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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/10/2018 6:54:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/9/2018

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It is a right observation that the people are blind, that they are deaf, that they are insane, that they are utterly prejudiced, irrational in their beliefs. But because of all this, they need more compassion. You cannot say that because people are sick and ill the doctor should simply leave them. When people are sick and ill they need more compassion.

It is a great opportunity for you. In spite of their misbehavior, mistreatment, ugly lies, you can still remain silent, peaceful, loving and compassionate. And if you become enlightened in this society, the whole credit will go to the society. There is no need to be angry about them. What can they do? They have been handed down all this garbage for centuries. They are victims; they need all the compassion that is possible.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/10/2018 7:01:29 PM

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: What is Love?

The question, ‘What is love?’ is of equivalent value, meaning and depth as ‘What is the Creator?’ or ‘What is the meaning of life?’ In fact, these three questions invite you to explore beyond yourself into an unknown space where deep knowingness can be accessed. They lead you along a journey of exploration gathering your focus into the core of All That Is.

You question how all that is known on the Earth comes to creation and manifestation, why we act and react in certain ways and what existence really is. Some souls do not even risk asking such questions while for others there is no earthy life without the presence and exploration of these questions.

That which we all seek cannot be labelled or explained and yet we can grasp a deep-seated familiarity and connection when we exist with awareness in the heart chakra. Every soul seeks in one form or another the Creator, whether they label it Allah, God, All Mighty, Source, Essence, nature, fulfillment or something else.

The greatest statement we can all resonate with is, ‘the Creator is love and love is the Creator.’ It is in the meaning of these words that you may find an understanding that sits beautifully within your being, heals and fulfills while gifting to you the freedom to be the truth and reality of your inner consciousness. Through contemplation not only will you allow yourself to touch the truth of love and the Creator within your being, you will touch the same within another, within every being in existence with you.

Love Defined

Love has many explanations; every soul can define love through the eyes they choose to perceive through. Love has numerous levels of engagement. Love exists within friendship, respect, romantic relationships, kindness, families, strangers, passion, patience and care. Love exists in the harsh words of another to protect what they treasure, within the mother who gives her child away in hope of a better life than she had, or the homeless person who risked everything to help others.

Love is not always pretty or kind, in fact love has so many faces and facets, so many stories and expressions. An expression and explanation of what love is only describes one atom of the body and source of love.

Love is ever present, eternal, enduring, empowering and truthful, it is nameless and yet it can be embodied and expressed in millions of ways. Love is present within everything and everyone, love is the Creator in action through you. That which you see, feel and experience in your everyday life as love is born from a source so great, abundant and expansive, its power is immense. You are constantly accessing the source of love and bringing it into embodiment within your being and life.

Although you neglect to notice that you were born from the source of love, that is the Creator, you are everything that love is, and so you have the ability to bring forth the abundant source of love. Rather than sharing droplets of love share waves of love. Rather than holding onto love, let it soar and fly as free as a bird.

Realize that you are what you seek, you are love. You are naturally the supreme magnificence of love, it is your purpose to be the expansive connection through which the divine body of love flows, a love that is beyond the human perception of love and yet filters into every aspect of human life.

Love is present for you to experience as you wish. Your thoughts, visions, perceptions and dreams influence the love you experience on all levels of your being and the abundance of love you draw and embody from the Creator.

Love Is Unknown

When you connect with love, you connect with the limitless unknown beauty of love. To do so means you must courageously step through fear and embrace all that you have yet to realise about yourself and the Creator. It is within the unknown that you discover the wisdom of love, the language and knowledge that love is. This wisdom and knowledge speaks to you, through you often and yet you may still be seeking to understand all it shares.

The wisdom of love is unpredictable and yet it always guides your way, revealing to you enlightenment and understanding, even in moments of chaos and fear. It is through the wisdom of love that we can glimpse the identity of love in the way it speaks through us and to us.

