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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/28/2020 6:22:34 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 28, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, the reactions to the times you are in are vast and varied due to people’s personal histories both past life and current life, conditioning, and level of embodiment.

Telling people to not feel what they are feeling will only exacerbate their discomfort, for it will only add to their resistance. Telling people it is essential to stay out of fear will make them feel even more disempowered and afraid if their current response is fear.

So if you or people you love are having the very normal reaction of fear, acknowledge it. The gift of fear is it is notifying you of something so you can keep yourself safe.

A helpful practice, once you have acknowledged the fear is to look around you in your now moment and assess your safety. The vast majority of the time you are safe in your now moment. What is working in your present moment? What can you be thankful for in your immediate surroundings? What can you be thankful for within your own body?

Next connect with your inner wise one. Within every one of you there is a guiding force, your own divine essence, that always knows how to move you forward. When you drop into your innate wisdom, you will feel calmer and more balanced.

If you are having trouble connecting to your inner wise one, go back to assessing your immediate environment. Breathe. What can you do that makes you feel safest? What can you do that you can be non-resistant to?

Once you are in that more supportive space, call upon your inner wise one. You may find it helpful to experiment until you find the conditions that make it easiest to make that connection. Then remember to move into that alignment when you need it. Rest assured that simply having the intention to connect with the wisdom that is always within you and then taking the action step to do it, however it feels right to you, is all that is required.

Once you have connected to your inner wise one, allow it to have a conversation with your fear. Acknowledge it. Thank it for its service. Then have it pass the reins to the empowered part of you and give it the rest, the reassurance, and the love it needs. Comfort it and nurture it like you would a small child.

Dear Ones, your wisdom is the core of you. It is always there to lead you, to love you, to help you navigate, and reassure yourself and others. Simply recognizing it is always available to you and having the intention to connect with it is all you need to do.

Doesn’t that feel much more empowering than chastising yourselves for having the very normal initial reaction of fear? Acknowledging and bringing your beautiful innate wisdom to the forefront is one of the greatest gifts that can come from the times you are in right now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/28/2020 6:25:57 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/27/2020

will's picture

Man's greatest longing is for freedom. Man IS a longing for freedom. Freedom is the very essential core of human consciousness: love is its circumference and freedom is its center. These two fulfilled, life has no regret. And they both are fulfilled together, never separately.

People have tried to fulfill love without freedom. Then love brings more and more misery, more and more bondage. Then love is not what one has expected it to be, it turns out just the opposite. It shatters all hopes, it destroys all expectations and life becomes a wasteland -- a groping in darkness and never finding the door.

Love without freedom naturally tends to be possessive. And the moment possessiveness enters in, you start creating bondage for others and bondage for yourself -- because you cannot possess somebody without being possessed by him. You cannot make somebody a slave without becoming a slave yourself. Whatsoever you do to others is done to you.

This is the basic principle to be understood, that love without freedom never brings fulfillment.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/28/2020 10:25:23 PM


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/28/2020 10:43:30 PM
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling White Cloud - March 28, 2020


Hello out there!

How are you all ‘playing out’ these INCREDIBLY EXCITING TIMES?

I have made two videos with White Cloud for you to Enjoy. One, a chat. The other, a meditation. I felt everyone may need some upliftment and encouragement at this time.

So here, with 'our Love' ...

Something very fishy going on behind the scenes that’s for sure. I ask you to do your own discerning research and follow your heart throughout. We KNOW not to read or watch that which brings our Vibration down.


We got this peeps! We have prepared and we are ready!

Fill your Beings with such Joy as we do what we came here to do!

Loving you from my ‘section’ of the world.


Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Website: Blossom Goodchild

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/29/2020 12:08:17 AM

The Impact of Covid – 19 by Saint Germain
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Natalie Glasson

Greetings with love and truth enfold your being now, as I draw close to connect with you in the truth of the Creator. I am Saint Germain speaking to you, although I am accompanied by the entire Universe of the Creator. We are all expanding our love and support to each being upon the Earth and in fact all aspects of the Earth. Please know and remember how much you are loved and valued by us and the Creator. We are simply expressions of the Creator, as are you.

You Are Worth More Than Your Imagination Can Conceive

Please take time to contemplate your worth, because you are magnificent and unlimited. The more you can contemplate your worth from a space of being centred into your awareness the more you will learn to love yourself and humanity unconditionally. This will awaken new understandings and insights as to what it means to be a human being living in the physical reality. Changing your perception of how you wish to experience life on the Earth from the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your being as well as your soul in action. You will discover through this simple practice how to be with other people in a truthful and loving way, and how to create in your reality from a space of divinity. This practice will support you in staying grounded during this time of change upon the Earth and beginning the awakening process for yourself and humanity that is taking place now.

