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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2013 9:45:42 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Who You Truly Are is of an Order of Magnificence that is Impossible to Describe Adequately

Jesus postingJesus: Who You Truly Are is of an Order of Magnificence that is Impossible to Describe Adequately. Channelled by John Smallman – August 30, 2013.

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

Here in the spiritual realms, from which, in truth, you are not and never have been separated, we who are awake and watching over you as you sleep are sending you Love in a constant stream, or more aptly like a river in full flood. We are encouraging you to wake up and join in the fun that is going on all round you, because we do not like to see you missing any of it, even for the brief moment that you have chosen to spend in your illusory dreamworld.

Waking up is not hard, and with our encouragement you will make the choice to do so. In fact, you have already made that choice; you are just having difficulty collectively in choosing the most appropriate moment – the moment when you drop all those defensive walls that are protecting your fears, and allow Love to pour in and sweep them away, awakening you into your natural state of fully conscious, alive awareness.

Fear is an aspect of the illusion that has strengthened over the eons as you became more unaccepting of those whom you considered different from yourselves – those who did not “belong” to your tribe, village, church, race – an ever-expanding selection of identifying features that you used to define others as either friends or enemies. And enemies could, at any moment, attack and destroy you, or so it seemed, leading to your underlying sense of fear. Not too much has changed: you still choose mainly to see threats or enemies rather than just differences when you observe strangers.

Nevertheless, great progress has been made in recent decades to change this mindset, and there is still much more to do. However, the progress that has already been made has paved the way for the enormous changes that are still needed and that are being pointed out by newly formed organizations of caring and compassionate Wayshowers.

Change is in the air and many are looking ahead with excited anticipation as they foresee the old unloving attitudes being replaced by new ones that will understand and integrate your worldwide, multicultural societies into one grand and loving community, replacing the divisive and separatist beliefs that have for so long brought such extensive pain and suffering to humanity, so that all may know themselves to be welcome, accepted, and essential parts of the larger whole, as they truly are.

Who you truly are is of an order of magnificence that is impossible to describe adequately for you as you continue dozing in the illusion. It has to be consciously present in your awareness as the knowing of your true, eternal, and Divine identity as one with God, with Reality, and therefore with every conscious entity, because there are none who are not of God – eternally one with Him in the glory that is existence. You have been told this Divine Truth many, many times, but for you to really resonate with it, make it your own, you have to be awake, and that is what this ongoing exercise of coming to wakefulness is all about – remembering who you are!

It is a Truth that was hidden from you because of your collective choice, and you are now, collectively, in the process of reversing that choice because you have made the momentous decision to see, to understand, and to know Reality once more, thereby allowing the illusion to crumble away, taking with it all your fears and anxieties – unreal concepts that you invented to amuse yourselves.

Engaging full-time with Love is the way to accelerate the disintegration of the illusion. Make a point of reminding yourselves regularly throughout your daily lives that you are one with God, that you are therefore perfect Beings of Love. Love contains all that exists and continues to expand eternally, and you partake in that activity by engaging with It and sharing It unconditionally. So do it constantly, by making the intent to do so at the commencement of every day, and again as you lie down at night to sleep.

Your participation is lovingly sought, and is also essential. Consciously take part in the awakening process, as you most strongly intended to do when you made the choice and the decision, with the assistance of your wise and loving mentors in the spiritual realms, to incarnate as humans in these closing moments of the illusory experience. You have limitless assistance to keep strengthening your intent to be Love in action by consciously choosing Love rather than fear whenever a choice is demanded of you, and thereby demonstrating your commitment to bring humanity home with you to Reality, to the awareness of your oneness with God who is Love.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2013 9:49:32 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Karmic Acceleration, Exposure of Tyranny and Understanding Channels


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The minds and hearts of the awakening humanity are expanding more rapidly than we could possibly communicate, though of course, despite the rapid nature of your ascension it’s still a progressive and steady one that sees you grow and learn in increments, which have been discussed by other sources.

We are excited at the prospect of beginning to communicate with you much more directly as you open up and expand your channels to the incredible heights many of you are learning to, and we can say with happiness that your ability to bring through our impressions will only increase as much as your ability to perceive of and understand us and the realms we exist in.

We’re so very excited for humanity to open up to the reality of our existence and our immense desire to reconnect with you in very direct ways, because we all, as a united body of assistance for the Earth, have so very much to offer you.

It’s important to be opened up to the idea of our existence if you wish for an uninhibited connection to be found with us, because we’ll only funnel our impressions to those who willingly ask for them.

We seek not to overwhelm humanity or the awakening Lightworker public in any way, and if any soul becomes uncomfortable with absorbing our impressions or channeling our energies through and makes such discomfort clear, we’ll happily detach our energies from theirs and eventually greet them again after your Earth has ascended.

