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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2018 1:46:05 AM

A time of great personal change – The Council

A time of great personal change – The Council

Many of you are going through a time of great personal change, both internal and external. This is not an easy time. As you get nearer and nearer to the precipitating events that you are in anticipation of, you are feeling as if you are being forced through a tiny opening and you don’t know what is on the other side. We smile as we point out the similarity of that to what you call birth, and the analogy is indeed very apt. In this case, you have all participated in creating what is beyond that point, and since that is the case we think you will indeed find that the grass will be greener.

Some of you are being stretched and pounded almost to your breaking points. We do appreciate that. We are aware. Actually there is no way we could not be aware, but that is not the topic today.

Several possibilities exist. You may be a fit for any one or more of them. You may be clearing the last of the things that you cannot bring into the new lives you are creating. You may be forging a self that is so strong that what is before you will seem like relief. It will be new, but rose gardens may remain in the future for many. And you may simply need to learn one last lesson. Most of you will be in the midst of a mixture of all of these. We can, however, offer a promise.

You are about to see some of the visible change that you have yearned for, asked for, prayed for, and worked for, for many lifetimes and much of this lifetime. All that is being shown to you every day in your media would tend to indicate otherwise, but realize that the aim of those media is to keep you confused and unaware. If you are one who experiences inner knowings and feelings, give greater weight to those than to anything else.

You may think of those feelings and that knowing as our voice and the voice of your own higher selves. You may do so because you will be entirely correct. The more you rely upon it, the greater its strength and accuracy will become. You may even begin to discover how very much of what you ‘think’ and ‘feel’ originates from a part of yourself that you have been totally unaware of up till now.

You may begin to hear us. Eventually you may even begin to see us. And many will not allow this because of what they have been taught about such things. But let us assure you that when that happens, you will not be ‘going crazy’. It will simply be due to the expansion of your awareness beyond what you have known before in this life. And how will you know?

Without exception, the higher part of yourselves, your guides, and your teachers will feel to you as if you are being enveloped in a love that surpasses any you have known. That is, if you will, our signature. We always endeavor to encode our messages with this love, and if you have followed these for long, as many of you have, you have very likely felt this before. When you feel it, you will know that we are present. Actually we are not ever absent, but you will have the best indicator that you have focused your consciousness onto our frequency. We use those words quite often – awareness, consciousness, frequency. We do that because they are the true ground of all being. They are that of which you – and we – are made. And that, dear friends, is a good indicator of where you are in your advancement.

So we can promise you that you are about to see change that will show you how very worthwhile all of these last years, months, and weeks have been.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/24/2018 1:50:58 AM



Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Many thanks to wise owl James for sending the recorded report through a transcription service. I have edited it and it is somewhat readable. :)
Oracle Report - Tues Oct 23, 2018

Automated Transcription of audio Oracle Report to Text, via free trial of

Speaker 1: 00:01

It's Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018. Good morning or good evening, wherever you are. I am recording today's report because I have three pages of notes. The Mahavidyas had quite a lot they wanted to convey today; it would probably take me two hours to write this, so apologies to the people who prefer reading the report. There are 12 points to go over and I'm going to try to do it quickly and not take all of your time. But I hope you get the message. This is part two, actually, continued from yesterday's Oracle Report. You might want to go back and reread that and see what you think about that and what happened with your day. I always recommend reading the Oracle Report at the end of the day – or rereading it because it makes so much more sense by the end of the day. You can apply it to whatever has happened in your day. So today is a big day because the Sun is exactly conjunct (Correction: opposite) Uranus today. This happens one time a year and it's happening at the first degree of Scorpio. The Sun has moved into Scorpio and is now transiting opposite Uranus. What is keyword for Uranus, wise owls? Changes. Expect the unexpected, shocks and surprises. Things from out of the blue.

Speaker 1: 01:48

We want to embrace changes today for sure, and things that are new and different. Uranus rules electrical currents - the electricity in the brain and in the body. All of it. And today is, is a little bit of an overwhelm. Let's just say a plentiful amount of information, hence me recording to try to streamline it and to break it down into pieces because that's the way to handle today: to chunk it out. Anything that you're dealing with, an issue or a problem, you want to break it down into smaller parts and look at it because there's a whole picture there. So Number 1, as I said, the Sun is opposing Uranus and the exact opposition is at 8:39 pm ET/12:39 am UT. The Sabian symbol for the Sun today as it moves into Scorpio is “a sight-seeing bus filled with tourists.” Buses.

