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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/26/2018 11:49:09 PM

Before the Sun Sets

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God said:

My Friend, what and where are you setting out for? What do you want to be your path or paths in the world and, further, on -- to Me? What is your general direction as you see it?

At this time, there is no need to look for a map or an exact plan. Be assured you are not going down a garden path, as it is referred to in the world as going down the garden path meaning led astray, if I understand correctly, and I am sure I do.

Going down the garden path may be impromptu and off the usually trodden path. It may be considered a wrong turn or a wasted path to travel. This idea comes from a point of view that cares most about accuracy, when, in fact, what may be considered down the garden path at the time may be right down to business.

I, Myself, am not very businesslike. I am more heart-like, and I ask you to explore. To Me, exploration is worthwhile. To hit the exact apex of your life right on the nose first try isn’t something I see as essential.

I say: “Let’s see. Let’s find out. Beloved, you don’t have to be in a big hurry or any hurry at all. All will come in its own time.”

There may well be those of My Children who have one path to follow. There are many more who, before the Sun sets, will also have many side roads to take before they get onto the straight and narrow. There may well be possibilities that are well worth your travels which you might at first think of as off the main route, as you see it, merely sitting by the wayside, not worth dallying around in. Beloveds, for all you know, you may not recognize what essential path you may already be on.

With focus on achievement, you may miss an avenue you don’t want to miss. You may see a road as a detour taking you out of your way when it may actually turn out to be the exact path you are meant to take.

Finding your way in the world doesn’t have to be a quickie. It doesn’t have to be at lightning speed, nor does it have to be a sure thing. You don’t really have a race to win. As a matter of fact, what race is there to win? Even, if there were a race to win, you don’t have to be a whiz-bang at it.

You don’t have to rush. You don’t have to be Johnny-on-the-Spot, just, as in summer, you don’t have to pick all the flowers at once. I favor the idea of: All in good time.

At the same time, you don’t ration the flowers you pick forever either. By and large, Nature favors that there are always enough flowers to go round for everyone as it is. Easy does it! Anyway, you definitely don’t have to be the fastest kid on the block.

Have confidence that you will cover all your bets on Earth as well as spiritually all in good time. No one knows all the answers or even all the choices. Even so, you will find yourself at the right place at the right time. You cannot know everything, nor do you have to.

As you progress in life, picture yourself in a canoe in still waters. Lean back. Stop rowing for a while. Dribble your fingers in the cool waters. It doesn’t matter all that much when you arrive. You will arrive, and you will arrive as you are meant to.

See you!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
3/27/2018 1:06:33 AM

Blossom Goodchild, Channeling the Galactic Federation, March 26th 2018.

Good morning. I feel a bit hesitant, wondering what this ‘chat’ shall bring. So, so, so much talk about THE EVENT. Still many questions from people, yet, should we leave it as is now? If it’s going to happen it will … and it will … it’s just the when! I am certainly feeling ‘topsy turvy’ and I am behaving so! Let me leave today’s discussion in your capable hands, if I may?

Many thanks, Dearest Blossom. We are very much aware of the continual feed of information and disinformation that is being presented. We can only suggest that you find your Truth by tuning into your FEELINGS about something in particular that you may hear or read about. As we have said ... within ALL things that are presented to you.

The fact is … THE EVENT IS COMING. Another fact is … IT IS COMING SOON.

The fact is … ‘soon’ does not help! Please take this in the polite manner meant, yet, do you feel you understand what it means to US upon Earth when you say 'soon'? As opposed to what it means to YOU?

Yes … and we understand also, the joking Energy around that word that has developed. However, … … … … … …

We are aware Blossom that you are quite hesitant to ‘go with the flow’ today?

Yep. You are right … I KNOW YOU TO BE OF TRUTH … yet, so hesitant to give out false hope.

Is that what you feel we are doing?

You wouldn’t! It is not of your nature. Yet, for us folk down here, we feel we have been led along so many times with talk of such things and then it all goes away again. So, my dilemma is … not wanting that same scenario … and yet, not wanting to ‘halt the procedure’ if indeed it is around the corner … and your messages, therefore, poignant at this time. I have to say I do feel a responsibility’ in my role here, even though I know I am simply the messenger.

