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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/26/2013 1:52:23 AM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 347

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalThe Manuscript of Survival – Part 347, channeled by Aisha North, August 25, 2013 at

As you are well aware of by now, nothing has been left to chance in this operation, and as such, the pressure you feel is nothing to be worried about. As we told you beforehand, be aware of any sort of outbursts now that the assimilation of heightened energy will be perceived as difficult for so many.

And as they seem to be unable to take it all in as they say, the pressure valves will burst and the steam will find its way out in one way or the other, hence the sudden eruptions spewing forth from so many now.

And what spews forth is not the light, rather, it is what the light in itself is pushing out of them. For when the light comes in, nothing can stand in its way, and as such, a whole lot of cleaning is indeed going on on all levels. Both on the internal and personal one, and indeed collectively and throughout the different dimensions that composes this whole energetic matrix that you are all an intrinsic part of.

So know that you are merely seeing and sensing the overload that some are experiencing due to the large amount of light that is literally pouring into their system and causing an evacuation of everything that cannot occupy the same space as this light. For it is indeed this light that sets the tone as it were, for there is nothing that is not of the same vibration that can be in the vicinity of this new and extremely powerful lightforce that is pouring into you all.

So expect some outbursts to occur, both smaller ones, but also some major ones that will literally blow the lid of so much that has seemed to be under lock and key forever. So do not stand in the way of these eruptions, lest they take you with them and shake you up too much as they exit out. For remember, whatever comes out from hiding now can never go back in, and as such, you can all wave it goodbye. For this time, and exit is simply that, a one way ticket OUT and with no option for revoking it. In other words, what is leaving now, is doing so for good and will never be able to return to taint these pristine waters ever again.

So stay centered, and know that all is well, but also stay alert for any signals of eruptions coming your way. Better to duck and take cover than to face any blasts face on, for they have nothing to do with you and your journey, but everything to do with what has been but can no longer linger. But you are here to stay dear ones, and you are here to prosper and grow as so much of this old goo is being jettisoned out into the ethers to be reused for much better purposes.

As we have told you before, all of this negative energy will not simply be taken out and locked away somewhere. No, it will be used as an active ingredient, and a very positive one indeed, for the evolution of your species. For anything that is old and seemingly dead because of its low and too dense vibration can and will be recycled as a building material for the light. It may sound odd, but in Creation, nothing is considered as waste, and everything lasts forever – albeit in an altered state.

So once again we say breathe, and know that even if there might be some foul breaths wafting your way, they cannot harm you. In fact, they will only serve to help and aid you in all sort of ways you will have a hard time understanding at the moment. So behold as the light makes even the densest of materials light enough to become a part of this brand new world we are all building up together.

But also remember, the denser materials in their current state is of no help to anyone, least of all to those that still cling to it like a liferaft on these high seas. They will find themselves sinking quickly as their buoy turns to a dead weight and pulls them under, as the light will make any form of trickery and illusion impossible to uphold.

So stay in your center, and know that you have what it takes to keep floating forever in that tranquil sea of light you have already made possible just by your very presence. For that, we cannot thank you enough, but for now, we will just say fare thee well for now, and know that you are being born aloft by a power so strong, nothing will be able to drag you under ever again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/26/2013 1:57:37 AM

David Wilcock: Confirmed – US Military Alliance Defeating Federal Reserve

anonymous_maskStephen: I’ve grabbed the intro and two short excerpts from this latest post by David, To read the entire article head to his Divine Cosmos site. Link at end.

By David Wilcock – August 22/23, 2013

Dramatic new evidence reveals that a secret alliance of US military personnel are working to expose and defeat the Federal Reserve — and the occult cabal of bankers and industrialists who run it.David Wilcock headshot

The hacker group Anonymous has now gone public with its connection to the US military.

Vital new historical insights into this alliance are also presented here — for the first time in well over a decade.

More surprises are very likely to be in store. These new developments were predicted in David’s new book, now available for you to read!

Excerpt 1 - Spectacularly Positive Changes are Rapidly Approaching

Is there any hope for humanity? Or are we doomed — heading into a bottomless pit from which there is no escape?

A wealth of solid, provable evidence reveals that we are indeed on the brink of spectacular changes — for the positive.

Comprehensive new evidence has exposed a natural cycle that affects human behavior — on an individual and collective level.

This cycle is older than the Earth itself — and is written into the basic laws of space, time, matter and energy.

The positive outcome of the events we are now seeing will be generated by laws as consistent and absolute as gravity itself.

The idea of cyclical time is nothing new — but the science to prove that it is real, and how much it affects us, certainly is.

Synchronicity is not only happening in our own lives, such as through the Law of Karma. It is affecting us on a global level as well.

