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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/11/2018 6:55:20 PM

The Council – Chaos

The Council – Chaos

You are being shown the worst sides of all that is happening around you. It would be well to understand the reasons for this. There are concerted efforts being made to move you into, or keep you in, a certain mindset. And stirring up emotions just before, or while, passing people information insures that they will accept it. These are advertising practices. In essence you are sold ideas.

One of the most harmful ideas that is being promoted and taken advantage of is that side A is great and true and side B is atrocious and will cause you no end of grief. It is fairly obvious that there will be greater and lesser advantages to any question. However, when it is presented in the manner discussed above, several things happen.

First, it will cause all critical thinking about the topic to cease for most people. In essence, they have been frightened. Second, it causes deep rifts to develop in a society, thereby rendering it much easier to control. If ‘they’ can move people left or right, then ‘they’ don’t need to be in fear themselves. ‘They’ are secure in their position because the far larger numbers of the populace are distracted. Also, if the focus can be placed on what the left hand is doing, the right hand may do whatever it wants. So ‘they’ don’t really care if you choose A or B.

If we call this a game, then we can say that it has been played against most of you for a very long time.

We will offer a small example. VIOLENCE IS RAMPANT! Nice headline. As you went about your business today, did you observe any violence? Did any hordes of people attack you or your neighbors? And, in the instance that you may have seen on your television, how far away from you was it geographically? Were the cameras placed in the middle of it? That would make it seem far larger, would it not? Was the wording in the report implying that it was an isolated incident? No? Why not?

Some of you are old enough to remember when politicians had discussions and arguments. Some are young enough to only remember politics as attacks. No one asks why that is. Could it possibly be that there are those unseen that control the show?

Some of your countries are only being shown a very limited view if what is happening, but we will say that, to some degree, the upheaval you are sensing is happening in many places. There are many millions who are now seeing beyond the smoke and mirrors. It is becoming increasingly obvious to many that strings are being pulled.

All of this is the effect of mankind having to face, finally, what is true about yourselves, and what you have allowed to happen in front of you. It is not necessary for you to become involved in any of it. If you choose to be, then be aware that you have made a choice. Your lives should be a series of conscious choices. This will become more and more the norm as you move into higher states of awareness. This is happening and will continue to happen.

Some of you may choose to keep yourselves apprised of these happenings as your world ‘falls apart’, and some may choose not to. Do not judge another for their choice. The lessons they have come to learn are quite certain to be different from your own. And of necessity, this will change as it becomes more and more the case that rebuilding must occur. Agreement regarding desired outcomes will become necessary, valuable, and expected. Many lessons will have been learned.

Actually, this has already begun. The most important lesson will be what can we achieve? What can I achieve? Are there any limits to what we can do? There are not, you know. But that which has limited you for so long, that which has taught you to doubt yourselves, must be eliminated first.

Humans, earth humans, still suffer from what you call Stockholm syndrome. Too many of you defend your captors. Many will actually miss the comfort of their captivity when it ends. When there are no walls, no bars, no fences, real or imagined, it will seem to be chaos for many. But, as chaos always is, it will be unrestricted opportunity. What will you choose to make of that?

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/12/2018 2:39:37 AM

We Are Going to Make Great Music Together

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God said:

Beloved, no matter how much and how deep down you desire wealth, you can't quite believe that you are meant to receive greater than this. You will not be denied. Here’s how it is: Wealth can’t light a candle to the music that you and I are going to make together. Sit up. Get ready. Let’s go!

Your life is about to turn upside down. Do you begin to feel wonderfulness on its way to you? Know this. Feel this.

You are going to ride the escalator of life up to the fulmination of the miracles of upcoming life on its way to you. You are ready to catch up to long-awaiting miracles that are ready to emerge into full bloom.

Surely, you already know that miracles exist. Miracles exist for everyone, not just for some and not just once in a while. Ready, set, go! Miracles have always been on their way to you, yes, to you, and to every child of Mine – miracles in all their Glory.

