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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 12:46:40 PM

Putin: Western Governments Are Enslaving Humanity Through Vaccines

When your children are barely human, psychologically-altered bots, their nerve cells and synapses failing to connect, and their neurodevelopmental processes dulled to the point of restricting them to sub-human level repetitive grunts and gormless stares, what are you going to do then?

Posted on February 7, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in Weird

An insider from the Ministry of Health in Russia has revealed that an explosive report is being prepared that will be presented to the Kremlin on Tuesday regarding the huge vaccination cover-up being perpetuated by the US government agencies and its regulatory bodies, which is having disastrous consequences around most of the world.

It is understood President Putin personally requested the report. He instinctively mistrusts the vaccine agenda and wants the report to investigate the state of play regarding vaccines, Big Pharma, and Western governments, in order to formulate a solid, direct response that will stand his people in good stead for the future.

According to the Ministry of Health insider, the report validates President Putin’s suspicions. There is a huge conflict of interests between the government agencies which regulate vaccines and the corporations that approve and implement the vaccines.

This investigation, involving internationally respected scientists and leading medical professionals, won’t be a laughably corrupt affair involving a payroll of ‘scientists’ who are willing to say or do anything for a dollar or two. Considering the fact that leading scientists and doctors who have dared voice concern about state-enforced vaccinations have been dying under mysterious circumstances in the US in recent years, kudos must be given to those brave enough to continue speaking out.

It is claimed the report will declare the situation a ‘self-perpetuating criminal racket.’ Educational institutions and scientific bodies are also ‘motivated by greed and generally corrupt.’ A recent study by the University of Bristol that declared diet soda to be healthier than water (a study covertly funded by the Coca Cola Company) is presented as an example of the absurd situation in the West at the moment, and is held up to ridicule.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 12:59:04 PM

Daesh Strapped for Cash Thanks to

Russian Airstrikes, Expert Tells Sputnik

© REUTERS/ Ali Hashisho

Daesh, also known as Islamic State, and its army of murderers is depleting by the day, after a series of airstrikes on its oil fields have left the extremist group short of cash to pay its members.

A Middle East expert has claimed that Daesh fighters are defecting en masse to avoid facing another pay cut.

"They're in big trouble," Vera Mironova, an international security scholar told the Mirror in an interview.

She added that Daesh's "for-profit militants" were now thought to be joining rival militias and terror groups in Iraq and Syria.

Daesh — which boasts between 19,000 and 25,000 fighters- has been left almost broke after airstrikes carried out by Russia and a western coalition have severely damaged the oil fields and facilities that provide most of the terror organization's funding.

A video released by Russian intelligence operatives in December 2015, seemed to show that most of the Daesh-sourced oil was sold to Turkey at a reduced price on the black market. Turkish officials subsequently denied the allegations.

An undated still image taken from a video made available by the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow, Russia December 2, 2015, shows the Turkish-Syrian border crossing. Russia's Defense Ministry officials displayed satellite images on Wednesday which they said showed columns of tanker trucks loading with oil at installations controlled by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and then crossing the border into neighboring Turkey.
An undated still image taken from a video made available by the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow, Russia December 2, 2015, shows the Turkish-Syrian border crossing. Russia's Defense Ministry officials displayed satellite images on Wednesday which they said showed columns of tanker trucks loading with oil at installations controlled by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and then crossing the border into neighboring Turkey.

Kamal Alam, a Syrian military analyst and a fellow at think-tank RUSI, told Sputnik that most of the credit for cash-strapping Daesh should go to the Russian air force.

"It is mainly Russian airstrikes, together with attacks carried out by the Syrian army, that focused on the oil fields," Mr Alam told Sputnik.

"Western and Arab countries' attacks were more focused on attacking the group's military apparatus."

Mr Alam agreed with the notion that Daesh fighters are probably joining other, richer extremist groups that are not being targeted by the airstrikes and which, he said, "are often funded by wealthy backers from the Arab Gulf countries and western powers."

Furthermore, Mr Alam underlined that, while the attacks are certainly taking a toll on Daesh's main source of cash, the group's coffers are still relatively full.

"It [Daesh] is by no means 'poor', right now," Mr Alam told Sputnik.

More importantly, its current predicament might make the evil death cult all the more belligerent.

Even if Daesh simply decided to merge with another militant group to join forces (and finances), it is more likely that they will still "fight to take its oil back," Mr Alam said..

Alternatively, the terrorists could try and make up for the oil losses by diversifying their economic activities.

"They could try to get the money from other sources. Like from kidnappings, drug smuggling, sex trafficking. They'll just find another way to make money," Mr Alam told Sputnik.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 1:17:09 PM

Moscow Warns Against Unilateral Response to
N Korea Rocket Launch

© REUTERS/ Kyodo
20:02 08.02.2016

The Russian Foreign Ministry reiterated on Monday that the recent launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea violated the UNSC resolutions but warned against any unilateral steps in response to Pyongyang's actions.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov discussed the launch in a phone call on Monday with the United States Special Representative for North Korea Policy Sung Kim shortly after US President Barack Obama announced that Washington was consulting with Seoul on possibility to expand missile defenses in the Pacific region to counter Pyongyang's move.