Acceleration of Karma

Your populace specifically is in need of collective ascension, and Gaia has existed in the fifth dimension for quite a long amount of your concept of time. Each of you can make active attempts to connect with and feel the energies of the fifth-dimensional Earth you’re building and growing toward in every moment.

The veils between you and the higher dimensions continue to be torn down with each alignment you pass through, and as we give this message at the end of the month of August, humanity still has many important celestial alignments and configurations to pass through that’ll see your power truly unhindered.

Dear scribe, we note the “thousands of tiny personal revolutions” as you’ve termed them, that you’ve been receiving in the past few days of your time. We ask you to expect many more unfolding aspects of yourselves to be made known, and the overhaul many of you are experiencing will continue until you find yourselves glimmering examples of spiritual beings who’ve done the most difficult Life-path work.

You’re reaching the end of your karmic contract individually and collectively, and this means that karma will accelerate exponentially for you, dear souls.

We note that some of you feel yourselves to be experiencing nearly instant karmic reactions to what you sew for yourselves to experience, and specifically, the negative karma you manifest is being sent back to you with much more rapidity than it previously has.

This is because of your aforementioned closing karmic contract, and because it’s essential for you to experience and transmute any bit of remaining residue accumulated from your dense Earthly experiences and the effects they can have upon you at times.

Recognizing the density prevalent on your Earth is important to understanding why some of you feel your mood or vibration to be dragged down at times. It’s important to remember that you’re transmuting the dense energies given out by the collective as a whole, and when you can remember this you can find equilibrium in the face of a bad mood or a low vibration seeming not to want to leave you.

Balance and Collective Energy-Transmutation

You’re pioneers of bringing the Light energies through and expressing them for your collective to benefit from, and you’ve recently taken on the much greater task of transmuting the dense energy of others in massive ways.

To be quite truthful, the effect this has had on the Lightworker pubic has been much less detrimental than it could’ve been and you’ve largely been able to maintain your balance and continue to find the Light energies despite the heavier weight that’s been added to the backs of many of you.

Those of you who specifically signed up for transmuting the collective’s dense energies have been given the bulk of difficult energy to process and transmute nearly every day, though your Lives are planned-out in a way that makes allowance for the fact that energetically, you simply need to rest at times.

You’re coming to find an uninhibited line of connection to the higher dimensions, and the more you make your efforts to perceive of the higher realms and connect with us souls happily existing here, the more fulfilled your experiences will begin to become.

You’ll find your hearts opening and expanding in an exponentially-rapid manner, and you’ll find your experiences lighten up as your wholeness with the existence around you grows to unprecedented heights.

This is all being Divinely guided and led, and your deepened perception of the metaphysical realms has always been meant to herald a collective establishment of a society in alignment with the ideal of each citizen.

The pure Light energies many of you are unlocking within naturally lead one to question everything that’s been hidden, and the prevalent corruption and tyranny present in your government and financial institutions among many others will be fully exposed because such exposure is an ordained facet of humanity’s growth into purer fourth-dimensional planes.

Our Main Task is to Serve You

The fourth dimension will herald exposure of everything that’s been hidden for darkly-inclined reasons, and while there could be some difficulty along the way of surfacing such exposure on an individual and collective level, the result will be humanity’s building of a full-on Galactic society, built by and for each one of you.

Your restoration into full consciousness is being brought about by you, but the Company of Heaven has and will continue to assist you as we wish for you to reach the states of consciousness we’ve been able to.

Our main task is to serve you, the awakening humanity, and to help you serve the rest of your populace who will become open to the existence of the spiritual realms and the activities of those who’ve used money and power to keep you in the dark for generations.

Exposure will come about, and will largely be driven by the actions of the awakening public.

Already, so many souls have stepped to the forefront of the collective consciousness to offer revelations concerning the cabals, and we ask you to continue paying attention to exposures regarding the surveillance activities of the American NSA, the British GCHQ and the spy agencies of plenty of other countries; some of which haven’t yet had their activities exposed.

An entire, strong network of lies and half-truths has been fashioned around your society, and those who’ve suppressed your history will be held accountable for what they’ve done as humanity is subsequently informed of what they’ve suppressed.

A great sense of liberation and freedom will result, and prosperity will flow like water to every nation, every family and every person. Humanity will find the importance of establishing widespread unity, and the harmony you’ll breed and spread will see you easily and happily working together to bring your planet into the Light in every way.

The re-engineering of your cities will perhaps be the biggest feat for you to perform, but you’ll be assisted by your personal and collective drive to enact widespread and positive change on your world. You’ll also be assisted with technologies given by us and others, and the widespread disclosures you’ll be given regarding such technologies will see you able to understand and utilize them.

Cabal Exposure: A Collective Clearing-Event

Humanity will be able to fully utilize the potential of the technologies we’ll offer, and will be able to benefit incredibly from the inspiration you gain to help build a new world.

