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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/8/2019 1:27:07 AM

Saul via John Smallman: You All Have Pain from Way Back that Needs to be Seen, Thanked, and Released

Audio version.

We are watching from the spiritual realms with joy, as humanity moves forward very rapidly indeed along its collective path to awakening. That awakening is absolutely inevitable because collectively the Oneness of Spirit that is the life within humanity, in all its many cultures, races, ethnicities, and religious and political persuasions and none, has chosen to cease playing the game of separation.

Separation was a choice to experience a totally unreal state, a state in which you, each individual sentient being, was in competition with every other one for the resources to ensure your survival. Initially food, shelter, and clothing for your bodies, then power over others as the individual felt that that was the only practical way to ensure its survival.

But you are all One, with each other, and of course with God/Source/Wisdom, the Creator of all that exists. What Source creates is everlasting, eternal, without end or termination, it just is, and nothing can change or alter that. Therefore competition with and power over others is pointless and meaningless. How can you possibly beat yourself in competition or have power over yourself?

What you can do as a human is to evolve, by allowing the knowing that you are a spiritual being at one with Source and with each other into your conscious awareness. That is what it means to awaken.

As modern science has conclusively shown within the last two or three decades, absolutely everything is entangled with and permanently connected to everything else. That there is One vast, immense, infinite energy field of consciousness in which myriad forms, in an infinite variety, form and disperse continuously, and where nothing is lost or destroyed. All that happens is that the forms keep on changing as the One creates in utter joy for Its own endless delight, and that, of course, also means for your endless delight.

What has happened is that you – humanity – have become so enraptured with your own forms that you find it incredibly difficult to open to the awareness that you are, always have been, and always will be infinitely more than the forms in which you clothe yourselves and that enrapture you.

You are all inseparably one with the infinite divine field of energy – LOVE. However, you also exist as individual expressions of the Essence that is the One as you each expand and share the Love that you each are.

While in form, using your human brains and intellects, this seems like an incomprehensible paradox, but it is only incomprehensible because of the limitations in which form encloses consciousness, hiding from it its eternal and infinite knowing, and apparently separating it from Itself. To reaffirm, there is only ONE, in which All That Is has Its permanent and eternal existence.

Modern science has shown you that nothing material can be destroyed, or entirely removed from existence, it just changes from form back into energy. Matter – rocks, rivers, earth, metals, plants, animals (which includes humans) – is energy that has taken form. Form has a lifespan that varies depending on the fabric from which it is made, whereas energy is eternal, it is never destroyed, spent, or terminated.

You are, therefore, beings of infinite energy temporarily confined in a very limiting form. That form has no power over you. You control and direct it by the power of your beliefs, beliefs of which you are frequently, in fact mostly, almost entirely unconscious. Instead you have accepted the beliefs that were ingrained in you by others as you grew to adulthood, and which are reconfirmed daily by your family, society, culture, religion, politics, and environment.

You can change your beliefs, and you need to change your beliefs to bring them into alignment with Love, with Reality. You are Love incarnate, and Love is infinite perfection. It has no issues – emotional, psychological, intellectual, or physical – or problems to solve or heal, but, because of your ingrained and invalid beliefs, encouraged and fiercely defended by your fear-driven egos, you do.

Taking time out daily to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary that lies at peace within each one of you, is the way to shed your invalid beliefs and heal yourselves. No one else can do it for you, although others may be able to offer loving guidance that can help you to access the infinite power you each have within yourselves.

You can, and if you set and reset the intent, you will heal yourselves. It may not be possible to heal serious damage or illness to your bodies, but you can and will heal your minds and hearts, relieving yourselves of suffering and coming to a place of deep peace and self-acceptance.

You are all incarnate as humans in the perfect bodies and in the perfect environments for the lessons with which you chose to present yourselves during this lifetime. You are precisely where you are meant to be, where you intended to be, and you have limitless resources in the spiritual realms on which you can call for support and guidance 24/7. Take advantage of this power which is available to you, because, in fact, it is yours, and it will enable you to let go of beliefs that limit and repress you, beliefs that do not serve you.

