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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/17/2017 12:48:35 AM


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Gemini

Sun: 25 Leo - "a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert"

Higher Expression: perseverance, persistence, stamina, completing something difficult or outstanding, survival, reserves, inner strength, the energy for change

Lower Expression: testing others to see how they feel instead of directly asking, running on fumes, reacting only by instinct and without thinking, giving in to the shadow side

Earth: 25 Aquarius - "a butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed"

Higher Expression: rising above or "out-vibrating" that which seeks to bring us down, beautiful creations and acts of love, color variation, coming out of an old way, self acceptance

Lower Expression: lines of separation and division in advance of transformation, distorted, out of balance, perfectionism, conflict between emotions and logic


Skill is required on this Black Moon Day.

First, let's list all of the astrological aspects occurring today so that we see the immensity, and then let's summarize to keep it as simple and as real as possible. You don't need to even read all of these aspects; I list them for emphasis because there are so many:

Sun conjunct North Node, Earth conjunct South Node, Moon oppose Black Moon, Moon oppose Saturn, Black Moon conjunct Saturn, Mercury oppose Neptune, Venus oppose Pluto, Moon sextile Mars, Venus square Jupiter, Mars trine Black Moon and Saturn, and the biggies - Jupiter/Venus/Pluto/Mars/Moon/Sun/Nodes/Black Moon/Saturn aspect ERIS POINT. Most of the solar system is aspecting 20 Aries 36 - the Eris Point or location in the zodiac where the planet Eris was discovered.

This is happening as we approach the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon - the so-called The Great American Eclipse - on Monday.

Obviously, the cabal has rolled out plans to "eclipse" or take away "Great America" and anything and everything that makes it great, specifically its history.

This is happening now because the astrology is making for the cabal's best shot at doing so.

What they fail to accept is that they no longer control the energetic of the Eris Point. The rebellion and revolution they seek to instill only blows back and hastens their demise. The chaos they are attempting to unleash will only weaken their will and their ability to continue with their agenda.

Today's energetics are among the TOP FIVE most challenging days of this year.

We will sustain and endure (like the "camel crossing the vast and forbidding desert") and rise above distortions (like the "butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed").

Here are some tips:

GROUND YOURSELF WITH NATURE. Go outdoors. Be in the Sun (it is there, even if it is cloudy or chem-y)

FOCUS YOUR MIND WITH TASKS. Distract from the swirl. Cleaning or weeding a garden is excellent for this.

LISTEN TO MUSIC. Music is prescriptive.

MOVE YOUR BODY. This energy is fire-fire-fire. Anxiety (fear) is moderated by movement.

ALIGN WITH TRANSFORMATION AND REBIRTH. This is the mindset to have. Flip it positive, no matter what.

MAKE FRIENDS WITH YOUR SHADOW SIDE. It's a Black Moon Day when we tend to turn our own fears onto others, accusing them of what we feel or what we do because we cannot face it in ourselves. Have the courage to see what the Black Moon and Saturn are trying to show you about meaning and meaninglessness, truth and dishonesty, self approval and self rejection. Avoid unleashing your Inner Saturn (the internal parent) on yourself. It's an archontic trick. Counter mind loops with the opposite thought of what is trying to be driven in your head through mind chatter and self talk.

KEEP IT REAL by aligning your value system with your actions and decisions. Speak truth to power if necessary.

AIM FOR THE LONG GAME through the understanding that a process is underway, one where wisdom and will return and unite. The future is bright because we have already won this "war" with the archons. Time just has to play itself out now.

A beautiful thing is happening today, but it may not seem like it. Mercury retrograded opposite Neptune, which is also retrograde, making things hard to see or believe.

We believe, and today we will persevere.

Note: The Moon will make exact opposition with the Black Moon at 8:37 pm ET/12:37 am UT (at the exact degree and arc minute aspecting the Eris Point!) and then with Saturn at 9:40 pm ET/1:40 am UT. These are the apexes of the energetics today, but they are in effect all day.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/17/2017 1:13:47 AM

To the End. And the Beginning

Here we are as a team, on the 30th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence no less, needing to approach you in any way we can to assist us to make it to the Reval.