There could be some catalytic difficulty along the way of exposing the darkness that’s laid dormant in your collective consciousness, and beyond the transmutation of much of humanity’s dense energy, exposure of the dark’s activities will serve as an immense clearing event for your collective.

So very much will be revealed that you wouldn’t perhaps expect, and we ask you with Love to brace yourselves for much greater and more flowing insights and revelations than you’ve been given thus far.

The Light energies have largely made their way back to your planet, and the exposures coming about as a result have truly only begun and could leave humanity quite overwhelmed and even exhausted at times. Each bit of work you perform will be for the greater good of your collective, and those of you who are particularly keen on spreading peace and unity will pioneer helping your collective to do just that.

It could be difficult for some to establish unity and peace with those they’ve perceived themselves to be different from, but in the end, humanity will have come together despite everything that’s been played upon in your culture that teaches you to think you’re separate or different from each other in any way.

Indeed you’re not, and we know that an ever-increasing number of Earthy souls can feel this.

Unity, prosperity, abundance and wellbeing will be established for every soul on your planet, and you’ll find yourselves very fulfilled and satisfied with yourselves and the experiences you’ll have from here on out.

Those of you working already at the forefront of the Lightworker consciousness will perhaps expand your roles even more than you already have, and we anticipate many stepping up in the time ahead to help inform your collective about specific facets of your evolution into full consciousness.

Working Fruitfully Behind the Scenes

Your evolution is coming about in a collective manner, and this isn’t the norm for the ascension of most planets.

A certain quotient much be reached before the collective energies can resonate with the frequency of the fifth-dimensional energies you’ll be constantly absorbing and assimilating to Create the reality you’ll find around you, and at present, the collective is still largely feeding into the mechanisms of separation and unawareness that would only keep you situated upon a lower vibration forever if allotted.

We and so many others, along with you awakened souls scattered about in various different places on your Earth, have been working fruitfully behind the scenes on your return to full consciousness and on the awakening of your collective in time for the most potent events related to your ascension.

You’re beginning to reach heightened energies that will allow for the presence of such energetic events, and in the face of the vastly-purer energies you’re entering into and the metaphysical events they’ll cause that humanity will be dazzled to witness, we ask the Lightworkers to continue their energy work as much as possible.

There’s so very much for you to experience that’ll help initiate you into the higher dimensions as a collective, and we trust in the Lightworkers and in humanity as a collective’s ability to put an end to separation and hatred and see your populace feed into the pure energies of harmony and Love that will lead you onward.

We ask for you to enjoy the journey and seek the destination in healthy and balanced manners. Understand that you’re growing back toward the higher dimensions in every sense, and that you don’t have to be separated from these realms or from us as many of you tend to convince yourselves you are.

Nothing about your existence on the Earth says you have to deny the higher dimensions or otherwise not perceive of them; only you allow yourselves to believe that the veils between your world and the higher dimensions are too thick.

Understanding Channeled Communications

Indeed they’re not, and at this stage they can be practically seen through as ever-more souls embrace the higher dimensions and all that comes with them.

The higher dimensions and the existence of us souls in these dimensions will be widely disclosed on your world in the time ahead, and the communications we’ve been offering for so long will come to be understood by your collective as aspects of the assistance we wish to give you along your ascension.

Messages from us and many others published to your internet that have only been viewed by a certain segment of the Lightworker public will be opened up to, as it’s understood that we very actively communicate with humanity in an effort to reach you and help you grow back toward our realms.

Previous ridicule or mock will give way to open-minded understandings about the reality of the assistance we’ve given for so long.

Indeed, we’re not lower-oriented beings looking to gain humanity’s energy by fixating you on us or our communications. If the messages of any channeled being don’t resonate for any reason, we wholeheartedly recommend seeking what works best for you as an individual and fashioning the purest connection to your inner-realms that you can fashion.

Every one of you can open up and channel brimming communications from the higher dimensions, and upon allowing yourselves to believe that this contact can indeed be real, you’ll find excited contact from us or from whoever you wish to open up to.

As examples of the diversity one can pick up on when becoming open to a higher-dimensional connection, we’d like to go against the usual flow of our messages to allow two different collectives to come in and offer short condolences.

The Ascended Masters Speak

Greetings, my dear children, I am Jeshua speaking for the Ascended Master collective. We and so many others have been watching and listening as the dear Hathors have given their words and impressions, and we too seek to let you know that we are and have always been here, waiting for you to open up to us in any way you can.

We’re all here for you, dearest souls, and many of us have went as far as to incarnate on your Earth in many different lifetimes to reach your collective.

Why, then, would we choose not to communicate with you from the spiritual realms? We’ve done absolutely everything we can to reach humanity and to help you understand the reality of your existence, and in doing so, we’ve become very close with you.

We wish you to know that we’re not going anywhere, and your ability to pick up on us will continue to increase.

