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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/25/2017 10:40:30 AM

Drought Around the World: What We Can Do

In Somalia close to 3 million people cannot meet their daily food needs.

Over 500,000 people have fled their homes this year alone in search of food, water, and safety.

Acute Watery Diarrhea and Cholera has spread to 11 of 18 regions of the country, with over 18,000 cases reported just this year.

Women are particularly impacted, sometimes forced to walk many kilometres to fetch water. In Somalia women will walk 25 to 50 kilometres on average to fetch water, exposing them to violence and sexual abuse.

Yemen is facing the largest food security crisis in the world with almost 7 million people requiring immediate life-saving assistance and at least 462,000 children suffering severe acute malnutrition.

Conflict has damaged and obstructed water networks and only 45 per cent of the country’s health facilities are functioning.

And in north-east Nigeria, violence has left millions displaced and some 4.7 million people in severe food insecurity – at least 450,000 of them are children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

Young Halima has trekked for four days and nights in search of water. “We have named this drought Odi Kawayn, which is Somali for “something bigger than the elders,” she said. “None of our elders has ever seen a drought as severe as this one.”

Some 6.2 million people — half of Somalia’s population — need aid to survive, and 2.9 million of these people do not know where their next meal will come from.

Somalia has always been prone to drought, but some parts of the country have not received rain for three consecutive years.

Below is a post saying it rained (!) and how Kenyan farmers are working to protect wetlands.

BUSIA, Kenya, April 19 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Armed with a hoe and Wellington boots, George Wandera planted bamboo seedlings in neatly dug holes along the banks of a stream on his farm that feeds a nearby lake in western Kenya.

“I’ve never tried this on my farm before but it’s the first step in protecting the stream,” he said. “Before the last downpour a few days ago, the water source had completely dried up.”

Large swathes of Kenya – including parts of Busia county where Wandera lives – are experiencing severe water shortages, which have damaged crops and left 2.6 million people in need of aid.

The country’s wetlands too have suffered in the drought, putting at risk communities who depend on them for fishing or irrigation, and who rely on them to act as a buffer from floods and drought.

Here are ways we can help:

Being the Gentle Rain of Love, holding the Breath of Peace, the Blue Flame of Peace, the Blue Flame of Truth, and speaking out loud to the water element, we connect to the All breaking through old barriers of isolation, separation and repression of expression.

Sharing our Love in this way, creates the beauty of harmony in partnership, with the elements and Gaia, and with our human community around the globe.

Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?

Will you come with me and rain,

and create a lush California yet again,

and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?

Joining us at 9PM every night this week for 8 minutes, allowing Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace to pass through us to humanity. . . standing or sitting, it matters not. . . we are opening our hearts like magnificent French doors to receive and surrender to his Blue Breeze of Peace. “When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and love, then peace will reign.” Archangel MichaelProject Peace & Love — We Are One

Continuing ongoing inner clearing — each of us affect the whole — our understanding and knowing of how to hold peace, Love, joy creates miracles of truth within and without.

Sitting quietly, meditating, listening for inspirational Divine guidance.

Mastering our inner climate — becoming more joyful, Loving, gentle and peaceful — helps balance the weather and all situations on Gaia.

An Invocation for the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Drought on Gaia :

I invoke the Mother,

Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel,

Sanat Kumara, St. Germaine

and the Universal Laws

of Intention, Balance, Change, and Unification

for all drought on Gaia.

Project Peace & Love

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/25/2017 11:06:38 AM

Big Stories the Controlled Major Mass Media refuses to report truthfully

If you watch the evening national network news and expect to get the truth about any major event there, you are sadly mistaken and actually wasting your time. All you will get there is big lies, false-narratives, distortions and USG and major corporate propaganda.

by Preston James

As a growing number of Internet users who read the Alternative Media websites realize, the Major Mass Media is Controlled by the CIA and serves Establishment cronies who are best described as the Ruling Cabal.

This grim reality came to pass in fairly short order after the USA was infiltrated and hijacked by the City of London Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) private central Banksters in 1913 with their bribed passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

The ability to print or issue all the money you need to buy, bribe or human compromise almost every single elected or appointed official quickly put the COL Banksters in total control of the USG and all major American institutions.

