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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/20/2018 11:53:57 PM

The Holidays and You

November 19, 2018

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 16, 2018, channeled “Creation Energies” show at As you transition, you’ll have less interest in shoulds. If you have to make a decision, such as attending a family gathering, select the most self-nurturing action. In the future, decisions that seem so important now will disappear as was true for the test you didn’t study for in grade school.

“Happy New Year!” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to address your increasing need to live the life you dreamed of – the freedom to be.

Perhaps you believe you continue to follow others, we beg to differ. For you once did so without regard for yourself – or others, at times. Even though you might now function as others want you to, you are internally or externally stating your independence.

Before, you did not consciously know you had a choice for your shoulds were so deeply ingrained.

Your choices are now coming to the forefront with thoughts of, “Do I want to do this or be that?” A new concept for most of you. For your 3D choices were limited to declarations of right actions by your parents, community, country, and global citizenship at that specific time in 3D history.

But now that you are starting to think ‘outside the should box’ about your needs and interests, your life is becoming more difficult. Not because you are wrong to declare yourself a sovereign being, but because you are not functioning as you once did.

Those closest to you are both amazed and enthralled. Even though their response might be anger based on fear, they are also likely beginning to initiate their spark of independence because of you.

The next few days, it will probably seem as if no one is particularly thrilled with your words or actions for they are expecting the being with whom they are familiar. Causing you to question yourself, for you are used to being the ‘nice’ person meshing with society’s flow.

These new, unusual words and deeds of yours might come from deep within you – and surprise you as much as the person with whom you are interacting.

Even though others will marvel at your courage, they will also feel some disdain for that courage because all are supposed to follow the established rules.

Innovators cannot be rule followers.

You are shifting the earth in ways never before attempted. So it is each of you forerunners is an innovator in a different field or area. It is as if you forerunners created a university with millions of program areas.

So it is you will not necessarily find anyone completely compatible with your thoughts or actions. For those of 3D will be amazed, if not angry, at your new-found independence and other forerunners will not be as interested in your area as are you.

Such does not mean you will be isolated, but instead that you have the independence of thought and action cheered on by other forerunners. You will also likely create anger in those fully of 3D, and amazement in those beginning their transition process.

You are not like anyone of earth or the Universes. You are a strong, independent being who willingly accepted this challenge of changing earth from fear to love. Not necessarily an easy task, but a task you accepted with excitement and joy.

For you were tired of fitting within the tight parameters of earth life required lifetime after lifetime to perfect your current skills.

It is as if you, en masse, said to the Universes, “I have fit my square peg in round earth holes far too many times in preparation for this transition. If the transition does not happen in this life, send someone else to perform my tasks.” At that point you and your forerunners were ready.

So it is you are shifting earth from fear to love more rapidly than you envisioned. Even though fear and hate continue to be promoted, fewer and fewer are willing to be part of either.

You believe it is your innate humanity coming to the forefront. Instead, it is your Universal being of love.

Rather than burning you at the stake, imprisoning you, or otherwise ending your actions so fear could dominate the world, others are beginning to follow your forerunner lead.

For all forerunners have been severely punished for love actions in one or more lives. Not because those actions were not right for you, but because those of the earth had not yet completed their fear lessons.

This time is different as those of you daring to peek outside your shoulds are discovering. Those who wish to remain of 3D are fading into the background. And those sparked by your need to be free of all 3D requirements are watching you in awe and amazement with thoughts of “Why do I have to do or be that?”

We stated months ago that your holidays would never be quite the same as in the past. So it is you are discovering what we meant with that statement. For your holidays are now more in line with who you are becoming, instead of who you were – surprising you as much as others.

You have become a beacon of light leading those living in the darkness of fear into the light of self-love. You are exceptional leaders holding your beacon of light higher and higher daily.

Allow new you to shine through your physical being by doing and saying that which feels right, instead of what others expect.

You are new you in all your glory. Allow that to be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/21/2018 12:01:10 AM

A Holiday Called Thanksgiving – The Council

A Holiday Called Thanksgiving – The Council

In two days, in the country in which this channel resides, a holiday called Thanksgiving will be observed. On this day each year, it is customary for you to gather for a feast, share with family and friends, and even perhaps spend a few moments pondering your blessings and giving thanks for them – my car, my house, my health, my family, etc. Before you do this, may we give you a few other things you might think about.