The Pleiadians Speak

With Loving thanks to Jeshua, I am SanJAsKa speaking for the Pleiadian High Council, the Council of Nine and our General Council.

You’re (currently) speaking with millions of Pleiadian souls, and I am representing them as we seek to let you know of the Love we possess for you, as well as your ability to pick up on our impressions and those of every soul and collective in the higher dimensions.

Your ability to reach the higher dimensions and various ascended entities and collectives is much stronger than you’ve been led to believe, and you’ll find yourselves able to pick up on and understand much deeper and more intricate impressions as you broaden your telepathic abilities.

Continue to practice channeling the higher dimensions and the pure energies you’re being given in any way you wish, because we too will remain here for every one of you.

The Hathors Conclude

With thanks to the Pleiadians and the Ascended Masters, we express that there are so many more collectives you can pick up on. We’ll conclude this communication at this point so as not to tire out our scribe, with the reminder that your perception of the realms of full consciousness can only be affirmed by you.

Some may attempt to discredit one’s perception of the higher dimensions or the many wondrous things that can result, but you’ve each incarnated with the knowledge of your personal Godhood and Divinity, and can shine in any and every moment.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes, as well as the Ascended Masters and the Pleiadians.

Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

(Personal Revolution, by Ziggy Marley:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2013 9:53:29 PM

Archangel Michael: The Declaration of World Peace

I’m at work on a multi-part series on global abundance today. Allow me to repost Archangel Michael’s Declaration of World Peace.

It’s particularly timely given that various forces appear to be attempting to start a wider war in Syria. The more we reflect on world peace at this time and keep it in our thoughts, the more easily we’ll defeat this attempt to plunge the world into chaos again.

Archangel Michael asked us to create a video in aid of world peace during an Hour with an Angel broadcast in October 2012.

I asked him if he would channel a Declaration of World Peace through me that could form the basis of that video, in the same way that he had channeled the Declaration of Human Freedom in February of 2011 in aid of World Freedom Day. Within an hour of concluding that interview, this declaration came pouring out and was written in perhaps five or ten minutes!

Oct. 8, 2012

Peace is the cry of the soul, the song of the spirit. Peace is the natural condition of the world, the place to which all things return. Everything yearns for peace and everything rests in peace. Peace is the place to which this world journeys. Nothing can stop it from reaching and realizing peace.

There comes a time in the affairs of worlds when the forces of disintegration can no longer resist the forces of attraction, when hatred and division can no longer overpower love and peace. There comes a rebound in the councils of worlds, a pushing back from the people which none can stand against or fail to honor.

At this time, the people of Earth will see an outbreak of peace, overpowering all that divided, wounde and killed. It has been decreed by the Highest that the Earth, after eons of wandering in the ways of havoc and war, shall once again return to the ways of peace. Against the wave of love that is sweeping the Earth, political and military leaders will prove powerless.

The people have gathered in Consciousness and have spoken words in Silence which none can ignore. They say that war will no longer be tolerated on Earth and the heavens have responded. Soon weapons will no longer work on Earth and the time when swords will be rendered into ploughshares will be here.

How to prepare for peace? Peace is a condition at the essence of our being which works its way outward and surfaces in universal love and harmony. All we must do is remove the obstacles to its rise and flowering. Peace is a choice and a surrendering. Peace is a determination and a remembering.

Peace is more than a refusal to bear arms against each other. It’s a resolve to allow each his or her fair share, his or her turn, his or her chosen path and goals. Peace is one of the divine qualities and grows in the same garden as they do: joy, compassion, love, harmony, unity; all come along with peace like roots of the same creeper.

Now is the time declared from old when peace will again reign on Earth and humankind will return to its original bond of lovingkindness with all that swims, walks and flies. The children of Earth shall make war no more. The children of Earth will come together in loving council and restore the Garden of Eden that this planet was, is and shall be.

Never more on Earth shall the guns of war sound. Never shall people scream and die in agony. A new age is upon us that shall see harmony and beneficence restored, never to be lost again. The grand experiment is over and much knowledge has been gained. But the time has come for this blue planet to return to heaven and for heaven to return to Earth.

Every knee shall bend in love to the One. No one shall again be master over another save the One. The endless journey upon which all are embarked to return to the One will again proceed by a straight and open road. All that was crooked will be made straight. Now is the time for the curtain to fall on a world at war and for the curtain to rise on a world at peace.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2013 9:54:35 PM

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom

archangel-michael-desktop1Archangel Michael: The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom. Channelled through Ronna Herman, August 29, 2013, at:

Beloved Masters, after you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you were programmed with the knowledge that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light. Your Divine Mission was encoded deep within your Immortal Soul-self, as well as within your Sacred Heart Seed Atom.

You, along with all the other “awakened Sparks of Self-awareness,” were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, whose predetermined mission mandated that they would remain in the higher, rarified realms of Light.

We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are. You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents.

