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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/23/2013 6:05:37 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 272

As channeled by Aisha North – February 22, 2013

The time of reckoning has in many ways already been here for quite some time now, dear ones, as you feel yourselves being pushed and pulled by the intensity of the incoming waves of energetic uploads.

And when we say reckoning, we do not refer to some biblical scourge that has been oft prophesied, no, we refer to the fact that you have all digged so deep within yourselves now that you are almost scraping the bottom of the old container, searching for any lost clues as to what you really are.

For what you are not has become more clear to you now, as you feel the sense of separation from the so called ”normal” world out there becoming more and more pronounced. And as such, the feeling of hovering over a deep abyss, walking precariously on a flimsly structure you have build purely on faith may be strong.

For you have willingly abandoned everything that the rest of mankind seem to think is the normal way to live, but as yet, you have no clear understanding of what you have waiting for you ahead. For there are little or no clues as to what you are already starting to manifest, as it is in so many ways literally invisible to the outside world.

So yes, you are indeed taking the biggest leap of faith there is, for you have chosen to sever the bonds that tie you to the old without any clear idea as to what you are going towards. Or rather, deep within you know what you want and you know what you will achieve, but as this is still very much undetectable to the normal senses, you have little but a deep longing within to navigate by. And as such, the feeling of overwhelming insecurity may pop up at any time, and you get a sense of bewilderment, a sense of ”have I done a wise choice here?”, and sometimes, that feeling can be very difficult to shake off.

That is more than understandable, because you have chosen to be the wayshowers in this. You are, as we have talked about so many times before, travelling through unchartered terrain. So you will find no footprints to follow in the wake of, there are no clear markers pointing out the right direction, and there is nothing there telling you just how far it is to go before you reach your goal.

So you will at times feel lost, like a babe in the woods to use an expression you might be familiar with, and the temptation to maybe call it quits and retrace your own footsteps may become almost overpowering at times. But if you actually stop to think about it, you will realize that there is nothing to return to. For the old world that you left is not a place you could even consider returning to. It is not the place for you anymore, because it is a place that holds nothing you could deem as positive. So there you stand, seemingly in the thick of it, with nothing showing you where to go ahead, and no sense of wanting to return to what you have left behind.

It is indeed at times like these you need to gather your senses and try to connect not only with your own center, but also with the network of fellow travellers that are all stepping ahead towards the same ultimate goal as yourself. For you need to reassure each other that you are not lost. In fact, you have a homing beacon within that is so strong you cannot override it no matter how hard you try, and you will find your way, even when you feel literally like you are walking blindfolded in the darkest of despair.

For you are within inches of finding that glade where you will finally be able to see what you already know in your heart is there, and we do not say this to try to pull any wool over your eyes yet again. For you are going strong, even when you feel weaker than weak, and as such, we would like you to feel the strength that you emit by mentally joining yourselves to all of the others out there being pulled along by that same strong force as you. For you are beacons of light, and even if the neck of the woods that you are traveling through may seem to be on the dense side at the moment, you will see your own light reflected in the eyes of the others out there.

So seek their company, and you can do this literally from the comfort of your own home. For you have a calling within you that is so strong, and this calling is the same that is ringing in the hearts of all the others that have tuned into the same channel that they have within. And when you sit down to listen to this inner channel, you will indeed hear the voices of all of your fellow men and women humming along with it.

So please take some time to sit down in solitude and tune into this choir that you yourself is such a prominent member of. Then you will be reassured by the clarity of your voices, and you will be better able to discern the power you all emit. Hopefully, it will make the last stretch of this ”jungle trip” a little bit easier to complete, because you will know in your heart of hearts that not only are you walking in the perfect direction, you are doing it in the company of a multitude of other shining beings, spanning your globe in an intricate network of shining paths, all converging towards the same goal.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/23/2013 6:07:19 PM

Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” – Part 3

being penetrated(continued from Part 2.)

You don’t feel like doing anything.

You are in a rest period, ‘rebooting’. Your body knows what it needs. During this time you may feel as though you have lost your passion and joy and don’t know what in the world you want to do with your life and don’t really care! This phase occurs when we are realigning.

At higher levels much is realigning as well. Things are being put into position so that all will be ready when you move forward again. In addition, when we begin reaching the higher realms, doing and making things happen becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing.