And these RKM private central Banksters will remain in control until their illegal unconstitutional power to create money from nothing and charge pernicious accruing interest to use it is removed. How sick and twisted it is to defraud all Americans of the fruits of our labor. This greatest financial fraud in history is now a major RICO crime thanks to G. Robert Blakey, a legal genius who created this concept to defeat organized crime. Because the Federal Reserve System (FRS) private RKM Banksters’ crimes against America and We The People is a mega fraud there is no statute of limitations as with any major fraud.

Eventually the Establishment consolidated most American businesses into large international corporations that they could stack the boards of and quite easily control and these large corporations then stacked the USG with their choices for candidates who they made sure were elected. The result was that about 140 large international corporations seized control over the USG.

Naturally these large corporations are highly motivated to control all the Major Mass Media and the news that reaches the American masses. This in essence allows them to control We The People’s minds and keep things the way they want which is not often in the best interests of We The People.

Today the Major Mass Media has been consolidated into six large international media conglomerates, that report to a special news council best described as a “Roundtable” that is under the control of what many insiders claim is a large CIA proprietary, an international investment house that claims to be on the vanguard of investments.

This major investment house is reputed to be bifurcated into two parts, a legitimate part for investors, and a secret criminal part owned by the CIA and fully protected by the criminal invocation of so-called “national security”. Thus it is reasonable to refer to the Major Mass Media as the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM).

It is also important that this group of six functions as an illegal News Cartel, that is an illegal News Monopoly designed to run major mind-kontrol and Psychological Operations (Psyops) against the American masses, whom the Establishments’ top dogs consider to be useless eaters and their true enemies.

Virtual news set backdrops for “Virtual news”

Your local news reporters and “Talking Heads” that report the news are generally quite nice folks, ignorant but nice script readers, who know what they have been hired to read a prepared, approved script, and that’s it.

The only investigative reporting that is allowed is to help resolve business abuses of local citizens that do not cross a certain line.

I once had a talk with a retired Editor of a major Midwestern City large newspaper. When I asked him about why they didn’t report on all the available facts about the JFK Assassination, he said that he would have been fired by the next business day. He was well aware of his allowed parameters for the content of the newspaper and followed them, accepting things because “this is just the way it is”.

The National network Talking Heads are not so nice. Many are secret CIA agents, operatives or assets, and in fact William Colby once claimed that the CIA controlled every major news figure. Since then, some of the documents on Operation Mockingbird, a CIA effort to take full control of the news have been declassified, and with some released under Freedom of Information.

Could it be that William Colby’s truthful disclosures in the Senator Frank Church Commission about the spy-craft of the CIA used and his later disclosures about the Pedophile Network to the Franklin Cover-up Pedophile crimes are the reasons that the CIA murdered him, allegedly upon the orders of the Bush Crime Cabal chief GHWB?

What this all means in practical terms is that ever since the COL/RKM private Banksters infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913, they have been waging a secret war against We The People.

To what end you might ask?

This secret war against We The People is to destroy the sovereignty of America the Republic, take full control back, use America as its slave-state, militarily and economically. The purpose of which is to make it possible for the COL/RKMers to attain the Globalist NWO one-world system run by them and their families and cronies.

The Establishment’s Top Dogs who sit at the top of their Pyramid of Power realize that it is essential to control the information that shapes the beliefs of the American masses, or they would quickly be displaced from power.

That is why their CMMM is the linchpin of their criminal hold of America, and why the Establishment is now just beginning to understand the major threat the Internet and its alternative, real news constitutes to their evil system.

Originally DARPA conned the Establishment into financing the Internet with drug money by convincing them this would constitute the greatest spy tool and data collection tool ever devised. On the surface that was true, but the real impact of the Internet is that it is the New Gutenberg Press and has made history and truth available to the masses at their fingertips on a keyboard at the speed of light.

The Establishment is now in a panic and is conducting late night meetings to try to figure out a workable way to censor the Internet and remove the power of Alternative News.