The time is now. No more refraining from all your blessings. Non-existent time will no longer detain you. Now, the world is getting ready for you. Dreams are ripe to come true now. Reach up, and you shall receive. All of life is dancing before you. All of life is for you.

Be generous with yourself. It is high time that you open your arms, your eyes, and your heart to all that is on its way. Accept in advance. Perk up. Herald the joy before you. Joy has always been before you from the beginning. Widen your thinking and lift up your arms now to receive.

Never again will you drag your feet. Never again will you hang around for your day to come. I call you now “Awakened One” in one fell swoop, and so will you know Who and where you are, even as there is no separate identity for you to speak of.

Enough of fear upon you. You have had enough by now.

Everything in the past, let go of it now, for full glory is gazing upon you. Think anew. The day you have been waiting for is here right before you. You have been sleeping, and now you are waking up before your very eyes or, at the very least, with new eyes. Do you begin to feel yourself waking up to a new essence of life? Indeed, I am writing your name now on blessing after blessing in beautifully curved letters on a splendid new agreement that I eagerly await you to sign.

If you don’t believe Me, go ahead. If you are inclined, muscle-test! You have always been on the verge. It just happens you were napping or off on some other jaunt, whiling away the illusion of time. The illusion of time just hasn’t been moving fast enough in your favor by a long shot.

This is about to change, and the so-called you and I are going to change. Your life is going to change before your very eyes overnight. Actually, the change is not in your good fortune. The change is in you. Most of all, you will be clearer to yourself now. Now you will better suit yourself. Heretofore, you drifted off target in your life. You didn’t see yourself up to snuff. You meandered off-base. It was your timing that was off. You were your own disappointer. Your life is always up to you in that your life depends upon the way you see it. Make no bones about this.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/12/2018 8:51:01 PM

The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: Fifth Dimensional Ascension Consciousness ~ I Am the “I AM” that I know that “I” Am!

The process of personal and planetary ascension is not for the “weak of heart.” The process of personal and planetary ascension is free of time and exists within the NOW! But within which NOW does this process of ascension exist?

That question has a different answer for every different individual. In fact, each individual is a “puzzle piece” of the cosmic puzzle of shifting frequencies of reality.

It is because of this “shifting frequencies of reality,” that many Galactics have chosen to take third/fourth dimensional earth vessels within this NOW. We have been protecting, guiding, and, as much as possible within this karmic plan, been assisting Gaia to return to her true fourth/fifth dimensional resonance of reality.

Every planetary reality has a “resonant frequency.” The resonant frequency is the primary frequency to which that planet, and/or civilization resonates. However, when a reality is moving into a “re-birth process” of expanding its resonant frequency into the next octave, that reality can be very challenging.

It is because these transitional realities, which include a reality which is ready to transition into a higher frequency, as well a reality which is NOT ready to expand into the higher frequencies of reality.

When a planetary being, such as Gaia, is ready to “shed its 3D Matrix” and transmute into a higher frequency of reality, the darkness must all be revealed so that it can lovingly be transmuted into the higher frequencies.

Those who volunteered to take an earth vessel within this NOW have taken an earth vessel to better assist Gaia. However, it is vital that our “volunteers” to assist Earth awaken NOW to the memories of their higher dimensional SELF, and the promises they made before they chose their current earth vessel.

Please think of your “earth vessel” as the body you are currently wearing, which is comprised of third dimensional elementals to create a physical form. Your “earth vessel” also includes the higher dimensional consciousness of your fourth, fifth, and beyond expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.

The higher and higher frequencies of your consciousness, as well as the physical vessel that surrounds, encompasses and grounds your multidimensional consciousness into Gaia’s third dimensional, planetary body, is they key to your personal and planetary ascension into fifth dimensional frequency of Earth.

Awakened humanity is serving as the planetary ascension teamwho volunteered to assist Gaia with Her ascension from Her third/fourth frequency of reality into Her innate fifth dimensional frequency of reality.

All the wars, bombs, poisons, pollution and radiation of Chernobyl, as well as other areas that suffered “bomb testing,” great pollutions and wars, will need to be transmuted back into their higher dimensional frequencies of reality.