Usually, each of you direct your thanks to whatever or whomever you perceive to be the divine source in your life. And that is, of course, a very good thing to do. But we would suggest something further.

It is very likely that you have been the beneficiary of many of the following fellow beings during the past year, if not all of them. The most obvious are health workers, firefighters, etc. But it is also quite likely that someone has prepared food for you, so you did not have to. Someone else has served you that food. Someone has cleaned up after those meals, so you did not have to. Someone has removed the trash you created, so you did not have to. Someone has swept the streets, plowed the snow, filled the potholes, so you did not have to. Someone has driven a vehicle for you, a taxi, a bus, an airplane, a ship to fill your need. Someone has cleaned your hotel room, so you did not have to. The list could be exceedingly long.

It is very possible that many of those people performed their service when they were ill, when they had a migraine headache, or when they were in the midst of a stressful situation.

So this Thanksgiving holiday perhaps give a moment’s thought to all of those people. Send them thanks. Send them love and appreciation. Never doubt for a moment that you will uplift each of them in some way when you do this.

Let us here inject another thought. If everyone did this, you would be the recipient of much of this gratitude and love yourself. As you go through our daily activities, do you not do many things for others? Do you not often do them when you are not feeling your best? Each of you is dependent upon all of the rest of you. That is what makes your society possible.

So when you give thanks for what you have, do not forget those that produced it nor those that brought it to you. And realize also that you have done your own part. For that, we are grateful to you. We see what you have done, even when you have discounted or forgotten it.

So have a very wonderful day of thanks, and enjoy your family and friends. And if you should think of us for a moment, know we are with you.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/21/2018 12:14:05 AM

Live today with love in your hearts.

Galactic Free Press's picture

Humanity is on a roll! Yes, I have said that before! Nevertheless, as you attend to the news media, you mostly find news of disasters and catastrophes of various kinds, and mostly ones that do not directly affect you. Don’t focus your attention there, because it just drains your energy, allowing guilt, anxiety, fear, and anger to fill your minds. If you can help with your presence, or by making donations, then do so; but just sending love to those who are in need and who are suffering is very powerful. Then get on with living your lives lovingly and consciously, because that is what you are in form to do. And humanity is on a roll, because it has collectively made the decision to awaken, and that is what is happening.

The pain and suffering that many are undergoing is as a result of the decision to awaken, and is happening as “stuff” arises within them to be released. It is an enormous and ongoing planet-wide releasing of all the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that stop people from being only loving.

Resentment, bitterness, hatred, judgment, and the desire for restitution are all blocks to Love. Love is always unconditionally accepting and never judges, but humans in form have beentrained to judge and to seek restitution for their hurts – and indeed many have been very badly hurt – but focusing on those hurts is to live in the past and replay endlessly from their memories the occasions that were so painful. And doing that just brings those memories back into the present for those doing so, and repeats within them now the pain and suffering that they underwent, even though it is over.

There is absolutely no need to do that! Dwelling on past pain and suffering totally blocks your ability to enjoy life in the now moment, the only time there is. Let go! Live today with love in your hearts and enjoy the experience of being alive – a smile from a stranger, children playing happily, a caress from a loved one – and be aware of the world around you, whether it be a view of city streets, mountains, lakes, oceans, or your own backyard. There is alwayssomething in your environment in which to delight and for which you can offer thanks – even a brief respite from the pain of physical illness that you may be experiencing, or the comfort and loving attention in that situation that another offers you.

There is only Love, and if you will open yourselves to receive it you will be amazed at how many times it is offered to you. Truly all of you, every single human being, seeks only Love. Not conditional love – if you do this I will love you – but real Love, capital L! Real Love is your true nature, but as humans you have shut off your awareness of this holy truth by focusing on fear. You did this a long time ago because it seemed to be the basis of your survival in a threatening environment in which your physical bodies were, and still are, very vulnerable and can be easily damaged. Now this survival fear no longer serves you, it only serves to separateyou from one another. And the more you believe that it is necessary the more fearful you become, expecting negative judgments from even your nearest and dearest, as well as from civil “authorities,” friends, acquaintances, and employers.