We are grateful to you for expressing your concerns. It is different for us … for we KNOW that which lies ahead …

And with the greatest of respect ( as always) … it was not long ago that you were talking a lot about systems failing and great change and the world being topsy turvy etc … whats happened to all of that kind of talk?


I know this is all about me today, and yet, I feel I do speak for many it seems who have the same thoughts. I guess my confusion also, lies within my feelings. For indeed, there is ‘SOMETHING GOING ON’. Even those unaware of a possible ‘Event’ occurring, are saying ‘somethings going on’. They can FEEL something strange. I am aware of the way my heart is ‘upgrading’ …. I choose that word as opposed to having a possible heart attack … and so many are having major melt downs … myself included. I understand this may be the energies cleaning us out … yet, is it just energies? Or, is it because ‘I can feel it coming in the air’ as a famous songwriter once wrote?

Dearest Blossom … we ask that you step aside from your thoughts at this time and we shall do our very best to ‘put things straight'.


Change is occurring. It has been doing so throughout every moment of one breath to the next. However, the CHANGE that is coming is on a greater scale than the ‘every day’ movement into the following moment.


Some people are confusing it with what we would put … in their terms … as full blown Ascension . This is not so. This CHANGE, this Energy that is to ROCK YOUR WORLD is the ultimate transference of the beginning of the Higher Energy that needs to be present for a long while in each and everyone’s company!

In order for your Planet to Ascend into its ‘Home Vibration … there has to be an INTENSE UPGRADE of Energy. For, with respect, the way your world is acting and reacting at this time in its evolving, does not allow for full Ascension to be accomplished. Regardless of the fact of so many more ... on a vast scale of change … awakening.

Therefore, the Change HAS to come … in order to keep in line with the plan of its Ascension.

To have a phenomenon such as THE EVENT … will allow that change to occur. To give your Planet and those upon it, a boost … a fresh start , if you like .

We have said that ‘everything’ will FEEL and appear differently. And from there on in, one will continue on living life, and yet, with a deeper understanding of THE TRUTH OF WHO THEY ARE.

Within the Higher Energy, much that is ‘not of it’ or chooses not to be, will fall away so quickly.

One cannot reside within the Higher Energy if they do not choose to comply. Choices for/of self will be made.

Eventually, all that upsets the equilibrium of self and All, shall ‘not be there’. A vague memory of how things once were … shall become the only ‘remembrance’ of 'this side’ of THE EVENT. For the 'other side' that you are walking into … will feel and appear and be conducted in such a different manner from the expectancies of each day that is occurring now.

LIFE WILL FEEL it is worth the living. LIFE will not be diminished in stature (?). As one’s full potential arises within, excitement for LIFE ITSELF shall return ... And it will FEEL GOOD.

We are aware of the many questions posed. We will answer them all in one.



Thank you. Someone questioned the fact, that if it is a wave of Love that is coming through … how then can it be, as you stated, that some will be so surprized (to the uninitiated in this knowledge) that it will literally ‘scare them to death’.?

Because, every soul is walking in their own space, their own Vibration, and shall react differently according to their Being’s acceptance of ‘what is’. This ‘wave’ shall be so powerful that it will bring such heightened feelings to the fore, that there shall be those who cannot accept the reality of it and ‘choose’ to take their leave.

Another query whilst I’ve got you! There are Highly respected channellers ‘out there’ who have not even mentioned THE EVENT and its coming … That’s odd is it not?

We cannot speak for other Higher Energies that bring messages through to your world. Their choice of expectation regarding the arising of the Planet Earth is brought through in the manner of their choice.

Which leaves me concerned, because … IF something bringing such massive change IS on its way … wouldn’t they be saying so? Wouldn’t all channellers be saying so?


Why not? This particular issue concerns me greatly.

Blossom … you are the messenger. You have chosen to bring through OUR messages … of/in … Truth and Love to the best of your ability … coming from your position … of/in … Truth and Love.

We ask you to be unconcerned of that which another may or may not bring through. If you TRUST us enough …

Dear heavens … I have been on that journey there and back a thousand times … and in the deepest place of my heart … I can say I TRUST YOU … ( Just not your timing!!! )

… we were to say … 'as we know you do … then ‘let go’ of your concerns about all of this .'


YOU WILL KNOW OF ITS COMING because you will experience the Energy and the signs we have spoken off taking you to a place of that KNOWING.