It is your own perceptive of what love is that is of most importance, especially when this perceptive is born from a space of love and truth within your being. If you can know and recognise love within your being, meaning your infinite connection with all that is the Creator, which engages with you and through you, then you will begin to understand the presence of love. You will also recognise love within everything and everyone around you. You will see the different faces, forms and expressions of love, which will allow you to comprehend the source or body of love of the Creator.

You will access your power, truth and self-acceptance. You will become empowered, inspired and healed. The limitations and boundaries of your life and existence will diminish allowing you to explore the space and unknown energy of love within your body, mind, emotions, friendships and reality. Love is an exploration of the Creator, it is an internal remembrance of truth that can be expressed and experienced a million times a day. It is in any form of love that you can speak to the Creator and hear the Creator speak back to you.

Love is the communion of the Creator within you and all.

Contemplation of Love

As I have said, I, Master Kuthumi, can only explain love from my own perspective. I wish to encourage you to continue your exploration of what love is. In doing so I am inviting you to commune with the Creator within you and bring the truth of the Creator into embodiment. I am inviting you to reconnect yourself to the abundant body and source of love that is the Creator, realizing your connection and embodiment is eternal. I am inviting you to realise that as you evolve spiritually so your understanding of all forms and manifestations of love evolve. You shift your perspective to see through the eyes of the Creator.

I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to contemplate in meditation or quiet time what your own personal and current perception of love is. Take time with kindness and patience to allow this inner perspective to unfold.

In addition, I, Master Kuthumi, encourage you to ask within to view and grasp what love is when viewing through the eyes of the Creator. The Creator has a perception and view of love which you can access and embody through a simple request.

The more you merge your perceptions with the Creator to understand and embody love the more you embody the love of the Creator, recognizing the same within yourself and others. No longer do you seek love, instead you wish to awaken the realization of love within others and understand their unique view and perception of love, therefore allowing you to access the vast body and source of love that is the Creator.

I encourage you to explore the question, ‘What is love?’ Let it rest within your being and awaken the truth present within you. You are more than you could possibly imagine.

In eternal love,

Master Kuthumi

Read More from Master Kuthumi

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 9th March 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/10/2018 7:18:48 PM

Mira from Pleiadian High Council channeling through Valerie Donner March 7, 2018

March 7, 2018

On the Earth Council we observe all that is going on with your planet, around your planet and within your planet. We are determined to see you and the earth through your Ascension. There is much at stake and we want to reassure you that you are doing an excellent job. If you could only see the extent of the beautiful work that you are doing you would be astounded. Much of your work is done in the dream state as well as throughout the day even if you are unaware of it. You are such higher dimensional beings that you are present only to a small extent in your physical form. This is perfectly acceptable and necessary for this is a big project to rearrange everything on the earth.

Your lives are valuable beyond measure. Your hearts are prepared and open for new whole way of life. Your souls are finely tuned to what is most necessary for you to do every single day. For many of you your primary focus is on the Ascension. You are primed to want to know as much as you can about the progress that is being made. Unfortunately, you cannot receive this information from your mainstream media. We have already discussed this. It is often important to simply allow your own knowingness to show you where to go for up to the date important truthful information. Most of you are pretty good at this by using your intuition. More information is forthcoming from those divine communicators who receive excellent input from the higher realms.

Right now, it is important for you to take excellent care of yourselves and to love your selves. What you think and do matters. You are at the apex of the final decline of the dark forces. Their demise is accelerating like a snowball rolling down a mountain. The dragon’s tail of karma is whipping around wherever necessary and there is no stopping it. In other words, there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide for these evil ones. Their time is complete. You will begin to recognize how much lighter the planet is feeling as the percentage of light grows stronger.

More of humanity are beginning to awaken. For some this awareness is earth shattering for it means that their lives have been lived in fantasy, some of which has been more like a nightmare. They are beginning to see through the deceit of the mainstream media. They are questioning everything and are looking deeper for truth. Little by little all will be revealed until it becomes an explosion of truth and light. From there it will only be forward movement. The light beings left on the planet will have important big bold new assignments.