Speaker 1: 02:56

I'll come back to that. Number 2: The Earth is conjunct Uranus at “a clear mountain stream.” This is us trying to stream a channel with Spirit and Spirit trying to channel a stream with us. It’s about clear connection. It’s about a clearer connection with higher sources and with our higher self, with ourselves, and connection with the higher selves of each other. This is, again, it's a mountain, a clear mountain stream, so it's from “on high.” So our focus should be on spirituality. Focusing on the spiritually of things -- that's the way to go about the day. This is a very important right now. This is all leading us to Friday. Because the Sun is now moving into conjunction with Venus, which is retrograde. The Sun just moved into Scorpio. It's at 01 degree of Scorpio, and it's trying to come up to Venus, which is at 05 right now - at 05 Scorpio. The Sun will meet up with Venus on Friday, October 26th. The exact conjunction is at 10:05 am ET.

Speaker 1: 04:31

Today we have the sightseeing bus filled with tourists. We could say that that symbol right now is “a Soros-filled bus of terrorists.” Oh Sauran. You just don't understand yet. You just can't fight Mother Nature anymore. The Illuminati have issued a directive. Well, the Illuminati that haven’t gotten the clue yet; the clue that they're not in control. They have been directing this initiative to culminate primarily on Friday and they're on buses. They aren't walking - not all of them. It's quite organized with their Saurus backpacks and whatnot. The Sun-Venus conjunction on Friday will happen at the degree of “a youth holding a lighted candle in a devotional ritual.” We're supposed to believe that these people are young -young people and young families, young men trying to seek a better future, but it's a ritual. This is a ritual. We are going into Halloween, and they're just using all the energetics to try to create chaos here and then to take down the United States. We'll get to that part. Now on Friday, it's all about the Chiron Point because that's where Venus is aspecting -- opposite the Chiron Point. The Earth will make conjunction with the Chrion Point Friday. And remember, the Chiron Point Sabian symbol is “a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” So there's this big promise. These people are being manipulated and most of them don't have good intentions. Anyway, this is complete scam. A lot of the people aren't even from Central and South America.

Speaker 1: 06:37

But back to today. Venus right now is discharging 05 Scorpio. That's “a massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea.” It's very emotional. You might feel bombarded. Like me today. I was the rocky shore here. I wasn't resisting the message the Wisdom Goddesses were sending. It was just so much. It's just, you know, very rare nowadays where they want to communicate such a wide message. This kind of covers a lot of area, but that's, that's the way this energy is. It is a massive rocky shore. It's a shore line. That's where the emotional body and the mental body come together. There is a lot of pounding at that. There's a lot of effort to disconnect that; but there's much more effort to reconnect it and to strengthen it.

Speaker 1: 07:38

And so it's about perseverance. Remember, Jupiter is trying to make its way out of watery Scorpio and there's a lot happening with that as this is going on. Number 5 - Mercury is discharging 21 Scorpio, which is “obeying his conscience, a soldier resists his orders.” That's a repeat of the word “resist” today. It repeats with the symbol from Venus, “a massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea.” This is all about Venus retrograde and it's about our value systems. What do you truly value? What changes need to be made? What are you resisting?

Speaker 1: 08:25

Number 6: The Sun has moved into Scorpio and is squaring the Nodes -- the Moon's Nodes, which are about the past and the future. That's what's highlighted today, and that was also the way it was yesterday. Remember we were looking at “three mounds of sand on a philosopher's head,” looking at the data from the past, analyzing the data of the present, and intuiting the future personally and globally. Okay, so we're still working on that and the Nodes are going to be discharging these degrees for a few weeks. The North Node is at “an epidemic of mumps.” That's about things spreading. Okay, so things go viral very quickly. Things that are put into the field spread very quickly if they're right, if they're at a resonance that's being harmonized. The negative octave of that or the lower octave of that, is spreading a lot of fear and uncertainty and chaos and a lot of the unknown that comes with Uranus. With Uranus, it is about change. Uranus changes things from the way they are – from what's known to what's unknown and that's kind of hard.

Speaker 1: 09:44

The South Node, which is the past, is discharging “an unexpected thunderstorm.” The whole month right now is “after storm a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.” That was the Sabian symbol for the New Moon. Robin's new symbol is “after the storm, everything is fine.” But we have that hurricane that they're pumping up over Mexico. They'll send that over into the Gulf side and probably, if I had to guess, to Houston because what they're trying to do is disrupt this election, which I'll come to at a later point. But they want Houston to pay. Obviously, you know that they've got a big thing going on in Texas. Texas and Virginia are really where the Illuminati and the queen are paying attention. Those are big races to watch.

