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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2019 12:44:24 AM

The Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild, May 27, 2019

Hello once again. A few weeks ago at the end of our conversation, this was said by me. ‘Now and then we have had momentary ‘sparks’ of understanding all of this. Yet ‘The Game’ when one knows how to play it, can now continue in this much Lighter fashion and for much longer periods of time. Until, as you say … It simply BECOMES US … IS US … WE ARE THE GAME.’

To which you replied ‘NOT OF IT’. I saidWoah! Hold on. That’s quite HUGE!’ And you said ‘Not when you KNOW IT.’ Can we look into that, please?

Firstly, welcome to you Blossom and Each One who enjoys these conversations as much as we do. The statement is not as profound or ‘huge’ as you read into it. For when you say ‘We are The Game’ … yes, you are … for you as individual selves are not just the participants of The Game, you are also the rules and the players and all that The Game can possibly be. Therefore, yes … YOU ARE THE GAME.

When we say ‘NOT OF IT’, it is coming from the point of view that you are outside of it. In a sense, although it IS YOU … you FEEL as though you are in it /of it etc. you are not. You are, would we say … an outsider looking in. If we put it in terms of the video games one plays upon your Earth plane.

One ‘Plays’ the game by using the controls on a remote. You are manipulating the ‘players’ … what they do … where they go … how they behave, yet you are not actually them. You are working them from behind the scenes, would we say.

Yet WR (with respect), when one is playing a video game the detachment from the player and the manipulator is so obvious. Here in THIS GAME OF LIFE … we ARE attached to that which takes place in our lives. We ARE involved because our feelings respond to that which is going on.

And we would then take you back Blossom to a time when we expressed in a few conversations that ‘Nothing Matters’.

Yes, I have never forgotten that. I couldn’t get my head around it then. Maybe a little more now, as I have expanded my Truth. Carry on … or … maybe don’t. LOL!

You are ‘conducting’ your lives. Whether you agree with that or not.

Personally, I do.

Some have not come into that awareness … yet. For those that CAN come from this perspective, we would say that therefore, you understand that you are actually MASTERS OF THE GAME. When you accept this … you have understood its entire ‘layout’.

I am clearly not a master yet, although I would say I understand that I conduct my life. I just have many ‘understandings’ within that understanding to work through. Due to … my feelings. I am working on mastering them.


Therefore, WR, I AM IN The Game, not outside of it, because if my feelings are who I am, I navigate this board game by them (feelings).

Yet, who is in control of them?

Me. Although, I am working on that one too! Isn’t it more a matter of controlling my thoughts in order to ‘change’ my feelings about something?

Ultimately ALL FEELINGS derive from Love. So, it is about changing the Vibrational pattern of them … into a Higher one, if they are operating on a lower one. In this way, as you know … life works for you.

I am not sure how far we are going to get with this. I am confused already. A) If I am my feelings, how can I not be of it? And B) If nothing matters, then my feelings don’t matter and therefore, if I am my feelings … I then … don’t matter! Oh, far out! Am I really in the mood for all this today?

If not we can resume another time. Or, if you FEEL you are not ready for this in-depth understanding, we can leave it until you feel you are. And yet, we know you are … we would suggest not to ‘think’ it too much.

All well and good for you to say. Yet, in order for the conversation to flow, I need to think it. I’ll try … that’s the best any of us can do!

Dearest Blossom, yes, you are your feelings. Your feelings are your Spirit Essence. If you could not feel, you could not Be … you could not express. What if we said that you are not of The Game … that your feelings were also outside of it … yet, you ‘think’ they are inside. You have to ‘use’ your feelings to move on up the board to steer your way around it yet, they do not have to be OF IT.

IT IS A GAME. YOU are not.

Yet, I said ‘We are The Game’ and you said ‘Not of it’.

YOU ARE OF LOVE. That is what you are of. That is why nothing in The Game matters. Because you are not of it. YOU cannot be of it, for YOU are of LOVE.

Is The Game not all about Love?

Yes. Yet, The Game is the teacher, would we say. It expands your KNOWING OF SELF.

And yet, you say it doesn’t matter? How can the learning of ‘knowing of self’ not matter?


Let us say you were sitting ‘there’ one day in the ALL KNOWINGNESS OF WHO YOU ARE. Yet, for the want of explanation … you were bored … you wanted more … because in that KNOWINGNESS there is never an end. LOVE is ever expanding … in/of/through/as … itself. That is its design … to LOVE MORE.

So, there you were … bored … and therefore, decided to expand into a game. An experiment called ‘Earth and all it can be’. The thought was created and became alive and therefore, manifested with an infinite number of possibilities of what it could be … what it could do … how it could be played. Did you pick up on that part, WR? An INFINITE number of possibilities. So, The Game, in a sense, is designing itself as it expands … into/of … itself. Because to design itself, is what it was designed to do.

