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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2017 11:36:40 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Providing a Safe Space For Others is Why You Are On Earth

Audio version.

There is only Love. You all know that, you also know that everything else is illusory, and yet many of you engage unlovingly and judgmentally with others almost every day – frequently you are so unaware of your own ingrained beliefs and behaviors that you do not even realize that you are doing this.

Taking time daily to go within, to your sacred altar, and relax in the divine Presence that is always there with you, the field of infinite and unconditional Love that is your true nature, will help you, if you choose, to become increasingly aware of how your egos are constantly attempting to distract you from perceiving yourselves as others see you.

Being aware of how others see you helps you to become aware of how your egos operate, something to which you probably pay very little attention because you mostly think of your egoic selves as “Me.” This is not the case, the egoic “Me” is mostly driven by feelings and emotions, and generally reacts rather than thoughtfully responding, and it is not you.

Many humans appear to live at the center of their own personal universe – the ego’s universe – separated from all others by their own egoic and self-centered personalities. They are so wrapped up in their own issues of self-defense and how best to ensure their personal safety, that they cannot conceive of any meaningful opinions apart from their own. And yet they are constantly seeking recognition and approval from others.

The need to be right and make others wrong, except, of course, when the others are in agreement with them, is one of the major causes of conflict worldwide, from individual relationships right up to international relationships.

When you intend and choose to live lovingly, to live and engage from your true nature, you will find that your need to judge weakens and then falls away to be replaced by compassion for the pain and suffering that you see in others. When you live like that you will hardly ever find yourselves in situations of conflict, and those with whom you interact will appreciate and honor your presence instead of competing with you for acceptance and approval.

Your true nature is Love, as you are constantly being reminded by myriad channeled messages, and yet almost as soon as you have finished reading one of those messages, or very shortly afterwards, and recognizing its truth, you forget, and slip once more into unawareness as you hand control of your lives back to your egos, to the auto-pilot. You slip back into to reacting to life instead of responding to it with focused intent as your day unfolds.

Often it seems to you when you are out in the world, or in your workplace, and even sometimes in your home environment, that you are under the threat of judgment and disapproval, while many of the others with whom you interact in those same environments are also experiencing those kinds of feelings.

The lack of trust in these environments is quite palpable to all present, and each person is feeding it with the energy of their own sense of inadequacy – fear – which feeds on itself. However, if youcan consciously maintain your intent to be only loving you will find that the stress and tension in those environments diminishes when you are present.

Intending to be only loving and then engaging only lovingly will bring into your awareness the realization that your personal world-space – wherever you may be experiencing it – is indeed mostly quite peaceful,and that is because you are Love incarnate, and Love is always gentle and peaceful.

All who are reading this message, and others of a similar nature, chose to be on Earth as humans at this time to assist in the human awakening process by living and engaging from their true nature – Love – and by so doing bringing the energy of Love into their daily interactions with others.

The others will feel the energy, although they may very well not know what it is they are feeling, and will find themselves relaxing in its presence into a realization that they are in a safe space – your world-space – and will consequently communicate much more freely and easily.

Providing a safe space for others that is unthreatening, and in fact welcoming, is why you are on Earth, because when people feel safe they can open to Love, and, of course, the field of divine Love enfolds you in every moment, patiently awaiting your acceptance of It.

To open fully to It is to awaken, but because of your ingrained beliefs and fears, opening to It takes time. Many believe that if they operate from Love and behave and interact lovingly that they will be taken advantage of by others who are more “street-wise,” and that they will be deceived or cheated.

If an experience like that actually happens to them it will take considerably longer for them to start interacting lovingly again. And during that time it is quite normal to fall back, temporarily, into the apparent sense of a need for safety by building defenses and choosing not to trust or engage lovingly.

Of course you all have guides and mentors in the spiritual realms watching over you constantly, waiting expectantly for you to call on them for assistance, and extremely willing to respond immediately to your call. When in doubt call on them.

When you do you will be able, with their assistance, to sense intuitively when someone is not being totally honest with you, and you will then be able to avoid an unsatisfactory interaction. There is a vast difference between being loving and being gullible, and your intuition is very good at understanding this and recognizing the difference.

So what I am telling you here today is that you are beings of Light, the beloved children of God, and that your true nature is therefore Love. You are on Earth to remember this and to operate from that state by being loving at all times, and by doing so – and there are countless numbers of you on Earth at present doing this – greatly enhancing and accelerating humanity’s awakening process.

