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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/24/2019 1:50:44 AM

The Spark

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Please remember to keep this in mind when you move through your daily existence; Some are adjusting well to the newest energy arrival, some not-so-much and others not at all. It would be wonderful if you could move about with like-minded individuals, however, that is not always going to happen. It is important, regardless of where you on your path, to keep shining exactly as you have been. Patience, kindness, compassion and love are the fuel…and you may be the spark that lights the fire for them. (Smiling) ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/24/2019 7:28:40 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 24, 2019

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By intending to move forward into the next phase of your incarnation as an empowered co-creator, you are also choosing to deepen your experience with trust, for you simply cannot embrace one without the other. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/24/2019 9:26:20 PM

GFP Newsletter - 4/23/2019

will's picture

If you ask the ordinary religious person he will say, "Repent -- punish yourself." But Atisha is saying: If you are attentive, that's enough. Be attentive to your inattention, be aware that you have not been aware, that's all. No repentance is needed. Don't feel guilty; it is natural, it is human. To fall many times is not something to feel guilty about. To commit errors, to go astray, is part of our human frailty and limitations. So there is no need to repent.

Repentance is ugly. It is like playing with your wound, fingering your wound. It is unnecessary, and not only unnecessary but harmful -- the wound may become septic, and fingering your wound is not going to help it heal either.

If you have fallen, just know that you have fallen, with no guilt, with no repentance.

There is no need to go anywhere to confess it, just knowing it is enough. And knowing it, you are helping your awareness to grow. Less and less will you fall, because knowing will become more and more strong in you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/25/2019 12:41:45 AM

Ailia Mira


Message from Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Dear One,

We greet you in love.

We see you; resplendent and glorious. Creating here in ways that further All Life.

We know that you are not always aware of your immense beauty and so today we wish to reflect that to you, and if you would please simply read and experience the energy of what we offer here, to you as a way of knowing yourself.

You are Divine Light.

You are Eternal.

You are Endless.

In all versions through which you play and express yourself, you are fully you.

You are never diminished.

Nothing about you is every anything less than whole.


The light within you knows how to thrive.

When you honor what feels best to you, you are living intuitively and this inner orientation serves you. We’d like today to talk a bit further about how we see you and how you might play the game here - for more fun.

The light within you knows how to thrive. You feel this clarity as your sense of what feels right to you, in the moment.

When you resist your inner sense of what you want you diminish your sense of self; the self you are is nonetheless whole and perfect.

Most people think they are not perfect because they do not see the perfection in their lives.

It is very easy in embodiment, to look at your life and think what you see defines you.

Of course, we want you to consider that is just a viewpoint, not necessary and optional.

When we see you we know you.

When we see your life we see what you are shaping in experience here and how you are creating. These things are not the same thing. You and your expressions are not the same thing. Yet every expression of you bears your signature; emanates from and because of the energy you are - eternally - and the energy you are here, and is energetically, expressive of you.

We love all of it. You here, you eternally you, all the expressions of you.

We do not have preferences about your creativity. We do have preferences about your choices in focus because we agreed before you came here, to remind you of who you truly are. So the preferences we express about how you might use your consciousness and perceive yourself, come from a long-standing agreement we have with you, to play our part in this game.


We like the calling of embodiment, a game. It’s helpful we feel, with a perceptive of freedom. When you think of your life here as a game, you might also consider being playful about it and that serves you.

This life experience, your humanity, does not have high stakes. There is nothing terribly wrong here, or in need of fixing. There is nothing here that is going to fall apart and no demise that is coming about. Life is evolving, thriving and expressing and those of you here, in focus are creating how that comes about and each of you get to choose from the vast and diverse menu of expressions on Earth, what you notice and what you experience.

So even with so many different people here and so many different viewpoints, you are always in complete control of your experience. and even when you think that isn’t so, it is. And eventually, if you pay attention to yourself with love, you start to realize this, to know first hand that your mood and your sense of life is always of your own making. It’s a choice of perception that you can make freely and change anytime you like.

You can look at anything and feel despair, or hope.

You can look at anyone and feel joy or rejection.

You can look at yourself and feel immense pleasure and satisfaction or total disappointment and regret.

Or anything else you might like to feel.

For how you see things determines how you feel.

