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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2017 6:33:12 PM

Remembering Unity Consciousness – The Golden Ones through Sue Lie, Apr. 22, 2017

Remembering Unity Consciousness

A Gift to Gaia on Earth Day


Unity of Diversity

The Golden Ones through Suzanne Lie

The Golden Ones have been talking to me on a regular basis since about the middle of last summer, but it has always been at a time when I could only share them with one person at a time.

Actually, there have been two different people that the Golden Ones have brought through me to share themselves. There have, also, been a few writings in which I was able to feel their energy field and channel their message.

But, there is a particular part of their message I haven’t said because whenever I was going to express it, I just didn’t, or couldn’t, or it wasn’t the Now. I’m not exactly sure exactly why, but I have the feeling that it is the NOW to contact the Golden Ones and ask them to restate what I’ve been hearing them say to me since last summer.

Something happened last summer, the summer of 2016. I’m not sure exactly what happened, except that it was the first opening of my conversations with the Golden Ones. This process began with me hearing the Golden Ones. When I would go into a meditation about 3:00 pm, this was usually when they came to speak with me.

That was pretty much when they always came, not in my morning meditations, not at night, not in my dreams. They always came at that 3:00 pm time. Eventually, I could see them with my imagination.

At first, all I saw was a circle. It felt feminine to me, but in a very androgynous way. Hence, the Golden Ones are feminine and androgynous at the same time. I first saw them, and still do see them almost as if they are made of melted gold.

I see a circle. Actually, I see half of the circle from the back. Hence, I see just the backs of their heads and shoulders. For some reason, I have been directed to listen to their conversations.

What the Golden Ones seem to do is to over-light us from a place, actually a frequency, towards the top of “The Golden Pathway to the Fifth Dimension.” In fact, it was the Golden Ones who told me about this “Golden Pathway.”

What I perceive is that the Golden Ones are far above me on the Pathway, as they resonate to a much higher frequency of reality. Therefore, I see them more above me, but more of a symbolic “above me,” than as a third-dimensional direction.

In other words, they are above me/us in frequency. But they are not above us in third dimensional time/space, as they resonate to the fifth dimensional HERE and NOW.

There is something that looks like a pole that leads to their circular station at the top of the “pole.” The Golden Ones reside right at the threshold into the fifth dimension.

Hence, in order for us to get to the Golden Ones, we have to climb this pole with our consciousness. We must climb, meaning we must expand our consciousness, beyond the third dimension and through the fourth dimension, to get to the Golden One’s “Nest” or “Lookout Tower.”

This “Nest” represents the threshold where the resonance of reality is moving into the fifth dimension. In fact, the Golden One’s Nest is at the exact place where the pole is transmuting into the first sub-planes of the fifth dimension.

However, even in the earliest of the lowest sub-planes of the fifth-dimension, there is NO time or space. Therefore, the concept of “too many” or “not enough” does not exist. Furthermore, the questions, “Are we there yet?” doesn’t exist because there is no time, or space to measure “there,” or “yet.”

In fact, there is no separation to separate reality in any manner. However, the reality of the Golden Ones appears to just be beginning at a certain “place,” because we are just beginning to realize that this type of fifth-dimensional reality can be “real.”

What appears to happen when we reach this “Consciousness Threshold,” at least it is what happens to me, is that I keep being told to look back at ALL the other incarnations that I thought I’d finished up, but I hadn’t yet totally cleared.

The Golden Ones have been saying that merging with the fifth dimensional frequency of reality is not a matter of walking through, over, under, or even whether or not one deserves this experience.

Instead, this process of merging with the fifth dimensional frequency of reality is similar to choosing the experiencing, merging, combining with, and surrendering into that which is “unknown,” but simultaneously VERY familiar.

The Golden Ones also remind us that in order for us to merge with this fifth-dimensional threshold we need to clean up any component of mistrust, fear, agony, or unfinished business that we have ever left in any of our incarnations on planet Earth.

However, it is not expected, or necessary, for every one to go through this clearing, because it is a very big task. However, the members of the Planetary Ascension Team are being called to remember the specific contribution to Gaia’s Planetary Ascension that they chose before taking this incarnation.