Excerpt 2: A Mega-Event May be Soon at Hand

There are many indications that we are soon heading into a mega-event — where vast changes will occur in a short period of time.

I am continuing to have very intense dreams about an imminent future event — and insider testimony mirrors the intuitive data.

This event has already begun, thanks to the NSA disclosures — but it will very likely become far more dramatic as the weeks roll on.

I do believe the results of this will be extremely positive — though it may cause genuine fear when the biggest events first start happening.

There will also be a mass grief process to go through as people come to grips with the truth of the planetary elite who were running the show.

To read David’s entire post head here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/26/2013 2:02:18 AM
Thanks for the kind feedback, Hafiz. You have hit the nail right on the head.

It is really a very very appreciated task by Patrick McConlogue! Everyone should appreciate him and follow him or at least stop criticizing him. Most of us, while pass homeless, don't look at them at all. We are not ready to understand their misery. But this man did. So try to follow him..

NYC Engineer Wants to Help Homeless Man With Software Coding Classes

By JOANNA STERN | Good Morning AmericaFri, Aug 23, 2013 2:51 PM EDT

Good Morning America - NYC Engineer Wants to Help Homeless Man With Software Coding Classes (ABC News)

Patrick McConlogue is a lot like the many others working in the New York tech scene. Every morning, he walks to work, passing a few homeless people on the streets, and then spends the rest of his day at a computer, writing software code for a 35-person startup.

But the 23-year-old engineer didn't think those two parts of his day had to stay separate. Earlier this week, he made an offer to one of those homeless men.

"I walk by a homeless guy every day on the way to work and I get this feeling every day that he is a smart guy -- he has books and he writes," McConlogue told ABC News. "I was trying to think of a way to engage him and help him."

McConlogue approached Leo, a 36-year man who lives on the streets of lower Manhattan, on Thursday and gave him two options.

The first was $100 in cash.

"I figured that was enough for a ticket some place or a few meals, if that's what he wanted," McConlogue said.

The second option on the table was a laptop, three JavaScript books and two months of coding instruction from McConlogue.

After hearing the offer, Leo, who McConlogue described as very articulate and gifted, especially in on the topic of environmental issues, decided to take the coding option.

"I want to spread knowledge and information about climate change and global warming," Leo told ABC News in a phone interview facilitated by McConlogue.

Soon, McConlogue will deliver him a Samsung Chromebook with 3G connectivity, three JavaScript books, a solar charger for the laptop and something to conceal the laptop in. He will spend an hour before work every morning teaching him the basics of software coding.

McConlogue began documenting his plans to help Leo on the blogging platform Medium earlier this week and has seen a mix of reactions.

The technology community, in particular, was critical of his first post, which was titled, "Finding the unjustly homeless, and teaching them to code." Many commenters criticized McConlogue for using the word "unjust," which he admitted was a poor word choice.

Still, some writers heavily criticized McConlogue's effort beyond that.

Techcrunch editor-in-chief Alexia Tsotsis said McConlogue was "tone-deaf" and that his plan demonstrated "a profound cluelessness about poverty and the disenfranchised."

Slate's Matthew Yglesias argued that housing, not coding, is the first step in fixing homelessness.

Then, Slate's Will Oremus called him a "naive techie."

But along with the critics, there were those who supported his effort. More than 1,200 people have liked the "Journeyman" Facebook page McConlogue has set up about the project and he said he has even heard from some previously homeless individuals who see the effort as useful.

Leo himself, who is aware of the online chatter, said that he is understanding of the criticism. "It's America, people have the right to have their opinions," he said. "It's the Internet, people have the right to post what they want. I agree to disagree." When asked about housing Leo said that he thought "housing was great for people who want to be put in housing, for people who want and need it."

Ultimately, McConlogue says he is offering what he can right now to help.

"Being able to code will help him do some of the things he wants to do," McConlogue said. "The negative feedback is that you should give him housing and food. My thought is that technology will do a better job connecting him, in the long term, to what he wants."

McConlogue plans to keep blogging about the experience on Medium and Leo himself will write the next post. He said he doesn't have plans to do anything with the larger homeless community at this point, however.

"I've tried to build products for the many before, but I wonder if this new generation is building projects for the power of one," he said. "I am going to do a really good job with this guy. I will learn from him, maybe even more than he learns from me."

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/26/2013 2:06:39 AM

Organic Solar Cells that Collect Energy Like Plants


Thanks to Lance

By Jonathan Benson, Natural News – August 13, 2013

A cohort of scientists from the U.S. and Great Britain have made a breakthrough discovery with regards to solar technology that could revolutionize the way we harvest light for energy.