Speaker 1: 10:51

Jupiter. Jupiter is trying to make its way out of Scorpio. It's now at 27 Scorpio “a military band marches noisily on through city streets.” This is about clamoring and just a lot of noise and it can be in our heads; too much auditory stimulation could be kind of jarring. So you might need to step out of that. There may be a lot of voices. Everyone who is speaking, me included. We might need to limit that, especially if you're getting headaches and if you're having trouble sleeping. Dial back the intake from the computer and from devices. Mainly, this is asking us how do we need to be on the move mentally, emotionally, and physically? That is one of the questions the Mahavidyas have for us.

Speaker 1: 11:52

I'm hoping you're going to find something out of all this that is helpful for you today. Number 8: Saturn. Saturn is at 05 Capricorn. That's “Indians, some rowing a canoe and others doing a dance in it. We talked about this one. I think I talked about this on Phoenix’s show last week. This is about making a show or trying to intimidate. It's aggressive. But at the highest octave, it's about trying to find answers and coming together. So that's where we want to focus and shift the focus, especially if you are being like Saturn and beating up on yourself. Your your chart may be activated in this way. You might be very aggressive with yourself and go into war with yourself. Again, that's what this is all about. The Venus retrograde, the shifting of the value system. Uranus and the Sun and the Earth today are about changing, making changes, expecting the unexpected, and being comfortable with the understanding that an unknown part of the field is opening up. And that's a good thing.

Speaker 1: 12:58

Number 9: The black moon is at 09 Aquarius. That's “a flag turning into an eagle.” Okay. We have false flags in process. This US invasion from the southern border is trying to tear down the US. This is how terrified to lose control that the deep state is with this election. These are the lengths to which they are going to disrupt because they know we are at a pivot point, and a rapid onslaught, a rapid fall, is getting ready to happen when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius. When is that? November 6 (Correction: November 8). Remember that's when we're going to start seeing the reformation with religious systems, the indictments that need to come down, and for people to be held accountable for their actions and their crimes against humanity and children and against country. And these are the false flags.

Speaker 1: 14:05

We have this hurricane. This is the deep state in fall. It's the deep state pulling a false flag, blaming Mother Nature. It's insane how, you know, they just defy all the former laws of hurricanes. And then, of course, we have the “caravan” - the invasion march of the buses.

Number 10: Mars. Mars is at 17 Aquarius. This is “a watchdog standing guard, protecting his master and his possessions.” We have a protective guard. This is the goddess Kali herself. This is a Kali symbol. Kali is the Mahavidya ruling this month. Elias is the Emissary of Thelete, who is a close archetypal companion to Chiron. Both are warriors, warrior archetypal energy.

Speaker 1: 15:03

We have a protective guard around us, and we don't want to want to forget that we might be the underdog, but that's the best dog to be right now because Uranus is doing all of this for us, wise owls. Urnaus is putting things the way they need to be. Uranus is our friend. Number 11: It's Mars kind of day because the Moon is going to transit Aries, Mars’ home sign, all day and all night. That means it's going to move into Taurus tomorrow. With Uranus. I guess that's going to be like part three because it's the same story. It's like a series here going on every day. But it's big. It's intensified. It's just a big deal.

Speaker 1: 16:03

Number 12: Chiron. Let's look at Chiron itself since we have all the Chiron Point activating right now. The Chiron Point is the encapsulation of the energy of the wounded healer and teacher and the hero's journey. We're getting ready to move out of the wounding and the healing parts, those parts of Chiron, and we're getting ready to move into the teaching part of that when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius. We're coming to a higher place in the tree. The wise owls in the tree observing what is happening and staying out of the fray. Uranus makes salad out of things. It just tosses everything into new places and it can be very jarring. Whatever happens, it's always the way it's meant to be.

Speaker 1: 17:01

So Chiron itself is discharging 29 Pisces, “light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.” We are passing through a prism, the prism of light. So the wisdom of this, again, is to chunk things out. All of this is a lot to have happening all in one day today, but really all week it. It's a clear stream of light, of data, and information that is coming through and Venus retrograde wants us to get wise with it. It comes back to what do we truly value? I know I've been harping on this so much, but it's important that we not forget. It's my job to keep saying it. So that's what will guide you today and all week and through the Venus retrograde: always bring it back to what are we truly value. That's our watchdog. That's our guide here. So if there are problems and issues, again, break them down into smaller parts. How can you simplify things? To what are you resistant?