Fortunately, the Ascension Team will NOT be alone because they are not afraid to perceive the many ways in which their Galactic Family is here to help them. The Ascension Team will be called on to constantly remember that they have constant support during their transition into their inter-dimensional communication.

As the Ascension Team begins to remember the long standing relationship with their Galactic Family that was always there, but often at a state of consciousness that their 3D self could not experience, their consciousness naturally expands to embrace the fact that they are moving into that higher frequency of reality.

Many members of the Ascension Team have already had experiences of expanding their consciousness up the frequency scale and into higher and higher dimensions of reality.

Because they can remember, they are NOW being prepared to experience the changes that occur within their physical, third-dimensional bodies as a result of the expansion of their consciousness.

Since they have volunteered to “take Gaia with them into the fifth dimension,” these physical changes are a component of their “process of ascension.” There have been many Ascended Masters who expanded their consciousness, and even their body, into the fifth dimension.

However, they have all “ascended” as an example to humanity, but not, yet, as a gift to Gaia. It is the NOW for those who are prepared to ascend into their higher expressions of SELF to include the earth body of Gaia as a component of their process.

These ascending ones have remembered that they are already multidimensional beings. However, as a service to Gaia, they have taken an earth vessel to assist with Planetary Ascension. Therefore, they took a physical body on Gaia’s physical planet to work through any Karma that has not be transmuted in ALL of their different lifetimes on Earth.

In other words, before they return to their innate, fifth-dimension body, they have promised to make sure that they have gone over each and every one of their lifetimes to transmute any darkness into Light.

They are aware that they promised to be responsible for any imbalance left, any yin and yang that isn’t balanced, and any love and fear that has not be transmuted from any incarnation they have ever taken on Earth.

These Ascending One are also aware that Unconditional Love exists within and beyond all worlds. It is this Unconditional Love that keeps them going. They are grateful that we, the Golden Ones, are here to assist them all to hold that Unconditional Love and to reveal Unconditional Love to them in many different ways.

In fact, the Golden Ones, as well as all of their higher dimensional family, have volunteered to guide humanity in any way that is necessary. It is important for these, and all Ascending Ones, to remember that if there was a room of uncountable people talking with the Golden Ones, even if they all spoke within the same NOW, they would all have a slightly different story.

The reason for this difference is that, in order to ascend Gaia, the ascending humans living on Earth, must remember that before they took this earth vessel they promised that they would merge diversity into unity.

One of the main things that will help Gaia move out of the third-fourth dimensional density is if all of Her people who have ever held incarnations on Gaia’s planetary body remember that they vowed to transmute any area and/or time frame on Gaia in which they had any incarnations.

In other words, ascending humanity will be called on to remember that they are responsible to balance EVERY energy field that they have EVER deposited on Gaia. The members of the Planetary Ascension Team are aware of this responsibility.

They also know that once their consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension, they will be free of the “time” and “space” that separates those incarnations. Without that third/fourth dimensional separation, they will be able to preview ALL their incarnations within the NOW.

We, the Golden Ones, know that these ascending ones will experience much more then they may think. If one were to say, “Oh, I have only had one or two incarnations, then they’re probably not being honest with themselves because ALL the “leaders of ascension” came to Gaia long ago.

Many of these leaders may only remember a few incarnations. But, eventually, those who are leaders during Earth’s great “return to SELF” are usually, also, those who were with Gaia during Her two “great falls.”

Gaia’s first “great fall” was during the time of Lemuria and the second “great fall” was during the time of Atlantis. These cataclysmic events caused the damage of knocking Gaia off Her innate axis. Because of these injuries, Gaia could no longer move in a clear, circular pattern, and instead developed a slanted alignment, which created a wobble.

Eventually, these humans realized that they were responsible for Gaia’s planetary damage. However, those humanoids may, or may not, have had the courage to come back to Earth to save the planet.

Fortunately, others have volunteered to take a humanoid form to assist Gaia. The volunteers to assist Gaia needed to take the form of a humanoid being because it was the humanoids that created the damage.

Their greatest challenge is that once they took a humanoid form they would go through a “normal life” until they could “wake up.” Sometimes it took many incarnations on Gaia before the “humanoid” could wake-up to their true, multidimensional history and Multidimensional SELF.