A Multidimensional Shift is Taking Place Within Your Being and Mother Earth

An ascension shift is taking place for the Earth predominantly, although it will impact the entire Universe of the Creator. The Light Blaze of 2020 has anchored a light magnification designed to energise all that is light upon the Earth and within humanity. This has created an eruption of fear and negativity which has been buried and locked into the Earth, waiting for a time when humanity is ready to transmute the energy. The fear and negativity are both from the present day and previous lifetimes. There are unresolved energies from Atlantis which have been waiting to be transformed and completed. As fear and negativity arise so they continue to be and create their original intention. Some people on the Earth are using the energy to create control and further experiences of fear to try to suppress the spiritual awakening process taking place for all. Covid – 19 is a product of the negative and fearful energies arising to be released and transformed. The virus and its impact upon the world is allowing humanity to recognise the presence of fear and negativity within their being, to recognise suffering and to begin to create positive shifts within their beings to create something beyond fear and negativity, something that will empower all.

Covid- 19 is encouraging everyone to seek within themselves to discover their connection with each other, their relationship with the Creator and the power that is theirs to wield. A multidimensional shift is taking place for the Earth and her humanity; it is taking place within each person. As each person is connected to and an expression of the Creator and Universe of the Creator. The benefits of this multidimensional shift and what will be created from it have yet to be fully realised or glimpsed by humanity. As more people seek within their being for answers and truth amidst chaos and fear, they will glimpse the value of the multidimensional shift taking place.

The ascension shift taking place upon the Earth now is major, many have been waiting for this shift for lifetimes. As with any ascension shift some souls choose to depart their physical body and return to the inner planes to be of service. This is a contract made by their soul before their birth and not a decision made by the personality. The experience of loss by those who remain on the Earth breaks open the heart chakra to allow for love to swell and expand, brighter and more powerfully than ever before. Humanity’s heart chakras are awakening now as they see the devastation occurring on the Earth. Thus, as if mirroring humanity, Mother Earth’s heart chakra is expanding and revealing her depth of love, which is unlimited. The evolution of love from a source, point and essence of purity within the universe of the Creator is emerging from within each being and Mother Earth.

While the shift taking place due to the presence and impact of Covid-19 is occurring predominantly for the Earth. Each person will begin to recognise that the Universe of the Creator resides within them, therefore, they will bond on a deeper level with the dimensions of the universe residing within. This will offer humanity a glimpse into the fullness, completeness and wholeness available to embody and express.

A New Collective Pure Intention for The Earth and Ascension

Covid-19 is encouraging a new collective intention to arise from within humanity, created through humanity recognising the unity of their souls, their eternal connection with each other and the Creator. This collective intention is being born from the purity of each soul and the Creator. It is untainted by the personality or ego, instead, it glows with the brilliance and innocence of the Creator. As humanity activates the pure intention within their beings, merging it with their personal divine plan, so new intentions for the Earth and the evolution of humanity are born. Humanity will begin to recreate themselves and the world around them from the space of purity of the soul within. With illusion of separation dissolving so humanity will create their lives from a space of unity, connection and oneness with all, allowing all beings to step into their power. A new human being, a new reality and a new Earth is forming as humanity is encouraged by current situations on the Earth to delve into the source of truth within their being.

You are a valued part of this spiritual revolution of pure intentions manifesting on the Earth now.

Healing the Shock Within the Core of Humanity

Within the core of each person on the Earth and within the consciousness of humanity there is a wound of separation with the Creator. The physical reality especially promotes a feeling of being separated and isolated from deep intimate unity with the Creator. This wound vibrates throughout each person’s being and reality like an echo which often goes unnoticed.

The presence of Covid-19 and its impact upon the world has reactivated the wound of separation and brought forth a sense of shock. Many people are also experiencing a deep-seated shock at the suffering, fear, and chaos occurring on the Earth now. This presence of shock both from separation with the Creator and the current situation of the Earth is causing feelings of disbelief, distress, numbness, emptiness, depression, judgment, desolation, anxiety and anger. Humanity is being asked to trust or rediscover their trust in the Creator, in the world within and around them, as well as, the reality they are creating. To rediscover a deep-seated presence of trust there is a need to journey through the shock impacting your being now, whether you are aware of it or not, in order to begin the first step to regaining your liberation.

I, Saint Germain, invite you to take time to contemplate whether your being, body, emotions or mind are feeling shocked or overwhelmed by the current situation unfolding on the Earth. Allow yourself to feel into or bring your attention to anything that may resemble shock. As you connect with the energy, let it fill your entire being, so you may recognise and acknowledge its presence fully. Through your acknowledgement the shock and distress will begin to disperse and dissolve. You may wish to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth to encourage a release of the shock. Do not be afraid to experience the shock and upset. In doing so you will set yourself free, being able to act and react with greater clarity. You will be achieving this for the Earth and her humanity as well. The shock of separation with the Creator and the current situation on the Earth is causing many to feel off balance, distracted and uncentered. With the healing of shock so clarity and compassion will be magnified as will the light of the Creator. Each person will be able to connect on a deeper level with the love available to them, thus nurturing and nourishing their being. Many are unaware of the shock they are experiencing, and which is influencing their way of life currently. It is time to bring healing to yourself and all.

My eternal love is yours eternally,

Saint Germain

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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