Speaker 1: 18:26

And what do you want to maintain or strengthen? Remember we have the “rocky shore resisting the pounding of the sea”. Well, there are things that we want to maintain - things that are valuable to us that are truly important. Avoid getting boxed in with restrictions or decisions that will restrict you. Remember that all roads lead to freedom. As you're going through your day, don't get boxed into something that you don't want to get boxed into or something that may limit you. Think it through. Think it twice. That's the overarching wisdom really - all roads lead to liberty. So free things up, free up the space, keep everything on the table and don't throw anything out because that's Uranus throwing things onto our table, onto our path, onto our playground. They might be rather radical things. Radical ideas. That's Uranus. It seems foreign or strange or unfamiliar at first because it's making us grow and that's how we grow – we have growing pains. Everything is hard when we first start and when it's unknown.

Speaker 1: 19:49

Give yourself a break. Take breaks periodically and reconnect with nature. Ground your focus. And when I say “ground,” the idea of grounding means grounding your focus. Don't lock into place tightly, you know, don’t dig in and tightly try to control things. That's not grounding. Grounding is like a cord that's attached to the core of the Earth. And we walk on the Earth and it moves with us. It's always there. When we're in the dream time or in the meditation zone, we can never be ungrounded. Your mind can explore without feeling ungrounded. The Mahavidyas say to be fluid and flexible and be adaptive because it's a dance. This is Uranus taking things to the next level and making things better.

Speaker 1: 20:49

So things may appear to be breaking up. Remember we have this “prism breaking into many colors.” If things appear to be breaking up or breaking apart or cracking up or cracking apart, it's not clear or final until after Venus goes direct on November 16th. So don't get locked in to the way it is today is the way it's going to be forever and ever and ever. That's not the way the energetics are right now. The energetics are lifting us. They're taking us to a different place. So that means we do better if we can really turn it over to a Higher Power and be led that way because we just really are not in control with Uranus. And we really love that because it puts us where we need to be. Oh goodness. I've gone over my 15 minute mark to get this on to That means I'm going to have to try and get it on some other platforms. Ah, okay. Wish me luck with that. I hope this message gets out. Take care guys.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/25/2018 1:20:16 AM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 24, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

If you have found yourself in a painful place, it can become very easy to stay focused on what is not working for you. It can also be very difficult to remember what you know from such a dark place. If you are in such a situation, the key is to very gently and incrementally begin to disengage from the resistance you are in.

How do you do that? You cannot resist resistance, for it will only beget more of the same. And acceptance can be too great of a leap for many of you to make from such a painful place. So we urge you to simply understand that your discomfort exists as a redirectional tool, and start to lead yourself to things that you can be less resistant to.

It can be difficult to even imagine joy from such a place, so look for something that will feel a bit lighter to you. It might be watching a show you love, or reading a book you’ve enjoyed, or just getting up and moving your body, or getting outdoors into the sunshine. You are just looking for something that isn’t as dense and that you can be non-resistant to.

Once you are ready to start paying attention to what might feel a little better to you, you can start to recognize that there are things that are working for you. From there it is just a small step to gratitude. Even if something felt better to you for one minute, it is something you can have gratitude for. And that practice will help anchor in more of what you desire and deserve. It also helps you to be non-resistant, because you simply cannot practice gratitude and be resistant at the same time. It will also shift you into more presence, where real change can occur.

Just keep it simple. Now is the time to get back to basics, not to make great vibrational leaps. There will be plenty of time for that later, for every time you find your way back to the light and your true divine essence, great things become possible.

We also urge you to call on your guides and angels for assistance. From a space of density it can be difficult to feel their subtle energies, but know that your request is always, always heard and responded to. You may not feel them, but you may, if you pay close attention, feel a lightening of your energy. Ask them to take the lead and watch for the signs and synchronicities that they are present.

Be kind and gentle with yourselves if you have become weary, Dear Ones. Love yourselves. Nurture yourselves. Forgive yourselves if you have become temporarily lost or overwhelmed. Keep your expectations of yourselves realistic. Stepping out of the darkness is enlightenment, and is done one incremental shift at a time. If you make one decision at a time that is better feeling, even if it is the tiniest amount, it will add up before you know it, and you will be making solid progress toward where your divine spark is trying to lead you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/25/2018 1:32:46 AM

GFP Newsletter - 10/23/2018

will's picture

God is within you, but because of the mind -- mind means dreaming, desiring -- you never look within, you go on rushing outwards. You keep yourself in the background, your eyes are turned towards the outside, they have become focused there. That's what the mind is all about: focusing the eyes on the outside.

