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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2017 6:57:14 PM

Sandra Walter: Becoming the Presence: Building New Landscapes

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

As we create and build the internal landscape of the Christed Presence, the New Earth experience, and the transcendent qualities of Ascension, the external landscapes of higher realities are revealed. This resonance with Unity Consciousness, the alignment with the Multidimensional Self, is an exquisite and palpable experience spreading rapidly through the collective.

The direction was clear to Wayshowers: Achieve Embodiment of the Christed /Crystalline/Unity state, and it will trigger massive acceleration for those choosing Ascension. This year is validating those messages, and the experience of bifurcation grows stronger, clearer and wider.

Embodiment of the Christed Self: Becoming the Presence to Shift Realities

Describing and writing about this current phase is challenging. Between the traveling, unpacking, shifts with Mount Shasta and my own consciousness, a few days of rest are in order. Kindwhile, here are a few observations, a new podcast, and a reminder to participate in our SUNday meditations.

Embodiment feels Avatar-like as the Higher Self steps forth through the body vehicle and Lower Self consciousness. When we surrender to this Divine Presence of Self, it rewrites our consciousness via our DNA. It changes the way we feel, think, act and create.

As the New Crystalline Templates of the Divine HUman activate on the collective level, we expand together. You may feel the expansion physically through the Heart center, however the effect on consciousness via DNA is key to a consistent, unwavering crystalline state.

You may have noticed the change in SUNlight since the Equinox; it has that mystical quality similar to the eclipse. Remember changes in the SUN reflect changes in the way in which we project our consciousness. We are about to receive another upgrade as Gateways to the New Earth and the crystalline experience open wide. This is a result of Wayshowers anchoring the crystalline consciousness (the return of the Christ.) Be present with this throughout October, and listen/feel the Higher Self for in-the-moment direction. Let the Light reveal the new landscape.

Heart On Radio: Podcast with Shana Eva

Another podcast from Sedona is available. Shana Eva and I share a beautiful heart-centered exchange. Feel the love and Presence in our conversation, which flowed into many topics.

Video version can be found on the Ascension Integration channelHERE

Downloadable on Blogtalk:

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday: DNA Activation for All

One of the strongest sensations I experience during the Unity Meditations is our crystalline DNA code exchange. We are truly learning so much about Unity Consciousness through these weekly connections. We were told that consistent practice would prepare us for future service; I feel that passage is Now. Our dedication and consistency is affecting many hearts, many realities. We are capable of raising thousands to the Christed experience; let us unify with these intentions for global Ascension in the Now.

Join the Unity Meditations for amplification and Divine support onSUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. To the thousands of Souls co-creating this Divine connection; We Love you, We Bless You, We Thank You for your Service to Gaia and all of creation!

In Love, Light and Service,

“Becoming the Presence: Building New Landscapes,” by Sandra Walter, October 6, 2017, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2017 11:40:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/7/2017

will's picture

If you are divided, then a conflict arises not only in the mind, but in your bio-energy - then you are two. And if you are two, energy is wasted in the conflict; the energy is dissipated. Unless you are one, nothing can be done. As far as the inner journey is concerned, your oneness will be needed more and more. On the surface it is okay; you can go on doing the day-to-day work even if you are divided.

Just imagine a circle with a center: if you draw two lines from the periphery towards the center, on the periphery they are divided; the more you come towards the center, the more the gap becomes less and less and less; just near the center the gap is almost not; at the center the gap disappears.

At the center everything becomes one; at the periphery everything is divided, is two.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2017 11:45:51 PM

From Where Greatness Comes

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

I know from where Greatness comes. You may not know, yet I do know. Greatness comes from you.

This is a secret you keep from yourself.

You don’t see your own Greatness. Your Greatness is so simple and so close to you, you don’t begin to see it.

You also don’t see others’ Greatness until you perhaps stumble on it, for others’ Greatness is too far from you, and you also don’t expect it, and you don’t look to see it unless the world has already proclaimed it.

Perhaps you anticipate the ho-hum and the dreary. You are not looking for explosions of Greatness today. You may be looking just to get through the day and get home and watch a good series on TV that can enchant you and get your mind off daily Life.

There are many layers in Life. Go for the core. What does this mean? It doesn’t mean exactly chasing Life, yet, at the same time, you are on an expedition. You don’t have to be avid about it. You can lightly know that something Great is coming. You may be in the middle of it and have no idea. An expedition is not your mind’s wandering hither and yon, yet nor must your mind wander around in greener pastures nor must your mind not wander around.

There are really no rules about Life that you must follow. Life is not a forced event. You are not a follower of Life as others may deem. You are a Leader of your own Life. Follow your own Life. Lead your own Life.

Ah, let’s say that your expedition is an amble. Life will not run off without you. Life will not miss you. Life will not go past you. Life is at the Essence of you. You are the Essence of Life. You are birthing your Life. You yourself are the mountain you climb. You don’t even catch on that you are the very Peak you climb. When you get to the top, you begin to introduce yourself to your Self. Yet, does one ever reach the summit? The joke is that you are already right here with Me. You already are a winner.

Your Life can be a gambol. Go ahead, consider Life a caper, a dance you go to, a Happy Hunting Ground. Simple. Straight forward. An easy place to play in.