Attempting to use your intellects to analyze, understand, and remove your issues will not work, because all that happens is that they run continuously through your mind on what seems like and endless and circular track, repeating and repeating, and thus draining your energy and leaving you feeling helpless to do anything about them. Then you cruise the fridge, or check your phone, or turn on the TV – if it happens that it is turned off!

To start the healing process, just sit quietly in a meditative, contemplative, or deeply relaxed state and focus on the wall in front of you, or your breath, or a candle, or a plant, or whatever works for you to help you quieten your mind and slow your thoughts. Then accept whatever arises, without judgment or anger, and ask it if it has a message for you.

You all have pain from way back that needs to be seen, thanked, and released. Often you will be amazed at what arises from the depths for your attention – maybe a shaming from when you were an infant, or an unfair punishment – and the pain from it has remained. Look at it, accept its message and comfort it lovingly, thus offering it what should have been offered way back when.

When it is seen, accepted without judgment of any kind – either of self or of the perpetrator – and lovingly comforted it will start to dissolve. This may happen almost instantaneously, or it may take longer, so again accept, do not insist on instant relief because that is, of course, a negative judgment.

That inner child is hurt, and the way forward is via acceptance and comforting. Do not accept your ego’s suggestions that this is unnecessary, that you are an adult now, and that this pandering to your suffering is childish. The ego suggests this because it does not want you to release the pain, because it uses pain and suffering to control and direct you. When that happens you sometimes say or do something that you later very much regret.

By loving and comforting your inner child for the pain and suffering that it has endured you are effectively healing and integrating your ego, making you whole-hearted. Those of you who have worked with small children and infants know that their emotions can take them over very easily, and you know that patient loving of them when they are upset is the best way to calm them and help them to come back to a place of peace, knowing that they are loved and accepted.

So, give yourselves the love that you would offer to a small child in need, and do not judge doing this as childish, unnecessary, or stupid! To love yourselves is absolutely essential. It is also absolutely essential to forgive yourselves whole-heartedly for any failings or errors that you believe you have made throughout your lives. Accept that where you are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually is precisely where you are meant to be, and in doing so, know that you are infinitely and eternally loved by God, and that that state will never change. Doing this is an essential part of your awakening process.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/8/2019 1:33:55 AM

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, April 4, 2019

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, April 4, 2019

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still present with the Earth Council assisting the planet with the ascension process.

We understand that your nerves are being frayed and your consciousness is getting overwhelmed. There is too much information and dis-information for the human brain to process. This is part of the chaos of ascension. It is called playing the game of scramble (not Scrabble). Technology has taken over in a way that can keep one suspended in the matrix.

Do not let this stop you from doing what must be done. Stay directly on your path. Listen to what you choose but turn up your discernment. There is much to read between the lines and lips of those speaking. It is too easy to be swayed one way or the other. It is all a game that will end with the truth.

The dark ways are burning up the wires with deceit. Let it be. Let them spark the fires of their wrong doings and reap the karma that they are creating.

It will not be pretty. When certain beings go about trying to hurt others, especially those of the light, they actually intensify their karma. Hurting others is a double edged sword. For them it will be a smoke filled world and they will be in that world for eons.

Please know that we are busy working behind the scenes to intervene when possible to prevent the most serious damage. Just because there are dark intentions does not mean that those plans will be implemented.

You are loved and watched over by the light. We are capable of offsetting the worst-laid plans of those who would harm the Earth and humanity. Stay aware and do not let your self get caught up in that energy.

Technology is running rampant and the human egos involved have almost gone past the point of no return. Remember what happened to Atlantis? You are here to shift the errors of the past and return the Earth to the beauty that she was intended to be.

Please remember to take deep breaths and breathe with the Earth. This will help bring some peace to many. The world needs peace. The other energies will not be successful. Greed and service to self will fall by the way. This is the time for the Golden Age. Breathe in those energies and help create the New Earth.

I am Mira, with love from the Pleiadian High Council.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/8/2019 1:40:12 AM

Arcturian Group Message through Marilyn Raffaele, 4/7/19

Marilyn Raffaele

APRIL 7,2019

Dear Readers, we welcome you once again to spiritual messages that in reality are not ours but yours, for they are expressions of your own state of consciousness. If they were not, you could not align with them. Whatever you are in energetic alignment with, you can experience.

