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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2019 1:00:05 AM

GFP Newsletter - 6/23/2019

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Think of yourself only as a human being. If you have any intelligence, think of yourself only as a simple human being. And when your intelligence grows a little more you will drop even the adjective "human"; you will think of yourself only as a being. And the being includes all -- the trees and the mountains and the rivers and the stars and the birds and the animals.

Become bigger, become huge. Why are you living in tunnels? Why are you creeping into small dark black holes? But you think you are living in great ideological systems. You are not living in great ideological systems, because there are no great ideological systems.

No idea is great enough to contain a human being; being-hood cannot be contained by any concept. All concepts cripple and paralyze.

Don't be a Catholic and don't be a communist, just be a human being. These are all poisons, these are all prejudices. And down the ages you have been hypnotized into these prejudices. They have become part of your blood, your bones, your very marrow. You will have to be very alert to get rid of all this poisoning.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2019 1:08:27 AM

Daily Message ~ Monday June 24, 2019

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Dear Ones, if you are afraid to trust your own wisdom, please understand if you are honest with yourself and connect within, you will always be able to tell which choices are being made from fear or from love. The choices made from love always reflect the wisdom of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2019 1:31:35 AM

The Hilarion Connection© Book Three Excerpt

June 2019


An Evolution of Consciousness

All across the planet, a movement of love consciousness is rising up and humanity will be lifted into a higher perception of their true purpose for being here in the history of this planet at this time. Many revelations will begin to take place within the consciousness of each individual and it will be reflected by the mirrors of love and unity consciousness in the greater expressions of life upon the Earth. People will no longer be afraid or feel constrained to fully express the love they feel within their hearts at any given moment.

All the beauty of the higher qualities within each soul will rise to the surface in joy and happiness in their outer expression. Each individual will make the effort to redirect their thinking processes into avenues that bless others and themselves by their actions, thoughts and deeds. Paying it forward will become the normal expression within each individual as they comprehend that by giving to others they in turn, give to themselves.

The laws of the universe will be seen to fulfill humanity’s higher intents with greater frequency and people will find it much easier to receive the fulfillment of their deepest and dearest dreams than ever before. The understanding that each soul is responsible for the good that manifests in their life because that is what they have given out will become a reality.

This law was always in effect but because of the density upon the planet was one that was much slower to materialize. All of that is now changing rapidly and the wonders of the world in which humanity lives and breathes will be seen, recognized and valued. Truly, this is a most beautiful and wondrous planet in the universe! Humanity holds great potential within their cells and in their DNA system and these will begin to unfold naturally and joyfully.

Across the planet, voices will speak in peace and harmony, decreeing a better life experience for all souls who choose to incarnate in a physical body, so that they can bring completion to their life’s plan and purpose. The energy of love will manifest with greater frequency and intensity than ever before because of this. There will be a transformation within each person, the likes of which has never before been imagined.

Each person will feel humble as they realize what a great opportunity they have been given in their incarnation upon this planet during these times. This will attribute to a resurgence of the higher qualities of expression within each individual and within the systems that have been operating upon this planet.

Humanity will rise in unison with the Earth as they become uplifted in the energies that are pervading all life upon the Earth and there will be a huge effort to rectify all harm done to the Earth and her kingdoms in the pursuit of wealth above all else. There will be better ways sought to provide the essentials to all humanity that will be in harmony with all life upon the Earth.

This will facilitate the implementation of new technology which was suppressed in times past and this will make life upon your planet much simpler and easier than previously experienced. All who receive this new knowledge are those who have agreed to share it freely in order to bring the transformation into the higher dimensions of consciousness more quickly into effect. This is a most exciting development in the process of ascension upon your planet.

As people look back in review of recent years that have passed, they will feel astonished at all that has occurred. If people would keep track of all the developments in all sectors of human life upon the Earth, they would see that, indeed, their world is changing dramatically.

New lands have risen from the ocean and more will continue to rise in various locations. Your planet is undergoing a metamorphosis that is incredible to behold and you it is who have made it possible by bravely holding the Light upon the planet even when you were not understood by the people around you. This is changing rapidly as those around you perceive that perhaps you knew something that they were not aware of before.