So, there you are … no longer bored … watching (from afar, yet up close and personal at the same time) … as to how this Game is continuing on/playing out. Your feelings are the mechanism whilst ‘thinking’ you are in The Game, that allows you to move from one square to another, depending on your understanding of how it works.

Yet, in Truth, your feelings are YOU whilst in The Game yet, YOU … who are not of it … have feelings only of the Highest Truest, Purist LOVE.

Lost the plot way back … I have no idea if any of this makes sense. We are our feelings, right?


Yet, you are saying our feelings are the things that make us move through The Game. So … how can we not be of it? Brain explosion in 5… 4… 3… 2…

Because your feelings whilst ‘thinking’ you are of The Game … are there to guide you through it … as The Game develops by design.

Yet, it is because you ‘think’ you are IN IT … that you ‘think’ you are OF IT.

When a soul is in agreement and alignment to re-enter into Planet Earth via the nine-month gestation period … it can come and go as it pleases into that embryo … until such time when it has to ‘enter fully’ and remain, which can sometimes not happen until the physical body is entering into the birth canal. Other souls feel comfortable enough and choose to stay in the growing miracle for the full term. It is up to the individual at the time and depending on what the mother’s emotions and physicality are experiencing at the time also. It is not that your soul in the physical understanding of where it is, leaves the body fully. Yet … the soul/your feelings … are so much more than where it believes it to be … in The Game.

You know, there is some part of me, somewhere out there /in there, that sort of knows what you are trying to explain. Yet, it just seems impossible to put it into words … for both you and me. Some topics we ‘touch upon’ just never make it through and maybe that is the way MY mind works … who knows? Or maybe, it just cannot be understood when involved too deeply in The Game. Even though we are not of it and nothing matters! So, this is going to be one of those that I leave well alone … for now. Many may feel frustrated with me. I have learned not to apologize, having done nothing wrong. I tried my best yet, the end result was rather disappointing, I feel. Hey Ho! Such is Life. Such is The Game. You win some, you lose some! Either way, thanks to you … for trying also.

We are of the understanding that this is unable to be understood … or perhaps we need to find a better way to explain it.

When that happens … I’d be more than happy for you to pop into somebody else’s head to do so! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2019 12:58:47 AM

Go Play!

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here is a world that exists beyond your physical world. A world where magic happens, where manifestations appear at a moment’s notice and your creations are as real as what you are looking at now. You have been given the tools to access it so, go play! (Laughing) Have fun! Run toward it like a child chasing the ice cream truck, roll around in it like you have found your first big mud puddle and there are no adults watching, dance with it like it is playing your favorite song! You have the power, the drive and skill to do it. The only thing stopping you is, of course, you. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2019 1:26:34 AM

The Hilarion Connection©Update – May 2019


The Hilarion Connection© Update – May 2019

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The inexorable forces of change work relentlessly to align and bring in a new consciousness, a new way of expression that lifts the mind, heart and spirit of all of life here on Earth. These changes are in various stages of unfoldment depending upon the one who is experiencing it. In the higher perspective, it is only a matter of time as you have known it, for a full awakening of humanity to manifest in their inner temple of the Divine that has always lived within them. As more of humanity enters this inner sanctum and partakes of the glory and majesty of their Divine nature that is who they really are, wondrous happenings will take place in the outer world as well.

The time of the age of miracles has come into the realm of possibility. As each soul reconnects to the knowledge of co-creatorship with the Divine within them and accepts full responsibility for every thought, word and action, they will joyfully add new creations and ideas to the field of potential that has been brought into manifestation in the current times. This exciting development is a new ‘first’ for humanity which has not occurred in the annals of Earth history before. Being able to imprint the new field of consciousness is a great privilege and responsibility and those who engage in this new creation well know it. They add only that which serves the highest good of all of the Earth and her inhabitants.

There are new collaborations that will begin to take place between people and the still ‘invisible’ kingdoms that have always existed amongst you. These kingdoms arise eagerly now to begin the work of restoring all aspects of this planet to her original pristine beauty and purpose in a joint creation of effort and focus. The end result and outcome will be the anchoring in of the new heaven on Earth. This will be the environment in which humanity then gets the opportunity to learn, grow, experience, flourish and thrive in as they choose new areas of soul opportunities that are available to them in this new arena of harmonious, peaceful and creative soul growth. It is a brave new world that is dawning upon the horizon for all!