You have evolved to a state of consciousness spiritually prepared to release the old programing, concepts, and beliefs you were taught and accepted as truth throughout many lifetimes.

This is the reason it often seems difficult or even unnecessary to let go of some ordinary concepts that have worked well in three dimensional living. The three dimensional mind in its limited capacity for anything other than what is already in the collective, keeps telling you that things should stay as they are; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, you reading these messages are no longer in the third dimension.

We have stated many times that you have reached that point at which you no longer need classes, objects, rites, and rituals to gain a deeper understanding of God and spirituality. You have come to that place in your spiritual journey where you now understand that you already have everything you had hoped these things would give you. You now know that there is only One and you are IT. The journey now is about living this truth until it becomes your attained state of consciousness.

Metaphysical tools do not or can not make you any more than you already are. Continuing to depend upon and look to outside means after awakening to the truth that God is already fully present within, will serve only to prolong experiences of separation.

Please understand that we are not saying you cannot have and hold your favorite crystals, go to a class you are drawn to, see an energy worker, or participate in sacred ceremonies. What we are saying is that you must understand that crystals, rites, and rituals awaken and augment Light energy already present but not yet recognized within you. Once recognized, the spiritual student must begin to draw from within rather than from the without.

Crystals carry their own unique energy and serve to align and activate that same particular energy in a person. Never believe that physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual tools of any kind can give you something you don’t already have.

You are ready to accept that everything you have been seeking from others, places, and things throughout hundreds of lifetimes has never existed anywhere but within you. You have done the work and are qualified to let go of seeking and searching for God. You have found Him/Her/It and it is you!

At a certain point everyone must fully accept and live the reality of who and what they are as best they can. True spiritual living is not based in common three dimensional concepts (picture the saint on a holy card) but rather is the practice of meeting ordinary events from a place of unconditional love.

Unconditional love is state of consciousness that automatically recognizes every person to be a Divine being in spite of appearances to the contrary. It may be accompanied by emotion but may not. After inner recognition, the person can then take whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take. Unconditional Love is a facet of being in the world, but not of it.

As the energy of earth becomes increasingly refined and intense, your physical systems are changing in order to integrate these higher frequencies. The process of releasing stored cellular memory from hundreds of past lives and replacing it with frequencies of Light may leave you feeling sick and totally exhausted on all levels leaving the human mind to step in with dire warnings about all the diseases you might have.

Try to “go with the flow”, resting and loving yourself as best you can during the “down” times, trusting that all is proceeding as it is meant to. Ascension symptoms will often manifest through the body’s weakest area. Example; If you died of tuberculosis in one or more lives, you may experience lung problems in this one as old energy from this source as well as others clears.

Clearing symptoms come and go which is one way you can recognize them for what they are. However, if you feel the need to seek medical help, do so without guilt or resistance.

Many of you are being intuitively guided to remove energy cords that may be actively holding you in energetic bondage to certain people, places, or things. Energetic bonds (cords) are frequently carried from lifetime to lifetime simply because they are in the person’s energy field. They can be recognized by intense “good” or “bad” reactions or connections to a certain person or persons.

Energy cords result in a draining and unhealthy energetic attachment to someone–partner, family member, friend, or enemy. Intense experiences of every sort can and often result in the formation of an energetic connection cord. Cord removal is simple. You can do it with intention and visualization. Ask your Guides to assist you.

Removing an energy cord does not mean the ending of love and interaction with those you love and want in your life, but means that the addictive and unhealthy connection ceases unless once again created. Parents often carry energy cords to their children or to one particular child. Relationships become healthier without energy cords.

Talk to your cells, sending them Light and telling them that it is time to release all old three dimensional programing (age, deterioration, disease etc.) and move into the Divine blueprint. This practice often results in long buried issues surfacing to be cleared.

Never believe that the sudden appearance of some negative issue indicates failure on your part for you cannot fail. Failure is a myth, a human concept based in the belief of duality (success vs failure) and separation. You can forget or ignore, but can never be less than the fullness of the Godhead expressing ITself.

Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be, in the midst a process that is sometimes uncomfortable. You are ready to let go of old programming that shouts you must do this or do that and only in “this” way. You have graduated beyond the “shoulds” and “should nots” that represent lingering three dimensional programming.