For most of you the third dimension has lost its luster. It can be challenging having to be going through your third dimensional paces acting as if everything is normal, like the way it used to be. You already know this is not true. Some of you are anxious to begin living your fifth dimensional lives. You are ready for love and unity, peace, abundance and joy. Please be a reassured that you are being directed in your appropriate spiritual path.

This is an exciting time of chaos and change. It precedes evolution. It is about beautiful new creation. You are microcosms of the macrocosm so in your lives know that as you transcend whatever challenge that is set before you, you are doing it for everyone. You must be strong and courageous. Stand up to the challenges whether it is dark attacks, old patterns within that need to cleared, health issues, lack, or fear. Change is the norm now. Go with the flow and you will be quickly stepping up the Ascension ladder.

I love and respect all of you. I am Mira.

Source: Valerie Donner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/10/2018 11:45:00 PM

We are One not two

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God said:

Hello, Dear Ones of Mine, here’s My question to you first thing in the morning. Do you know how you feel as yet today? What will your answer be to My question about how you feel today? What do you think?

Well, Dears, there is a distinction to make between how you feel and how you are. We have two questions here and two different answers:

One question is: How does Life feel to you or seem to you to be like at this given moment? How has your morning been so far?

And, so, you might answer in this vein:

“Well, God, I had a rough morning. First, I stayed up too late, didn’t sleep well, nicked my face while shaving, and, Truth be known, I don’t want to get up and go to work and face the day. Besides, there’s more I could cry on Your shoulder about and go and on. and there would always be more to tell, and I would never finish.”

You may be sure I am aware of how the details of Life impact you daily and how much you long to be forthright. You don’t want to be a Pollyanna who always smiles brightly. However, what you see as realistic tends to be a downer. You may feel honor-bound to describe what you experience as a hardship of one kind or another, and, so, every morning, you may feel like a soldier setting out on the battlefield. Some days, tragedy walks into your Life without any preparation.

The second question addresses how you ARE from the perspective of the True Reality that underlies all. From this Truth, here is your answer:

“Well, good, thank You, God.”

You don’t want to fluff off whatever hurts your Heart and brush it away. At the same time as you would like to lean on Me, you want to be independent and also considerate and compassionate with Me. I know this. And yet, as you set out each day to seek your fortune, you gulp.

Please know I am the Official Welcomer of you, Dear Ones. No matter what may hang heavily on your Heart and Mind, I am here to allay all the lonesome Hearts of all who feel let down, perhaps abandoned. I do not frown at any one. Remember that We are One! Let’s embrace.

To Whom are you to pour your Heart out if not to Me?

Ah, Godlings, when it comes to Me, no matter what you may think is the matter and what you think you are going through, We are One not two. We are One and the same and not separate.

I say that if My giving you My ear gives you some ease, I am all for it. No worries for Me, and you will rise above worries about you in Silence.

When you come to Me, no matter what your request may be, I know you. I know you wish to understand Me and stand beside Me in Life. I hear your voice sweet, and I see beyond the heartache you presently trust in. Come to Me and feel Our entwined Presence. How to say it? Something Great passes between Us, the One of us. We speak One Language.

On Earth, there are eons of time to wander and roam in. Close to Me, based in Heaven, where We both sit as One, there is not even a split second of time to stray in.

Listen, from the Truth of Heaven, from the Reality I know by Heart and which you also have a deep acquaintance with, you are Beautiful.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/10/2018 11:47:34 PM

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie: Conscious Communication with Your Galactic Family

Perceiving what you imagine and Imagining what you perceive!

Dear Ascending Ones,

We, the Arcturians, are here now and feeling joyous to talk with you about the experience of Conscious Communication with a member of your Galactic Family, and/or with your beloved Earth Mother, Gaia.

Only Unconditional Love can create a deep enough state of consciousness within your being for you to be able to receive, interpret and understand a fifth dimensional communication.