We offer to you how we see you:

You are endlessly creative!
Never running out of ideas or things you think would be fun, fabulous and amazing.

You are so good at mash-ups! At recombining things in new ways. The energy signature that is you brings about new ideas relative to most everything you do and see and create and want all day every day. You are making it up as you go along and even though you might repeatedly choose your favorites, once again, you also tend to choose your least favorites, over and over - you might consider mixing that up a bit!


Life is never ending.

You cannot get it wrong.

You did not come here to fix anything.

Therefore (drum roll) you don’t have to figure out what is right.

This is the most important message for many of you - there isn’t a “right way” to do this. There is just your way and your way is of your making and your way can evolve, change, expand, return…your way can be as you make real in focus.

Here’s how we’d play here if we were you.

Each morning we would wake up and choose enthusiasm as our mood.

Then in that state of eager anticipation, we would make a list of things we think would be really nice to experience today.

Things like:

  • When I got to sleep tonight I am dazzled by today being the most fulfilling and fun day I can remember

  • I know exactly what to do and when to do it

  • Really happy and kind people show up everywhere I go today

  • Things just feel easier and softer today

  • The world around me looks and feel especially beautiful to me today

  • My body feels better today than it has in a really long time

  • I am introduced to new ideas today that show me how life could be more fun for me

  • I am present with someone I love in a way that gives them great joy and makes them laugh. I feel really good about this.

  • I share my creative expression in simple and natural ways today and as I do so, I feel deeply fulfilled and at peace

  • The world reflects joy to me. I feel it, I am it, I love it, I accept it and am open to receive it.

These are just some ideas we offered to you at this moment, you can imagine your own wonderful days. What would you say? Realizing that as you say it and as you feel it, so it becomes real. If you can do that and then let go.

Be light about life. Be more general and less concerned with details. Choose soft and easy thoughts that please you. That’s what we’d do.

What will you do today?

Will you consider yourself in these wonderful, cheerful and happy ways?

Will you dare to let go of any ideas of limitation or lack and instead make real stuff you like as your life?

Today is your day.

This moment is your moment.

There is only you, here, NOW and what you choose to focus upon, feel and express.

The wise part of you awaits within, ready to play and rise up inside of you and light the way.

You can easily live from higher levels of your own consciousness, it’s natural. Listen to your heart. Do what makes you happy. Think thoughts you absolutely love. Learn to play with your imagination more - that will get you going.

Have fun here, friends.

That’s what it is for: the feelings you can have here and the way that expands and opens up more life.

Life is wide open to be enjoyed, shaped and experienced.

You can live here embracing that as your purpose and living with meaning and joy. Your joy is a means to contribute generously and will align you with your own vastness in ways that allow brilliant wonderful things to come about here, through you.

You may see these as small moments and big events - to us, they are all the same! You, allowing YOU to flow forth here, clearly and in joy, being who you are now.

Emanating light, and wholeness. A presence of coherent beauty and immense joy.

That’s what we see.

We love you very much.

We are complete.

April 20, 2019

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
4/25/2019 11:46:27 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday April 25, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

We speak so often of the importance of trust. It is an absolutely essential element for your spiritual journey. But there can be a shadow side of trust and that is what we would like to address today.

Trust is a power tool when it is used in an empowered way for co-creation. This means seeing yourself as an equally important partner in creation and taking those steps to do everything you can from your end. This involves staying in surrender and flow, watching for and following the signs, synchronicities, and inspirations as they come into your awareness, and being poised to move with what the energies are supporting.

If no movement is energetically supported, you still stay in the space of openness, acceptance, and willing expansion, allowing the unfoldment and continuing to explore how you can add to it from your end without trying to force or control things.

So how do you know if you have slipped into the shadow side of trust? If you are passively sitting, not taking any action to continue to expand and grow, and are waiting to be rescued. Any time you are wishing to be rescued, you are not embracing your authentic power.

We understand it can feel a bit confusing as you first step into co-creating, Dear Ones, but if you are always looking at it from an empowered space and using the tools outlined above, you will be moving with the energies beautifully.

You are learning this as a new skill and like anything else, with practice you will get better and better at it. With your awareness you will begin to identify and recognize the subtleties of co-creation and will find yourself getting much more adept at embracing your own sovereignty. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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