Humanity is to awaken, it has been deeply asleep for far too long, and you have chosen to be here, demonstrating Love in action, to ensure that the awakening occurs smoothly and swiftly. For this we cannot honor you enough, but we can offer you our constant loving support which, when you choose to ask for it and accept it, is far more powerful than you can imagine.

Be yourselves, be Love, and know that you are assisting humanity enormously in its awakening process.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus via John Smallman: Providing a Safe Space For Others is Why You Are On Earth,” September 15, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
9/17/2017 11:50:19 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/16/2017

will's picture

Egolessness is contentment. Egoless, you don't expect anything, and just a small child smiles at you, but it is so beautiful. What else could you need? Suddenly you see a flower and the flower sends its perfume to you. What else could you need? What more could you want? The whole sky goes on filling with stars, the whole life becomes a celebration because now everything is beautiful.

Without expectation everything fulfills - just to breathe is enough, just to breathe is such a bliss.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2017 11:59:28 PM

Your Heart is a Powerhouse

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

What seems to be on your mind today? What is heavy on your Heart today may not be what is on your mind. In fact you may even barrage your mind with concerns about trifles in order to keep your mind off the collected woes of your Heart. Tender tender is the Heart. If you get right down to it, your Heart is too often under siege. The very sensitivity of your Heart is the best thing about your Heart.

Your Heart is not meant to be a warrior nor is your Heart meant to be a spigot to be turned on or off. No, no, no, your Heart is meant to be turned on full-blast. Your Heart is meant to be clear and warm and aligned with friendliness and welcome. Your Heart is meant to be your harbor.

Your Heart is aimed right at the Sun, and your Heart is to be hospitable and share itself as if it could never go out of style. Your Heart is to be wide open and let the whole world in. You may have the idea that your Heart can be used up, and you want to preserve it. Uh-uh, your Heart isn’t designed for being saved up.

As it is, you may want to avoid your Heart as though it were not connected to your deepest Being, OR that it is too connected and, well, too powerless. Your Heart is the most powerful thing you have. Yes, there is a great part of you that doesn’t want to get down to your Heart. You would rather wrap it up in cotton than to reveal it. You may want to keep strangers out of your Heart. You might long for a sign you could hang that says No Admittance.

In trying to protect your Heart, you deny your heart its rightful connectedness to the Oneness of Love that you really are.

You may even appear downright cheery when your Heart is breaking. Sometimes, the only way you feel you can proceed in Life is to cloister off your Heart to protect it from future damage. What a dial your Heart is. It is so easy to set your Heart akimbo. And yet how powerful is your Heart. It’s not a good idea to separate your Heart from itself. Your Heart is to be One and not cut in twain.

When in the world will you allow your Heart to recognize its own vitality? You already know that you really can’t quell your Heart. You are not the boss of it. Your Heart is not to be tied and gagged.

When you come down to it, your Heart is the most valuable possession you have, yet you don’t possess it. Let’s face it. Your Heart possesses you. You are meant to follow your Heart, not nurse it. When your Heart is hurt, love your Heart for its role in your Life. Your Heart is an antenna so remarkable, so sensitive to what goes on around you, so protective of you, so protective even of your ego. Whatever defense you feel you need, your Heart will pitch in. Remove armor from your Heart. Your mind is not meant to be a Heart-Bender.

Your Heart’s Destiny is to deliver bouquets of roses and, so, to express your Higher Self. Never was your Heart meant to silence itself.

Your Heart is meant to be ambrosia of the finest essence. Your Heart is meant to be your avenue to the world and to all the other Hearts in this that is called the world. A harsh word is not to demolish your Heart. Certainly, hurt feelings don’t belong in this Golden Heart I gave to you. The scars on your Heart are shadows all. You are to light up in the Strength of the Sun. Come here. I put you under the Sun now. Take out your Heart and let it bathe in the Sun and be warmed and so be happily seated within you.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2017 7:17:27 PM


Monday, September 18, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transform, heal

Moon in Virgo (Moon will conjunct two of the three planets believed by many to be three of the 12 stars in the crown of the woman in Revelation 12/September 23, 2017)

Sun: 27 Virgo - "aristocratic elderly ladies drinking afternoon tea in a wealthy home"

True Alignments: carefree, composed, taking one's time, peaceful civil disobedience

Catalysts for Change: excluding others, feeling superior, denial

Earth: "a Harvest Moon illuminates the sky"

True Alignments: reaping rewards, time to reflect or celebrate, truth revealed, luminous

Catalysts for Change: neglect, false picture of something, delusions

Today is Chiron's day, wise owls.