Unconditional Love, which, is very important for Planetary Ascension and is a major “Key to Ascension,” will greatly assist you to remember your INNATE ability to feel the opening of a Fifth Dimensional Portal.

You see, Unconditional Love frees your thinking and emotions from the constant interruptions of doubt, confusion, fear and anger. We will talk about “doubt” first, as doubt is the mental condition that most often brings humans into a state of doubting themselves and/or doubting their perceptions.

Once you can “consciously” feel, see, hear, or sense an open portal, you can choose to consciously allow the messages, feelings, thoughts, and/or ideas that naturally flow through that opened Inter-dimensional Portal to enter your conscious awareness.

We say “choose” because more and more of our Ascending Ones are increasingly perceiving, opening, and feeling their “CALL to Duty.” Fortunately, many of our brave “Ascension Pioneers” arechoosing to share their experiences with others who are like-minded and of similar states of daily consciousness.

There are many who are “like minded,” but they may not share the same frequency of consciousness. However, when you are open hearted and lovingly share your “weird experiences,” others will become interested in what you have experienced, and how you were able to “allow” this experience.

The allowing of a higher dimensional experience is one of the greatest challenges for those who have forgotten their true Multidimensional SELF. These ones have fallen into the belief that they are “just human.”

Yes, you are currently wearing a human earth vessel. Just as you would wear a wooly parka in the snow, or a bathing suit in the ocean, you have decided to wear a physical earth vessel, while you are “being a third dimensional human” on planet Earth.

Your higher dimensional SELF, who lives on your Ship or fifth dimensional Homeworld, does not need to wear certain clothing for certain conditions. Instead, you “wear” your Lightbody SELF, which is easily adaptable to all external environments.

Then, just as one wears certain clothing for certain weather or certain tasks, you will wear your fourth dimensional Astral Body when you visit your third dimensional sleeping one. You will wear your third dimensional Physical Body when you interface with Gaia’s physical world, and you will wear your fifth dimensional Lightbody when you return to your fifth dimensional Ship or Homeworld.

When you first wore a third or fourth dimensional earth vessel, it felt VERY limiting. You experienced hot, cold, tired, hunger and emotions such as fear, anger and, yes, joy and happiness.

Initially, when you tried to bond with others, especially those who have forgotten their true, Multidimensional SELF, it was difficult for you to remember how it felt to be a 3D human. However, as you formed more and more bonds with other humans, your physical body did not feel so “foreign.”

In fact, the risk then is that you may become so attached to that physical self that you forget your true Multidimensional SELF. Some of our grounded ones may not wish to form any deep bonds with the human ones as they are concerned that they might forget their true SELF.

But, eventually, their innate higher frequency perspective assists them to reveal the deep link that you have with humanity, Gaia, and all of Gaia’s beings. Fortunately, if at least one person in a couple, or a group, remembers their Multidimensional SELF, it serves to open their minds to Multidimensional Memories and their Heart to Unconditional Love.

However, they usually can only experience this openness to SELF for a rather short “time” because they are in a strange third dimensional reality. Within this strange world, everything is bound by time and limited by space.

This time and space is so deeply interwoven into all third dimensional life, that many of our Volunteers to take an earth vessel slowly, or quickly, forget their true SELF, as well as the Mission which was their “reason to take an earth vessel on planet Earth.”

Fortunately, many of our brave Visitors to Gaia experience a dream, or even a meeting with another “visitor to Earth.” Perhaps they see a movie, a show, or meet a certain person who reminds them of their true HOME.

We, their friends and family members who have volunteered to “over light” our Volunteers to Earth, are always connecting with our “family” via their sleep, their meditations and through other Volunteers to Earth.

The greatest challenge for our Volunteers is to adapt their fifth dimensional mind, which functions via the HERE and the NOW, so that they can live within a reality that is ruled by TIME and SPACE. Fortunately, even after that adaptation our volunteer’s minds remain calibrated to the NOW of the fifth dimensional portals.