All of you, during your formative years, were judged by parents, your elders and betters, and by your schools as not good enough, not working hard enough, not doing your best – and this goes back generations, it is the culture of “civilization,” which itself is fear-based. This was not meant to be! As little ones you should have been loved, guided, and assisted to uncover and develop your wonderful talents, not forced to conform to rules that made no sense. If this had happened society would be a peaceful and harmonious fellowship in which differences between people were encouraged, and your different creative abilities would be honored instead of being judged as unacceptable, and wrong, just because they were different.

Over the last few decades enormous strides have been made to address the issue of differences between individuals, cultures, creeds, colors, and ethnicities. Now more and more people all across the world are honoring the differences they see in others. However, there remains a very large number of people with fixed and fearful beliefs who are completely against change of any kind. They yearn for the “good old days,” the days – as they remember them – from their childhood, but those memories are extremely selective, and in truth the “good old days” never existed. Those selective memories were created to defend against or hide from view the actuality of those early experiences, which were often intensely painful.

Now, as the awakening progresses, all these unhappy and painful memories are arising in people’s conscious awareness to be acknowledged and released. While they remain, and are even clung to, love is blocked or refused because people’s trust is severely damaged – nearly everyone has experienced betrayal of some kind by someone they loved and trusted. The way forward is by releasing this “stuff,” and then opening your hearts to Love. When you do you will experience love returned to you, because Love is all inclusive and extends and shares Itself constantly with those who are open to It. Once you choose to follow the path of Love, and find it everywhere – as you undoubtedly will – it is possible to once more start trusting.

Of course you will still experience disappointments, because some those with whom you interact will still be clinging to fear, to their “stuff,” and will be incapable of living lovingly, yet; eventually all will. In the meantime, by choosing and intending to be loving whatever arises, you are doing what you incarnated to do – massively assisting in humanity’s awakening process – and because the collective decision to awaken has been made and is irreversible, you willbring it about.

Whenever you feel depressed, down-hearted, or anxious, especially after becoming aware of some “new” disaster or catastrophe, go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides constantly, and just be with yourself as you allow the knowing that all is divinely taken care of to fill your heart. You will feel the love and the peace that is your nature, and your faith in the divine plan will be reaffirmed for you. You are One with Source, Mother/Father/God, the supreme Intelligence, the infinite Wisdom that is All That Exists, and during those quiet moments that you spend within your knowing of this will strengthen, and your doubts will fade away. But, due to the limitations that being in form as a human places upon you, you do needto go within and open your hearts to Love at least once daily. And you can also pay brief visits during the day while waiting in line, at traffic lights, or even when visiting the restroom. JustKNOW that you are eternally and infinitely loved, just as you are, despite all the failings and inadequacies for which you so often negatively judge yourselves. Stop the negative self-judgments, accept and love yourselves, and enjoy the sense of peace that will arise.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/21/2018 12:20:02 AM

Beyond Daily Life

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God said:

Beloved, make life easier for you and all those near you as well as those who are said to be far away from you in time or space, neither of which exist except in illusion. Of course, illusion can only appear to be seen, or it wouldn’t be illusion.

Personally and superficially, you seem to exist as if in a body. In earth terms, that which is not seen, such as soul, you cannot draw with pen and ink.

Nevertheless, souls are Infinitely sensed and Infinitely known to be true. Very young children who are just learning to speak have a sense of awe as soon as they hear the word God, as if they can tell that the written word God deserves to be capitalized. Children also catch the meaning of the word death as it is thought of on Earth.

You, too, understand that all Human Beings share the One World and the Heavens, Earth, and the air and soil and water, as if the Earth, light, the elements, the sky itself, Middle Earth and the Sun, Moon, and Stars – as if everything is Infinite Vast Consciousness and that you tip your hat to all with pleasure. How do you understand this without the words to say it in? You just do. You catch on.

The same way it all rings true to you that all Beings are dreamers and seekers, that all seek to join and recognize their Union with God, and all that which life encompasses in your Awareness of Soul and your extended inborn desire to be great and to recognize all to be great, to reach the height of Heaven, to also be recognized by God and to recognize God in all, to clasp God’s hand, and be blessed by God and to recognize that all men and women are divinely joined as brothers and sisters who share one family and one Infinite love.