Ask the Universe to bring you what you want while you cannot do it for yourself. And know that you are always being taken care of during the ascension process, even if it does not feel like it at times.

Those in the physical going through this process are very highly revered by all the cosmos. We are most certainly being watched over.

A wanting to go Home, as if everything is OVER and you don’t belong here anymore.

As we’re returning to Source, everything is over. (But many of us are staying to experience and create the New World.) Also, our old plans for coming have been completed.

We are basically done with our prior incarnation that involved raising the frequency of the planet with a goal of reaching critical mass. We achieved a lot of this through transmuting the darker and denser energies through ourselves. Now we don’t have to do that anymore and may feel like we simply want out of here and away from that experience.

What is coming next is simply divine and does not remotely resemble the first phase.

A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences.

One of the most basic and prevalent experiences in the higher realms invloves the Law of Attraction. Like energies always attract like and similar energies. This relates to the dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always be matched with what and how we are vibrating.

As we go higher and higher, this phenomenon becomes much more magnified and also becomes one of the basic cores of our reality and existence. Through the ascension process we evolving beyond what we used to be, and therefore the people and surroundings that no longer match our vibration simply leave our space.

This can sometimes occur rather dramatically or at times through a simple desire resulting from the inability to relate to them like we used to. When an energy shift occurs, it can feel as though a bomb has been dropped and everything in our world has been scattered from here to there.

Eventually we realign with the New. When the New arrives, you will feel so-o-o-o much better!

You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful.

Same as above. You’re no longer a fit and it’s time to move on to a much higher vibrating way of living, being, and creating.

Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction.

When this occurs, your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do! Your soul is breaking your rut choices and vibration. Our souls always know more than we do.

During January of 2006, we experienced what I dubbed “ascension shock.” At higher levels we had a specific plan and timeline. If we were a bit behind, we ended up experiencing our pre-plan whether we were ready or not. This placed us in sudden and immediate new circumstances so that we would be poised for what we needed to do next.

Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m.

Much is going on in your dream state. You can’t be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the ‘cleansing and releasing’ hour.

[KS: Steve Rother has referred to this phenomenon as “the 3:00 AM club” (7) due to the high numbers of people reporting that they are or have been waking at exactly 3 am. He also notes, as did Seth, that sleeping patterns in general will be changing from one long sleep period to 3 hours of sleep, then 2 hours of wakefulness, followed by 2 or 3 more hours of sleep.

Steve adds: “When we awaken in the middle of the night we’re not only in enhanced awareness, but we’re also in an enhanced state of creation. In this state, our ability to transform our thoughts into reality is greatly increased. The challenge is to become conscious of what we are thinking about, and therefore what we are creating. Instead many simply allow their thoughts to flow from them by default, thereby creating realities that are not really to their liking.” (8)

Meaning .. if you worry about not being able to sleep, and worry during this period that you are going to be tired in the morning because you can’t get enough rest, you’ll only be adding to the likelihood that you are going to be tired in the morning.

A much more useful plan is to enjoy the enhanced creativity and tell yourself instead that you’re going to be invigorated and energized by this period of heightened awareness and creativity. Then be amazed at the result!]

Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings.

Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.

[KS: This was a prolonged and extremely difficult period for me to weather, exacerbated by not knowing why I was feeling this way. Crowds were intolerable for me, as were bright lights and loud noises of any kind. I have always been less tolerant of this type of external stimulus than most, but I was totally unprepared for just how sensitive I would become.

As I have travelled the path, though, this behavior has cleared to such a degree that I am far more tolerant of external stimuli than before the ascension symptoms began. It does get better!]

You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many ‘worst nightmare’ aspects to it.

Your soul is guiding you into ‘stretching’ into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into ‘toning down’ aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself.

Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren’t ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.

Other symptoms:

Humming and/or ringing in the ears.

This is not Tinnitus, though it feels like it might be.

