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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2017 6:24:10 PM


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Gemini

SUN: 28 Cancer - "an Indian girl introduces her college boyfriend to the assembled tribe"

Higher Expression: bridging, bringing new elements, challenging outworn beliefs, respect

Lower Expression: hiding the truth, intentionally causing harm or chaos, racism

EARTH: 28 Capricorn - "a large aviary"

Higher Expression: rapid communications, spreading the word, the fellowship of humanity

Lower Expression: mental chatter or confusion, impulsivity (think twice), isolation

The Moon has entered Gemini, transiting opposite the Black Moon in Sagittarius. This makes the next couple of days what I call "Black Moon Days" -- the twice monthly opportunity we have to make friends with our "shadow sides" and birth a new version of ourselves. Though Black Moon Days always bring us to a more enlightened place, the wisdom is often hard-earned. We tend to project our shadow sides (what we fear we lack in ourselves) onto others. People's tempers can become heated, and what one feels about oneself is mirrored in what one accuses another of being or doing.

Black Moon Days also bring the screen of archontic mind and body parasites to the surface. The Archons are the true source of what is rapidly becoming pervasive Black Moon Days for some, as they are losing their minds to anger. Their inner/ancestral archon is acting out because the time has come for it's end: it's return to the aeon Sophia -- Mother Earth. The archons are being recalled to their Source.

This is a good thing for all. The archontic problem that has plagued humanity before humanity even existed is being solved right before our eyes.

What shows out right before our eyes over the next couple of days may be shocking, as persons with dominant archontic possession will behave insanely. Manifestation of mental illness is evident with this, perhaps where you had not previously seen or understood it as such. This solar-lunar month energetic theme is the Sabian symbol "an arctic explorer leads a reindeer through an icy canyon." Some explorers may go over the canyon while the Moon transits Gemini and opposes the Black Moon.

All of us are (rapidly) processing the (waning) collective archontic shadow that hangs over the fellowship of humanity.

Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Gemini or Sagittarius are experiencing the rebirthing effects of the Black Moon more sharply than the rest of us. Remember that a newer version of you is being created from the old you that is falling away (or purging or burning away). This process will end in early November. It is a temporary, but highly potent time -- one of the most transformative of your life.

The often-forgotten part of Black Moon transits is that they bring great blessings. This is even stronger when Venus becomes involved, as it is right now. Tomorrow, the Moon will conjunct Venus (7:38 am ET/11:38 am UT) and Venus will make exact opposition with the Black Moon (1:19 pm ET/5:19 pm UT). When Venus and the Black Moon combine, relationships come under focus.

Core issues of rejection, acceptance, approval, meaninglessness, truth, and lies are in effect for the next two days. The objective is self-approval, self-acceptance, and the search for meaning. This is where we aim.

This month, we are the arctic explorer and we are LEADING OURSELVES. Take on the real you. The world needs it.


03 Cancer: "an arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons" (lead yourself)


08 Aries: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)


Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows


Kathe, God of the South

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2017 6:43:39 PM

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: July 18, 2017

6 Ik, 17 Kumku, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The delivery system continues to move forward. It is believed that first indications suggest that everything required is now in place. It shows us just how well this forward motion is likely to play out, and is only the beginning for what is soon to follow.

The key point is that those who are ‘in the know’ realize that some form of positive action is currently required. In this light, we can now safely say that the Elders realize what is needed to finish the various delivery tasks. We expect results to manifest clearly for all concerned.

We reiterate that this can only mean that the first monies are now primed to resume their flow. It is incumbent on all in power to give up their remaining fears and permit the required series of monetary amounts to be given to all. This progress would show that the various initial funding levels set up by the Elders can then be completed.

It would as well mean that those now in power are at last willing to totally let go of the vast amounts of money they still hold, and it implies that the long delays are truly coming to an end. Knowing this, we rejoice! Be prepared to witness a number of anticipated events. The best is yet to come!

All of this progress is tempered by the old energy that deeply wants this present realm to be kept alive by USA, INC. The longer this old energy remains, the longer the realities to be forged by the rise of this NESARA Republic can, in some way, be furthered delayed. We therefore sincerely endorse the rise of this new realm.

Only with the complete death of the old reality can those things long promised be delivered. It is in this vision that all of us work so fervently to deliver the much-required new NESARA realm, as this task becomes more capable of ridding this land of USA, INC!!

At present, we somehow remain stuck in the great morass engendered by this old realm. The government forged by this seemingly senile reality miraculously continues on and on. Regime change is required. It is time to truly end this odd farce and permit the long-promised realm to fully manifest and the old ways to finally disappear. This is needed before the landings can happen!! Therefore, that which is close to occurring must now be completed!! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!

Much is happening around us. Those who are of the dark are being spared by the odd machinations of those who are acting on behalf of the Light. It is only when these results move fearlessly forward that all can be blessedly changed.