It is during the incarnation in which they experience their “awakening,” that they can remember that it was their “chosen” responsibility to go into all of the other lives that they have had in which they did not wake up.

By “waking up,” we mean that you wake up to the fact that you are not “just a third-dimensional being.”

Because you have remembered that you are actually a Multidimensional Being, you can call on the higher expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF to assist your incarnated third-dimensional self who has promised to assist with Planetary Ascension.


We are The Golden Ones

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2017 6:35:34 PM

GFP Newsletter - 4/27/2017

will's picture

There are two types of travelling: one travelling is in space - you go from New York to London, from London to Poona, from Poona to Singapore - this is a travelling in space; and then there is a travelling inside the mind, in time. You go into the past, you go into the future, and that is a, greater travelling. Instantaneously you can go anywhere, no passports are needed, there is no visa problem. You can move into the past, you can go into the future - you can go anywhere. And mind constantly moves.

Remember, mind is never where you are; it is always somewhere else. You are never in the present moment, because to be in the present moment one has to learn how not to travel, not to go somewhere else, not to visit the past and not to dream the future. Past is no more - future is not yet. You are wasting your life, your energy. You are wasting your precious moment; that which is. It is here, now. The door opens in the present and you miss the door. That is your misery and anguish.

Why are you in such misery? - because you have been missing life itself. Your misery is just an indication that you have missed what life is.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2017 6:39:39 PM

A Mass Lighting of the Planet ~ A Recent Chat with a High Self By Suzanne Spooner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2017 6:58:15 PM

New Roles for Divine Changemakers

Author: Selacia

With each passing week in 2017, the world’s energetic climate has become more chaotic and less certain – with crisis arising with such regularity that it can begin to feel normal. In this article I outline a fresh approach to viewing and moving through these unprecedented times.

In particular, I focus on the new roles for divine changemakers. I begin with a bit of background on how your path is already different – then provide insights about what is changing for you now as the world moves through an accelerated awakening process.

A Brand New World

Did you know that you were destined, before you were born, to be among the divine changemakers who would co-create a brand-new world based on love? You are wired at a DNA-level for this role, which means that you are at the forefront of changes as humanity evolves. That means standing in the front row – being first to do things and showing the way for others.

Most likely, it also means that you passionately care about the state of our world and want to see changes for a more loving and just society.

It’s not just about change. It’s the fact that you at an early age began to grasp the idea that you at your core are divine. You began to hunger for ways to integrate your divine self with your human self, and in the process to self-actualize.

How Your Path is Different

Most likely, when you look back on your life with hindsight you can see how your path has been different from that of the masses. You experienced things that others around you perhaps did not understand. You opened sooner to your gifts of intuitive knowing and energy awareness. Some of you may have sensed past lives.

Your divine changemaker ‘wiring’ had another impact, too. Wake-up calls likely came sooner for you than for others around you. By now, you may have had a number of dark nights of the soul, the wake-up call being so intense that you perhaps questioned how you could go on.

If you could see yourself as spirit does, you would not doubt your ability to walk through the fire of unknowns. You indeed have more courage than you recognize. Proof of this is the fact that you are alive now, your soul having orchestrated being born when you could have both the greatest opportunities for enlightenment and the utmost ability to be a pivotal force in the awakening of humanity. You will understand these things more later on – for now simply trust in the divine orchestration occurring. It is quantum and cannot be fully grasped by the linear mind.

New Energy Thresholds

As humanity moves through new energy thresholds – like the next one occurring in May during Wesak season – intensities can amplify and the need for new choices is accentuated. This is on both a personal and collective level. With each threshold comes an opportunity to make really big shifts.

This where you as a divine changemaker come into the equation. The 2017 energy thresholds will be opening substantive doorways to accelerate changes across the planet. Since you are “wired” to actively participate vs being a bystander, you will find that you feel more passionate about using your voice for good and facilitating constructive changes.

In tandem with that, you likely will discover new layers of very old personal unfinished business arising to address. Rather than label this as negative, consider it a gift that when faced directly and dealt with accelerates your enlightenment.