We don’t know when that will be. There are rumors.

We’re as impatient as anyone and we’ve gone as far as we feel we can in asking the Divine Mother and Michael for dates.

In fact we know that they want us to be in this situation to demonstrate a way here as much as we’ve tried to demonstrate ways in other areas – transparency, integrity, responsibility, patience.

This is exactly the time when we could lapse into self-importance and self-servingness.

Beating the drum, playing ourselves up, raising our profile, that kind of thing.

But I haven’t the inclination to do that.

I’ve discussed some of my spiritual experiences in spite of saying to myself, “This’ll earn you a charge of self-importance.”

For instance, I talked about the heart opening endlessly, trying to get it right, trying to fully express it. On and on I went about it. Was I just saying what a good boy am I?

Soon every one of us will have had the same fourth-chakra enlightenment experience I did, in the form of a massive, explosive heart opening, according to the Divine Mother in this week’s AHWAA.

As an aside, brace yourself when it happens and just surrender to it. Remind yourself:

“Any spiritual experience I’m having at this moment has to have come from the Divine Mother. Lead, kindly Light.”

Afterwards you’ll know why I talked about it endlessly. A massive explosion of whatever blocks our hearts, followed by a torrent of love (a tsunami of love) that sweeps away all sorrow, all regret, everything that holds us down….

Anyone who had had that experience would talk about it endlessly.

Soon billions will know! Thank you, Mother!!!!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/17/2017 1:16:22 AM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 16, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

When people act out it is because they are uncomfortable, frustrated, overwhelmed and fearful. Because the energies you are in are bringing up so much that is ready to be acknowledged, healed, and released in a very intense way – a way that cannot be avoided any longer – you will see people being reactive in their discomfort.

You do not need to let this throw you – you can hold your space in compassionate understanding as many of you have already dealt with your own activations and have learned how to move with intense energies. You have also done a lot of your own healing work so are out of the throes of the dark night of the soul that is the great activator for so many of you to step onto your enlightenment path.

Think of being a parent to a toddler who has become completely overwhelmed to the point where they have succumbed to having a tantrum. You understand they have reached a place where they simply cannot deal with where they are. The tantrum acts as a great dispeller of energy.

If you stay in a calm, empowered space as their caretaker, you are able to acknowledge their discomfort and the fact they have reached their limit. You can keep them safe and create the conditions they need to release so they can come back to themselves.

If you allow their overwhelm to affect you, or if you also get reactive, the energy only accelerates. Your frustration adds to the overwhelm, until the energy compounds and before you know it, both you and the child are tantruming in your own way. You quickly learn the fastest way to diffuse the situation is to hold your space and become the energetic anchor and the empowered leader.

Dear Ones, we understand the energies are intense and difficult to navigate right now. Use your skills. Apply what you know. Hold the space. Trust in your own abilities. Your own ability to stay balanced and aligned allows you to be of far greater service than you know. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/17/2017 1:21:20 AM

GaiaPortal 8-16-17… “Dark nights are abandoned in the Era of Awakenings”

A new GaiaPortal update.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie DeGregory andThe Event Hub.


Dark nights are abandoned in the Era of Awakenings

Dark nights are abandoned in the Era of Awakenings.

hu-beings release the desire for comfort.

Lifters are inserted into the bosom of humanity.

Inner Freedom is claimed by the Ascendants.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/17/2017 1:34:36 AM

Gold, New Moon in Leo, August 21, 2017

full thunder moon eraoflightdotcomThe most anticipated and debated astrological event of the Summer is upon us. The upcoming New Moon in Leo, the second of two Leo New Moons in a row, marks both the grand finale to this tumultuous Eclipse season, and a fiery new beginning on a collective and personal level.

Arriving on August 21, at 6:30 PM UTC, at 28 degrees of the most radiant and theatrical of the signs, this New Moon is a supercharged, blazing sequel to July 23’s previous Leo New Moon, with the added power of bright blue star Regulus, of the transiting North Node, and, most importantly, of a Total Solar Eclipse.