You may have wondered why the members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally when, from an Earthly point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your physical family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast history and priceless heritage – of who you truly are.

You have separated your consciousness or fragmented yourself millions of times in order to experience the great diversity of Creation, and you have also reunited with many of the multiple facets of yourself more times than you can count. Each time you did so, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your memory bank.

The farther you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator, and the deeper you moved into multi-dimensionality, the denser and less perfect your creations became, for you had less pure Light substance to work with. Therefore, there is no blame and there should be no feelings of guilt and failure, for each lifetime was designed as a carefully planned learning experience. However, this round of Cosmic Creative Expansion is now coming to a close. It is now time for you to reclaim your Self-mastery and the ability to create things of beauty and harmony in accordance with the original, higher-level Divine plan.

Now that you are aware that you have the power to tap into an unlimited supply of pure Cosmic Life Substance – the Love/Light of all Creation – what are you waiting for? The rejection of your Divine birthright is a travesty, and your Higher Self will not relent in its nudgings to help you awaken and reclaim your royal heritage.

You, the Star Seed Souls, who are leading the way in the Ascension process have reached the furthermost point in your journey of separation, and once more you are deeply immersed in the process of reunion with and integration of the many facets of your Divine Self which are scattered throughout this Sub-Universe.

When you begin to comprehend the true process of Creation, your reality immediately expands into a broader perspective. As a Master-becoming, you will learn to become non-judgmental as you endeavor to develop silent detachment. Over time, you will develop a feeling of being disconnected from everyday drama and events.

A Master speaks less, listens more carefully, and maintains a detached attitude from what is occurring around him/her. You are to seek the serenity within the Sacred Heart. Therein resides your center of Power and Divine Will.

No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you incarnated with in this lifetime, deep within your Soul-self there has always been a burning desire to integrate the many facets of your Beingness, even those facets that resonate to lower frequencies than those you carry in your current Earthly vessel and within your auric field. These are the addictions, false truths and concepts that you have accepted as your own, along with various deep-seated feelings of dislike, vengeance or judgment that you have created in your many Earthly experiences.

However, they must first be healed and harmonized so that they can be filled with Light. In this way, you will not have to experience the discomfort, the challenges or the karmic interactions of these past third/fourth-dimensional experiences, for that is the old way. As you allow your Divine Self to OverLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you.

There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, Dear Ones. What makes your heart smile and your Soul sing? What brings you a deep sense of inner satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge); however, the choice is always yours as to whether or not you wish to develop and make use of the latent gifts with which you have been endowed.

It is imperative that there be Masters of Light / Warriors of Spirit ready to step into leadership roles – those who are willing to boldly lead the way into the new realms of existence that have been prepared for ascending humanity. Are you willing to step to the fore? Are you among those who are ready and willing to guide and direct, to steadfastly hold the focus of the new vision – the new Divine Blueprint for Heaven and Earth – and then to see that it is manifested for the highest good of all?

Remember, my brave Ones, you must draw your cloak of invincibility around you; you must strengthen your resolve and raise your consciousness above the barbs, seeds of doubt and criticism that will be projected toward you. The masses are still bound by the repressive world of duality and the physical form. As their Souls begin to stir and nudge them to awaken, the chasm between the third-, fourth- and fifth-dimensional awareness will widen.

As a result, the energies of resistance, resentment, and rebellion will be spewed forth by those still firmly in the grip of lower frequencies of negativity, limitation and a sense of helplessness. They will experience great fear of the changes taking place. They will resent being pushed out of their comfort zone, even if it is a reality of restriction and suffering. They will attempt to discredit and malign you, but you must not waver. You must stand firm in your integrity, not judging, but radiating loving energy toward all, and taking the stance of a Master by blessing them, and then moving on to more fertile fields.

Be aware that changes are occurring at the deepest cellular level in every species on the Earth plane – no one or no thing is immune to the higher frequencies of Creator Light that are bombarding and penetrating into the deepest core of every person, the Earth and all Creation.

While in a human form, you do not leave the first four dimensions: mineral, vegetable, animal and human planes of consciousness. You must balance and harmonize them back into the designated frequencies of harmony and balance in order to tap into the higher planes of Light. The Universal Laws of manifestation will only allow you to integrate the energetic vibrations of higher dimensions as each lower sub-dimension is returned to the appropriate, harmonious, frequency patterns.

Learning to live consciously will require much discipline in the beginning phase; however, as time passes, you will find that your mind-set has expanded into a more in-depth awareness of what is going on around you and within as well. Leaving the old world behind can be bitter sweet. Remember, you are not coming to a dead end – you are stepping through a portal into a new beginning. You must decide what you wish to take with you into your new world, and you must discern lovingly, but firmly, what you must leave behind.