~ Excerpt from The Hilarion Connection© Book Three – pp.49-51

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2019 1:45:42 AM

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, June 22, 2019

Hello. I gave myself permission to skip a week, as I had a lot on and figured the world would keep on turning … and it did! Such turbulence taking place for so many! I know you will say it is the Energies, and I know it is … yet, would you care to elaborate, please? Thank you.

Welcome to Each One as you tune into our Vibrational patterns that we commit to, as we offer our Love and suggestions. Yes, indeed Blossom … the Energies at this time are ‘blowing in the wind’ and spreading far and wide, to assist each soul in their Vibrational upliftment. We are FULLY aware that one would argue that their Vibrations at this time have not ‘appeared to be’ exactly uplifting due to ‘old wounds’ being reopened. In such cases, it was that the wound healed over without firstly allowing the fresh air to cleanse it and remove all infection … would we say. So NOW, all that are in need of doing so, are having the scars reopened, in order for all that no longer serves to be released. This can be both of the physical nature and the emotional one.

I have also noticed that throughout such upheaval, there is a strength in me that recognizes all that is good. It sort of feels that THE GAME within ME, is proving beyond doubt that we are remembering who we are and will not allow the ‘old nonserving’ patterns to overtake.

This is so and is apparent for many. We clarify that the Energies entering into your Planet’s atmosphere are of a much Higher frequency and therefore, they cannot be absorbed by you until certain ‘purging’s’ have been allowed by the soul-self to take place. This is necessary so that your Being can rise up and blend into these Greater Energies pouring forth.

It is a time of conflict between dualities. Each one standing their ground yet, we would say … which one do you choose to feed? That which serves or that which does not?

It certainly has been a time when I have had to call on all reserves and put into practice all that you have taught. Yet, finding in myself, traits of my personality that I am not that proud of, when stirred to boiling point!

And your overall outcome, Blossom?

To come from Love. Only Love … (in the end!!!)

Dearest Souls, many of you can sense that THE CHANGE IS COMING. Many of you FEEL the difference in yourselves and the very air that you breathe.

You are preparing for what is to come. You cannot move into Higher Vibrations whilst still holding on to past hurts. One NOW has to be clear of Mind, clear of Body and clear of Heart … for such ‘states’ of Being will be ‘your ticket’ into the New World. The New way of Being.

Look back to days gone by and how you conducted your thoughts. Look now to how far you have traveled on the pathway home.

How much more accepting of yourself are you? How much have you learned to LOVE … YOURSELF?

We say this … YOU ARE READY!

You have remembered and therefore, retrained your Beings to KNOW the path you walk is the TRUTH.


Nothing can change that KNOWING with inside of you because it is a FEELING … not a mindset.

That which you FEEL is your TRUTH … IS!

I am having images of ‘soldiers’ putting on their armour and marching, holding flags up in the air as they do so. I know many feel uncomfortable with the images of ‘Light Players’ as soldiers yet, that is what I am seeing.

Yet, is it not that we are showing you these images metaphorically, Blossom?

Your armour is your understanding of who you are … YOUR LOVE.

The flags are who you represent … LOVE.

Millions of you marching together as ONE. United in the purpose of bringing your world into its Higher ground.


I can indeed feel your Energy and Love and Unification as you brought these words through. Yet, I am ‘deliberately’ mentioning that you have said ‘So it begins’ quite a few times before.

And we were/are correct each time. For each step of the way is a new step forward. A new place to begin the next phase of what can only be called ‘THE MIRACLE.’

Please venture forth on that!

We have spoken over and over to you of THE EVENT. We are not unique in speaking of this subject.


For that which it imparts, that which it offers, that which IT IS … shall bring about changes to your Planet that will have souls expressing it so.

‘This is nothing short of a Miracle’ you will say because it will bring about such change to each one and therefore, The Whole.


Each soul, every living thing … will move into a NEWER KNOWING. Each one shall ‘shift’ from where they were into a much Higher place yet, still within their own understanding of THEIR Truth … in accordance with the ‘level’ they were resonating within BEFORE this ‘Happening’ occurs.


