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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/17/2019 1:58:48 AM

Ailia Mira ~ Ultimate Self

Ailia Mira


Divine Ones,

The light within you grows and grows.

As your reach higher; tuning to the vaster frequencies of your own wholeness, your embodiment elevates.

This change in presence is temporary; and yet entirely sustainable.

It is temporary because your life is a dynamic expression of your focus.

It is sustainable because your life is a dynamic expression of your focus and you’re free to choose how you focus.

When you live within your own energy field, you feel whole, clear, strong and steady.

Your life makes sense to you.

You feel at ease in your body and at ease in the world.

This is how we suggest you live.

We suggest you orient inwardly, for knowing, for clarity and for a sense of self.

We suggest you embrace yourself exactly as you are and generously pour love upon your sense of self.

The emotions possible from such a shift are tantamount to your most elevated sense of joy.

The life within you that is here, knows how perfect you are.

Yet you? You so often do not choose to see this perfection within yourself. Creating instead,

Feelings of strife, struggle, less-than-ness and then acting out as if you need to make yourself perfect,

Pathways of improvement.

And then as you feel a bit tired, or something captivates your attention and makes you laugh,

All that falls away.

You return home; to the simple perfection of your being.

We are here, to remind you of home.

Home being you, in alignment with you.

Copyright © 2009-2019, Ailia Mira | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/17/2019 8:00:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 17, 2019

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We often speak of the essential elements of the Divine Combination which are surrender, faith, flow, and trust. But did you realize there is another essential element required to make the system truly divine? That missing element is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/17/2019 11:35:43 PM

GFP Newsletter - 4/16/2019

will's picture

The more you repress anything, the deeper it goes into your unconscious. It becomes part of your basement and it starts affecting your life from there. It is like a wound that is oozing with pus, but you have covered it. Just by covering it, you don't become healthy, it does not heal. In fact by covering it you are helping it to grow more and more.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/18/2019 12:57:29 AM

L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon, April 19th, 2019 ~ Ready Or Not

This Full Moon in Libra on April 19th, 2019, at 8:12 am ADT is a powerful activator of imbalances within your consciousness. All Full Moons bring to light that which is in discrepancy between your subconscious (energetic memories; karma) and your desires and intentions.

Experiences are always working out for your evolution, even if you do not enjoy them, there is intelligence beyond this world at play, through all circumstances. The more you live truly trusting this, the greater the clearing of your karma as energetic impulses, held in the memory bank of the cosmos.

Your consciousness does not escape the program to which you agreed to before incarnation, it goes through, that which was agreed upon before arriving. The good and the seeming bad, do not take place through happenstance. All experiences are orchestrated for the best, for evolution.

The areas of consciousness that may be stimulated and activated, if a discrepancy exists within you subconscious (as memories not yet cleared) with your intentions on the previous new moon, may be related to arrogance, pride, better than thou, attitudes, and entitlement issues. All of these stem from fear and separation through past life hurt and pain or this life, where the closing off of openness of the heart occurred. These highly held pain memories; energetically charged, are what may be up, during this full moon, lasting till the next new moon.

Again all of this is for your evolution, as whatever is within your consciousness, as a frequency, signals out and the feedback loop is always perfect. You experience what you are vibrating as.

Emotions and feelings may run high, within you or with those around you. The answer is always the same, pause, do not do anything rash, reflect, breathe, and be present in the moment through your heart.

All issues of separation memories, exist within time frames. That is; if you are present, those fears are not alive in that state. That is why so many attempt to escape those feelings through temporary addictions or relationships, that feel good in the moment. Yet they are still there, waiting to be cleared within you, so that the impulses that were the closing off of your presence and heart, never occur again.

Instead what you will experience as things come up and you place your awareness on now and the moment through your heart (and in all moments) is the beatific presence of your eternal self, that absolves all, in the moment.

More about this is in my new book “Invoking Blessings” in which all in the subconscious is activated, with the presence of your Cosmic God Self, fully and consciously also, with you, in all moments.

With the Sun conjunct Uranus, the Moon opposite Uranus, the Moon quincunx Venus and with the asteroid Hybris conjunct the Full Moon anything is possible to be activated, through you.