So far their new strategy is to gradually demonetize the Internet from Alternative Media “Truther” websites (by removing advertising revenues and raising required numbers of users to gain such reimbursement) and by instituting intermittent cyber blocks and denied access to Alternative Media websites using Internet providers who are either owned by them or cooperate out of fear of sanction.

This illegal cyber hacking must be credited to Fort Huachuca Army Psyops, local Fusion centers, Bluffdale NSA and the CIA. Note that each of these is serving a foreign entity that is a secret enemy of We The People and the United States of America and is thus engaged in espionage against the USA and We The People.

Note that these cyber crimes are capital crimes punishable by execution. These twisted perps get away with this Treason on behalf of a foreign based entity (the BTs) because the USA has been hijacked by the City of London Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) and the USA has actually been a nation occupied by a foreign based enemy since 1913.

This foreign enemy is now known to be a small group of 12 (now 11) as top Babylonian Talmudics and they have a number of descriptive names associated with their unimaginably evil inhumane soulless existence such as the Synagogue of Satan, RKM, Globalists, Illuminati, Order of the Snake, Olympiads, etc. Yes, these 11 now are in charge of the world’s largest Satanic death cult and every major government (except Russia and they are now trying hard to isolate, sanction and destroy it for its growing Christianity under Putin). Fortunately, many of the 11 remaining members are reaching the end of their lives due to old age and poor health despite all their regular glandular injections .

This huge but relatively secret Satanic Cult (best referred to as the Babylonian Talmudics (BTs) gains its power from murder, mass-murder, inflicting mass-illness and mass-suffering through engineered terror, engineered major wars, and various sophisticated soft-kill and hard-kill deployments.

The BT are not going to have an easy time gelding the Internet’s Alternative Media and controlling information release like the easy time they have had with the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) which they own and control, and it will probably be impossible. History has shown that when the genie is let out of the bottle or Pandora’s Box is opened, or Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall and breaks into pieces, revolutionary changes always occur.

And that is exactly what is now happening because of the Internet and the vast ability it has given many covert crime researchers to connect the forbidden dots, figure out what is really going on, and publish it on the Internet for millions to read and learn.

One more searcher escapes the maelstrom of the CMMM


Here are the major stories that have not been reported accurately by the CMMM. Obviously there are hundreds more but this is just a sampling of some of the most important ones.

1- The JFK Assassination. Surveys show that 60-80% of Americans do not accept the story the CMMM still reports that Oswald did it. Many now understand it was a major Coup d’état by the US Military using Op40 of the CIA which was started by Eisenhower and Nixon and that GHWB ran the op in Dealey Plaza and was there watching. Sadly the CMMM is still falsely reporting that Oswald did it and was a lone-nut patsy. The now available evidence on the Internet’s Alternative Media websites supporting this assertion is simply overwhelming.

2- RFK Assassination. Many now realize the facts that Sirhan was set up to be an MK-Ultra mind-kontrolled patsy and there were other shooters and more bullets fired than the .22 revolver he held. Photos show that a number of top CIA covert ops were there and some of the Op40 wetboys, so we know for certain it was CIA wetwork. And there were far too many bullet holes in the victims, walls and door frame and too many shots heard to be from one gun only. Sirhan was never close enough to fire the killing shot that hit RFK in the head/neck area.

3- MLK Assassination. Long term efforts by well-respected attorney William Pepper proved in court that MLK was assassinated in a USG-backed criminal conspiracy. Of course the CMMM never carried this story on the headlines or the National News as their prominent story which they should have. The US Army had a special team of crack, long-distance assassins deployed on a roof top to shoot if the Mafia shooter did not complete the job. The police were told to stand down and a innocent patsy was of course readied for exposure (James Earl Ray).

4- Murrah Bombing in Oklahoma City, a false-flag attack. Timothy McVeigh was presented as a crazed bomber, when actually he was a US Military secret asset whose execution was faked. Shandra Levy was the one who scheduled it and knew this and made the mistake of telling one of her girlfriends this on the phone, which caused the CIA to murder her and smear her boyfriend Representative Gary Condit who got her the job. Her body was kept at a special CIA storage and then deposited where it was found later after decomposition.