As you expand your consciousness and tap into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, where the higher frequencies of God-consciousness are stored, your reality will change very quickly. The vital concepts of the Ascension process are what we have been explaining to you over these many past years as we gradually conveyed to you the various teachings and techniques of Self-mastery.

As many of you who have faithfully followed our teachings are aware, each dimensional environment resonates to a specific range of frequency patterns, with each higher dimension vibrating within a more refined octave range. As you made your journey into the void of outer space and into the lower dimensions, to some degree, each level resulted in a separation of consciousness from your Higher Self.

In other words, within your mental body, the frequency patterns for each level of consciousness (or dimension) were stored in what we have termed Light packets of wisdom. These were encased in membranes of Light or a veil which restricted access to the various higher dimensional awareness levels until you were, once again, resonating to that level of consciousness. It is time for the veils of unconsciousness to be lifted, Beloveds, so that you can remember the vastness of who you are, the grand experiences you have had, and the bright future that is before you.

Consciousness/creation/manifestation in the higher realms are fluid and malleable, and are redefined and reconstructed at each higher-dimensional level in order to be compatible with the vibrational patterns of that reality. This is the process that is taking place on Earth, and within and around each human Being on the Earthly plane at this time. The more rigid, fearful and resistant to change a person is, the more difficult the transition process will be for him/her.

Beloveds, you must be willing to let go of those things in your life, which include relationships as well as material things that are no longer compatible with your new State of Being. You will find, as you move swiftly forward and upward on the path of Ascension, that whatever you are leaving behind will be replaced with people and things of a more refined level, which will be much more meaningful and important in your future existence.

It is important that you have a good understanding of these advanced concepts, what they mean and how they affect all Creation in this Sub-Universal experience. It behooves you to seek out and study this information until it is firmly imprinted upon your mind. As you return to Self-mastery and, once more, fully assume your role as co-creators of a new Galactic experience, it is vital that you have a comprehensive understanding of the Universal Laws and how to effectively use your allotment of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. As you release the imbalanced, restrictive life patterns, thoughts and actions of the lower densities, your journey into the higher realms of Light will automatically accelerate.

You can monitor and determine what kind of thought forms you are radiating forth from you by the people you draw into your awareness. Are you experiencing a lot of negative feedback or interaction with those around you? Are you still allowing people to take advantage of you in order to feel worthy? When you share your gifts of abundance and awareness with others, how often do you feel harmonious and loving afterward? How often do you feel resentful or exploited?

We have stressed many times before, “It would be better to not do something for another person than to do it for the wrong reason.” Remember, it is the vibrational patterns that you are projecting that determine the rightness of an action, not the action itself. In the process of returning to balance and harmony, there must be a balance in everything.

There is an energy exchange in every thought you have and everything you do. If you constantly give to another person without receiving some kind of positive energy exchange in return, an imbalance develops which soon manifests as resentment or guilt, and often a sense of superiority or inferiority. It becomes impossible to radiate Unconditional Love to another person under such conditions.

You must learn to enter the silence of Self in order to connect with Spirit. Your Higher Self and God Self are waiting for you to tap into the magical Light stream of Divine consciousness. We sense the yearnings of so many millions of dear Souls who wish to communicate with their Higher Self and with us. We tell you it is not nearly as difficult as most of you believe. All you have to do is state your intention and then practice going into the silence and stillness within so we can clear the pathways and strengthen the connection that is already there – a connection which has atrophied from mis-use or non-use.

We often give you new information that must be accepted or rejected via your gift of discernment. If it is to be accepted as your truth, it must be fully understood and assimilated in order to become a part of your philosophy of life, and then it must be put into practice. It is also important that we convey to you the practical applications of our wisdom teachings so that you will have a good understanding of the cause and effect situations that can arise as you strive to integrate each new level of awareness.

Never forget, the mind can be a competent servant, but without its connection to the Sacred Heart, it can be a controlling and destructive master. That is why it is imperative that you gain access to, activate and empower both the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Mind.

We have taught you how to pray without words by radiating Unconditional Love to humanity, the world and all Creation, and when you add to that thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon you, you are praying in the most effective way possible. As your Sacred Heart comes to life again, it will become more sensitized to the Adamantine Particles flowing into and from your Solar Power center.

You cannot know or feel our Father/Mother God or the Creator through an idea or a nebulous thought or theory. It isn’t enough to just know or think about God, you must feel the Essence, the overwhelming Love of the Creator within your Sacred Heart Center. Then there is no doubt within your mind that you have reconnected with your God-Self and the Oneness of all Creation.

These are times of great change, Beloveds, and you are in the midst of an accelerated process of joining with and integrating the many facets of your Divine Self. Know that the challenges, tests and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the Stars. Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you.

Call on us and we will guide and assist you in every way possible. Be bold and steadfast, my brave Warriors of Peace. Know that I am with you always and you are Loved profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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Learn to Dance in the Storm

yin yangSuzanne Spooner sends along this interesting transcript of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session with a source calling itself “the General.” The source speaks somewhat differently from many sources we may be used to. We’re going to be introduced to so many therapies and tools in the time ahead.Take what you like from it and leave the rest, as my meditation master would say of everything that arises.