Those that are ready, higher levels of awareness and Union with the eternal self is up on the table, to be present for you through your heart.

For those not ready with energy impulses of karma as memory still brewing in the subconscious, we have potential sudden disruptions, turmoil, any hidden agendas revealed, arrogance exaggerated and playing out, as if, pride cometh before the fall.

Again, all of this, whether appearing positive or negative, ARE for the benefit of all involved. There is no hidden agenda going on against you. Rather, everything is orchestrated for your evolution, to clear all that still remains of separation consciousness as memory traces within your subconscious.

Then the subconscious becomes conscious, you have access to all that you purely are.

Anger, jealousy, revenge, hatred, entitlement, manipulation, sadness, all stem from these energetic memories.

As if like a cosmic computer, monitoring always your frequency, activating and deactivating programs as beliefs through your energy, is what is GOING THROUGH YOU in all moments. When fully awake you are conscious of this, and all that goes through you, becomes, pure, eternal and love.

Activating you now, with The Divine Council of Overseer, in love, your full awakening as the Cosmic God Self, you eternally are and now.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/18/2019 1:29:04 AM

April 15 at 11:15 AM

There is no doubt we are in transformational times. The planet and all its inhabitants are shifting out of the old ways of being ruled by fear. We are transitioning to a world steered toward peace and harmony ruled by Universal Law.

This time in our history was always going to happen it was inevitable. Our planet was always going to return to alignment with harmonic convergence with the Universe. We are experiencing an incredible uptick of Light from our Central sun that is making this all happen. This new Light emits light codes to manifest this New Earth. It’s not a coincidence that millions of us are waking up to this!

This New Earth will be guided by peace, harmony and synchronicity, not time and money. This crystalline light that we’re getting bombarded with is activating our crystalline DNA. These crystalline energies are connecting us to the Akashic records that contains the records of Creation which holds our Light memories of past, present and all consecutive lives in all dimensions and time.

These energies are connecting us to our highest aspect of ourselves and it knows the remedy to fix your imbalance. When all individuals heal themselves, everything will follow. When humanity takes responsibility to heal itself and live in peace and harmony with all inhabitants of Earth we will live in an existence of balance. (Christ consciousness) This is what the Bible means when it says Christ will return. We are in a time of great change and this is how creation works.

What I’m saying is we are being forced to flow with these higher frequencies which in turn makes our existence a BEAUTIFUL one. The ones that are resisting this change will get there, they have no choice, they’re just making it harder on themselves getting there. You can either take the paved road or the gravel road it’s up to you…

Eventually, everything that doesn’t flow with these new energies will fall away. Many people are feeling great uncertainty and confusion because the old paradigm is falling away, we all can see it and the new one isn’t quite in place yet hence the uncertainty and confusion. Meaning, we are leaving the old 3D consciousness and the higher 5D just isn’t quite here yet.

In many ways humanity has come to the brink of disaster worldwide. We are seeing economies collapse, global weather changes, disease, starvation, global conflict etc. It all makes sense because not only are we seeing the death process of an old structure, we are seeing the rebirth of a new process. There is madness to this magic.

It really is mind blowing the times we’re living in. We’re transitioning to a global society which is crashing the Matrix because the truth seekers are winning. This human awakening is dealing massive blows to the deceptive and controlled narrative of the old world.

We live in a world where journalists don’t report the real news, where doctors don’t know the real causes of poor health, and politicians don’t know how the money supply works and what the agenda is of those controlling it.

Our so called scientists believe in a discredited philosophy which resembles a dogmatic religion. The majority of teachers don’t realize they are teaching a system of indoctrination that is nowhere near teaching critical thinking. What it comes down to is humanity is extremely ill informed and many are just sleepwalking.

It’s easy to feel the embarrassment of our species because we should’ve known better. Meaning, the deception, dysfunction and imbalance which is beneath our intelligence. But, there is no need to lose faith in the betterment of society, because all this dysfunction and imbalance is what is needed to awaken the population. Remember, there is no such thing as coincidence!

We are now at a time that we are designing this new structure that we will leave for our children of the future so let’s get it right.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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