What are you here on Earth for unless to awaken to joy and to deliver joy in every heart you are blessed to come near? Every heart you meet, you are destined to meet the way the sun meets the day, to deliver the sky and the Sun to each other. Value the Heart, the Magnificence Heart.

The Heart is the Flame. The mind is a bookkeeper.

Your heart is here to give the mind reason for Being. The Heart, in Our case, is metaphorical. A big heart and eyes, the light of life has One Universe at Our disposal.

And music, music, music, and dance and dance. Beat the drums. What majesty is this world We live in! The world is greater than you may accept and give it credit regardless of its misperceptions and arguments and other sundry ways of wasting time.

At the same time, something great is going on. All the beauty of nature and the fact that babies are born and are born with love and are loved and are dependent and then grow beyond dependence.

And no matter how bedraggled the world may appear, you have a world, and you live in it. Somehow you got here in this world that is also beautiful beyond words. Everything seems to be a miracle, even when some miracles seem like mistakes. You live in a world where anything can happen, where it is even arranged for you to leave this world, often taken unawares.

It is bespoken that you get out alive and dropped off in Heaven. Well, why not?

Now you release attachment. Now you are once again a rose in bloom forevermore as you always were and didn’t quite see beyond an old vision of daily life.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/21/2018 12:39:07 AM

A Message to Lightworkers – November 20, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective . . .

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

For today’s Message, a Lightworker has asked us to speak on the issue of racial conflict. They write:

“As a white person who has endeavored to help address our problems of racial inequity, I’ve found that there is still such huge tension between people of different races, and that well-meaning efforts on any side can be misinterpreted and lead to further hurt or divided feelings.

I am wondering about the big picture way to understand and address this racial conflict and mistrust that humans around the world, and certainly in the US, continue to experience.”

This is an excellent question, and a multilayered issue, as these are created scenarios that you describe, and not accidental ones, though they appear to have evolved on their own.

It is so that for centuries, certain races declared supremacy over certain other races, and that this caused great division, and not only in terms of military defenses.

In every day life, very real social and cultural divides found their way into everyday beliefs.

It also provided the impetus for certain races to “explain” the superiority they naturally claimed over others—to justify it with stories, false science, and creation myths that explained why they were the master race, and why other races and cultures were destined to serve their master group.

The entire idea of enslaving nonwhites, or those of a particular religion, class, or ethnicity, or women or children, served not only the “master race” ideology.

It also provided a reason to subjugate those groups judged as inferior, stating they would be mired in helplessness and chaos without patriarchal control over them.

Over time, the majority of the world population was taught that they were not fit to run their own lives, let alone whole communities.

Photo by Lynne Newman

You may have read of even white abolitionists counseling Black abolitionists in the 1800s that they were not ready to become editor of an abolitionist newspaper, for example, despite the Black abolitionists’ education and eloquent speaking and writing abilities.

That sort of condescension and low expectation of intelligence—of women, nonwhites, children, certain religious groups, etc., was intentionally constructed and continues in subtler forms to the present day.

For millennia, there has been on your planet a race of beings (actually, several races, in conflict over who shall rule most powerfully) that not only adjusted human DNA to a lower level, so as to deny you much of your natural etheric, mental, and physical capabilities.

They also set forward whole religions, national ideologies, philosophies, and government, educational, and economic systems and technologies built to ensure that one small group would be served first of all Earth’s bounty, while the rest were made to scramble for whatever may remain.

Of those oppressed, certain groups stand out in history—the millions of Africans kidnapped and forced into slavery in Europe and the United States for several centuries, the Chinese sold as slaves in the US and Canada, or who worked for desperately low wages on the Canadian railroads, the Irish enslaved to the plantations in the West Indies, the Mexicans, South and Central Americans, and Native Americans kidnapped and enslaved in the American Southwest.

Slavery has likewise existed throughout Asia, including Australia, and in numerous countries in Africa.

And those eventually freed by new laws were still, of course, held captive by strongholds of discrimination. This too was highly intentional, and not only for what was reaped from low-cost labor.

The “ruling elite” have fed off the despair energy of oppressed peoples, including women and children living under oppressive patriarchal structures, for many centuries.