5- First Twin Towers bombing, another major false-flag attack. The FBI set up the Blind Sheik and insisted he use real explosives that would be disarmed, but of course never were and the drill was taken live. This was of course a false-flag attack designed to set the stage for the later attack on the Twin Towers on 91-11-01. This blast was used to record and analyze shock waves in the twin towers for engineering the deployment of the mini and micro-nukes to be used later on 91-11-01 that were planted in the Twin Towers, one mini each in the basements and one micro for every ten stories in the elevator shafts all the way to the top of each building.

A 55-gallon drum of cyanide stolen from Louis Champon’s natural cherry flavoring company in Boca Raton, Florida as an experiment to see if the cyanide would be destroyed by the blast of still active (it was destroyed by the blast). The Feds tried to set up Louis Champon as responsible (the fall guy), while they knew he had nothing to do with the theft of the cyanide. It was Detective James Rothstein that investigated this and intervened with evidence, proving Louis Champon was innocent and saved him from life imprisonment for what the CIA did.

6- Columbine High School in Colorado. This was a very sophisticated joint FBI/CIA operation using SSRI’s, Spychiatrists, MK-ultra type mind-kontrol. The police and swat teams were not allowed to go in for about 40 minutes, which allowed some victims to bleed to death. The excuse for this stand-down was that there were bombs inside. The real reason was that those running this op wanted a big death count to scare the masses as a means of processing the American group mind.

Naturally this was set up as another BT human sacrifice to Satan, like all of this engineered terror, real or virtual are. This particular case was real, that is there were real dead folk. Good witness reports which were suppressed claimed that other kids in the shooters close group were involved and at least one researchers thought there was at least one more shooter, an FBI HRT man dressed up like the shooters. The involvement of spychiatrists, SSRIs, advanced Psychotronics and other forms of mind-kontrol were of course kept out of the investigation.

7- The false-flag nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01. This was a false-flag attack creating a pretext to start more illegal, unconstitutional Mideast wars against Afghanistan and Iraq that never had anything to do with 9-11-01, nor did either country have any weapons of mass destruction. This attack was basically a Mossad/PNAC/Top NeoCon operation backed by POTUS, the VP, the JCS, leaders of the USAF, NORAD and the FAA. The now available evidence on the Internet’s Alternative Media websites supporting this assertion is simply overwhelming, and many Americans, including US Military and Intel, want these perps fully prosecuted, convicted and hung by the neck until dead, since this was foreign-based espionage and a clear-cut capital crime of Treason, Terrorism and mass-murder.

All the draconian laws that the BT Cabal passed to oppress We The People like the Patriot Act can now be turned upon these perps and used to send them to Guantanamo for enhanced interrogation until they make full confessions. Any of them who claimed torture was good and ordered it (Abu Ghraib style) should of course have the same thing done to them that they ordered)

8- Sandy Hook, a false-flag attack on the Second Amendment. Nobody died at Sandy Hook and there was never a real Adam Lanza at all. The best investigation was done by Professor James Fetzer in his classic book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. After selling big at Amazon, it was banned by Amazon. You can download it as a .pdf for free here. The first 2 pages are blank, so advance to page 3. Sandy Hook was a two-day DHS/FEMA Capstone op authorized by President Obama, run by Eric Holder; and it involved the Governor of Connecticut and the Connecticut State Police, as well as the local police. A large number of highly paid professional actors were used; and this was a CIA/Mossad-run op, using many connected to the RKM.

More than one former CIA case officers have also claimed that this was a false-flag op with nobody dead. The script written by a private Intel consulting firm has been recovered and a high official at the US Dept of Education under Obama has admitted it was a drill with nobody dead. There was one report that the Medical Examiner was seen at a medical continuing education seminar in Las Vegas afterwards and, when another physician who knew him inquired about Sandy Hook, he was told that it was only a drill, nobody died. Some researchers now believe that New Town had become the new center of the BT Satanic cult and that those participating in this sham were paid well over 1 million USD each and received free homes. If this large-scale RICO crime were ever adequately investigated, it would take down the whole government of Connecticut; and the State police, and many in the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and DHS would be going to prison for a very long time.