"The Russian side pointed out at the need to refrain from any unilateral steps that could lead to further development of tensions in the region," the ministry said in a statement.

On Sunday, North Korea fired a long-range rocket to allegedly place a satellite into orbit, defying UN Security Council resolutions which ban Pyongyang from launching rockets that may be used as ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 1:35:49 PM

Jade Helm 16 (UWEX) Is Now Rehearsing for Civil War

08Feb, 2016by Hodges

CSS Offical-New-Logo2

Jade Helm "2" has already commenced.

Jade Helm “2” has already commenced.

To those with an untrained eye, Jade Helm 16, or Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16) does not seem to represent anything that we should be concerned about as it is only a repeat of its predecessor, Jade Helm 15.

Lessons Learned

What did we learn from Jade Helm 15? The answer is simple. We learned that Jade Helm 15 was about moving men and material to key positions in the country where these resources could be better utilized in the following three ways:

1. Dissident extraction conducted by Special Operation Forces.

 Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015. These images should haunt all Americans.

Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015. These images should haunt all Americans.

2. Martial Law enforcement and the mass internment of those deemed to be unsuitable to be left unsupervised. Therefore, we saw the springing up of structures all across America that could serve as a detention facility. Case in point, was Simon Properties, the largest owner of malls and shopping centers in North America, signed an agreement to allow DHS to use their facilities for any purpose during an emergency. Do you remember that nine months ago, we started to take notice of the following?

retrofitted malls 3

retrofitted malls 2

retrofitted malls 1

This photo is what started the controversy of guard towers being needlessly built on public structures. From the air, the guard towers stick out like a sore thumb.

This photo is what started the controversy of guard towers being needlessly built on public structures. From the air, the guard towers stick out like a sore thumb.

foster marana photo 1

3. Providing a cover for the preparation and mobilization which would be needed for World War III. Subsequently, we witnessed massive movement of men and material around the country during Jade Helm 15.

Jade 16 Is More Covert and More Encompassing that Jade Helm 15

According to reports UWEX 16 will be even more covert than Jade Helm 15. People like Gary Franchi and myself have learned that Jade Helm 16 forces will be operating on privately owned properties in the county, and at Camp Swift. Unconfirmed reports are circulating that the US government made cash payments to the owners of the land which allow them to train on private property. The rumors are hard not to believe because I reported last Spring that each county who participated in Jade 15 was paid a nuisance fee of $150,000.

Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape, told the press, he is in full support of the next phase of military operations, This particular Bastrop County Judge, and traitor to his own community, Paul Pape, told the media that he is in full support of the next phase of Jade Helm military operations, Gee, Judge, if Jade Helm is so great then why do only you and the County Commissioners know the details? Why was this done in secret? Here is Gary Franchi’s brief report on the re-emergence of menacing Jade Helm activities in Bastrop County.

What Lies In the Immediate Future for Jade Helm 16, aka UWEX?

i have received three very similar emails in the past 4 weeks which, in part tells us why we should be concerned with UWEX 16.

Dear Dave,

Thanks for your coverage last year of Jade Helm 15. Although I didn’t realize it then, we have a lot to be afraid of when it comes to Jade 2 or UWEX as they are calling the next phase of Jade Helm 15.

I have a family member who is serving in Special Operations. We recently met with him for lunch and he was as white as a ghost. He told us that he is expected to “extract domestic terrorists and take them to an impromptu detention facility. At the facility, they are expected to train foreign troops to take over the detention of the prisoners. This is what you wrote about last summer about the Army Reserves in Michigan. His best friend is training for guerrilla warfare inside of Texas. Is JH2 going to be what all of us were afraid was happening in Jade Helm 15?

Please do not publish my name or email address.

I also received this email on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016.

To the staff of The Common sense show:

My cousin is deployed in Army Spec. Ops at Ft. Bragg. He is going to be expected to take part in guerrilla warfare drills against rogue military forces. After arriving at Ft. Bragg, he was still permitted to leave the base. We live in Texas and drove to meet him. When we went to lunch. he had all of use leave our cell phones in the car and we walked a block to eat dinner. He said that they were beginning to receive briefings about taking on rogue military units in a guerrilla war scenario. He assumes they are American military units, but they were not told that when he was presented with their newly created training specs.