Once you choose to stop being a slave to the three dimensional belief system you will quickly discover that the sky does not fall down and life proceeds very nicely.

You must accept that things are going to be different. Many believe that as the world ascends into higher dimensional energy they can continue doing everything just as they are doing now but without interference. Because consciousness is the substance of all form (as interpreted by mind according to an individual’s state of consciousness), the outer scene cannot help but change as personal and collective consciousness evolves.

Trust and accept that your Higher Self knows what you need, when you need it, and how to get it to you, be it a necessary lesson or person. This is spiritual trust and you reading these messages are ready for spiritual trust.

Spiritual trust is the recognition that all is proceeding according to plan regardless of how it may seem to third dimensional thinking. Spiritual trust is an attained state of consciousness and you are ready for it or already in it. Continuing to concepts of how spiritual experiences must be or look in order to be authentic can act to block the Higher Self’s attempt to bring to you some important lesson experience.


and never Mary, Joe, or Betty. I is God. The word I is sacred and refers to the real Divine Self but which through un-awakened ignorance is thought of as personal selfhood, the one that believes itself to be separate and apart from God and all life forms.

The master teacher Jesus taught the truth about I AM but the people of that time were not sufficiently evolved and misinterpreted his message as referring to him personally. This is and continues to remain the source of the most extreme error of present day Christianity–that only one person is the son of God.

Begin to realize the truth of I AM and cease using the word I so much in its personal sense. Every time you say; “I am sick.” or “I am broke.”, or “I am a failure” you create that very thing for yourself. Begin to think of I in its real sense–the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent I that is my true Selfhood.

Know that you are experiencing the dying gasps of old programming such as physical inheritance, karmic relationships, and cellular memory. Never claim problems as being personally yours or you make them yours. All error is impersonal because the I that you are has no problems nor does IT know anything about problems.

Divine Consciousness is infinitely whole, complete, and perfect. If error (sin, disease, lack, limitations etc. ) existed in Divine Consciousness, it would be forever held in place by Divine law and could never be removed or healed.

Once you consciously or unconsciously state your intention to awaken and evolve, you are on your way and do not need to keep doubting, worrying, and asking if you are doing it right. Every person is only required to live out from their highest level of awareness and as they do that, more is given. It is a process because you still live in energies of time and space.

Evolution is the ongoing journey of awakening into conscious Oneness but does not stop with that realization. Each new revelation embraced and practiced creates a pathway for more truth to unfold because God is infinitely expressing ITself and thus so are you/YOU.

The time has arrived in which all hedging, doubting, and making excuses must cease. To say; “I am not worthy. I am a sinner. I cannot be a Divine Being.” simply reflects old, false, ego based concepts of true humility.

Once a person awakens to the fact that there is only ONE expressing ITself as the many, they can never go back to being asleep although some will try.

With great love and respect for you all we are the Arcturian Group. 4/7/19

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/8/2019 7:36:17 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday April 8, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

There is no one size fits all journey to enlightenment. That is the beauty of it, the fact that you can find a way that fits you, your personality, your needs, your self expression, your soul’s agenda, your purpose. It is completely unique and personal.

When you hear teachings or methods from various teachers or healers, they are simply guidelines. Some might work wonderfully for you and your unique energetics, others may not. It is important to not get stalled if something doesn’t give you results. All movement is forward movement! If you try something and it doesn’t work, it is redirecting you towards what will. Keep trying until you find what that is!

What we are trying to encourage you to do is give yourself the permission and freedom to try many different things. Experiment! Play! Use your imagination and intuition to try different colours, words, affirmations, visualizations, or any other techniques that feel good and right to you that support your own expansion and healing.

There is no greater expert on you than you, Dear Ones. Take the guidance you receive from others that resonates with you as a foundation and then feel free to customize it and grow it from there, for that is exactly how you guide yourselves in the most empowered ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/8/2019 8:39:45 PM

GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2019

will's picture

I accept every tradition as it is, without interfering with it. This has never been done before, and this may not be done again for centuries, because to have such inclusive vision is very confusing. Being with me, you can never have certainty. The more you are with me, the more and more the ground under your feet will disappear. The more you are here with me, the more and more your mind will be taken away, and with it all certainty.

Yes, you will have transparency, but no certainty.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