9- The Boston black powder puffer bombing using professional crisis actors, some with prior amputations and bags of fake stage blood. The now available evidence on the Internet’s Alternative Media websites supporting this assertion is simply overwhelming, and it can be easily proved in an honest court of law to a jury that this was a false-flag op run by a DHS contractor and nobody died or was even injured. The sad thing is that a patsy (Tsarnaev) was murdered in cold blood by the FBI, and his brother’s life ruined, when both were innocent patsies.

10- The Orlando night club false-flag attack. Another false-flag attack where nobody died. This like so many other false-flag attacks, either real with some dead victims or those virtual only with NO dead victims all trace back to the Nazi “left behind army” and Operation Gladio, now a NATO mainstay using the DVD and Mossad to deploy terror all around the world, often paid for by the Saudis. There have been so many Gladio-style false flag attacks it would fill a small local phone book. Some have been the use of small micro-nukes and some using larger mini-nukes, many using conventional high explosives, some like the Boston Marathon using harmless black powder puffer bombs. All use innocent patsies, and often these patsies are murdered so they cannot talk or stand trial, sometimes they are so mind-kontrolled they are unable to know if they did nit or not.



One thing you can be certain of the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) is a virtual News and Media Monopoly run through a major Swiss investment house that claims to be on the vanguard of investing. This is best viewed as a CIA proprietary and will only deliver any stories that are false, well-prepared and are designed to psyop and mislead the masses – often to deliver trauma in order to process and manipulate the American Group Mind to support the foreign wars it wants and needs to feed the coffers of the Banksters, defense contractors and the 66 families that own major blocks of their stock.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/25/2017 11:22:26 AM

This is what’s left after the ‘Mother of all Bombs’ hit Afghanistan

The aftermath of the US military's "Mother of All Bombs" in Afghanistan.


A remote area in Afghanistan barely shows signs from the US military’s “Mother of All Bombs,” its largest non-nuclear device ever deployed in combat — a scarred mountainside, burned trees and ruined mud-brick structures.

Images and video from the blast site also offer little evidence of how much human damage it inflicted, though Afghan officials last week said 94 militants were killed, Reuters reported.

Since the GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb was dropped on a fortified tunnel complex used by suspected ISIS jihadists in Nangarhar province, access to the site has been controlled by US and Afghan troops battling the terror group.

A witness viewed the site from several hundred yards away because the US military said that continued fighting prevented reporters or independent investigators from getting close.

The 21,600-pound bomb’s destructive power is equivalent to 11 tons of TNT, which pales in comparison with the relatively small atomic bombs dropped on Japan at the end of World War II. Those had blasts equivalent to between 15,000 and 20,000 tons of TNT.

Within a few hundred feet of the apparent ground zero, leaves remained intact on trees, belying initial expectations that the blast may have sent a destructive wave for up to a mile.

US officials said the bomb was used to target tunnels and destroy landmines and other booby traps laid by the extremists holed up in the mountains, but the witness said there was no obvious crater or bodies visible at the scene.

Several hundred yards from the blast site, Afghan soldiers explored a large tunnel dug beneath a home. It was strung with electric cables and light bulbs and strewn with rugs, cushions and men’s clothing.

One cave was believed to have once held prisoners, but was unused at the time of the strike, according to soldiers at the scene.

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis — who arrived unannounced in Afghanistan on Monday — told reporters last week that US troops would not be digging into the site to determine how many people may have been killed.

“Frankly, digging into tunnels to count dead bodies is probably not a good use of our troops’ time when they are chasing down the enemy that is still capable,” he said.

Mattis arrived hours after his Afghan counterpart resigned over a deadly Taliban attack on an army base that triggered anger and left the embattled army in disarray, Agence France-Presse reported.

He arrived as Afghan security forces were reeling after the resignations of Defense Minister Abdullah Habibi and army chief Qadam Shah Shaheem.

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A Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) weapon in 2003Reuters

Gunmen in soldiers’ uniforms and wearing suicide vests opened fire at unarmed troops in a mosque and dining hall in one of the deadliest-ever Taliban attacks on an Afghan military target.