Yet, in your last spoken message, you said you would like to speak through me as a matter of urgency. That made me feel uncomfortable.


Because in our world … urgent means ‘to be dealt with NOW’ … which leads one’s thinking to assume The Event is imminent. Oh, please don’t say it is … please don’t say it is … please don’t say it is …

Why not?

Because we don’t know what YOUR imminent is!!! Your imminent could be 10 years hence! I feel I should wind this up, because I am not giving you a fair chance. I just keep bombarding you with negatives and although … I know it my role to question as I do … I feel we could go round in circles. I feel I maybe leaving you and many a little unsatisfied with today’s communication. Yet, I am doing my best and that is all I can do .

And your best, Dearest blossom ... Is more than satisfactory to/for us.

Well, I thank you for that … so many years talking with you … so many topics, so many ups and downs … so many ‘misunderstandings of/in time … yet, ultimately … I HAVE BECOME SO MUCH MORE OF THE TRUTH THAT I AM … because of it. THANK YOU.

Our journey has only really just begun.

It’s a really long road then!

It never /ever ends. Such Love … Such Love to all … In Blessings we take our Leave this day .

I am adding some links sent in to me. The Federation mentioned absured rainbows and strange weather.

Plus Two Videos I have made regarding THE EVENT.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/27/2018 6:31:18 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 27, 2018

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Dear Ones, what you push against most in your life is usually where you wish to prove yourself right. We ask to whom? The need to be recognized as right is still demonstrating a need for approval from others, or agreement from others, before you can let something go and honour yourself.

There is no need for another to give you permission to feel the way you feel. If something feels wrong for you, it is. There is no need to defend yourself, explain yourself, or otherwise make it be alright with others that it is not right for your path. The fact that it doesn't feel good is the only reason you need to redirect and choose something different.

You cannot step into your own mastery and still be looking for approval from others, for not honouring your own path until you get external validation is still giving your power away. You are mindful, wise, aware, and the only qualified expert on you. You have everything within you already to discern what empowers you and matches you energetically. You can honour those matches firmly and kindly without the need for making others wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
3/27/2018 6:32:47 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/26/2018

will's picture

Experiences come that your mind will say are painful, but your being will not accept this, because it is not pain, it is too much blissfulness. The problem is that you are not accustomed to so much love, so much joy; hence on the one hand you feel pain, that is the interpretation of your mind, and on the other hand you feel gratitude - that is the interpretation of your being.

Whenever there is any conflict between your mind and your being trust the being, because the being is vast and can understand experiences which the mind is incapable of. The mind is a small entity; your being is as vast as the whole universe. If you go on listening to your being and not paying attention to the mind, slowly, slowly you will see, pain has disappeared. The pain is the intensity of joy, it is too much joy, and you have to make space for it.

Hence my insistence that if you continue to meditate - and meditation and love happen together to you - there will be no pain at all. Meditation makes your consciousness wider, expands it, makes it as big as the sky. It can contain infinite love, infinite joy.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
3/27/2018 6:38:10 PM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 18 March 2018

The Cabal is so desperate to hold on to power, they are prepared to do whatever it takes to prevent the inevitable. They were given every opportunity to come clean, change their ways, and ask forgiveness for their appalling crimes against humanity, but they chose not to. Now you are seeing their last desperate attempt to hold on by trying to start World War 3. This is so obvious, even to those in their control. The Cabal has used war over and over again when things become difficult for them, or when exposure looms before them. This is the reason they own and run the war machine worldwide. The Cabal produces all that is needed for war. Their killing machine is ever ready. Never forget "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION". YOU WERE ALL TAKEN IN BY THOSE LIES.

They own the media, so they are able to control all the information that gets to you. Learn from past mistakes. Do not fall for the lies again. See them for what they are. Stop being puppets of the Cabal. You have a duty to explore the truth for yourself and act upon it. Never in your history has the corruption been more obvious than now. They will organise many more attacks, all false flags, to ensure the mindless are taken in by them. You have been conned into war so many times. Will you ever learn that it is the Cabal’s way of killing you off ? This is FACT.