“The other thing that will be happening very soon as a result of all the things that you are moving through, is that your ears will take another step into change. Some of you will hear ringing that will go on and on and on and on. Take it as a vibrational imprint for it simply means that you are vibrating in harmonics with a new alternate reality which is very close to yours.” (9)

From Archangel Michael

“Oh, do not think that you cannot hear the sound of your collective or of your planet! You are always hearing the sound of the universe, that high-pitched ringing in your ears.” (10)

Steve Beckow devoted an entire article to these humming and ringing sensations noting:

“So if you’re hearing the blessed sound of Aum as a ringing in your ears, rejoice. Welcome it. Talk to it. Say, ‘Hello, Mother. What are your wishes for me today?’ or ‘What are you bringing me today?’ Listen to it and allow it to grow within your consciousness. Hearing the sound of the universal motor is a great blessing indeed.” (11)

Denise LeFay lists a few symptoms not previously covered (12):

  • repeated intense inner body heat “hot flashes”, hands and/or bottoms of feet extremely hot, spine, back, head, entire body heat
  • extreme sweating with every Kundalini hot flash
  • repeated cold flashes, inner body cold spots, certain chakra areas turn cold for periods
  • inner body electrical-like vibrations, buzzing, inner shaking, slowly moving inner energy vibrations
  • extra electricity in your body, constantly getting zapped when you touch things
  • muscle spasms, twitching, itching, strange sensations on or under the skin, nerve sensitivity
  • nightmares, archetypal dreams, lucid dreams
  • repeatedly coming awake at specific times of the night–1:11, 3:00, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 AM etc.

About these symptoms Denise commented:

“Again, fear not because it’s a positive sign of our compressed evolution, our expanding consciousness and all the positive things that naturally comes with it.” (13)

So what does all this mean? Simply that we all evolving, and doing so at unprecedented rates. These changes are interpreted by our physical senses and can have the appearance of coming out of nowhere for no reason. There will be commonalities and also differences in how these changes are interpreted by our physical senses.

The difficulty arises because we are so tuned, so programmed, that whenever anything out of the ordinary occurs in our body, we worry about it. When we notice something out of the ordinary we have a learned drive to know what it is, why it is, and how to be rid of it so that we can get on to being “normal” again. What we’re beginning to realize is that even what constitutes normal is changing. Indeed there may never be a “normal” again.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember from all of this information is to stay out of fear. If what you are experiencing is frightening, or you suspect in any way that you require medical attention by all means seek medical help.

At the very least you may find out that there is nothing wrong and/or that nothing was found, and that should reduce the fear considerably. Reducing the fear is all important.

I hope you will take solace from this comment from Saul:

“At present you are all undergoing a massive expansion and strengthening of your individual energy fields to prepare you for your return to Reality. Spending time in the illusion has enormously weakened you, a bit like becoming sick and bedridden, where you have needed to rebuild your health and strength before being able to operate normally once more. You have become unbalanced, inharmonious, out of tune, and are now going through a period of what can only be described as expert restoration and renewal, after years of inappropriate storage, or even thoughtless abuse.

“Those of you who are experiencing constant tiredness, exhaustion, or energy depletion are at the forefront of the restoration and renewal program. It is very draining and depressing for you as you struggle with the problems of making even the most simple decisions in your daily lives, things that were previously a breeze. Know that you are greatly honored, intensely supported, and dearly loved, and that this ongoing sensation of being completely alone as you force yourselves to maintain your optimism, and discount and disregard your doubts and anxieties, is akin to that very deep dark period before the dawn.” (14)


(1) Matthew’s Message, Jan 4, 2012, at

(2) Steve Rother and the group, Beacons of Light, July 15, 2009

(3) Archangel Michael and St. Germain through Goldenlight, Feb 6, 2013

(4) Mira the Pleiadian, June 20, 2011

(5) Karen Bishop, Ascension Primer,, Inc. 2006, c2006

(6) Karen Bishop, Gamma Books,

(7) Steve Rother, Spiritual Psychology, Lightworker Publications: Second Edition, March 2006, 56-57

(8) ibid, 58

(9) Steve Rother and the group, Beacons of Light, Sep. 15, 2004

(10) Archangel Michael, An Hour with An Angel, Jan. 23, 21012

(11) Steve Beckow, “What is That Ringing in My Ears?” at

(12) Denise LeFay, Inner Body Vibrations and Other Unusual Symptoms, Aug 2, 2011

(13) loc. cit.

