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Barry Scott

492 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
9/12/2011 3:56:44 PM

Hi Mark,

Good luck with any of that! A lot of us have been having those discussions behind the scenes, for months...about slow communications, no communications, unsatisfactory POTW biographies, and lots of other stuff.

Someone told me they received one of my PAID Direct Messages for a business ad in August that I had sent in April (not good!)

That's why I mentioned a couple weeks ago that all nominees should just post their own Congrats biography (and maybe also post the ads they want used for their winning prize) while they are IN the ballot forum, during voting comments. Get it all done upfront and let Barry get the necessary info from the election forum posts when the winner is declared. That would actually get nominees to show up, and also cut down on the communications (or lack of communications) needed after the polls close. It would also be fun to read 4 nominees posting their own Congrats bio DURING ongoing elections.

Hi Kathleen,

Again good suggestions, however this ultimately comes down to members and their time and how much of they can or will spend doing it. The one thing I have enjoyed while doing this for the last year and a half is meeting so many members.

What I believe is that if everyone took a look at the profiles they may come across a few members they don't know and may want to know or make a connection with. This would create larger social and networking circles which of course benefits everyone. I cannot make anyone do this but I hope that some read this and do what I have done. I see lots of profiles week to week and most are unique and there are a lot very interesting people in the community.






RE: POTW Feedback
11/25/2011 6:44:07 PM

Hello Barry and POTW team, thank you so much for finally placing the winners trophies under the profile photos of those of us who didn't have one before. Was that an early Christmas gift? :)

I have a suggestion and that is since we have many members who have won more than once why not put an extra trophy there for each additional win too. There appears to be plenty of room for them.

Have a great day.


Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
3/14/2012 11:18:49 AM

Hi Barry,

I have noticed that you thank all for voting but the last couple times

that I have supported and try to bring in some life to this, it is passed by.

If there is some reason you do not want my support and contributions to the Voting platform , please let me know.

Potw Team

2183 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
3/14/2012 3:18:27 PM

Hi Barry,

I have noticed that you thank all for voting but the last couple times

that I have supported and try to bring in some life to this, it is passed by.

If there is some reason you do not want my support and contributions to the Voting platform , please let me know.

Hi Mark,

Absolutely not, I love what you do. I simply ran out of time yesterday and depending on each week I sometimes do not get a chance to get back. My intentions are to always thank everyone for their support as it's very important to me and the POTW.

It always bothers me to not get to all of the vote threads but because I am doing this through my work schedule it gets tough. I have tried to do it at home but I work another job evenings so I don't always have the time to post from home.

I do apologize and I hope you do not believe I would slight you intentionally. I will post this as it's been bothering me for some time and now I am worried that others may feel the same way. I appreciate what you do and for all the support for the POTW.



Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
3/15/2012 11:45:14 AM

Hi Barry,

I have noticed that you thank all for voting but the last couple times

that I have supported and try to bring in some life to this, it is passed by.

If there is some reason you do not want my support and contributions to the Voting platform , please let me know.

Hi Mark,

Absolutely not, I love what you do. I simply ran out of time yesterday and depending on each week I sometimes do not get a chance to get back. My intentions are to always thank everyone for their support as it's very important to me and the POTW.

It always bothers me to not get to all of the vote threads but because I am doing this through my work schedule it gets tough. I have tried to do it at home but I work another job evenings so I don't always have the time to post from home.

I do apologize and I hope you do not believe I would slight you intentionally. I will post this as it's been bothering me for some time and now I am worried that others may feel the same way. I appreciate what you do and for all the support for the POTW.



Very good and thank you for letting me know this. Believe me, I know what busy is.
I think you are doing great.

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