The General ~ A QHHT Session Given by Lorna Wilson

Suzanne Spooner, TAUK Messages, Aug. 29, 2013

My QHHT practitioner-friend, Lorna Wilson gave her permission for me to post this two part transcript from two QHHT sessions she did. Lorna lives and works in the UK. Her contact info is at the end of this post.

The back story is that a man had contacted Lorna on behalf of his female friend who kept having dreams where a ‘being’ called ‘The General’ kept coming to her telling her to get moving and hurry up. The woman wanted a session to figure out who this “General” was. This was in August of 2012. The General is very insistent that information like this gets out to the masses. Please share this wherever you feel it can be appreciated. Thank you Lorna for allowing us to share The General’s message ~ Much Love, Suzanne

Here is a short transcript Lorna wrote at the time of the first session with The General.

‘The truth is that everything [is] both light and dark but the world has become too obsessed with this whole light business so be warned that through the upcoming transition we will all know the power, beauty and perfection of the dark. All this positive thinking and ‘be happy’ BS is half of the story. You have been shown through nature and all of creation that light and dark are necessary but you seem to need a storm to change direction in your thinking and so this coming shift will be your storm. Some of you will learn to dance in the storm. The way to prep yourself is to learn to dance in the storm now and everyday, and to see the light in chaos everyday.

With these earth changes people are going to freak out and there will be violence but violence has been a part of humanity for a long time and by now you should know how to handle violence. You just need to be strong very strong and know your truth….know this truth. Because with what’s coming, the people that will make it through will be the ones that can see past the illusion. And those people that won’t will be consumed by their illusion they will be consumed by their own fear.’

~The General

This week Lorna did a second with this session with the same woman and continued her conversation with The General:

The Overall message of this session was – ‘Combine and Conquer’

I was told that this means we have to combine ALL of ourself and move away from separation.

L. Can you clarify that further, please?

G. There has been a shift in energy which means a lot of people are going to start wobbling categorically, and you might have already noticed this…. that some people are having wobbles whereas the people that are on their path already are experiencing a heightened clarification. The people that haven’t been (changing or adapting) – and there is no right or wrong – they are in a state of confusion.

We need to play a bigger game, much much bigger game. Speak to more people…voice your energy. You are not here to be on holiday, swanning off thinking you are here to do what you want to do (this made me laugh out loud). It’s about bringing the shift forward.

L. Yes you told us that before, so what does that look like?

G. (He jokingly says ) Ah, so you want us to do your work as well. It’s not enough just being and bringing energy, you have to spread energy.

You are all like little dragons flying around without fire. (Once again I burst out laughing) This is the volcano that is going to erupt energetically and shake everything, and in fact it’s already started to shake things. We need people to be assertive.

(He shows her pictures of us ‘swanning’ around doing sightseeing stuff, like visitors on this planet ) You need to work, work, work, you’re not here for a holiday.
Because he shows her pictures while speaking through her, I ask for him to show her pictures of what it looks like when we are doing the work. From here-on in I’ll leave out my dialogue and just add his comments.


Understand that half of spirit is showmanship, and to nurture the soul the mind must be entertained. You have the ability to give them what they want to supply them with what they need. What is the biggest selling medium in the world right now? Entertainment is the biggest thing right now and entertainment is the key to shifting this planet. Use the natural given presence and showmanship that you have and dazzle them into belief, rather than convince them. Their souls are yearning for it, crying for it, aching for it, because the world has indoctrinated its people into only being able to be nourished by entertainment. So now entertainment is the only path. (he shows her a picture of ‘sneaking onto the coca cola truck because coca cola goes everywhere in the world’). Use entertainment as the Trojan. The Trojan of love. You are teachers. (At this point he took the conversation personal to us but collectively meaning that all of us volunteers should not be too serious and ponderous with our work, but keep it light hearted to engage all of the senses of the individuals we reach. This was highly entertaining and truly engaged my senses and much laughter.)


You need your ego, without that you have no presence no energy no ability to shift anything forward. Look at all the great men and women on this planet, if they had no ego they wouldn’t have got anywhere. Ego is not the thing to get rid off. If you’re too much like everybody you won’t be a beacon to follow. A beacon has to be different. Be creative, shine and do something different. Melodramatic is a waste of time. Who cares if it’s your ego, so long as you’re doing the work. We don’t care if you say you are the greatest thing on the planet, so long as you are purporting the energy and moving the shift along we don’t care. Have fun with it and be creative. (he shows her some funny pictures of us in action)


We’re all ready moving into the 5th dimension, but most people won’t even notice it happening. The universal laws are changing, time is going to speed up, manifesting is more immediate, and the disillusion of illusion. Not everybody will get it at the same time. Some will stay in the 3D, and some people are needed to teach. Those who are the teachers will shift into the 5th. They are already in the 5th and they pull the others through. You are the teachers. (I ask if the teachers are like a portal) No. The portal is already open and the teachers are saying ‘this way’. You are the pointers, pointing the way forward, and you need to reach more people.