Known as organic solar technology, special cells designed to convert light into energy in the same way that plants do via photosynthesis are set to become a whole lot more efficient as a result of some new tweaks, which means their potential for inexpensive, large-scale use is soon on the horizon.

For years, technologists have been trying to improve the conversion efficiency of solar cells, as all across the board conversion rates have traditionally been low. Typical silicon-based solar cells today, for instance, achieve between 20 and 25 percent energy efficiency, while emerging organic solar cells achieve only about half this amount, or 12 percent efficiency. To make these technologies beneficial on a commercial scale, conversion rates obviously need to be as high as possible.

This is where researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Washington may have come up with a viable solution. After using a special, laser-based technology to carefully evaluate the way electrons function inside organic solar cells, the multinational team learned some electrons devolve into a catatonic state where they no longer possess energy. Some electrons fall into this “hole,” they found, as a result of variant “spin.”

“‘Spin’ is a property of particles related to their angular momentum, with electrons coming in two flavors, ‘spin-up’ or ‘spin-down,’” explains Science Daily about the findings. “Electrons in solar cells can be lost through a process called ‘recombination,’ where electrons lose their energy — or ‘excitation’ state — and fall back into an empty state known as the ‘hole.’”

Finding: Conversion efficiency can be increased by rewiring electrical current pathways

After pinning down how electrons normally function within an organic solar cell, effectively keeping conversion efficiency rates low, the team figured out that electron spin can be altered to improve these rates. By arranging electrons in a certain way, researchers found that electrons can be prevented from collapsing through recombination, a modality that has the potential to make organic solar technology extremely viable in the near future.

“This discovery is very exciting, as we can now harness spin physics to improve solar cells, something we had previously not thought possible,” says Dr. Akshay Rao, a Research Fellow at the Cavendish Laboratory and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and one of the lead authors of the study. “We should see new materials and solar cells that make use of this very soon.”

Though “organic” in name, the new technology still requires the use of synthetic, high-performance polymer materials to capture and convert light. But the good news is that the materials needed for the cells can be produced relatively quickly and inexpensively, which will put them more in reach of the general population on an average family budget.

“These materials can be printed like newspaper and manufactured into rolls of film like plastic wrap, so they could have a significant manufacturing cost advantage over traditional materials like silicon,” says David Ginger, a professor of chemistry at the University of Cambridge and co-author of a new study on the technology recently published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nature.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/26/2013 2:11:55 AM

Dreamers work to create huge new park in Delhi

In this Friday, June 7, 2013 photo, Indian laborers work to renovate the Neela Gumbad, or Blue Tomb, as part of a project for the creation of a mammoth, iconic park that would rival New York's Central Park as a refuge from urban chaos, in New Delhi, India. To create that park would require the merger of a string of adjoining gardens, heritage areas and a zoo administered by different government agencies, an incredibly complicated task in a land where bureaucratic turfs are fiercely protected. It would be 1,200 acres, considerably larger than Central Park. It would encompass one of the most impressive collections of medieval Islamic monuments, anchored by the grandiose tomb of Emperor Humayun, a 16th Century prototype for the Taj Mahal. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)
Associated Press
18 minutes ago

NEW DELHI (AP) — In a tangle of forgotten, overgrown brush in the heart of India's capital, a quiet plan has been hatched to change the landscape of one of the world's most populous cities.

An intricate Mughal garden is being created. Crumbling sandstone tombs nearly lost to history are being rebuilt. An artificial lake is being carved out. The renovation of Sunder Nursery is intended to serve as the catalyst for an even more ambitious project: the creation of a mammoth, iconic park that would rival New York's Central Park as a refuge from urban chaos.

"It would be the place where the city descends. It would be an oasis," said Ratish Nanda, project director for the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, and the driving force behind the dream of a mega-park.

To create that park would require the merger of a string of adjoining gardens, heritage areas and a zoo administered by different government agencies, an incredibly complicated task in a land where bureaucratic turfs are fiercely protected. And though some officials are beginning to discuss the plan, no formal proposal has been formulated.

But sometimes in India, it takes tenacious dreamers like Nanda to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Nanda and the Aga Khan Trust have taken on seemingly impossible tasks before. They helped wrest a 17 acre compound in the area, along with a large monument, from India's version of the Boy Scouts. They are currently fighting with railways officials to get them to remove a storeroom blocking access to another monument.

"One single man has to be there, to strive, to go out and achieve this," said Ashok Khurana, a powerful supporter and the recently retired head of Delhi's Central Public Works Department, one of the many agencies that would need to work together to create the giant park.

The payoff would be considerable. Delhi, with a population of about 17 million, is a surprisingly green city, with small parks dotting many neighborhoods and Lodhi Gardens — with a clutch of crumbling monuments of its own — attracting speed walkers and picnickers in upscale south Delhi.

