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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/20/2020 11:28:51 PM

GaiaPortal 2-19-20.. “Salients are lost in the planetary commotion”

In this GaiaPortal, the “Salients” may refer to “High points” or “points of interest”, which the “planetary commotion” is obscuring, perhaps for good reason.


Salients are lost in the planetary commotion

Salients are lost in the planetary commotion.

Great leaders of Higher Energetic realms come to aid.

Strength of Spirit is encouraged.

Micronics have faded.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/20/2020 11:43:50 PM

Intuitive Astrology: February New Moon 2020

The Pisces New Moon falls on February 23rd and beckons us to dive deep into the ocean of our soul.

Take a moment wherever you are, and draw a deep breath. Sink into yourself. Pause and feel what it’s like to be in your body in this moment. Recognize that your body is more than 70 percent water. Recognize that while you have this density to your body, within you is your own ocean. Within you is the same ocean that ebbs and flows with the cycle of the Moon. This is the watery depth this New Moon is asking us to enter.

It’s asking us to take a dive to the bottom of the ocean within us, not to analyze, pick apart, or judge what is there, but to simply observe. To watch the memories, the pains, the dreams, and the triggers. To see them floating by like they are a part of you, but not really you.

We are so much greater than what happens during our time here. Life is happening for us, not to us. As the poet Rumi shared, we are not a drop in the ocean but rather, we are the entire ocean in a drop.

The magical harmony of the Pisces New Moon will guide us within, helping to open and unlock our intuition, our hidden depths, our creative potential, and our connection with the Divine.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so under this energy, we may also find ourselves feeling a sense of completion or reflecting on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months.

When we look back in time, we may feel as if certain events and memories were nothing more than a dream. But life is like that sometimes. It is only when you step outside it all for a moment, that you see the lines of reality are often blurred.

Beyond the ethereal qualities of this watery Pisces New Moon, it also forms a configuration known as a Talent Triangle with Uranus and Mars.

Imagine the Moon at the apex and Uranus and Mars with their strong planetary forces, forming the base of this triangle. These three planets are interlocked, their energy flowing harmoniously back and forth, creating a portal of influence.

As the name suggests, this Talent Triangle will guide us to unlock our talents and natural gifts. If there is something we have wanted to try or a hidden gift waiting to be unearthed, this configuration will be the key that opens the door.

This energy will inspire us to feel motivated, confident, and ready to step out of our comfort zones into new beginnings. It will beam down rays that remind us that our dreams can indeed become reality.

Mars will drive our ambition and remind us that we are worthy. It will support us to release our fears and to know we are so much stronger than we have ever believed ourselves to be.

Uranus will drive our feelings of freedom and independence. It will support us to take a leap of faith and to step out of any imposed cages or walls we have built around ourselves.

Open your heart to this idea that there are hidden talents inside of you, waiting to rise up into your consciousness. Honor the fact that you are talented, you are gifted, and that you do indeed bring so much value to this world.

You are valuable. You are deserving. You belong here in this time and space, and under the current energies, your potential is free to be further unlocked.

We all have things we are naturally gifted at, but sometimes it is hard for us to see them in ourselves. Under this New Moon, try making a list of 50 talents that you possess. This number may seem like a lot, but having this goal will help you dig deep and unearth some things you never knew about yourself.

New Moons are a wonderful time to embrace the new, however with Mercury in Retrograde and the strong Piscean vibes, we may not be able to put our finger on this new beginning just yet.

We may feel that a seed has been planted, but our attention may be drawn to creating the perfect environment for that seed, rather than what the seed may blossom to become.

We can all use this energy to ask for clarity, to ask for guidance, and to stay open to the amazing gifts, talents, and qualities we possess.

Something will be unlocked for us under this New Moon energy, but we will have to be patient and give it some time to take root and bloom.

Clear space to receive this energy and be open to diving into a deeper truth.

The Pisces New Moon whispers to you- when you allow yourself to float in your own waters, you will discover the sea of potential that you are. Not all potential can be unlocked straight away, rather it is a slow process that ebbs and flows throughout the specially orchestrated timing of your life. Under the 2020 February New Moon, there are light vibrations that will help unlock more of your gifts, that is the things you were destined to bring and share with this world. Despite how insignificant you may feel compared to the Moon and the galaxies of stars around you, the truth is they are you, they shine only because you see them. It is your eyes gazing upon the night sky that makes it twinkle. Your power is you and your potential, endless.

Your Pisces New Moon Ritual is here.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/21/2020 12:05:10 AM

Upgrades & Downloads from the Earth & Sun ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

upgrades & downloads from the earth and sun - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been watching and waiting and feeling into the right moment to bring you this transmission, and now that moment is upon us. We are excited to tell you that the way that you have been processing the energies coming from your sun and Earth has been changing. You have finally become the beings that your planet has been waiting for. Most of you have felt like fish out of water there for so long because you are starseeds and wanderers, but that is changing now that you have all done so much work on yourselves and have cleared your chakras to such an extent that you are downloading and uploading that energy that your sun and Earth are providing with a precision that we have not experienced from you and through you.

This means that you have aligned yourselves with Earth’s intention to ascend to the fifth dimension, and you have demonstrated that you are the perfect beings to have the experience of ascension with your planet. You have been riding the waves of the Earth’s energies so well that everything has clicked into place for you to then receive the upgrades that have been coming in from the sun, and you don’t need a lot of sun exposure to benefit. You don’t need to be gazing at the sun or spending hours a day in the beautiful light that comes from the heavens. Just a little bit of sun is enough to receive the upgrades that you have been getting that have been making it easier for you to stay in light body mode.