Goodness me! I can’t quite believe we are on this subject again, yet, you brought it up and who am I to disagree? Some folk feel we are already within THE EVENT … that it is a gradual process and already taking place.

We would reply that you and your Planet are certainly in its preperational stages. Metaphorically … we are showing you astronauts … where much preparation for their journey has taken place. Yet now … we are showing you that they are suited up and walking towards the ‘ship’ and buckling themselves in. This is how close you are, Dearest Souls.

That is, on the one hand very exciting and on the other … erring on the side of caution, in that, although that is definitely ‘closer’ … from the bigger picture’s perspective, this could still mean another ten years in our time.

And yet, it is not … For is it not that once all is in place, the countdown begins?

Far out … A thousand butterflies are flying around inside of me! Yet, I still am very much of the thought that I shall just wait and see. Been here, done this many, many times, WR. (With respect)

And we respect your honesty and consideration of such matters.

Maybe I am trying to protect us … You and me … and trying to keep our ‘street cred’ intact … for it has been battered/shattered many times along the way.

Dearest Blossom, we are not in the least bit concerned of our ‘street cred’! We speak only in/of our TRUTH. When we are misunderstood/misinterpreted, we do not make any changes to that which we have stated. For there are no changes. We express to you that WHICH IS. We cannot do/be of any other way.

This I know and I am being made more and more aware of how many ‘LIVE ALONGSIDE YOUR TRUTH’ and for this I am honoured and humbled to be the ‘messenger’ on your behalf. Truly, deeply … thanks for considering me ‘suitable for the position’ guys! My heart is feeling rather emotional right now.

Dearest Blossom, as you know … you are part of a network that allows us to do that which we do.

There are so many that assist us/you. There are those that translate into other languages, a gentleman that records ‘our part’ and blends it with yours, so that those that prefer to hear, can do so. There are those who post these messages all around the internet. There are those that pass our messages onto others. There are those who speak of us from their heart without fear of judgement … and there are those who ‘have your back’ so to speak, to make sure you are looked after and provided for … AND TO EACH AND EVERY ONE … WE GIVE THANKS for playing your role as you agreed to do before you came.

I know. I feel TRULY BLESSED for such assistance. It gives me confidence in the knowing that, that which I do … is of Truth … otherwise, I would not be so blessed … if you understand?

We do. For we are! May each one, as they walk boldly along their pathway be filled with the Love and the Light of the Divine.

Thanks, Guys. Bring it on! WE ARE READY. Yet, I won’t put the kettle on just yet. Two sugars is it? In Gratitude in Loving service. I AM.

The audio for the channeling will be posted below shortly. Thank you.

9th June

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2019 9:00:08 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 25, 2019

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You simply cannot move into acceptance of all that is available to you, or the experience of unity consciousness, and reject yourselves at the same time. All must begin within, and that means accepting all aspects of yourself.

Many speak of the importance of shadow work, and we agree it can be an important part of your journey of self acceptance. But a great number of human beings are so hard on themselves that they refuse to see the good in themselves, which is just as problematic.

Dear Ones, we urge you to embrace all aspects of self. If there are parts of you that are in pain and acting out, acknowledge them and love them. But it is equally important that you celebrate the wondrous parts of self, as well!

Move out of troubleshooting mode with yourselves. If there is something that needs your love and attention, it will come up of its own accord. It is a wonderful practice to end your day acknowledging the good you did. How were you the love?

Perhaps you reached out with care to a friend. Maybe you watered or planted flowers to tend to the earth. It could be you fed and cared for animals. Did you meditate or do healing? That not only served you, but the whole, as well. Maybe you got out of bed and faced the day and that was more than enough.

Ending the day celebrating your successes, no matter how small, is an act of gratitude for yourself. It anchors the expression of your beingness and acknowledges your innate goodness. It allows you to start to see yourself from a much more balanced space of inclusion and acknowledgement, and that will serve you far better than your negative self talk ever can. It is our greatest desire that you will start to see yourselves with the same wonder and love as we do. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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