(14) Saul through John Smallman, Sep 2, 2012

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2013 10:20:23 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Channeling and Strengthening Connections


77background.jpgAs a channel, I’m beginning to be able to see how I personally receive the impressions I’m being given from the higher realms. With any one thing said that’s funneled-through an Earthly scribe, there are a plethora of ways the scribe can receive the message and the mind, while having its influence subdued, does help to interpret and translate the impressions into the scribe’s native language.

When we receive any impression, the natural instrument and translator that is our mind will find as many phrases or words as possible it is familiar with, to communicate what the souls delivering the message wish to bring forth. It is so interesting to notice the dynamic between an influentially-subdued mind and an open and receptive heart when bringing through a channeled communication.

Thinking about the manner in which the higher dimensional sources speaking to humanity come through, I find the entire process very interesting.

For the most part, I find myself away from any physical perception of the reality around me, and I simply sit and Be while another comes through and offers their impressions and advice. I can feel everything being said in a shallow sense, but I don’t quite have a comprehension of what’s being communicated through me and I’m unable to remember what’s said in a communication even right after I’m done channeling it.

At times, I have felt myself in entirely different astral locations while a communication was being brought forth. I remember that happening all of the time when I used to give readings, and it’s been happening more and more as of late.

As the sources delivering their communications to humanity have begun to speak to, we are constantly receiving energies and encoded impressions from those very sources and from our higher selves, which we can begin to decode and interpret. For some, this connection is fashioned into a commitment to delivering higher dimensional communications through themselves. For others, this connection remains more personal and is used for assistance along their personal Life paths.

I’ve begun to find an easy and clear access to the higher realms and to nearly any soul who wishes to communicate, in nearly every moment. While the beginning of the year was powerful enough on its own, the subtle and not so subtle effects of the ongoing descent of the higher realms unto our surface are certainly making themselves known.

Again; I’ve been able to establish what seems to be a very clear connection to the souls coming through me in every moment, and I’ve been able to receive specific assistance from them that has helped enormously along my path.

I’m getting the increasing feeling that each of us will begin to tap into and discover a real and lasting connection with our inner-realms that could come in the form of personal introductions to our guides and the facets of our higher selves assisting us. As we continue to open up and discover so much about ourselves that we’ve been taught to believe is illusory, we will discover that the very reality we’ve believe was real and fixed for so long is actually the illusion.

As I have, we will find our faith tested and the sheer lower dimensionality of this experience could weigh us down as it always has, but we are discovering an existence that is so much better and purer than what we’re going through currently and in so many of us, the desire has been bred to bring this future forth in any ways possible.

If my personal perspective can remain positive in every moment beyond the surfacing of negativity needing to be transmuted, I know that I can thrive in this time even more than I already feel I’ve been able to. You can too, but the flattened, negative perspectives that tend to latch onto us at times will teach us we can’t.

Our egos will try to make us think we cannot attain happiness in any given moment, but an opened heart will introduce us to so much Love and so many pure and uplifted feelings and emotions, that we will see this illusory reality for what it truly is.

More and more I’ve been receiving subtle yet noticeable impressions of places I can slightly remember myself inhabiting during past experiences. Higher dimensional places that I can barely recognize as I receive impressions of them are coming through to remind me they exist, and as I continue to discover the sheer beauty of this land around me, I am discovering as well that there are many places around here I carry strong memories of, for reasons I have not yet figured out.

In a sense, everything is opening up at present and each of us can find our expansively-opened hearts at this time and again, thrive from that connection. Of course, the drive towork work work away helping to anchor the higher realms we’re all beginning to feel is stronger than ever for me personally, and I’m finding myself wishing to be able to give or do more every day to strengthen this movement more than it has already been strengthened.

I’ve been given the idea of offering slightly-shorter messages at times for the benefit and ease of you readers, and for my own benefit and ease as well. Doing so will strengthen my personal ability to produce communications a bit more often than usual, and there is no sense keeping myself or any of you winded working upon or reading staggeringly-long messages that are intended to uplift and assist.

Of course, I still feel that drive to give as much as possible and cannot speak to how committed I will be to shortening the communications, but I’m sure that a tad less information couldn’t hurt. This connection that has strengthened so much is inviting a daily access to energies and information that are just dazzling, and my desire is to share as much by and through me as possible for anybody who resonates with it to hopefully benefit from.

