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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2019 12:41:39 AM
Hilarion - Letting Go of All Limitations


Hilarion ~ Letting Go of All Limitations

Channeled By: Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! There has been a shift, placing the Earth and all her inhabitants on a new trajectory as you now cross the threshold to a higher Light and consciousness, a new way of being. This new way is achieved by following and utilizing the inner guidance of your heart as you connect ever more deeply to your true authentic self, letting go of all perceived limitations and restrictions of the old paradigm way of thinking. There is no going back now, you must deal with it, accept it, embrace it and embody it as your own authentic truth.

This energy is touching and impacting every being on the planet. It is Infinite Light that resonates with all beings at whatever level of awareness and consciousness they may be in and is felt most deeply as a feeling of love that leaves its imprint on the collective field of humankind’s conscious and unconscious aspects. By following your hearts intuition and higher consciousness, you are being spiraled out of the old into the new. And this Infinite Light, this energy, does not hold you back, it empowers and allows you to fly as far as you want to go.

This Infinite Light and energy will make a deep impact on every soul living on the planet and requires each of them to tune into their feelings and how this energy resonates within them. They are closing the wings of their intellect and opening the wings of their heart as they do this. They are building a path through this intuitive understanding with thoughts, images, healing, balancing, holding, transforming and sharing – and this is done automatically through the collective field of consciousness.

This process will continue to occur as a new field is imprinted and co-created. The activation of this Infinite Light takes place on the non-physical body first then it becomes a living potential on the Earthly physical body. This allows the natural flow of Light through, which is at this time being released of anything that blocks one’s progress. It is well to become an observer during this process in order to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to free oneself from the old ways of doing and being.

This Infinite Light is the resonance of the divine Christ consciousness at all levels of the density waves. Each of you is a conduit for the anchoring of these waves, fields, and streams as they flow through your inner core centre, your main energy nodes and chakras into inner Earth as a torus flow.

All of this is opening you to become aware that you know that you are looking, feeling and taking part in the general upgrade of all life, humanity and the collective consciousness. You are being the space holder of this benevolent energy as we move further into the new decade ahead in order to establish these new waves into all life upon this planet and the entire solar system, galaxy and universe.

Until next month,

I AM Hilarion.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2019 1:22:56 AM

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Cmdr Ashian: It will be unparralelled .

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters of the earth dimension, a dimension which is undergoing rapid change. Indeed, if you could see it in the same way we are witnessing it evolve, it would almost appear as your time lapse photography appears, the changes would be so rapid, so apparent.

Jennifer: You’re showing me an image of the planet, but it’s as though it is squeezing and turning, as if it is having contractions.

A: Yes, that is precisely what we wish to convey. There is enormous change and literal, physical movement. This is the last stage of the birth process, which many of you will know is the most painful stage in childbirth. It is to yourselves that you are giving birth.

Yes, Gaia is of and in another dimension, the 5D, and you are morphing and changing in real time, evolving with enormous speed, indeed it is now happening faster than we had imagined it would.

I hope that this news will give great comfort to all of you who have held on so long, so strong; you who have endured so much to bring the light to your brothers and sisters, so that they may share this glorious transition, ascension, metamorphosis with you.

It will be glorious. It will be unparalleled, for never before will so many have ascended in form, and so rapidly. Truly, you have all earned your PhD in Spiritual Evolution. You are our A Team!

So please, continue to invoke the light, to ask for help, to accept everything that bubbles up within you, between you and others…. Accept it all.

Realise that nothing that you are seeing now is real, or even of this present moment. It is all the outpouring of old, dead history; of vibrations that require release and can only be released when you notice them and let them go.

Let it all go. There is nothing here that you need to bring with you. Within yourself, you have it all.

You are All.

You have our love, our friendship, our assistance and our enduring admiration

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2019 7:07:39 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 12, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

Many of you feel the focus should be on the divine feminine. Others feel the focus should be on the divine masculine. What if we said it is both?

What we wish for you to understand is that the divine feminine, and the divine masculine are both aspects of divine flow. The divine feminine aspect of flow is the lull phase, the nesting phase, the empowered receiving phase. The divine masculine is the action phase, the empowered forward movement.

There are times when the focus for the expansion and empowerment of mankind will be on the integration of the divine masculine. There will be other times when it will be on the divine feminine. Regardless of what sex you are, both are integral to your balance, supported forward movement, and evolution and are vital to move into your authentic power.

If you are having trouble with worthiness or receiving, you may wish to explore how you can integrate more of your divine feminine. If you are having trouble with taking action, power issues, or seeing yourself as an empowered co-creator, you may wish to explore how you can embrace more of your divine masculine.

Do you see? Both work are part of the different phases of manifestation and are essential aspects of your embodiment. One may be the featured theme of a certain energetic phase, but to try to only embrace one is to deny the other. By being willing to honour and accept either you can include both as being part of the beautiful mosaic that is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2019 9:05:32 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/11/2019

will's picture

Because the ego is a fiction, it disappears sometimes. The greatest time is dreamless sleep. So make it a point that sleep is very valuable; don't miss it for any reason. Slowly slowly, make sleep a regular thing. Because the body is a mechanism, if you follow a regular pattern of sleep the body will find it easier and the mind will find it easier to disappear.

Go to bed at exactly the same time. Don't take it literally -- if one day you are late you will not be sent to hell or anything! I have to be cautious, because there are a few people here who are health freaks. Their only disease is that they are continuously thinking of health. If they stop thinking of health they will be perfectly well. But if you can make your sleep a regular thing, going to bed at almost the same time and getting up at almost the same time... the body is a mechanism, the mind is too, and it simply slips into dreamless sleep at a certain moment.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2019 9:27:39 PM

Maintain Your Balance

Galactic Free Press's picture

During the next few days, it is going to be of the utmost importance to maintain your balance. Each of you is walking your own path and there may be instances when you will have to remind yourself of this. (Smiling) Release any need you may have to knee-jerk reactions, understand that those around you could be easily triggered by what they do not understand and…breathe! As your Earth plane moves closer to peace, it may cause the negative to respond with loud protestations. Rather than allowing yourself to be drawn in that direction, send Unconditional Love and know you have practiced your due diligence. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