And so we say, hold your vision and focus of this brave new world…do not deviate from your intentions to see it manifest as the new reality! Sometimes, there is the appearance of the last vestiges of the darkness before the dawn comes and so it behooves the wise ones to stay strong and connected to the higher vision. Daily focus on these higher aspirations is of paramount importance during these times and we are counting on you to continue these efforts. Call us in to join with you before you begin and we will add our power to augment yours. Such is the way of the unified collective consciousness that now rises to a higher octave of engagement. We add that these efforts also increase the strength and power of your own individual fields of energetic flow and that can only be a good thing!

Let your every thought and intention be for the blessing and highest good for all, train your mind to see only the highest and the best in all situations, people and circumstances. This discipline and activity will serve you well as you step further into the new field of consciousness – for you will be the impeccable ones, the incorruptibles, who have been tried and tested beyond endurance and have literally changed the lead of the lower realms of consciousness into the gold of their joyful Eternal Divine Essence. Truly, this is a momentous achievement and you are celebrated and applauded by those who have gone before you upon this path. Well done…we honor and salute you!

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

All rights reserved to the author/scribe and Copying and translating of this article is only by Scribe approved translators and can be posted ONLY on Ron Head’s “Oracles and Healers” website, no other is permitted. However, sharing the live link to the Scribe produced video at the link below can also be shared with others:

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2019 12:54:27 AM

GFP Newsletter - 5/28/2019

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Don't be unnecessarily burdened by the past. Go on closing the chapters that you have read; there is no need to go back again and again. And never judge anything of the past through the new perspective that is arriving, because the new is new, incomparably new. The old was right in its own context, and the new is right in its own context, and they are incomparable.

What I am trying to explain to you is: drop guilt! -- because to be guilty is to live in hell.

Not being guilty, you will have the freshness of dewdrops in the early morning sun, you will have the freshness of lotus petals in the lake, you will have the freshness of the stars in the night. Once guilt disappears you will have a totally different kind of life, luminous and radiant. You will have a dance to your feet and your heart will be singing a thousand and one songs.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2019 1:00:38 AM

Pranic Breathing – Feed Your Energy Body With Light

May 28, 2019

Pranic Breathing – Feed Your Energy Body With Light

In this article, you’ll learn the 4 different stages of the pranic breathing technique.

by Felicity Butler,
Contributing Writer,

We all have an energy body which is a replica of our physical body. It is extremely important to our health and well-being, especially as we move up into the higher frequencies to nurture and feed this energy body. This body can be called our pranic body or etheric body.

The pranic body feeds our energy centers, i.e., chakras, which are spinning vortex gateways that bring in the life-force energy. The chakras are all connected to our endocrine system, which controls the various very important functions of our body.

You can practice very simple visualization/meditation techniques to make sure you are receiving enough chi/life force in your energy system.

I like to do these exercises while walking in nature, and found them very healing when I was going through a traumatic event in my life. If you are near trees you can intentionally bring in their energy, or if you are by water bring in energy from the water. Water is our emotional body. I also visualize bringing the cosmic light down into the earth with each step, and send the earth energy up into the cosmos, creating a rainbow bridge.

The 4 different stages of the pranic breathing technique

Practice each one until you feel comfortable with it.

1. Firstly, imagine you have a hollow tube that is as wide as a circle you can create by placing your thumb and index finger together, like an OK sign. The tube runs from the top of your head to the base of your spine, but you can also extend it up into the universe and down into the center of the earth. On your first inhale imagine bringing up pranic energy from the earth into the hollow tube, hold for a few seconds and then release with a sigh. On the second inhalation imagine bringing in pranic cosmic energy from the Universe, hold for a few seconds and then release with a sign. Practice until you can feel this energy.

2. Carry on as above, only this time as you hold your breath for a few seconds keep your attention on the pranic tube as you exhale with a sigh. On your inhale from the cosmos, hold breath for a second or two while focusing on the pranic tube, then when you release take your attention to your whole physical body. Energy flows where the intention goes. Keep practicing until you can feel a flow of energy from your pranic tube to you whole body.

3. Bring you awareness to your heart chakra, center of your chest, bring yourself into a state of love and gratitude, make sure you can feel this. When you can sense this feeling strongly inhale drawing the prana from the earth into your heart space. Suspend your breath for a while as you focus on your heart chakra, still holding the feeling of love and gratitude. When you let go of your breath move your awareness from your heart into your physical body and allow the now ‘charged’ prana to expand into your whole body.

4. Bring you awareness to your heart chakra. Bring earth prana and cosmic prana simultaneously into the heart center, then exhale.

Imagine that you can feel both the cosmic and earth energies entering you heart chakra with every breath. Visualize your heart chakra expanding with each breath until it fills your whole chest.

Meditate on your expanded heart center, balancing your whole being.

About the author: Felicity Butler is a multi-talented channel to help humanity expand awareness and consciousness into the higher frequencies of | FaceBook: Your light will set you Free &Raw Fan Django Fusion

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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