Authorities have so far ignored calls to break down the official toll of more than 100 soldiers killed or wounded.

Kabul was the final stop on a six-nation, weeklong tour Mattis said was intended toshore up relations with allies and partnersand to get an update on the stalemated conflict in Afghanistan.

Gen. John Nicholson, the top US commander in Kabul, has told Congress he needs a few thousand more troops to keep Afghan security forces on track to eventually handling the Taliban insurgency on their own.

The US, which has about 9,800 troops in Afghanistan, ended its combat mission against the Taliban in 2014, but the forces are increasingly involved in backing up Afghan forces on the battlefield.

With Post wires

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/25/2017 2:36:39 PM



Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) have recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the moon that appear in the crater Paracelsus C. Titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” it argues that these features might be artificial in origin, meaning someone other than a human being built them and put them there.

Contrary to popular belief, reports of artificial structures on the moon are both common and persistent. Among the first were from George Leonard’s 1976 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon, and Fred Steckling’s 1981 book, We Discovered Alien Bases on The Moon. There are many more, and from many credible sources, which we will get to later in the article.

During the early years of SETI, in 1963, even Carl Sagan spoke about the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation:

It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind. (source)

This new study describes how they discovered seven Apollo-15 and four Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) images of the same enigmatic objects in the moon crater Paracelsus C, and how they differ significantly from the rocks scattered around and within the majority of craters on Luna.

Drawing from multiple images taken at different times of the lunar day, and from different sun angles, the authors point out how it’s possible to predict an approximate shape for the objects by using shape-form-shading software. This type of 3D rendering has allowed them to fly around the site in order to see how odd the objects look in their location within the south-west quadrant of the crater, which is approximately 24km in diameter. The question the scientists now ask is, are these objects artificial? If so, when were they manufactured, and by whom? They emphasize that a rover mission to Paracelsus C would probably provide some very interesting answers.

The study concludes by stating that, “Based on the evidence presented in this paper we believe this area in Paracelsus C is one such candidate that is worthy of future study by orbital missions and surface rovers. Both of the features analyzed in this area are statistically different from the surrounding terrain.”

Carl Sagan argued that deviations like these are a necessary (though insufficient) condition of intelligent activity. What’s also interesting to note about Sagan is that he was accused, by multiple colleagues, of assisting the elite with the extraterrestrial coverup. You can read more about that allegation here.

Another great point the authors make deals with scientific fraud, which is something we see today in all realms of research, from health to climate change. The politicization of science is a real problem in the modern day world, and the study authors point out how it is impeding efforts to learn more about outer space:

A decidedly conservative mainstream scientific establishment often rejects anomalies based on subject matter alone, i.e., there cannot be alien artifacts on the moon because there are no alien artifacts on the moon (or other planets). Such a view is an example of circular reasoning, based on the belief that extraterrestrials do not exist, or if they do exist that they could not have traveled to our solar system.

What Could They Be? Here Are the Images

One of the authors, Mark Carlotto, an image scientist with 30 years of experience in satellite remote sensing and digital image processing, studied optics, signal, and image processing at Carnegie-Mellon University from 1972-1981, where he received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering. He’s had several positions in academia and industry. Here are some of the peer-reviewed papers he’s authored and c0-authored prior to this one.

In the video below, as well as in the paper, he outlines how these lunar features look like “unusual structures” and even “passageways”:

By combining multiple images, we show the larger feature, oriented in a northeast/southwest direction, is not simply a wall but two walls on either side of a narrow valley or “passageway”. Using single image shape from shading and 3D terrain visualization we show in a computer-generated perspective view looking northeast that the southwest end appears to be the entrance to the passageway. A reverse angle view looking southwest shows the passageway ending at a rise of terrain at the other end, possibly leading underground. The terrain surrounding the two structures is not flat but appears “excavated” by some unknown mechanism, natural or artificial. It is shown that these objects are visually different from the lunar background because their underlying structure is different. (source)

More Strange Oddities on the Moon

“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” (source)

The quote above is from Bob Dean, a retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.

Even the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings about the disappearance of film footage, as well as 400 kilograms of lunar rock that were obtained from multiple lunar missions. You can read more about that here.