The Sun will make opposition with Chiron, the great Wounder, Healer, and Teacher today, all while the Moon transits through Chiron's own sign of Virgo.

Chiron and Virgo rule troubleshooting, critical analysis, criticism, health, healing, healing modalities, multi-talented, solution-focused, comprehension, the arts of defense, narratives, bards, trauma, healing trauma, rainbows, money, gold, horses, centaurs, the hero's journey, animals, bridges, and all things Renaissance.

Chiron and the Earth are discharging the energetic of reaping what has been sowed, "a Harvest Moon illuminates the sky." The Sun is discharging the energetic of elitism and monarchy, "aristocratic elderly ladies drinking afternoon tea in a wealthy home." Does the cabal experience some sort of karma today, reaping the ill they have sown? The astrology of Chiron would indicate so. Light shines on the truth today.

We actually have "double Virgo" energy today because the Moon has returned to the sign of Virgo for the second time this solar-lunar month. So the themes that Chiron and Virgo rule (listed above) are the main features of today. Let's break it down with the timing to zero-in on specifics:

3:44 pm ET/7:44 pm UT - MOON CONJUNCT MARS at 09 Virgo, "an expressionist painter makes a futuristic drawing"(foreshadowing of the future, projecting goals and intentions, expressions of will)

7:20pm ET/11:20 pm UT - MOON CONJUNCT MERCURY at 11 Virgo, "a boy molded in his mother's aspirations for him"(free will, high expectations, breaking free of restrictions and limitations)

10:47 pm ET/2:47 am UT - MOON OPPOSE NEPTUNE with the Moon at 13 Virgo, "a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria" (taking control, self-control, directed, mission-oriented) and Neptune at 13 Pisces, "a sword used in many battles in a museum" (war and peace, history, crusades, the arts of defense, this would also be naval warfare).

3:22 am ET/7:22 am UT - SUN OPPOSES CHIRON at the degrees listed above (aristocrats and Harvest Moon illuminating)

These are very interesting juxtapositions of energetics, aren't they?

Consider also that the Moon made conjunction with Venus last night between 7 and 9 pm ET/ 11pm and 1 am UT /8 and 10 am South Korean time. I was unable to find the time of the drills that took place in South Korea (et al) earlier. Venus will move into Leo with the New Moon on Wednesday, becoming possibly the third of the three planets in the woman's crown of 12 stars in the Revelation 12/September 23 discussion, so we would look to see what was happening when the Moon contacted Venus.

Biblical prophecy is not something I am qualified to speak on, other than looking at the correlating astrological data. Venus would not be in the same sign as Mercury and Mars on September 23 if Venus had not stationed retrograde earlier this year. Venus was highly significant to the ancients. The Illuminati use its energetics often. Given that there does seem to be some sort of reaping of whatever one has sown, good or ill, right now, the prophecy captivates our attention. More on this with the forthcoming New Moon in Virgo overview. (If you are unfamiliar with the Revelation 12/September 23 subject, there is ample information on the web and YouTube. Follow your own discernment and method as you peruse it.)

Today is mutable, if anything. That means things transform quickly from one way or thing to another. This is alchemy in action. Chiron rules alchemy. Let's practice our wisest alchemical selves today and hold to the notions of alchemical renaissance.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
9/18/2017 7:24:04 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 17, 2017

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If you are feeling particularly stuck in one area of your life, we encourage you to find one thing that you can do differently about the situation.

What can you commit to for your own wellness and satisfaction? Can you create a new affirmation that feels energetically good to you when you say it? Can you get ten minutes of sun on your skin? Can you shift into including healthier nutrients for your body?

Can you cleanse your environment to feel better to you? Can you meditate for ten minutes a day? Can you surrender and stay there in faith and trust for the day? Can you ask for help from your guides and then willingly follow the signs and synchronicities?

By making the choice to take one small step, you will, just like magic, shift yourself out of the energy of stagnation into the energy of forward movement. Your actions begin to match your intentions. You move out of wishing to be rescued into empowered action as a co-creator, which is recognizing and embracing your own authentic power.

You don’t have to have all the answers, Dear Ones, but you do have to be a willing participant in the change. Get into some kind of forward movement, however small, for that is getting into a flow that we can assist and guide from there. ~Archangel Gabriel


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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