So, this is where I am at this moment. Temptation to feed negativity or play-into difficulty or depletion are as strong as they ever were, but I’m finding myself able to realize when their influence is attempting to permeate my perspective and I’ve been able to learn from each lesson I undergo. Growth and awareness is being facilitated on a massive level right now and while we may experience or feed difficulty at present, we will come to find that experiencing and feeding the higher realms is much easier.

Wes Annac – Speaking from a place of growing understanding

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2013 10:30:29 PM

Poofness 2-24-13…”The Time of the Woman…Again!”… “Will they do it now?… YES, Now.”

poofness_matura_font_blue56Sounds as if Poof is pretty sure. “…Will they do it now?… YES, Now.”


  • It took the women to bring all to it’s fruition to kick this world into it’s future.
  • The first light is shining thru the crack of the vault door.
  • The Alpha/omega point in human history has arrived and we’ll live thru it… Scarcely believing what we see with our own eyes.
  • Turn your back on the past and entertain it no longer.
  • The silence is from the collective breathe being held across the planet…will they do it now?… YES, Now.


Poofness 2-24-13…”The Time of the Woman…Again!”

Greetings and Salutations;

It took the women to bring all to it’s fruition to kick this world into it’s future. Enough hunger, poverty, wars, and political non speak. The first light is shining thru the crack of the vault door. There’s a whole lot more than money on the other side of it. Preparation for your arrival is what took sooooo long. Freedom in its’ ultimate sense was always the goal all for humanity as a whole. It always was possible but some intestinal fortitude was required. The Alpha/omega point in human history has arrived and we’ll live thru it….Scarcely believing what we see with our own eyes. We quickly arrive in the world of Knowing and leave ‘Beliefs’ behind. Turn your back on the past and entertain it no longer. The history books will be re-written for the children and some adults to get the real history of he US.

The silence is from the collective breathe being held across the planet…will they do it now? This time? Waiting to exhale, from the massive ‘in breath’. Really, Now? YES, Now.
Peace out

Consultations until my door bell rings. Then I shut up like it went thru a black hole.lolol

Greetings and Salutations,

Poofness []


John Lee Hooker

Boom boom boom boom
I’m gonna shoot you right down,
right offa your feet
Take you home with me,
put you in my house
Boom boom boom boom
A-haw haw haw haw
Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm

I love to see you strut,
up and down the floor
When you talking to me,
that baby talk
I like it like that
Whoa, yeah!
Talk that talk, walk that walk

When she walk that walk,
and talk that talk,
and whisper in my ear,
tell me that you love me
I love that talk
When you talk like that,
you knocks me out,
right off of my feet
Hoo hoo hoo

Talk that talk, and walk that walk

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2013 10:34:55 PM

Reshel and the Galactic Council of Light via Pat Crosby: A Grand Remixing is Underway – Hold On – It WILL Get Better!

lightgridAs channeled by Pat Crosby – February 17, 2013

Alice C: Pat Crosby is known for her work with the planetary Light (Reshel) Grids, you can read more about these here:

Q: Why is everything so unsettled right now? Why can’t we seem to make any plans that stick? It seems everything is constantly moving around. What’s up?

A: Beloveds,

Since the turning of the ages has gone through its cycle, in the event that you call the 2012 finale, there are huge new energy waves impacting your planet ~ and, of course, you and all living on it.

These waves are coming not only from sources beyond your planet and galactic sources, but also from forces that have awakened within your planet ~ from within and under the earth’s crust and down below the surface of the earth ~ down in the area sometimes called the place of the hollow earth.

This is the place where there are other civilizations ~ other civilizations not known in 3rd dimensional realities.

These civilizations below the earths’ surface are also going through their own shifting process.

Those of you on the surface of the earth are going through all of your adjustments to the new energies (we think you’ve noticed!) ~ and Mother Earth herself is going through all of these adjustments to the new energies.

(We encourage you to send your healing to the crust of Mother Earth to help her ~ and thus you ~ adjust more smoothly to all the monumental changes underway.)

Similarly, the civilizations below the surface of the earth are also having a quickening and a raising of their vibration. Much of the knowledge and the thought forms that they have contained in their huge subconscious data base is now being released into their consciousness ~ in their current forms and dimensions in which they dwell.

These beings are also sending forth ripples of vibration and energy of the changes that are happening to them.