On top of that we have comments from several astronauts, including Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, alluding to the fact that our government already knows we are not alone:

Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone. (source)

“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real, although it’s been covered up by governments for quite a long time. Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source)(source)(source)(source)

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut

Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.

Even the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA that discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994, said that it was really a photo reconnaissance mission to check out strange objects on the far side of the moon. He’s also stated that he has seen pictures of multiple artificial structures on the moon that aren’t ours, arguing that there is no way we could build such things and that someone else is up there. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)

He currently works as a consultant to Morningstar Applied Physics. Here is one of his latest research endeavours.

Not long ago, he gave a lecture showing evidence for the existence of an intelligent civilization existing on Mars long ago, as well as, according to him, definitive proof that the giant face and pyramid found on Mars in 1976 were constructed by intelligent life: “Secrecy in government is an evil which is sometimes necessary, but I think it’s a good thing that this coverup on Mars is ending, and, hopefully at some point we can sit down and have a frank conversation, not about what happened on Mars 250 million years ago, but what is happening right now.”

You can watch his full lecture here.

Dr. Norman Bergrun, who worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin, has accused NASA of “garbling” images to hide certain things, in this interview. You can see the full interview here.

He worked for NASA for more than a decade, and you can view some of his publications for NASA here.

Another great example of witness testimony comes from Donna Hare, who had a secret clearance while she was working for the NASA contractor Philco Ford. She is one of hundreds of insider witnesses with a verified background that have come forward as part of Dr. Steven Greer’sDisclosure Project in order to publicly testify about their experiences working within these sectors.

It was the job of her colleague to airbrush evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. (source)

Karl Wolf, another witness for Greer’s Disclosure Project, who was with the USAF and held a top secret crypto clearance at Tactical Air Command in Langley AFB Virginia, was assigned to an NSA facility to do equipment repair, and came across an airman who told him about how they receive images from the lunar orbiter. He was told that they’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moon. Keep in mind, this was in 1965. Karl claims to have seen the mosaic which showed the base, geometric shapes, towers, spherical buildings, radar dishes, and other massive structures. He gave his testimony in Washington at the National Press Club more than a decade ago and you can watch it here.

Interesting to think about, isn’t it? Thanks for reading.


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U.S. Drone Strike Kills Three Civilians in Yemen

April 24, 2017 at 10:49 am
Written by Anti-Media News Desk

(MEE) Three Yemeni civilians were killed when a drone attacked four suspected al-Qaeda militants travelling in a vehicle in the southern part of the country, residents and a local official said on Monday.

Residents said the attack in al-Saeed area of Shabwa province on Sunday afternoon was by a United States drone, part of a campaign by Donald Trump’s administration against Yemen’s al-Qaeda branch.

They said the militant group was known to operate in the area and had been targeted by US forces in recent months.

The vehicle was completely destroyed in the drone strike, which also hit three civilians who happened to be passing nearby, the residents and local officials said.

The Yemen-based al-Qaeda affiliate has exploited two years of civil war to recruit followers and cement its dominance in the central and southern part of Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition has been fighting the Houthis to try to restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power.

US drone strikes have become more frequent in recent weeks, with at least six reported by Reuters last month.

In late January, at least 30 people were killed in a US commando dawn raid in southern Yemen, including at least 10 women and children, in the first such military operation authorised by Trump.

Meanwhile, aid agency Oxfam called on donor nations on Monday to step up life-saving assistance to millions of civilians in Yemen facing starvation and disease, rather than providing arms to fuel the deepening conflict.

“Many areas of Yemen are on the brink of famine, and the cause of such extreme starvation is political,” the British charity said on the eve of a United Nations conference in Geneva to seek aid pledges for the Arab country.

Western governments were attending the event “while they continue to sell billions of dollars worth of weapons and military equipment to parties to the conflict,” it said.

The food crisis could worsen if the international community does not send a clear message that a Saudi-led attack against Hodeidah, the strategic Red Sea entry point for some 70 percent of Yemen’s food imports, would be “totally unacceptable,” Oxfam added.

By MEE and agencies / Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

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