The mega-park would tower over them all.

It would be 480 hectares (1,200 acres), considerably larger than Central Park. It would have 100,000 trees of more than 300 species, Nanda said. It would encompass one of the most impressive collections of medieval Islamic monuments, anchored by the grandiose tomb of Emperor Humayun, a 16th Century prototype for the Taj Mahal. It would have an ancient fort, a Buddhist stupa, flocks of exotic birds and white tigers in the zoo.

Nanda imagines families rolling out carpets on the grass in the winter and enjoying a book in the shade of a tree in the summer. He imagines people touring the tombs or just crossing the park on their daily commutes.

The heart of the dream is the restoration of Sunder Nursery, a 40-hectare (100-acre) field adjacent to Humayun's Tomb, both of which are being restored by the Aga Khan's trust. The nursery was founded by British colonists to grow experimental plants. In recent years it was barely functioning, became a dumping ground for construction waste, and was visited by a few hundred people a month.

The trust fought back a government plan to cut the nursery in half — and destroy a garden tomb — to make way for a major road planned for the 2010 Commonwealth Games, Nanda said. It had to remove 1,000 truckloads of construction rubble scattered about the fields.

It restored the 500-year-old Sunderwala Burj tomb from a gray building patched with concrete to the striking burnt orange sandstone and white lime mortar of its original design. A dozen other monuments in the nursery stand testament to the era, half a millennium ago, when the Islamic Mughal emperors from Central Asia ruled over a vast swathe of the Indian subcontinent.

The Sunderwala Burj stands at the entrance to a Mughal garden being built under the inspiration of Persian carpet designs, with squares of grass and flower beds bordering a thin pond that will send water flowing into narrow channels and over intricately carved stone patterns.

Nearby, workers have dug a reservoir to be filled with fish swimming in water from a specially built treatment plant. That water will also flow through streams into areas forested with plants from Delhi's different habitats. There is an amphitheater and a bonsai pavilion and plans for a restaurant.

Peacocks wander through the thick grass, one of the 56 bird species in the nursery.

"That was a kingfisher," Nanda said excitedly as he gave a tour. He pointed to a Mughal-era lotus pond being excavated. To the first fruits growing on a young lemon tree. To the new rose garden and the bright white and red edifice of the newly restored Lakkarwala Burj monument.

"This is beautiful. This is how it's meant to be. Look at this parapet, it's like a jewel," he said.

The nursery project, he said, is intended to turn what had been a dead zone "into a thriving ecological hub."

"The idea here is that this is a magical space that takes people away from the humdrum of daily life," he said.

But this is just a small step he hopes will create a creeping momentum toward the larger park.

He is already eyeing the crumbling Azimnganj Sarai, an early 16th Century pilgrim's motel just outside the nursery on zoo land. The Mughal garden, in fact the entire design of the nursery, points directly at the sarai, and he is hoping to get permission to restore it and add it to the park. That would bring him a small step closer to the mega-park dream.

That park, as envisioned by Nanda and his colleagues, would start with Humayun's Tomb and its complex of gardens and monuments. Just to the north is the nursery, then the national zoo, then the Purana Qila, the oldest fort in the city. Running alongside all this is the narrow Millennium Park, which borders the Yamuna River. These areas are so cut off now that a trip from Humayun's Tomb to Millennium Park, only about 100 meters (yards) away, would take 5 1/2 kilometers (3 miles).

"These are all things that have been originally linked and these artificial boundaries are just silly," Nanda said, pointing to the walls around a cluster of monuments.

He fears, however, the struggle of getting government agencies to cooperate.

"It takes centuries to get anything done here," he said.

The Archaeological Survey of India runs Humayun's Tomb and the Purana Qila. Delhi's Central Public Works Department controls the nursery. The environment ministry controls the zoo and the Delhi Development Authority runs Millennium Park. Even the railways have land involved.

The agencies would have to pool their budgets, pull down their walls, work together to provide parking and maintenance.

Mohammad Shaheer, a landscape architect who worked on the nursery, said the draw of creating such a unique space where residents of this city of migrants could interact and create memories will be irresistible.

Pravin Srivastava, the director general of the Archaeological Survey of India, said the recent renovation at Humayun's Tomb, which involved about a dozen different agencies, proved such cooperation was possible.

"Everyone has their perceived priorities and their way of functioning. Getting around those certain blocks and mindsets is something that needs to be addressed," he said. Yet he predicted the new park could be inaugurated within five years.

"It can, and it should," he said.

Khurana, the former head of CPWD, predicted the park would be a tourist magnet with 20,000 to 30,000 visitors a day.

"The mindset is, everyone wants it," he said. "When the heart is willing, everything is OK."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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