Hence, look around this strange realm and notice carefully what is truly occurring! In this, there is to be found the reason all currently feels uneasy. All of this present form of reality is to slowly be drastically altered. The dark’s center cannot, in any way, continue to hold on.

In accordance with what must be blessedly done, we call upon all who are responsible for releasing these much-needed funds to do so as swiftly as possible. We ask you to do this in the name of all who have maintained those marvelous visions that have been used to overcome your old reality.

By doing so it will acknowledge the formal rise of your new prosperous and sovereign reality. This is, after all, the means chosen to end your millennia of mindless debt slavery. It is in this spirit that we sincerely ask for this realm’s salvation!

It is vital that you transform your present reality. This land no longer suits most of you. Heaven is mercifully altering who you are. We know just how Heaven desires to change you. In this blessed Light, you all require a new and more appropriate environment.

Delays do not serve you well. It is our purpose to use our earthly influence to aid you in achieving an end to the continuing tyranny of the dark. We are to use our good offices to see that what was promised to you surely materializes. We are ever in your heavenly service! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we carried on with our weekly reports. There is still much to do. We continue to recommend that those funds needed including a new form of government be quickly provided. It is time to finally do away with and to change this reality to the sovereign and abundant government long promised you. Remember that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, July 18, 2017, at

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for July 18, 2017

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2017 6:50:20 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 19, 2017

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2017 9:04:16 PM

TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017

Celia Fenn ~ The Planetary New Year and Lion's Gate July/August 2017

Celia Fenn


Beloved Family of Light, you have now reached a time in your year of 2017 when great change is at hand. We would call this the Great Shift of 2017. Indeed, as we have said earlier, 2017 is the year of Sacred Planet Earth, and the year of New Beginnings. The incoming Light Codes of the first half of 2017 have laid the seeds for the rising New Earth Consciousness to manifest on Earth.

We call this New Earth consciousness the “Unified Field” of Higher Consciousness. It is the new and emerging field of Higher and Multi-dimensional consciousness that is coming into existence around the Planet to create the Multi-dimensional grids for the New Earth. It is held in the Heart, Soul and Light Body of each person who has made the commitment to Higher Consciousness and Multi-dimensional living. As these shining beings awaken, and come together, their radiant energy signatures and group energy signatures create the structural grids for the New Earth manifestation.

This is why it is so necessary for you to maintain your personal energy signature at a high frequency, and to come together with others who are at a similar frequency of Light and Consciousness, and to contribute to the emerging Unified Field of Higher Consciousness.

This emerging field has now reached the point where it is powerful enough to be the motivation for major shifts on the Earth. The energies of July will build up to a climactic point in August at the Lion’s Gate and the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Leo, especially the Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st of August.

This will be a fairly lengthy period of sustained intensity, and Beloved Ones, you will need to focus your intention into maintaining your inner Peace and Power as you pass through this period of challenge and testing as you bridge between the New and the Old in your lives. Do not despair, do not fall into victim consciousness or anger, but allow yourselves to remain in that place of Trust and Flow. It is not a time to be active and to try to make the changes. It is rather a time to go within and surrender to a greater power, while allowing your self to flow into the changes with confidence and trust.

The Full Moon in Capricorn

The first major point of energy acceleration will be the Full Moon on July 9th. This Full Moon falls in Capricorn, which is being strongly influenced by Pluto, also in Capricorn. Pluto powers Transformation and, together with the powerful magnetic energies of the Full Moon, will be an agent for bringing up very deep feelings and emotions for transformation and clearing. Allow these to come to the surface to be released and move away. Do not hold onto them or feel despair or guilt. Just simply release them and let them go, very gently. In the old energy you would work very hard to process such feelings and put much energy into finding out the reasons for such feelings. In this new multi-dimensional energy, it is enough to simply recognize what arises, and let it go with love, knowing that you no longer need to wrestle with such feelings and emotions. It is enough to let them flow away as you focus on where you are in the present moment and what you desire to create.

Indeed, the Full Moon will be a time when many old patterns will finally be released to make place for the New Earth templates of perception and expression on the Planet. It will be a time when you will need to fully grasp the concept of Multi-dimensional living, and be able to recognize frequency and vibration, and make the choice to anchor your own personal vibrational frequency or Energy Signature, in the New Earth energies.

You may need to spend time in the lower frequencies of the old energies because of your work or family, but you can see these times as “temporary visits” before you return to the higher frequencies where you are most comfortable. Many of you may still be in the role of “bridging” between the levels of frequency, in order to assist those who are yet to awaken and cross over to the New Earth frequencies.

Beloved Ones, even if you have to experience the chaos and fear/anger around you at times, remember that you are Warriors of the Heart and Embodied Masters of Light, and that the Love and Radiance in your Heart and Soul will protect you and open pathways of Abundance, Harmony and Joy in your lives as you express the Unified Field of Higher Consciousness.

The Sirius Effect : When Two Suns Rise

The next major energy acceleration will be the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July. This date was known, to the Ancient Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians, as the moment when Planet Earth begins a new cycle in her ongoing evolution.