Many of the damaged areas of Gaia, as well as the greed and selfishness that created that damage, will need to be transmuted by the Ascending Ones who volunteered to leave their loving, safe and inspirational fifth dimensional worlds, to take a vessel to assist Gaia, are greatly honored by their Galactic Family.

When this reality is resonating to a higher frequency, such as the cusp of third dimension into fourth and/or fourth dimension into fifth dimension, there is great change within that reality.

From the perspective of the fifth dimensional frequency of reality, to which we/you will return, your third dimensional self is much like an automobile that your human self purchased so that we can more easily travel through the third dimensional reality.

Sometimes, humanity merges so deeply with their “automobile”, or third dimensional self, that they believe it is their SELF. It is true that your third dimensional earth vessel is an extension of your higher dimensional SELF who chose to wear an earth vessel within this NOW of planetary shifting.

However, YOU are NOT your earth vessel. YOU are WEARING your third dimensional earth vessel so that you can interact with and assist with the transmutation of the third/fourth dimensional realities, back to their true, fifth dimensional resonance of reality.

We Galactics do not think of “realities” as places. We think of realities as frequencies. Therefore, one physical “place” can have many different realities on different frequencies of Gaia’s planet.

From our perspective, we can perceive the many versions of reality as “overlays,” with the lowest frequency realities at thebottom of the overlay and the higher frequencies of reality in thehigher frequencies of resonance.

The first part of “The Great Shift” is when the inhabitants of third/fourth dimensions of “human habitation” begin to shift their consciousness from their innate beta and alpha wave consciousness of the third/fourth dimensions, to theta wave consciousness.

Since the state of one’s consciousness sets the frequency of the reality that they perceive, whenever a grounded one (Galactic in human clothing) shifts their consciousness from the third/fourth dimensional brainwaves and into the fifth dimensional gamma wave consciousness, their perceptual field begins to expand to encompass the fourth and fifth dimensional perspectives.

With higher fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness, humans usually are still wearing their third dimensional earth vessel, but they are remembering how to expand their consciousness into the fourth dimensional “creative reality,” as well as into the constant HERE and NOW of the fifth dimension.

When the fourth/fifth dimensions are one’s primary “frequency of habitation,” they can more easily see auras, expand their instincts and creativity, as well as communicate with their own higher dimensional expressions of their Multidimensional SELF.

This shift is often a great challenge for our human “grounded ones” because their “inner, higher dimensional SELF” is, consistently and persistently, endeavoring to remind their “physical self,” who surrounds and encompasses the consciousness, to remember and fulfill the Mission that they chose while they were wearing their Multidimensional SELF.

Too often the Higher Self becomes forgotten in the long, and often difficult, process of wearing a third dimensional earth vessel. We remind ALL of our volunteers who took an earth vessel to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension, that you are NOT alone!

We, the higher frequency expressions of your multi-frequency SELF, experience everything that you, our brave volunteers to take an earth vessel on ascending Gaia, are experiencing.

One of the primary things that we, your Galactic Family, are assisting you with is to maintain a consciousness that resonates to the mid-fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension. We know that most of you have busy lives. Therefore, these higher states of consciousness are something that you can visit while meditating, etc.

Again, we wish to remind you that WE, your Galactic Family in the fifth dimension and beyond, are always with you. Since we resonate beyond the 3D illusion of time and space, we are able to be with you any where and any time that you need.

We perceive your physical plane as the “time/space” adventure to remember your innate time/NOW and space/HERE of the fifth dimension and beyond that we are observing from the safety and unconditional love of our fifth dimensional, and beyond, reality.

One of the most difficult things for humanity to change is their beliefs. We wish to remind you that you do NOT need to change your beliefs, but to put them through the filter of your fifth dimensional consciousness.