A solar eclipse, as viewed from Earth, occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, fully or partially occulting the Sun; this typically only happens at a New Moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction. In partial and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun is obscured; during a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. Such is the case with the Solar Eclipse we are about to witness, even though only those who will view it from the locations covered by the so-called “path of totality” (in this case, a stretch of land about 70 miles wide, spanning the USA from East to West) will have the privileged to see the “corona” (the upper atmosphere of the Sun, appearing as a halo during the passage of the Moon). Yet, whether or not the shadow touches our corner of the world, the evolutionary gateway represented by this Eclipse welcomes all of us with no discrimination.

While the audacious, Mars-flavoured Leo New Moon we experienced in July was akin to the initial thrust that set things in motion, the prelude, the foreword to the turn of the tides, August’s New Moon exudes an energy that feels more resolute, uncompromising, peremptory – no hesitation, doubt or reticence will be allowed.

Last month, we might have seeded our intentions for an empowering, satisfying, confident new course; we might have envisioned ourselves building a life that finally proves and showcases our talents, skills and uniqueness to the world; we might have expressed our desire to shine, love and be loved, to the Universe.

But it’s not enough.

This time around, our voices need to be louder, our desires stronger, our wishes bolder. Most importantly, we have to feel the commitment to this future vision of self-fulfillment right into every fiber of our being. We have to be willing to believe before we see. To act as though it’s already happening, to stay centered in the knowing that everything is falling into place, and act accordingly. Our determination must be unwavering, our effort sustained. Our heart must become the generator of this alternate dimension where joy and gratification reign supreme. It’s now or never. Regulus, the “Heart of the Lion” (translation of the Arabic designation Qalb al-Asad), and the brightest star in the Leo constellation, whose traditional name is Latin for ‘prince’ or ‘little king’, demands nothing less than loyalty and integrity, and a burning ardor that can match her warmth and brilliance.

After all, the point of Eclipses is to accelerate our growth and push us past our comfort zone, a process that comes easier if we move with the energy and give up resistance. Here’s a brief excerpt from my post about the Aquarius Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse we experienced earlier this month:

‘ […] an Eclipse (whether lunar or solar) always doubles down on the intensity: Eclipses tend to shake up the status quo and bring significant developments about major life events; they hardly go unnoticed, especially if they hit sensitive points / formations in a natal chart, and they are known for pushing us off the fence and spurring major personal growth. The outcomes are, more often than not, non-negotiable, and they tend to reverberate for weeks or even months. In short, an Eclipse is a wildcard – a game changer, which packs a stronger energetical punch compared to an “average” New or Full Moon. It is, indeed, a New or Full Moon on steroids.

Triggering this evolutionary potential is entirely up to us, especially with the New Moon / Eclipse falling in Leo, the sign of the Self. We have to show up for ourselves, to believe in ourselves, to be willing to stand up for ourselves, with as much passion and sense of purpose as we can muster – the right amount that allows us to think this alluring alternate universe of plenitude and bliss into existence.

With the Eclipse landing on the North Node of the Moon, we’re being propelled through a space-time funnel directly into the many possible futures that await us, and asked to choose carefully, and live as if the future we strive to manifest is already happening before our eyes. Decisions made in the here and now have the energy and the potential to extend their consequences over a long amount of time; the effects of an Eclipse are typically said to wash over the six months that follow the event itself.

The New Moon / Eclipse is also powered up by the trine with Uranus, ruler of the South Node, and of the Aquarius Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse that happened on August 7. This means we might sense a connection with the themes that surfaced at the time of the Full Moon: liberation, revolution, finding our “tribe” and cutting ties with a toxic, oppressive, restrictive past.

Yet, this New Moon also ties into Mercury’s current Retrograde cycle in Virgo/Leo, with the direct station of the cosmic messenger occurring on September 5, right on the degree of this Eclipse. The writing is on the wall: we are unlearning, de-conditioning, de-programming our minds, in order to learn how to choose joy over despair, enthusiasm over apathy, resourcefulness over inertia, (healthy) pride over conformism and fear – in spite of everything we’ve been taught. It all starts with us.

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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