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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2018 6:44:02 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 26, 2018

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Dear Ones, stepping into being a co-creator is thrilling and exhilarating. It can also feel scary and stressful at times until you develop an even deeper level of faith and trust in the process of unfoldment and staying open to the energies of the unknown. Be kind and gentle with yourselves! You are developing a new skill set.

Think of when you first learned to drive. It was so exciting to think of all the ways you could expand your life and experience freedom, but it was also nerve wracking until you were able to practice and develop familiarity with the process. Before long, it became second nature and the stress ebbed away and what was left was enjoyment and appreciation for your new abilities.

The same it is as you keep developing your skills, continually expanding your vistas, and embodying new energies and levels of mastery. Before you know it, you will be far more comfortable with the entire process, the stress will dissipate, and what will be left is the joy that comes from being an experienced co-creator. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2018 6:45:25 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/25/2018

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I am changing the whole emphasis from action to awareness. And if more and more people can become aware, the world will be a totally different place. A man of awareness will not go to war. Although religious scriptures say that to sacrifice yourself for your nation, for your religion is virtuous, a man of consciousness cannot follow that dead idea. To him, the nation itself is an immoral idea, because it divides humanity - and war is certainly immoral. You may find good names, good words - sometimes it is religion, sometimes it is political ideology, sometimes it is Christianity, sometimes it is communism - good ideas, but the reality is turning human beings into butchers.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2018 7:01:18 PM

What to do when you feel negative emotions

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the power that exists within the present moment. Surely many of you have been told that the present moment is all that ever really exists. However it is our intention to share with you why the now moment is so transformational yet it is so often allowed to slip away while you focus on future events and past regrets.

Let us share with you the key to manifesting your dreams; the more you enjoy the now moment the faster your dreams and desires will flow into your present now moment. When you learn to live in the present moment, synchronicity aligns with your being in every moment and you will wonder how you ever lived any other way.

You see, contrary to what many believe, the obstacles on your path are not in your way; rather they are the way to manifesting your dreams and desires. They are part of the manifestation of your dreams. If they were not, they would not be there. The more you enjoy the path that you are on, the faster your dreams and desires will be able to manifest in your reality.

This is not to say that you should pretend to be happy about something that is bothering you. Not at all, but what we are saying is that if you can find a way to focus on something else that does make you feel happy, appreciative, optimistic, hopeful, inspired, then you begin to tune to that vibration in your now moment. You can only experience what you resonate with.

We would like for you to become present in this very moment, what do you feel right now? Do not think about what must get done in the next hour, day or week, we want you to think about this very moment. How do you feel?

You will find that in this exact now moment you have the ability to be at peace, to feel joy, to choose happiness. The stress that many of you feel on a regular basis fades, when you zero in on this exact now moment, with no other thoughts, cares or concerns other than this exact moment. It is only when you allow yourself to start focusing on the future again that you find the fear, frustration, concern, stress, judgment and worry to reenter your mind.

To constantly live in the future of “what’s to come” is a learned habit that many of you have formed, however each of you have the ability to retrain your mind to be present in the now moment much more often.

When you feel the rush of fear, worry and stress begin to flood your mind we ask that you direct your focus once again back to this present now moment. The worries that you hold are based on “if’s” and impending probabilities, yet they have not actually happened. Those manifestations are only what your logical mind fears “will” take place. The only way that you can prevent or solve those probable future concerns is being fully present in this now moment. By tuning yourself to the solutions, the joys in your life, the happiness that is always abundantly available to you.

We ask that you allow yourself the gift of peace that can only be felt in this now moment; it is where your creative power lies. You will direct your future now moments based on the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you hold right now. Remember, fear and happiness are both choices, its up to you to decide which one you would like to feel right now.

So we remind you, be present, be in peace and enjoy this moment.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2018 7:05:43 PM

Virtue or Folly?

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God said:

Within you lie your own answers. All knowledge lies within you. Somewhere within your pocket lies a ticket stub. Reach into your pocket for it. When you see a-blur, you are not quite able to see what your choices are, your good choices, that is.

If you knew how, if only you could, you would reach in and turn on the lights.

Instead, you may see a wayward choice of putting up with what seems intolerable. You may feel cornered. If you do or you don’t, you may feel off-track. Either way, sometimes it seems to you that you have no honorable choice to take, no worthy choice at all.