And one has to learn how to unfocus them from there -- how to make them loose, less rigid, more liquid, so that they can turn inwards. Once you have seen who you are, the beggar disappears. In fact it had never existed; it was just a dream, an idea.

The mind is creating all your misery. With the mind gone, misery is gone, and suddenly you are full of energy. And the energy needs expression, sharing; it wants to become a song, a dance, a celebration. That is compassion: you start sharing.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/25/2018 1:35:09 AM

Jesus via John Smallman: Do Not Allow Doubts About Your Worthiness, Your Competence, or Your Abilities to Discourage You

Audio version.

We, God, the All, Source, Reality, the One, YOU – all sentient life – are intensely and creatively fully involved in the awakening process. It is ongoing, and it has been since the moment of apparent separation, and now the next moment of awakening is approaching rapidly, as “stuff” arises for everyone to release and make room for L O V E, your true nature, to unveil Itself in your hearts and minds.

Many of you are already getting a sense, a feeling of this, so open yourselves fully to It, there is nothing to fear, no one is in any way unworthy, or undeserving. The Divine Will is that you KNOW yourselves as One with Source, absolutely fearlessly because that is your Home, that is where you belong, that is the “Place” that you have never left. So, Wake Up, and ENJOY REALITY!

The Source is perfect in every way; there can be NO imperfections in Reality. You have all just spent time – which is in truth unreal – a large amount of time, pretending that you were imperfect, unworthy sinners, undeserving of God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you. It is time to stop pretending and be the glorious Beings that God created.

Stop hiding, instead, shine forth in the magnificence of your own brilliance as individuals expressing God in myriad ways. That truly is your will and God’s. There is NOTHING else, only the Divine Will, which is your will, and that Will wills only endless joy for all of creation. Parents love their children and want the best for them, always. God infinitely more so, and God’s Will is always unfolding perfectly!

It is time, in fact it is well past time, to cease negatively judging yourselves or others. Judgment focuses on errors, mistakes, beliefs, sins, offenses, all of which are unreal and which just distract you from the Love that envelops you in every moment, waiting to embrace you as soon as you release judgment and the other negative and meaningless distractions with which your human lives, your egos, keep presenting you.

Resentment, bitterness, desire for justice, restitution, and punishment of those who have wronged you are major blocks to Love, which is unconditionally accepting of all.

People only attack when they are suffering, and on Earth there are countless numbers who are suffering. Suffering could be avoided and dissolved if people would open to Love, for suffering is but the absence of Love. When Love fills you, there is no suffering, only peace, joy, and compassion for those who are suffering. Compassion is Love directed to others who are suffering, and it heals and comforts them.

You who are presently incarnate on Earth chose to be here at this time because you saw the intense need for Love and compassion world-wide, and you could see very clearly how enormously helpful your presence would be, once you realized that there was far more to life than what humans generally experience; when you realized that your humanity was but a tiny aspect of who you truly are.

You are here on a mission, a mission of Love. By becoming aware that Love is your nature and owning It, you start to live It and demonstrate Love in action wherever you go. That is what you incarnated to do, and if you are reading or listening to this you know it, and are already doing it!

So, accept your destiny as much needed loving presences on Earth, healing and accepting all with whom you interact in any way at all, and rejoice in the understanding that you have found your paths Home. Love is the way Home, there is no other way, and you have chosen it by opening to the awareness that this is so.

Living lovingly is amazingly powerful and effective. You may well not be aware of the enormously important work that you are doing by just being – being Love – so I am telling you so that you do not dismissively tell yourselves that you are doing nothing, or very little. What you are doing is E N O R M O U S! No one else can do it, and it is essential. You are divine Light Workers fully engaged 24/7 in humanity’s awakening process, and you are irreplaceable!

Do not allow doubts about your worthiness, your competence, or your abilities to discourage you. Often there is no positive feedback for you as you go about your daily lives, but truly, your loving presence is having a wonderful and miraculous effect all across the world.

Remember, you are scattered world-wide through many races, ethnicities, religions, and none, because you are needed precisely where you find yourselves. And yes, occasionally, you may feel the intuitive nudge to move, so honor that, but know that in every single moment you are precisely where you are supposed to be, precisely where your amazing gifts will be most effective.

Here in the spiritual realms we watch over you with unceasing Love, amazed and delighted by your strength of purpose, your resilience, and your unceasing fortitude, even in circumstances that can oftentimes seem absolutely overwhelming. When you finally realize what you have achieved – what you have in fact already achieved – your joy and amazement will bedazzle you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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