You have made it easier on yourselves to be your higher selves in the flesh. Now, we know that some of you are wondering how this is possible when you have so much more clearing and processing to do, but just the fact alone that you know about the clearing and processing speaks volumes about how well you are all doing at opening yourselves up to the higher frequencies being offered by the Earth and sun at this time.

Now, you are also ready to accept that you are Earthlings in this lifetime, even though you carry that galactic history in your DNA, even though you feel that connection to Sirius, the Pleiades, our star system, or one of the other many throughout the galaxy. You still have an Earth lineage as well. You wanted this to be your home for the ascension, and she is very happy and proud to have the awakened population that you are aboard the mothership for the final push to the fifth dimension that you are making. This is a wonderful time to be alive there on Earth and to be experiencing the harmonizing of all the divergent energies, and we are very proud of you as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/21/2020 5:29:23 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday February 21, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Ebb and flow is designed to provide an overall model of balance and support for you. This applies to your relationships, as well. There is a natural rhythm which ideally contains times of closeness and times of solitude within relationships.

This is especially important for those who are energetically sensitive. Space is required to allow time for reflection, connection with your own ever evolving knowing of self, and the integration of shifting energies and your latest levels of attainment. Once that has occurred, you can move back into connection with your partner from a new, deeper, more open energetic space.

Being willing to embrace ebb and flow within your partnerships allows you the joy of reconnection, time and again, which ultimately creates security and satisfaction for both and the experience of safe connection. It provides exactly what you need for the growth and expansion of the individuals as well as the relationship as a whole.

Your soul always knows what exactly what it needs for your fullest experience. Honour your feelings and needs, and understand that a need for space, either for yourself or from your partner, is not a rejection but rather a natural part of the rhythm of the universe that is designed to support you, and your relationships, in the exact ways that are needed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/21/2020 6:26:09 PM

Soul and Spirit

In simple terms there are two actions going on within these classes. The consciousness that I’m speaking from is merging with the Soul and that merging is becoming much more conscious to me. Simultaneously, there’s an interaction between the Soul and Spirit happening outside of my conscious awareness. Both actions are happening in such a way that, in a future moment we will become one full unit. Is this what I’m hearing you say?

Uriel: You’re absolutely correct. When you embarked on this experiment with us your focus was on the physical and the changing of the molecular structure. That change was vital to bringing you to the state of being that you now find yourself in. It stands to reason, as the conscious awareness is raised and more of the Soul is present and takes precedence in the life experience, that some adjustments have to be made. The changes made are not only energetic but also physical, in order to accommodate the change of consciousness that provides the physical experience.Jim:

You are involved in merging the mental and emotional bodies, merging with spiritual body and then focusing on the many aspects of Light and energetic formats that compose the vastness of you as an individualized expression of the Godhead. Therefore many things are changing at a very accelerated rate. Even though it seems like this particular segment is going very slowly, in reality, it is moving at lightening speed.

Jim: I understand.

Uriel: It is important to allow these changes. Even though the consciousness can’t hold the vastness of what is transpiring at a Soul level, it can hold the changes that are transpiring more at a physical level in the mental and emotional bodies and in the chakra system. Just as that merging has to occur at a Soul level, those chakras must also be operating as a unit. They operate for specific applications and uses but they also operate energetically as a unit to allow the Soul to create the physical experience from the perspective of the fullness of that Soul/Spirit unit.

This will dramatically change the way life is experienced and created. The reactionary state of third dimension is no longer available. When those reactions do come up, they are very out of alignment energetically with what has been created and they cause anxiety and dysfunction within the system. It is magnified because of the energetics that have now been created by you with us and put into play.

Jim: Let me repeat that in a slightly different way. In the past, in that third dimensional space, I would have an event that would spawn a reaction, a charged emotion, and a verbal reaction would unconsciously flow from my mouth. As that third dimensional human, I treated that event as simply the state of being. I was unconsciously accepting it as what life was.

Now that accepted way of life is no longer even available to us. And when a reaction does comes up from an unconscious, point of reference still held within the physical form, it is now very uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable because it’s no longer aligned with our way of life. It’s an anomaly that causes a ripple that is now conscious. The event is happening, but the uncomfortableness is from a completely different place.

Uriel: Correct. It creates, as you have so aptly put it, a ripple in the system and the uncomfortableness of it is magnified in a way so it is not recreated continually That continuous ripple would bring you, or those participating in that ripple, back to a denser state of consciousness.

Jim: Yes. So, the ripple was uncomfortable because I didn’t know any better and was just acting out. Now I have a smoother and more unified awareness and the ripple is the anomaly, whereas before, the ripple was a way of life.

Uriel: Correct. It is these subtleties that come to the surface to show you very explicitly what state of consciousness you are in and where the energetics are playing out. These subtleties show you whether they are in resonance with the Light formatting that you have encoded within your mental, emotional and physical bodies, as well as at a Soul level.

Those things will happen primarily because not all beings embodied in your reality are of the same state of consciousness or the same energetic configuration at a physical or at a Soul level. You will constantly be bumping into various energetic states that are being created in your life experience.

They aren’t necessarily of your creation. They are just realities that are being created and played out simultaneously --- along and beside the reality you are creating. This will continue for some time; until more souls begin to reawaken to levels that are compatible.

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Archangel Uriel and Jim Self as they prepare a class together.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Uriel to speak through her. With her collaboration the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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