It happened. In the first star gate, and the second, and then the full moon in the middle which was Aquarius and Leo and now the star gate is opened and we are actually in the age of Aquarius. So the illusion, reality, and separation has started to fall down and that is going to freak the s*** out of people, because they are all starting to realize that ‘ you and I and the desk and the heavens and the earth are one’. But they are also starting to realize that they are manifesters, powerful beyond belief and that they are constantly creating their world, through the things going on in their head, and that alone is terrifying them. So it needs to be all wrapped up like ‘you want to abuse your body with chemicals and bad food then your minds going to pay the price, your mind pays the price, then your energy pays the price’.


(She is shown contracts that we signed). Awareness. Take all the stuff in your head and put it out there, the right persons will find their way to you. Make yourself available so people can find you. Build a bigger fire so that people can come sit at the fire and get their transformation. Approach this like a military campaign. (LOL) (He shows her dominoes moving from the center making all the others move outward.) Ask for what you need to be able to do your work. The problem of the duality of being a teacher is finding their balance of being human with the expression and alignment of their purpose.


With the disbandonment of ‘illusion between the God and I, you and me, I am separate from another being, I am separate from nature’, all of that goes away. ‘I have the power to co-create with my life, I believe that I am worthy, I have the tools, I have the necessary power , s*** will happen along the way, that I am to learn something that I am not privy to. I can have the things that I want, and I must intend them, and work towards them, and believe that I am worthy’, (those were given as things that define our thinking). And occasionally get drunk if you want. Live your life empowered to be and experience it fully through your intentions. (Once again I burst out laughing at this unexpected turn and he says) There’s no blow-outs up here so have one down there. LOL


People will just have to come along with that. Don’t worry about that because She takes care of herself. Earth and man is the same, don’t worry about that. What falls from the sky and breaks up the earth like puzzle pieces is within people and is symbolic for what is happening within them. Man himself is breaking up into the puzzle pieces from the energy that’s coming. YOU are going to be just fine.

How do you think, that it’s not happening inside of you? It’s necessary. (He shows her spring, moving into summer and winter, as cyclic change) It’s a natural….do people think the planet is just going to stand still? Ridiculous! This planet is just fine.


It would be stupid not to build them because spirituality has gotten a bit too naive and a bit ‘happy clappy’ . The east has a better idea of destruction and creation, and one would be stupid not to build them.

Especially women today are over-carers, over –naivers, over-givers, but that’ not ‘spiritual’, ‘spiritual’ is the middle. What is spiritual is to give and then stand in your power to want to receive, and with that power you want to have the power to protect. It isn’t about hugging trees and loving everyone, it would be stupid to love someone who doesn’t’ want to do good for you. (This might be in reference to her divorce that has just begun.)


It is all a part of the plan. (He shows her other times of shifts). It’s all needed and the only way your body can withstand it is if you are in your own energetic power, and that’s not by molding yourself into a pretzel and breathing in through your left ear and out through your right nostril (Once again I burst out laughing). It’s about your power as a person. Stepping into your Godliness, into your divine presence and the only way you can do that is if you manage your thoughts. Because the thoughts are the only things that are ….(he shows her an electronic circuit board and tells her) you are always connected. The only thing that puts an (she makes an oomphh sound) in the middle, are fear, doubts, shame, guilt …just rubbish.

You are human and you are going to have to tolerate them (emotions) and the only thing you can do is sit down for a minute, and breathe through them and let them go, and get back in the flow and you will be fine. The only problem you’ll have is that there will be lots of people that as soon as those feelings come on will want to numb it with sex, with drugs, with food, with avoidance. They will need to be taught to connect with the feeling. (He shows her a picture of a dirty house) You wouldn’t expect as soon as you start cleaning that there will be sparkles. When everything is out of the cupboard and looking messy then you will feel uncomfortable for a while. Breathe, take a breath, make a cup of tea, phone a friend, and then just carry on. The world will not collapse because you feel lonely for a minute. If you could hear how many people curse the universe all the time, ‘everything is wrong, I hate my life’ – it’s the private joke up here. We simply say ‘oh tomorrow you will see it different, and then you will be saying ‘oh thank you for this disaster, I now see it differently’. Where is God not?


(She saw a 5 and thought it might mean 2015.) By the time you get there you won’t be bothered. (I think once again that we are not to know times or deadlines)

Here is Lorna’s contact info:

Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete.

My QHHT Website:

TAUK Website:


Dolores Cannon’s website: Dolores developed the process of QHHT.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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