The Cabal has no respect for human life. It gets its oxygen from the killing, the fear, and the suffering of those they kill. They kill thousands of your children every year. Human sacrifice is happening every day and you choose not to look at those responsible. WHY ? One day they will come for you. Who will speak up for you? By closing your eyes to all of this, you too, are guilty of allowing it to happen and you will answer for it.

Do not believe anything on your television or in the newspapers for they are all owned by the Cabal. Their purpose is to keep you under the control of the Cabal. The opportunity to free yourselves has presented itself: act on it. Remove all that is dark, those things that make slaves of you. The Earth is yours. Do not be responsible for destroying it. The wrong people have managed to get into power worldwide. Watch how they support each other while destroying the human race. Look carefully at how your so-called ‘leaders’ got into power. It was all carefully stage managed. Every one of you has a voice, so use it to prevent even more killings. War is never the answer.

Connect with your higher self and be confident, for all knowledge is within you. Within you, you have memories of every life you have ever lived. All you need to do is to tap into it. You will be surprised at just how much you do know. When you go to certain places, they seem familiar to you, yet you know you have never been there in this lifetime. For you were there in a past life. When you meet someone for the first time and you feel that you know them, you are recognising them from a past life. Sometimes you see a place and you feel fear. The darkness may overwhelm you. This is because something bad happened to you at that place, in a past life. Alexandra Palace in London has bad past memories for Veronica. Egypt, on the other hand, was exciting and magical for both of us.

Your minds are continually bombarded by noise. This is deliberately done to prevent you thinking for yourself and connecting to all that is important to human life. Connecting with nature is a wonderful way to connect will All That Is. Meditate to connect with who you are. Connect with your own personal mission in this life. Many have come from other planets to assist humans in their recovery from slavery and to help them find their true selves again. Your humanity has been beaten out of you. You sank down to the level in which you find yourselves today. But you are wiser now. It is time to rise up and be the human being that, in your heart, you know you are. People who respect all life will never go to war against their fellow man. So refuse to be lied to about why you should accept war. Did you see Tony Blair and George Bush fight their War? What you did see was Tony and George enjoying their war. They could not contain their excitement. Rest assured, you are never told the real reason for war.


These are dangerous times for those who try to awaken others to the truth. The ordeal my dear wife was put through on the 5 March was horrendous. She felt she was being raped again.

I was brutally raped by a priest when I was young. It felt like I was being raped again. I am having problems with TalkTalk, my ISP, so I complained to them. Then I had a phone call from a man who said he was from TalkTalk and that he would deal with the problem. I believed him. He told me to go to my computer and I did so. HE WAS ALREADY ON MY COMPUTER. He was doing all sorts of things to it. He had an assistant who showed my Bank Accounts. I was shocked. He took money out of my account before my eyes. I turned my computer off immediately and put the phone down as it was making shrill noises in my ear. The two of them kept ringing me on both telephone lines. I do not believe they were amateurs. They were experts and their intention was to scare me, and to show me what they could do. It left me very stressed, threatened, and without a computer for two days. They had also placed many viruses on it. A later report by a computer engineer stated that those who attacked my computer gained entry by using Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

The Cabal will use every means to hold on to power. No one is safe. They are single-minded in their determination to stay in power. They will even allow one of their own to be publicly attacked and stabbed in an effort to persuade you to get into line. THE CABAL FEARS YOU NOW, SO THEY WILL ENSURE THAT YOU FEEL UNSAFE, so that you will support their war plans. Wake up!

My dear, this attack left you feeling helpless and exposed. However, you have dealt with worse things. My blood family were pure evil at the time of my death, and took as their right, all that I had left to you. But you survived and progressed, and you will do so again, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

To those who have written to me: you have given me something to look forward to each day. It has made a huge difference to my life. I thank each and every one of you.

Ireland won the Rugby Grand Slam on St Patrick’s Day. I told him about the game and he asked me to promise that I would watch it for him, which I did. Ireland 24, England 10, a result that pleased him.

Dave has logged all your letters and cards. You have made him feel part of the human race again. One day he will be able to thank you himself. It is his birthday on the 5 April. He still has the card I sent him last year. He read it to me yesterday. You have all made such a difference to his life and I thank you.

Contact Details
Dave McCann
, MJ 03 A Pod 11, Booking Number 1621184, Prisoner ID 7076771, P.O. Box 872,
, California, 93712, USA.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