Have an easy view of Life. See it not as work. See it as an accompaniment. Life accompanies you. You and Life hold hands. Live your Life as only you can. Perhaps you grabbed your Life. Perhaps it was handed to you. It doesn’t matter. Make of your Life what you will.

Your Life is like a movie you see. You see the movie in front of you. The person next to you may watch the same movie, yet to him, it’s a different movie he watches. He doesn’t see Life as you do. What does the movie he looks at have to do with the movie you look at?

In living the Life you live, rely on yourself. Be your own guidelines. Learn from others, yet others are not your mentors. Others’ opinions are simply others’ opinions. That others hold their opinions does not make them true. Your Truth lies within you. Nor am I saying that you are precisely right, nor do you have to be right, for you are growing and learning and unlearning as well, even as you are your primary mentor, you, regardless of how you may appear to the outer world.

The world is also growing. Growth is inevitable. Even in what you might call dark patches, you are growing and growing and growing fast. Every moment you are moving forward. It’s okay to change directions. Step out of ego and enter Greatness and begin to see yourself with new eyes. Face front, Beloveds. Follow Me.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2017 8:56:55 PM


Monday, October 9, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share

Moon in Gemini

Sun: 17 Libra - "a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor"

True Alignments: quiet time/time for reflection, desire to return to the past in some way, objective analysis of events, looking at options

Catalysts for Change: excuses, giving in, doing things the old way (old paradigm)

Earth: 17 Aries - "two prim spinsters sitting together in silence"

True Alignments: taking a step back to consider, opening to new opportunities, strengthening individuality, surpassing what is expected or accepted

Catalysts for Change: false pretenses, placing restrictions on self or others, ageism against the young, unable to allow the new to enter, fighting against the flow, isolation, feeling that one is running out of time

I hope you had a wonderful experience with the highly spiritual energetics of this past weekend's Black Moon conjunction with the Galactic Center (or when we "touched home").

When the Sun and Earth reach 17 Libra and Aries, as they do today, we are wise to take time out to reflect and plan. Quiet and having quiet time for contemplation is important, as both symbols involve themes about time, watching, and recollecting. The retired sea captain watches the ways of the world - the comings and goings, and the prim spinsters sit apart from anything that is active and progressing. Thus it is a better day to observe than to act.

Disseminating Moon phase brings us the information that we need as we observe and learn. New things will enter the field (the harbor), enabling us to expand our perception and understanding today. The Sun and Mercury just made conjunction, adding extra energy for vital messages and information to reach us.

With this today, we also have Jupiter spending its last day in Libra before it enters Scorpio tomorrow at 9:21 am ET/1:21 pm UT. Jupiter is completing discharge of 30 Libra - "three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head." We are learning from the past and applying new methods, thoughts, and attitudes to the present and future.

It is certainly a "mental" or "cognitive" type of day, which is typical of the Moon in Gemini, but the theme is quite pronounced today. Negative mind loops may try to take over, as they do when the Moon transits the sign opposite of the Black Moon. (The Moon is in Gemini while the Black Moon is in Sagittarius - the opposite sign of Gemini.) This means today is a Black Moon Day, when we tend to react from our most basic instincts, trying very hard to not be hurt or vulnerable. Issues regarding meaningfulness and acceptance are highlighted (meaning we naturally seek meaning or question meaningfulness, as well as the approval and acceptance of others). The task is to find meaning and to value oneself as much as others. This will reach a height tomorrow when the Moon makes exact opposition with the Black Moon. Understand that emotions are mercurial today, and that people may react from their least wisest selves. Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Gemini or Sagittarius are most affected by this (and it is representative of the rebirth of self that they are undergoing - embrace the new.)

Archontic energies are more active when the Moon and Black Moon are making angles, so be aware.

We want to be particularly vigilant for synchronicities and signs from nature because these are likely to come rather rapidly.

Today we will practice the art of observing the ways of things, adjusting accordingly while keeping our eyes open for new opportunities. Today is all about the new, so we will turn that way -- away from the shadows of the past, toward the light of the future.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2017 9:04:26 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday October 9, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, a very effective technique to make new connections in your lives is to meditate and create from the ethers.

Let us suppose you wish to draw more clients for your business. Simply imagine yourself going up into space and then shining brightly, as if you are turning on your service light for all to see. As you stay there and allow your light and offerings to broadcast like an energetic beacon, you will notice other little lights turn on in response, like twinkling stars.

Those are the people who have now connected to you and what you do – the ones who can see you in your truth, resonate with your energy, that you can help and will have appreciation for your efforts. Continue to shine your service light brightly until you see all the new clients turning on their lights of response to you. Now you can rest easy that those connections have been made, that those souls have been made aware of you and what you have to offer, and they will show up in divine timing.

You can use the same technique to find the perfect healer for you, new like-minded friends, any supports you may feel you need on your journey, even a new love relationship. Just shine your light and your truth until you see the connection is made by the light turning on in response to you from another.

You see, you always are creating energetically first. This lets you to see for yourself that the connections have been made, and there is nothing left for you to do but to hold the space for them to manifest into your reality. It is a wonderful technique of allowing your soul to put out a clarion call and to see for yourself that others will absolutely answer that call in acceptance of your pure intentions and divine ability to co-create. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