Since your fifth dimensional consciousness is not bound by time or space, it can soar into the HERE and NOW of the many realities that resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/12/2018 8:55:17 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 12, 2018

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Freedom is allowing yourself to decide what certain elements look like for you. What does peace look like for you? Is it meditating or sitting in stillness? Or is it the joy of allowing your body to move in nature? Is it driving in the car? Or gardening?

What does love mean to you? How do you express love? How do you feel loved? How do you love yourself?

What is healing to you? What does being healed look like to you?

What does connection look like or feel like to you? How do you express gratitude? How do you align with Source? What are your innate gifts and your preferred way of being of service?

Part of the confusion that so many face as they embark on their enlightenment journey is the many voices that tell you your practices or service should look a certain way. Your mastery comes from connecting within, from finding your preferred way of shining your divinity in the ways that match your own unique expression of Source. Give yourself permission to discover the best ways for you to embody the essential elements of enlightenment, and you will be serving both yourself and the whole to your highest ability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/12/2018 8:58:45 PM

The Day Ashtar Spoke to Earth

From John Winston, “Ashtar Spoke to the Earth in 1972,” Star Beacon, Jan. 2006, republished Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at .

John Winston writes: It seems that Ashtar had something to say to us in [1971], in a television broadcast from the the Ascended Masters, represented by the Ashtar Command.

Apparently they have made approaches to world leaders. Shortly after the deployment of nuclear weapons in World War II, the American Government received a communication from the Ashtar Command. This warned against any further development of atomic energy.

The Ashtar Command made no offer of technology. Citing that we were spiritually unable to handle that which we already possessed, they believed we would use any new technology to destroy ourselves.

Because we were on a path of self-destruction, what we needed was spiritual rather than technological help. This they offered, but it was conditional on the destruction of all nuclear weaponry. They said we should stop killing each other and learn to live in harmony. They also warned against polluting the Earth and raping her for natural resources.

The American Government rejected this overture, out of hand. After the rebuff, the Ashtar Command spoke directly to the people of America by superimposing a spoken message over television and radio broadcasts. They then repeated this procedure in other countries.

In England, for example, the “E.T. Phone Earth” occurred at 9:10 p.m. on Jan. 8, 1971 while Rex Dutta was broadcasting. The conversation with the Ashtar Command was recorded, and the transcript was published in 1972 in Rex Dutta’s book, Flying Saucer Message. The Ashtar Command also spoke over the early evening television news in southeast England. This occurred on Nov. 26, 1977.

Five transmitters had been “taken over” simultaneously so that the voice could be heard by viewers in London and the southeast, from Southampton to Kent. Television engineers were unable to trace the voice, suppress it, or stop it, and all their instruments indicated normal television transmission was in progress.

The IBA tried to assure viewers the incident was a hoax and were reluctant to release more that 30 seconds of the recorded message. However, thanks to a report in New Life Magazine, a tape recording of the message in full was obtained by Rex Dutta, and was published in the January 1978 issue of his monthly newsletter, Viewpoint Aquarius.

It was 5:12 p.m., and Ivor Mills was the newscaster on ITV Southern Television. His face was visible, but his voice was replaced, for five and a half minutes, by the voice of a representative of the Ashtar Command, and the transcript of the broadcast reads:

“We speak to you now in peace and wisdom, as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world, so that you may communicate to your fellow beings, the course you must take to avoid the disasters, which threaten your world, and the beings in our worlds around you.

“This is in order that you may share in the great awakening as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

“Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. For many years, your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings. They have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the Earth, and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment. The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come.

“We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized that atomic energy is always directed against life (when developed along the lines [of] fission rather than fusions). It has no peaceful application (when developed in this way). Its use, and research into its use, must cease at once, or you all risk destruction. All weapons of evil must be removed.

“The time of conflict is now past. The race, of which you are a part, may proceed to the highest planes of evolution, if you show yourselves worthy to do so. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

“Be aware, also, that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you, the energy you call money, and will put it to evil from you, giving you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos, and the untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution.

“This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here and that there are many more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the Light, and will do all we can to help now. Have no fear. Seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth.

“We, of the Ashtar Galactic Command, thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence. May you be blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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