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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/19/2019 6:35:23 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2019

will's picture

Wherever awakening happens, the whole world becomes antagonistic. Why? -- because the whole world is asleep.

There is an Arabic saying: Don't wake up a slave, because he may be dreaming that he is free. Don't wake up a slave; he may be dreaming that he is free, that he is no more a slave.

But the buddha will say: Wake up the slave! Even though he is dreaming beautiful dreams of freedom, wake him up and make him aware that he is a slave, because only through that awareness can he really become free.

The world is fast asleep and people are enjoying their dreams. They are decorating their dreams, they are making their dreams more and more colorful, they are making them psychedelic. Then comes a man who starts shouting from the housetops, "Wake up!" The sleepers feel offended; they don't want to wake up, because they know that once the dream is gone they will be left with their misery and suffering and nothing else. They are not yet aware that behind their misery there is a source of joy that can be found.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/19/2019 7:04:56 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday October 19, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, your fears do not need to rule you. In fact, they have a lot of information for you if you are willing to sit with them for a moment.

Explore your fear. Ask it questions. Where did it come from? Is it even yours or does it come from old conditioning or belief systems? Is it from a past life expression? Does it even apply to your current lifetime? Is it a match to who you are energetically in this right now moment or a reflection of your past?

What is its purpose? Does it serve you or does it hold you back? If it thinks it is keeping you safe, can you assume that responsibility for yourself as your own loving parent and guide? Can you release the fear by thanking it for its perceived service and then letting it go as an expression of your own empowerment?

There are so many wonderful options opening up to you as you step into your sovereignty! Explore. Ask questions. You can create much lighter forward movement for yourselves by simply acknowledging, feeling, identifying, thanking, and then releasing any energy that is not a support to your highest life expression, secure in the fact that it now serves you more to let it go than it does to keep it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/19/2019 7:45:00 PM

How To Stay Sane In A World Full Of Chaos
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How To Stay Sane In A World Full Of Chaos

How do you stay sane in a world full of chaos?

This seems to be more challenging every day.

For me, it’s been harder to see what’s happening in the world and know how to respond to it.

It’s not just the climate change, it’s the cruelty. People seem to be disconnecting from nature and each other.

For a sensitive soul, it can feel overwhelming. And yet, I see so many sensitives use that as an excuse to only focus on their happy bubble and not engage in the world.

I agree, it is so important to practice extreme self-care – especially when what’s around you is negative. Your radiant loving energy is what’s helping heal the planet. And yet, we do not live in the realm of light.

You incarnated into a physical body to bring light to the material world. That means you need to engage in the world.

Earth is a messy place. And yet, your soul delights in being here.

How do you stay positive as a sensitive soul?

You strengthen your love by lifting the world with your light, not by disconnecting from it!

If you ignore everything that is happening in the world, you are neglecting one of your spiritual responsibilities.


You are co-creating your reality. That means we are all intrinsically part of the collective consciousness and this gorgeous web of life.

Here are some things you can do now to FEEL GREAT as you make the world a better place:

  • Cleanse your aura and chakras every day – this will make your energy field strong and resilient.
  • Call in Archangel Michael – he’s the peace warrior angel and protector of lightworkers.
  • Reduce your environmental waste – instead using of single use plastics, find alternatives. Buy recycled products. Unplug electrical cords when not in use. Simple changes make a big difference.
  • Donate to charities you believe in. You might not have time or energy to help your causes directly, but there are people out there who do and you can support them!
  • Get involved in local and national elections – I know many spiritual people think that voting and getting involved in politics is buying into a broken system. Yet, you cannot change the world simply with energy. We live in 3D reality and if you don’t vote and hold those in power accountable, you are giving up your power to them!
  • Speak your truth – even when it’s uncomfortable. (Just like I did now. I know I will get a lot of pushback on this. Yet, it’s more important for me to do whatever I can, no matter how small, than to care about rocking the boat.)

I was born to rock the boat, baby!

I hope you find this helpful. We’re all in this together. So let’s do things for each other, with each other!

(From Kari Samuels blog)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/19/2019 7:50:30 PM

Much Needed Rest

Galactic Free Press's picture

Yes, dearest one, I know you are tired. The shifts over the past few months have you in a space where you feel you barely have the energy to put one foot in front of the other. Moving forward, learning and letting go may be the very last thing on your mind but….

The Universe is here to say do not give up! Everyone deserves the right to be human occasionally and you have definitely earned that right! Allow yourself to be in a space of inaction for a while. No ground will be lost, and it will give you some much needed rest time. When you are ready, stand up and begin again. You have sometimes been tasked with some difficult things but, you are up to the challenge! Remember, love and support is always available and just a thought away. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2019 4:15:09 PM

Hello, Beautiful Being!

Wow -- another amazing week on planet Earth!

This and all MTL emails and Messages come to you with Love, support, and higher Light to assist in all you are traveling through now.

This week's Message speaks to the shifts and changes, particularly those things, experiences, and people we have lost lately, including an impossible-to-replace member of Congress, Rep. Elijah Cummings, who passed on to the higher realms yesterday.

This and the melee in the Middle East, among other issues, are signs of how quickly our planet and our lives are changing.

As we read or listen to the news (or social media), now might be the time to decide that no one event, viewpoint, or issue defines how we feel about Life, unless it comes purely from Divine Love.

Does this lead us to spend more time in meditation and in Nature, and less time hooked up to screens?

Yes . . . now might be a good time to go that route!

Sending much Love and Light, always,

P S If you'd like some answers -- about relationships, work, life purpose, difficult experiences -- the Collective offer channeling sessions for immediate support and higher insights. Also available are recorded channeled answers, via the Just One (or Two or Three) Question channelings. Go here for more info.

Open up to the Wisdom of your higher self, and receive the kind of ongoing energy work you need at this time.



A Message to Lightworkers -
October 18, 2019

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And we note many changes happening in the world, which some of you may find difficult as you keep up with the news, while others less inclined to watch the news nevertheless feel intuitively the imbalances that can occur as a planet shifts from one vibration to a much higher one.

And so in the US, a fine and brilliant Light, named for the prophet Elijah, has left the planet, ending his many years of service in the United States Congress, and ending his physical path, though of course, not his etheric one.

There is much celebration occurring in the higher realms now, as this dear one rejoins loved ones, including his soul family and twin flame.

Though of course on the Earth, among those who knew, or admired and appreciated this gentle spirit’s excellent work for human rights and equality, there is sadness and feelings of loss.

You may feel at times that this or another loss you may be experiencing now, though real, is a bit ironic in some ways.

We see a quietly rising awareness in Light Bringers that all that appears as loss is, in reality, the spirit of that presence simply taking on another form.

Yet for those raised to believe that appearance is everything, the experience of loss can be devastating.

From that viewpoint, when a loved one or the trees of a forest or a species of animal recedes from view, they are apparently lost to you . . .

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Thank you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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