectly aligned to the words being spoken. Those synthesised shapes can then be grafted onto an existing video of someone talking…

…There are two parts to the system: first a neural network is trained to watch large volumes of videos to recognise which audio sounds match with which mouth shapes. Then the results are mixed with moving images of a specific person, based on previous research into digital modelling carried out at UW. (source)

Here’s a clip of the software in action.

U of W says that this is actually a good thing and has been developed to help identify fake videos.Because, you know, no one has ever misused technology before.

Then, there’s audio technology that can imitate anyone’s voice with access to a few recordings.

And if that were the only new tech development, it would be bad enough. But a new start-up called Lyrebird can actually create audio that sounds exactly like someone else using “deep learning and artificial neural networks.”

This is an example. It’s kind of rough right now, but how long before it gets polished up?

Even more alarming, this is something that ordinary folks will soon be able to get their hands on. If this is for the layman, can you even imagine what the government and military have access to?

Then, there are holograms.

Do you recall when Tupac (who is supposedly dead or maybe alive, depending on who you believe) showed up a Coachella on the stage back in 2012? If you speed ahead to 2:20 in the video below, the hologram Tupac is on stage with a real person, Dr. Dre, and the difference is nearly indistinguishable.

(Language alert. Come on, it’s Tupac – you didn’t expect him to be squeaky clean, suddenly.)

Here’s how the technology works:

Holography is a broad field, but at its most basic, it is a photographic technique that records the light scattered from an object. The light is then reproduced in a 3D format. Holography was first developed in the 1940s by the Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize in physics for his invention and development of the holographic method.

Our ability to produce dynamic, high-resolution holograms—think Princess Leia pleading with Obi-Wan Kenobi for the Jedi’s help—is currently limited by what’s called wavefront modulators. These devices, such as spatial light modulators or digital micromirror devices, can control the direction of light propagation.

An imaging system with a short focal length lens can only create a tiny image that has a wide viewing range. Conversely, a system with a long focal length can generate a larger image but with a very narrow viewing range. The best wavefront modulator technology has only been able to create an image that is one centimeter in size with a viewing angle of three degrees.

“This problem… can be solved by simply inserting a diffuser,” explains YongKeun Park, a professor in the Physics Department at KAIST. Because a diffuser diffuses light, both the image size and viewing angle can be dramatically increased by a factor of a few thousands, according to Park.

But there’s still one more problem to overcome: a diffuser scrambles light.

“Thus, in order to utilize a diffuser as ‘a holographic lens,’ one needs to calibrate the optical characteristics of each diffusor carefully,” Park says by email. “For this purpose, we use ‘wavefront-shaping technique,’ which provides information about the relationship between impinging light onto a diffuser and outgoing light.” (source)

Fascinating, yet terrifying at the same time.

Think about the ramifications of this.

With all of this technology, some of it soon to be available on our smart phones, how can we believe anything?

Think about it.

How difficult would it be to completely fabricate “videos” of anyone that we are expected to hate?

We live in an era in which false flags are the norm and those in power profit from war. It’s a regular occurrence to create a new bogeyman whenever a conflict is the desired outcome.

Here’s an example.

Consider the whole chemical attack presumably undertaken by Bashar al-Assad in Syria against his own people. All we had to go on in the news were suppositions, a video of the aftermath, and some heart-rending emotional coverage.

But, honestly, some of us never really believed this was legitimate because there was no motive. However, lots of folks did believe it, hook, line, and sinker, without any video or any claim by Assad that he was, in fact, responsible. (In fact, he denied it the entire time.) These people were ready for us to go to war against Assad immediately to stop the suffering of those poor, dying children.

Now, let’s add technology into the mix.

What if there had been an AI video and soundtrack of Assad? People tend to believe their eyes and ears, particularly if they have already been prompted to feel a certain emotion. What if there was a “live” speech in front of thousands that was just a hologram?

Let’s take the what-ifs further.

What if there were AI soundtrack recordings of the infamous “Russia” collusion? What if there were hologram speeches from leaders who had been assassinated stating that, no, they escaped, and here’s what they want their mourning followers to do next.

What if there is an AI speech and an AI video that appeared to be our “enemy” making threats against us? Maybe one of Jong-un telling his people that yep, we’re striking the US tonight with an EMP that will devastate them for decades. What better way to get our country to be fully behind a military “preemptive” attack than that?

Is this is far-fetched?

Call me a Luddite (trust me, you wouldn’t be the first) but AI is becoming more acceptable every day with Alexa and Siri in every other home in America. We’re being gently lulled into it by “convenience” but are we opening the door to something that could go horribly wrong?

I hope my imagination is getting the best of me, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past the people pulling the strings to use artificial intelligence to manipulate the masses. If the technology exists to deceive people, someone is going to use it.

Please feel free to share any information from this site in part or in full, leaving all links intact, giving credit to the author and including a link to this website and the following bio. Daisy is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting, homeschooling blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, and the pursuit of liberty on her websites, The Organic Prepper, where this article first appeared, and She is the author of 4 books and the co-founder of Preppers University, where she teaches intensive preparedness courses in a live online classroom setting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2017 5:38:01 PM

Still Don’t Believe Your Reality Is Completely Staged?

By Melissa Dykes

Your reality is theater created by writers, producers and played out by actual actors. In this video, Melissa Dykes of exposes how our reality has been manipulated for a long time and how it is much more sophisticated today. Paid actors are employed as agitators, provocateurs, protesters and shills. They infect everything. Don’t believe it? Watch the video.

Aaron & Melissa Dykes are the founders of, Subscribe to them on YouTube, like on Facebook, follow on Twitter, support on Patreon.

Watch their mini-documentary Obsolete here and their new series The Cold Noir here.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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