This calibration to the 5D Portals, which are easily perceivable via their fifth dimensional perception, is vital for their ongoing connection with their Starship. Of course, many of these “connections” occur while our Earth-Bound One is “dreaming.” Our Grounded Ones can also communicate with us during a deep meditation.

It is during these “dreams and meditations,” that our Earth-Bound Ones also connect with other “Earth Bound Ones” who are located all over the planet. When our Volunteers meet in this manner, their consciousness easily rises into the fifth dimension. Then, together, or one-by-one, they can visit the Ship, while they are still wearing an earth vessel.

It is during these meditations, or meeting with other like-minded beings who are wearing a human earth vessel, that they can consciously experience their “multidimensional Reality.” This “shared perception of a higher dimensional reality” greatly assists our grounded ones to release the third-dimensional doubt regarding their true SELF.

This doubt is a great challenge for our grounded ones. For one thing, the doubt lowers their consciousness. Then they forget many of the multidimensional perceptions and experiences that they have, which greatly assist them to “Remember their true SELF.”

Many human, who may also be a Galactic, are beginning to remember their multidimensional consciousness, as well as their multidimensional perceptions. Then, the immense power of joining “multidimensional energy fields” greatly assists them to remember what has been forgotten during their “tour of duty to the third dimension.”

Those on our Ship, as well as those who have remembered their true SELF while on Earth, know that even the physical world is “multidimensional.” The reason for this is because the ones who have merged with their innate fifth dimensional energy field, canperceive what they imagine and imagine what they perceive.

We put perceived and imagine together for they are the same terms in the fifth dimension.

Either way, imagination and perceptions are joined, much as your hearing and speaking is joined. We put perceived and imagine together for they are the same terms in the fifth dimension.

In the fifth dimension and beyond, you are:

Perceiving what you imagine and Imagining what you perceive!

Dear grounded ones, you would be surprised if you knew how many “Galactics in Earth Clothing” that you may meet every day in your “normal life.” Perhaps, even you, the reader of this message, is a “Galactic in Earth Clothing?”

In fact, we, the members of your Galactic Family often call our brave messengers to Gaia, “GECs.” GEC is a “code name” in which we can identify our friends and family, while we, and they, are protecting those who may not be ready to consciously know how many of us are there within your NOW

The members of our “GEC Teams,” which is another “code word we use” may, or may not remember who they really are. When, and if, they recognize their true SELF, they can greatly assist each other, as well as all of Gaia’s reality.

This “assistance” will begin when these grounded ones remember their true SELF. Then they will remember to integrate their higher states of consciousness into their earth vessel. In this manner, they can better create and share a “group merging” with the other “ones who remember.”

In this manner, those wearing a human form can assist each other to expand their third dimensional perceptions to include the fifth dimension. This merging will occur more easily if there is a group of humans who remember their fifth dimensional, and beyond, personal and group consciousness.

Very often members of the same Star Ship find each other. Then, as their Star Ship group is fully connected with each other, as well as with their Star Ship, they have the expanded consciousness to find other Galactic Visitors, such as themselves. As each of the members of our “away mission to the third dimension” expand their consciousness, they will also expand their memories of their life on their Starship.

Eventually, these Star Ship groupings will grow into larger and larger groups in which the member of different Star Ships can meet and work with each other. The reason why we wish to merge with the members of other Star Ships is to have a “rehearsal” for when we will merge with our Earth Family in human disguise.

Our family members, and/or our 3D Version of SELF, have consciously, or unconsciously, merged into a human form. Many of those who have lived with this human merging, have forgotten their true, Galactic SELF.

However, we often guide the merging ones to “leave 3/4D time” and flow through every embodiment they have ever taken in all of their of their Earthly incarnations. This journey through the physical and astral planes greatly assists them to deeply bond their consciousness with all the versions of their “grounded, human-self.”

Through this merging of consciousness, they have the opportunity to find and identify any incarnations in which our human and galactic selves have already blended. These “blending’s” are between the two versions of one’s Galactic SELF and their Human Self. OR, it may become a blending between our Galactic Self and the groups that were formed in order to better serve Gaia.

