Astrologer Laura Walker of has put out an 8 minute audio recording of her take on the Leo total Solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017 and why she believes this event will be supremely positive for the world and will further accelerate the downfall of the political/banking cabal.

The audio recording is titled “All Roads Lead To Liberty 2: The Recapitulation of Renaissance” and can be listened to at, seen in the upper right hand corner of the website. Below are highlights from the recording, though it is highly recommended to listen to the entire 8 minutes of it.

  • At the time of this writing, August 11th, 2017, there remains 10 days until the eclipse. We can use these 10 days to our personal and collective benefit by preparing for the event. (More on that further down)
  • “The eclipse is a major turning point. The Solar energetics are part of final blows towards efforts of returning archonic energies back to Source. It’s going to utterly devastate the archonic/demonic agenda.
  • “It’s going to cause a 180 degree effect, an inversion basically, of the ugliness and the nefarious effects of the cabal and a reversion back to humanity’s true course, back toward the alignment of what is true and real and beautiful.”
  • A shamanic exercise known as recapitulation can be used by each of us personally to heal trauma from the past. Doing so helps individual and collective healing.
  • Reviewing one’s life chronologically from a place of detachment, objectivity and ease is used in as an exercise of release.
  • The exercise can be done by “mentally, or if possible, physically go back to locations or times in your life.” Observe the situation with ease and detachment and remembering. If emotions come up, let it happen and be part of the entire process. The goal is to “capture, contain or net” that which we want to really let go of and heal.
  • The eclipse offers great timing in undertaking this sacred ceremony of emotional release and healing for everyone.
  • “We want to consciously collaborate and participate in the effort in releasing to the Sun for purging anything that needs to be released, anything that is holding us back for transmutation.”
  • Part of this process is to relive and/or remember great things, fun things, beautiful things in our lives to remap our brain in a positive, healing and supportive way. This can help untangle some of the trauma that has happened in our lives.
  • It is encouraged to begin this sacred healing process even before the eclipse date. We can do this every day up until the eclipse and even afterwards.
  • “This is a serious event, but it is a WONDERFUL event.”
  • Global synchronized meditations are great for the eclipse date, and all days leading up to and after the eclipse.

The Mind Unleashed is collaborating with multiple groups in organizing a synchronized global meditation, which can be joined here at the Facebook page. You can read more in depth aboutthis particular synchronized meditation here.

  • Additional tips to maximally utilize the eclipse energy is to eat and sleep well on the days leading up to and after the eclipse. Drink plenty of clean water.
  • Ground with the Earth to maintain optimal electrochemical balance of the physical body. This helps our body to stay in homeostasis.
  • Be mindful with thoughts, actions and words leading up to and after the eclipse
  • Expect the best for yourself and the world
  • Listen to your body and it’s needs on a daily basis.

If you have not already, consider listening to the audio recording from Laura Walker and share this information with those who you believe might want to join in on the collective healing that this eclipse window offers.

Laura Walker is an internationally-renowned astrologer and gives daily astrological reports from She is the author of three books, including her latest, “The Sabian Symbols Record.

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