This is preceded by the “Day out of Time” which falls on the 25th of July. The 25th is a Magical and Sacred “womb space” where transformation from one time cycle to another is birthed. It is a time to be joyful and creative as you lay the foundations for your New Year cycle at the highest level possible. This creative and festive energy will carry you into the 26th when the Planet and all living beings will begin a new personal cycle of creation and being.

For the Ancient Egyptians, this time was marked by an annual event called the “heliacal rising of Sirius”. This is the time when Sirius rises in the morning sky right next to the Sun. It was also the time in the Egyptian calendar when the Nile would rise and flood the lands bringing fertility and abundance to the people. In addition, Sirius was also known as the Sacred Teacher Star, and when its powerful Light Codes aligned with the Sun they were transmitted to the Earth through the annual Lion’s Gate portal. The Lion’s Gate portal begins to open on the 26th of July and reaches its climax on the 8th of August as the 8/8. This is the powerful time of the “Two Suns”, one Golden White (the Sun of Earth) and one Electric Blue (Sirius). The Diamond Light Codes that carry the patterns and templates for the next spiral of time are transmitted from the Galactic Center and amplified by Sirius as they are integrated into the Earth Planetary Time Cycles.

The Lion’s Gate : 8 August 2017

So, Beloved Ones, you can see that the climactic points of this series of energy alignments and accelerations will be the Lion’s Gate on the 8th of August and the two Eclipses in Leo of August of 2017.

The Lion’s Gate is a powerful portal in Leo that is under the guardianship of the Royal Spirit Lions of Sirius. These Magnificent Beings of Light, known as the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, hold the Sacred Space for the New Light Codes and Evolutionary Templates to descend to Earth and to activate the grids and Light Bodies of all who are receptive to lifting their evolution to a higher spiral of Consciousness.

It is very necessary to keep your personal consciousness and energy signature at a high level at this time. And to take full advantage of the flow of Divine Light and Blessings in the incoming new Diamond Light Codes. Do not allow any events to pull you down into lower levels of consciousness such as anger, fear and anxiety.

This is indeed the time of the Great Shift of 2017, and you need to remember that you are a Light Warrior and an embodied Master of Light. It is your work to hold these energies in your Energy Signature, so that the new Light Codes may enter and be grounded, through you, for the benefit of Humanity and the Planet.

The Eclipses of 7th and 21st August

The Lion’s Gate portal closes on the 12th of August. However, the energy will continue to be intense through the month of August, and will be amplified and augmented by the two Eclipses in Leo.

On the Full Moon in Leo on the 7th of August, the day before the Lion’s Gate, there will be a partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (Sun in Leo). This will create the space for further empowerment of the Goddess energy on the Planet. In February of 2017, there was an annular lunar eclipse in Leo (Sun in Aquarius), that initiated this powerful flow of Diamond Energy to the Earth as part of the Rising of the Goddess/Divine Feminine energy on the Earth.

In this year of 2017, you will become more aware of the rising power of the Divine Feminine, as the Right Brain energies of Creativity and Compassion become more clearly active. There will be increased opportunity for the emerging Unified Field of Higher Consciousness to be expressed through the Divine Feminine energies.

The Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st of August completes the cycle of eclipses for 2017. The Total Solar Eclipse in Leo ensures that the New Planetary Codes, initiated by the Royal Sirian Star Lions, are integrated into the Planetary Grids.

At this time, the cumulative energies of shift and change will have provided the major impetus for significant change on Earth. As a Fire Energy, the Leonine energy will burn away and transform everything that is not in alignment with the Diamond Light Codes of the New Reality.

From this point forward, the emphasis will be on new ways of living and perception. The old ways will continue to be challenged by the rising energies of the New Earth. The power of the emerging field of Unified Consciousness will transform and change, making space for the New Reality on Earth.

You can join us for the Lion’s Gate 2017 online webinar gatherings in the Zoom webinar room. Here you will be assisted, through gathering with fellow Light Workers and Warriors, to understand and integrate the incoming energies. Please click here for further information on how to join this course in July/August.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2017 9:11:46 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/18/2017

will's picture

The society creates an ego because the ego can be controlled and manipulated. The Self can never be controlled and manipulated. Nobody has ever heard of the society controlling a Self - not possible. And the child needs a center; the child is completely unaware of his own center. The society gives him a center and the child is by and by convinced that this is his center, the ego that society gives.

A child comes back to his home. If he has come first in his class, the whole family is happy. You hug and kiss him, and you take the child on your shoulders and dance and you say: What a beautiful child! You are a pride to us. You are giving him an ego, a subtle ego. And if the child comes home dejected, unsuccessful, a failure, he couldn't pass, or he has just been on the back-bench, then nobody appreciates him and the child feels rejected. He will try hard next time, because the center feels shaken.

Ego is always shaken, always in search of food, that somebody should appreciate it. That's why you continuously ask for attention.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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