Once you thought you were doing the right thing, that the right thing had appeared in front of you and you were blessed, and now you carry the haunting feeling that you got carried away and life snookered you.

At the time, you thought you made a well-thought-out choice – you had thought – now you are challenged and bamboozled over your head. Alack and alas.

At this moment, you see no way to reconstitute yourself. Surely, there has to be value in facing front and making a decision. You don’t say just any decision, yet you have moments when you think any decision has to be better than no decision. You would give a lot to know which turn in the road is better than another – if there is one better that exists.

Most likely there isn’t a choicy deserted island for you to run off to so you can escape all current pitfalls.

When you face your life squarely, you simply may not see an honorable choice that lies anywhere at all. Perhaps, since your life beginning in school, you have asked yourself more than once what Honest Abe would have done in your position. He was a man of character, and yet, as you understand it, there were times he had to compromise and must have done so without coming away feeling like a scalawag, however. Nor had he altogether created the situation he found himself in, as is more likely the case with you.

Now you turn to Me as a last chance and ask:

“Oh, God, what do I do? Tell me what turn in the road makes sense. Show me the way.”

Yes, now you see what you want to do is to get some answers and wipe out what seems like a desperate situation.

It is useless now to debate with yourself "why oh why" weren’t you more aware of making other choices before you got in this deep?

At the time, you were unaware that you were not looking carefully enough.

You would like to be frank with yourself. Was it only ego that entrapped you? Oh dear, had ego turned your head when you had thought you were fortunate and acting wisely?

Now you are not so sure.

Beloved, first of all – and above all – you aren't in a situation where you are to look at it as life or death. Life goes on. Sometimes life clears itself up, and yes, sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns. How do you best clear up this moil in your heart? As it is, you don’t see a happy ending.

As you begin to see, had you known better, you could perhaps have prevented this bind you are in now, but you didn’t. You jumped right in, thinking you were great. Now you may feel more like you were not taking care. You were not really thinking at all.
How you would now wish to have looked both ways before you crossed the street.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/26/2018 7:15:48 PM

The Alchemy of Partnership

Did you know that the paraphrase, “As above, so below” comes from The Emerald Tablet? (1) The discovery of the tablet is shrouded in mystery and legend, but it does exist.

The full quote ~ “True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is the same as that which is below, and that which is below is the same as that which is above, for the performance of miracles of the One Thing. And as all things are from the One, by the meditation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation.”

This ancient stone tablet speaks to the alchemical interaction between Celestial and Terrestrial affairs, which this blog has been based on since its inception in 2009. We’ve served as a bridge to our Heavenly and Galactic partners, encouraging normal, everyday relationships with them as friends and family.

We’re rapidly approaching a time when the shifting on Gaia is unmistakable and inescapable for all. There are a great many in the Human Collective who are just now seeking answers, wondering why we’re here and what the reason is for all the suffering.

Our “Contact Us,” on a weekly basis, sees new readers writing in with gratitude for finding us on an internet search. What may seem amazing to conscious veterans of the Ascension Project is that there are people just now waking up and seeking truth.

This Human gig isn’t a walk in the park right now, and we’ve grown accustomed to using the world wide web to find our answers. What we provide on the Golden Age of Gaia is Light Information, empowerment and inspiration to keep going.

In offering this Collective Service, we live our lives in trust mode that we’re in a solid partnership with both the Company of Heaven and with our readers.

It’s been a conscious choice to forego a regular paycheck and benefits. At this point, when we’ve departed for so long from conventional means of survival, going back really is not an option. We’ve been blazing a trail for all of us to do what we love doing, in service, and be supported in doing it.

We’re committed to assisting in the Ascension of Gaia and the Life upon her by means of keeping this blog operational. Our gratitude for your support is sincere and ongoing, and we appreciate the balance gained through this successful partnership.

Together as a unified collective, we can achieve anything we set our hearts on.

We’re asking once again for your financial support to keep us going until we’re in a position to be the donors and providers ourselves.

That time is coming…and we all wish for that time to be now. The good news is that our old systems are disintegrating as we speak. What appears as chaos is the necessary dissolution of what no longer serves. We’re getting there for sure.

With Love, all things are possible.

(1) Thoth [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus], The Emerald Tablet at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