The hierarchical mindset holds that only a few are meant to rule, to make decisions, to determine meanings and beliefs, while the rest are meant to serve and do as they are told.

This philosophy has continued into the present, though it is corporations, billionaires, and trillionaires who crack the whip now, rather than field overseers.

Yet many millions have awakened enough to understand that ancestral lands were stolen out from under them or their forebears, and that they still labor and live in unfair conditions—economically and socially, as well as racially.

And so you have this extreme unevenness set as a precedent for recorded Earth history, but we assure you—that history which has gone unrecorded holds a much different reality.

In the time of Atlantis, and the time of Lemuria before that, there existed principles and everyday living in which all were considered vital parts of the culture.

No one’s vote was discounted out of sheer contempt for their “beginnings” or their color, gender, orientation, place of origin, or beliefs.

In those nonhierarchical cultures, people knew their resourcefulness, their natural genius, their place in the Universe.

They did not look upon their fellow human as competition or a threat—someone who might steal from them the last scrap of bread they had managed to find.

They did not resent one sort of person as being closer to the master race than they were, nor look down upon those seemingly furthest from it.

They respected and believed not only in the sacred nature of individuality—the Star origin and soul presence of each person and cultural group—but in each person’s Divinity.

That belief has been intentionally excluded from Earth life since the Fall of those great civilizations, with suspicion and separatism sewn in their place.

Yet, you need not feel that that is what now typifies race relations, as it is called, on this planet.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

What we see increasingly are people opening their hearts to one another, trusting one another as individuals, and being willing to ignore that which in the past would have stopped them from reaching out to someone who looked or thought a bit “different” from them.

Not everyone will speak or think as you do, of course. Their cultural and historical background may well be different from yours.

Yet do they recognize unconditional Love when they see it? That growing sense of Divinity within them would answer “Yes!” every time.

Do people recognize a loyal friend or helpful, kind coworker when they see one? They do, whether they say as much or not.

And do people know intuitively when someone respects them, looking them in the eye as they speak to them, counting them fully as one of Creation’s more beautiful expressions?

Again—their high heart will respond, whether their personality or ego-mind notices and appreciates that or not.

A heart hardened by years of abuse, discrimination, and condescension will not necessarily open immediately to one steeped in Divine Love.

And yet, in the moment that Light is given, a crack appears through which that Light can powerfully shine.

You have met examples from every social group of those who, despite their group’s painful history, are brilliant examples of empowering Divine Love, shining from every pour.

Your job, dear one—anyone’s job—is not necessarily to tackle head on those issues that are deeply sewn with centuries of pain and trauma.

Your job is to smile at others, to allow yourself to Love and accept every single person you meet, whether they appear to be open to such or not.

It is fine to withdraw your energies or attention from someone who is not good for you; who is so inwardly closed or abusive as to be too difficult to speak with.

Yet do not express or sink into judgment. You cannot know what they have been through.

Be your own brilliant self, allowing higher energies to flow from the heart-mind as you speak to all with equal amounts of acceptance, celebrating the fact of their existence on the Earth at this time.

No one needs you to cure or even speak of the centuries-old entrainment humanity has undergone.

Human beings need you (and everyone) to realize your Divinity.

Realize it full enough that the separation, the unsureness and edginess so many feel in relation to those who are meant to be the Other, just dissolves, because it cannot remain in the face of such beautiful and empowering Light.

We would release the need to feel troubled by the issues, and simply declare Unity — that all are One.

Celebrate it, and be a living embodiment of it.

We would dance with anyone open-hearted enough to do so, in other words. And be respectful and interested in another’s customs, history, language, or beliefs, yet not to feel shut out by them, or worry that they feel shut out from yours.

For all are One, and are reclaiming this now, in the most beautiful of ways.

By asking this question about interconnection among groups, you are proclaiming that it is time—for both the 99.99% and the .01%—to move well beyond that which has enslaved the human spirit and psyche for so long.

By declaring Divine Love the only true Law of the land, you break the spell so many have labored under for thousands of years.

And you decree your own freedom, your own uniqueness, your own brilliant part of Unity consciousness.

You declare, in other words, the New Earth, the New Human, the New Life being birthed for all.

And that is enough.

Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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