Additionally, galactic light codes are also being simultaneously activated now. Some of these codes from Lake Titicaca in Peru are bringing giant waves of new and quantum energies into your planetary mix. This planetary mix includes your own personality configuration mix by extension, for you are part of the greater whole.

Read about these Galactic Light Codes here.
The Light Codes of Cosmic Consciousness – Sacred Codes of Light Open Beginning in 2012 for Humanity to Reach Divine Potential of Cosmic Consciousness.
Cosmic Council through Pat Crosby, Sedona Journal Dec 2011

Just as you on the surface are integrating and processing a lot of new information and a lot of new energy, so it is below the surface of the earth. They are doing the same in their dimension.

Because the weave of your planet you call your Mother Earth is all intertwined and interconnected, all of these released thought forms and reactivated memories are impacting each other:

So ALL of you in this grand experiment, this grand pattern of evolution you and Mother Earth are experiencing ~ are simultaneously adjusting your vibrations and your conscious knowledge awareness from the memory banks of your planet, from the akashic records. All are commingling their forces and their energy with the impulses coming from outside your planet, from the center of your galaxy and from the beings who are currently tending your planet and who are called into service to those of you and to Mother Earth on the planet (these beings that you call your light beings, your guides).

So everything that has been set in place on the earth prior to this shift of the ages, the marker point at the end of December 2012 is now being remixed. There is a reorganization going on to bring all the components of the new mix into the correct vibration for the new essence, the new energy , the new time of the planet earth.

So everything that had been set in place prior to this grand event is now being realigned.

You see it in on the national front in your congressional meetings. You see it in the international front ~ the nations all around the world…dare we say ~ unceremoniously ~ uprooting their past patterns. Clearing the deck, of course, goes without saying, and preparing a new and open space for the new mix, the new higher vibrating energies and the new input from other civilizations (specifically those below the surface of the earth) are being woven into this new grand alignment in you and in your planet.

It is affecting EVERY SINGLE ONE of you on the planet. By EVERY SINGLE ONE we mean not just humans but all the different weaves of life on the planet ~ including not only those on the surface, but also including those who live in the ocean, those who live in the plant weave, those who live as part of the essence of the mineral weave. Those who live under the surface, those who live in all the dimensions on the planet.

So everything that was formerly created is now being ~ we won’t say un-created ~ we will say is is being REMIXED.

It is grand time to allow this new mixing to unfold in its own process and in its own timing.

Do not feel that you have failed or in any way that you have misread the past information.

For all that WAS was aligned with WHAT was ~ WHEN it was.

And now it is the NEW TIME. The NEW ENERGY. And so there is a NEW MIXING underway in all dimensions, everywhere on your planet.

So your particular plans you have made are also being REMIXED.

But now, grander forces than your own particular projects and your human selves, your human essences at this point in the journey, are being uplifted to a higher vibrational remix. This process is underway now as you hear and read these words.

Not to fear, for just as the seeds underground in the early spring don’t show any signs of life yet, through waiting a few weeks or a few months, the new life will show itself to the great delight, surprise and amazement that always comes when new life shows itself on the planet.

We council you to hold firm, to continue to do your due diligence, to talk about, to refine, to polish your intentions. And to wait patiently for the spring to blossom your intentions.

One day, to your amazement, you will walk out into the garden of your planning and indeed see all that is new ~ the new seeding that has suddenly sprouted.

Then the plant of this growth will come very quickly, very rapidly. All will fall into place.

This new garden will show you the beings who are to come on your journey with you. And we also tell you that there are also beings from other dimensions who are newly bringing their forces of light into your journey.

For this journey that you have set upon is indeed divinely intended and divinely guided.

You as humans are very successfully playing your role at bringing this divine plan into manifestation.

The forces of light are totally behind you ~ all of you.

Indeed, it has accurately been said: TIMING. Timing is essential here because this is a process of growth that is unfolding.

So stay your course. All will come to fruition when the timing is absolutely right and perfect.

As always, we remain present and available for you to ask our guidance and to share our wisdom with you, just as we ask you to share your wisdom as incarnated beings on the earth plane to let us know how the grand plan is unfolding in your dimension and how you are experiencing it in your heavenly earthly bodies of flesh and light.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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