He has a role in this exercise, but I will not reveal the nature, as we do not identify him. He said he is being moved from Ft. Bragg to another base that has not yet been identified. He suspects that it is in the area because their deployment gear remains the same. He told us that he fears the drill could go live for many reasons…

The name, Unconventional Warfare Exercise 2016, is ominous on its face. What exactly is unconventional warfare? It is an euphemism for guerrilla war. Under the present set of circumstances, where would a guerrilla war emanate from? It would come from guerrilla activities resulting from the nation being in a civil war. Therefore, it is clear that UWEX, or Jade Helm 16 is about the establishment eliminating a civilian contribution to a guerrilla war effort. In other words, people in a position of power are telling the American people through their actions, that they anticipate a civil war taking place in this country.

FEMA Camp Orientated

"FEMA" mall in Tampa.

My best sources tell me that that this exercise is very strongly tied into the makeshift use of FEMA Camp type of facilities which are crude and hastily constructed and that civilian extraction drills, along these lines, will be ongoing.

The Government Also Leaves a Trail of Truth Regarding UWEX 16

Without much searching, I found the following document in which a private government defense contractor is actively seeking actors to fill their needs for the upcoming drill with regard to UWEX 16.

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies

It is in this defense contractor memo that we see a definitive timetable and the operational organization of UWEX 16. This exercise will be live, in some locations by March 28, 2016, a little over 7 weeks from now. However, one should be mindful that Jade Helm 15 was not scheduled to go live until July 15, 2015, but they were doing extraction drills in March of the same year. Therefore, I would take these dates with a grain of salt.

Further, I have uncovered the fact that the military planners are going so far to employ former military to serve as actors. And what and who will they be acting as? They habe advertised for mock journalists, civilian dissidents and guerrilla chiefs. This further speaks to the fact that this a civil war exercise.

Precipitating Incident(s)

What will set all of this into motion? It would require a national/international crisis, most likely of an economic basis. Yesterday, I published an article in which how I detailed howWells Fargo is planning for an imminent banking collapse.

An ensuing financial crisis would follow. Northcom has already practiced for this and their plan is to cut off escape in a city by city basis. Extraction teams will arrest key and anticipated dissenters using Special Operations forces. Apparently, part of the new scenario involves anticipated local police and military units who are not on board with this planned and brutal subjugation of the American people. Hence, the need for UWEX 16 training.

Obama Is Attacking the Command Structure of the Submarine Fleet

sub commander

I and many other s have long covered the fact that Obama has never been able gain possession of the submarine launch codes and even if he did, they constantly change. In a civil war scenario, nuclear submarines and their payload could be brought to bear against all enemies both foreign and domestic inside the United States. If it became necessary for American military units to resist the imposition of a tyrannical rule over the American people, nuclear submarines would quickly become part of that deterrent.

In past couple of weeks, Obama has fired three submarine commanders and the reasons as listed in the Navy Times are completely bogus. It is my belief that he is doing his best to neutralize the submarine’s force autonomy so that is nuclear deterrent could not be brought to bear against an occupying force.

Notable Events

After I had published Part One of this series, I came under extreme attack. Two of my computers hard drives were crashed. My phone service was interrupted. And I was distributing Part One, Facebook suspended my account. I have concluded that someone did not want this story to be told.

The Common Sense Show will remain vigilant as UWEX unfolds this Spring.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 2:09:07 PM

Indigenous Central Americans Seek Apology

from Pope Francis for Genocide

© Flickr/ Javier Saldana

Ahead of a February 12 visit by Pope Francis to Mexico, around 30 indigenous communities in Michoacan, Mexico, have released a statement demanding that he apologize for killings of some 24 million aboriginal inhabitants, committed with the complicity of the Catholic Church during the colonization of the Americas.

The Supreme Indigenous Council of Michoacan, Mexico, accused the Catholic Church of being involved in mass genocide, which started with the Spaniards' arrival to the Central American region in the 16th century.

The statement noted that, by the beginning of the 17th century, there were less than 700,000 native inhabitants left alive, from an original population of about 25.2 million, which makes the Spanish intervention and invasion of the Americas one of the largest acts of genocide in history.

"For over 500 years, the original people of the Americas have been ransacked, robbed, murdered, exploited, discriminated and persecuted," the statement reads. "Within this framework, the Catholic Church has historically been complicit and allies of those who invaded our land."

The communities also emphasized that colonizers' abuses included the forcing of European culture, language and Catholicism on the native peoples of Central America, and using the Bible as an "ideological weapon."

"The arrival of the Europeans meant the interruption and destruction of various original civilizations, which had their unique ideas and concepts of the world, our own government, writings, languages, education, religion and philosophy," they said.

Various Purepechas communities from Michoacan demanded that the Pope officially apologize for the church's role in the genocide of some 95 percent of the indigenous population of Central America within about a century following the beginning of the "European invasion."

During his visit to Mexico, Pope Francis will issue a decree authorizing the use of indigenous languages in mass celebrations. The controversial move is aimed at protecting the rights of native people in the country.

In 2015, the Pope apologized for "grave sins" committed against the native people of the Americas during an encounter in Bolivia with indigenous groups and in the presence of Bolivia's first-ever indigenous president, Evo Morales.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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