This realization of our “blending,” once remembered by our grounded self, takes us all into a shared incarnation to review both our Galactic and our human expressions of SELF. It is within this “blending” that we can also blend our one Galactic Self and with the collection of all the humans with whom we have had a one-on-one or group merging.

If our group experience has any fear, anger, sorrow or imbalance that needs to cleared from Gaia’s Aura, we will be able to do so from the mental perspective of our Galactic Self and the emotional perspective of our Human SELF.

In this manner, our collective consciousness can “Pick up where we left off” when our collective was first formed. It is in this manner that many of our “old friends” are meeting up now in unusual and unexpected ways.

Often, our Physical and Astral Self may not recognize each other yet, but our fifth dimensional SELF in the NOW of the ONE can instantly remember the Source Energy Field that each of us, as well as each of our groups, are experiencing.

The higher dimensional expressions of these 3D “chance encounters” have actually decided together, within their own 5D Selves, to find a way to “jolt” their third dimensional expressions of consciousness into allowing the flow of Unconditional Love to come into their conscious awareness.

As soon as a physical, Ascending One consciously registers this gift of Unconditional Love, they will have a few seconds in which their limited 3D brain/consciousness is transmuted into fifth dimensional consciousness via the Flow of Unconditional Love.

Within that Flow of Unconditional Love, which is often unseen, but consciously felt, their High Heart opens to blend more deeply with their Multidimensional Mind,

As the High Heart merges with the Multidimensional Mind, that is an activation of fifth dimensional consciousness, which usually flashes us into the fifth dimensional “NOW.” Within this split second, we can consciously perceive our own fifth dimensional expression of SELF, and SELVES—as many of us have had many encounters with our third dimensional expression.

It is common for the us, as well as the Earthly, Ascending Ones, to brush off, or misperceive, this blending within their current state of consciousness. However, our inter-dimensional experience, whether it is conscious or unconscious, creates the merging of our third dimensional self with our Multidimensional SELF.

It is for this reason that we ask you ALL to share YOUR moments of experiencing the NOW of the ONE in which your third dimensional and multidimensional expressions of SELF merge into the ONE.

Whenever you can consciously EXPERIENCE and FEEL your OWN fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF from your own perspective, as well as from a perspective of another, you will be able to “own and remember” that experience.

You are all moving into higher and higher frequencies of consciousness/reality. Therefore, you will be able to commune with higher and higher dimensional beings, as well as share your experience with others. In fact, sharing your inter-dimensional experiences is your honor AND your duty.

There are many ways in which you can share your experiences, so go inside and ask your own Higher Dimensional SELF how the two of you can become ONE to find the best way for YOU—two merged into one—can best share what you have experienced and what you have learned from that experience.

It is often that many of you will have the same experience, but because of your many Earthly incarnations, you may all learn something different. Of course, learning something different is by design, so that you ALL can teach what you have learned to others.

If you look at the news, in all the many forms that are available in your “now,” you will see that the “news” talks about what is wrong, but seldom gives possible solutions. What if everyone who read, or watched, the news found a way to share the solution to that issue?

Then, what if, in tandem with your SELF, you documented what you had received so that your third dimensional expression could not “forget” what your fifth dimensional SELF just told you. Therefore, we advise that you all document your information as soon as you receive it, as it will not linger long in your third-dimensional brain.

Therefore, always have a pencil and paper on your body so that you can jot down what your received while driving, while in the grocery store, while waiting to pick up the kids, while waiting on hold on the phone etc., etc., etc.

Please remember that EVERY ONE of you is VITAL to Gaia’s Planetary Ascension. Furthermore, please remember that every ONE of YOU has the ability to receive information from your own Higher Dimensional SELF, who has access to the perspective of their/your fifth dimensional and beyond SELF.

We, the Arcturians, as well as your own Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF, remember every ONE of you. Can you remember us?

Blessings from the Arcturians and your own Higher Dimensional SELF

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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