Magnified Potentials at Wesak

At certain times like Wesak, there are magnified potentials for illumination of issues that have caused you pain and polarity – likely for lifetimes. These things may be in your ancestral line as well as in the akashic records within your own DNA.

These things occurring simultaneously mean that your role as a divine changemaker is elevated into a new and expanded level. The energy you give out and the inner work you do for yourself have amplified beneficial impact in such times.

This means your words matter, your responses matter, your activism matters. The tone and timing of your communications becomes increasingly important. Also vital to your success is an ability to be still, self-assess, self-monitor, and consciously respond in a heart-centered way. These things were important before, of course, but they are essential now.

Navigating 2017 Energies

As I describe more in my “2017 Predictions” ebook, all of us alive now are being called to respond to a tall order. This involves stepping more fully into our divine changemaker role and using our gifts and energy to repair division and create peace.

And in these fast-changing moments, our task is to remain steadfast in holding a vision for a loving world. We must do this even when the world seems at the brink of disaster. Our vision must be accompanied by persistent and constructive actions fueled by love. In this way, we expand our role and grow spiritually in the process.

For greatest success, do your best each day to trust your inner compass and take action steps. One step at a time is best. Especially in these moments when so much is changing so fast, an original plan you sensed was best may need updating. Apply your common sense and intuitively guided reason as you consider such updating. If a change is needed, honor yourself and other people, including commitments. In this way, you stay in integrity and have fewer misunderstandings to sort out later.

Treat each day and each moment of your life as precious. Think of your life force as a divine nectar that when applied appropriately accelerates your awakening and brings increasing amounts of joy. Imagine that this joy is bubbling up from within you, helping you to live your best life.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2017 7:04:45 PM

Life Is for Greatness

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

What is all the fuss in the world about? What are you fussing about? What are you really on edge about? Probably you are on edge about being on edge. A tempest in a teapot, indeed.

Life is for Greatness. The purpose of Life certainly is not smallness. You are not here to discover how high a fervor you can whip up. Rather you are here to calm the Seas that rise within you, dear ones, within you.

Be big-boned. Lend sturdiness to Life. You can undo a hem that is crooked rather than being upset about it. Undramatize Life. Pick your fights. What is so important about fighting? Must you?

Once and for all, hurt feelings, embarrassment, resentment, regret, holding on are forms of ego. Whether words and actions are right or not right isn’t the issue. Ego is the issue.

You may say to yourself that they can’t do this to you. Beloveds, from the depth of My Heart, I tell you that they didn’t do anything to you. Free yourself from the idea that you somehow created another’s level of consciousness and you are the cause of it.

You may think the world is here to trip you up. You may mislead yourself that you have a role to straighten Life and the world out, that you are here to solve all difficulties, that you are to make the world orderly.

Consider now that you are to the manor born. This means that you are to feature Beauty before your very eyes. You are to be Beauty to behold. You are not a scullery-maid, nor do you make to-do lists for others to fulfill.

Life in the world is not directed at you. You are an observer.

There is no difficulty in finding fault, yet finding fault is looking in the wrong place.

Build. Do not demolish.

Nag? Not on your Life.

Nitpick? Perish the thought.

Set the table and invite all to sit down. You are the greeter of the world. Greet.

No one is superior. No one is inferior. No one knows it all. Be a way-maker, not a fixer of other souls. If you must enforce, enforce Love. Elevate Love. Love Love. Enhance Peace. With your hands off, you can do good. You weren’t designated to the corrector of the Universe.

Be not an extinguisher of hearts. No, never, turn low the flame of even one heart. Let hearts emerge. Ah, yes, live and let live, and love will emerge before your very eyes. Big or little love, let it be. Let all be free. It is not for you to converge on any other souls to straighten them out.

Sometimes it seems so hard for you to resist blowing out the Light of others. Encourage the Light of others. Give it room. Just let it be. It is not for you to decide others’ Entourage of Will. Free Will, remember. Let you be the Welcomer of Free Will.

What does it mean to restrain others’ Free Will? It means you close others’ hearts down. You set up others to restrict their will. You shut their Free Will down as if it were in your way. You are in your own way.

Give yourself freedom from interfering. Your grip on the world is not to be tight. Loosen your hold. Loosen it now. Free the world. Ease up. Undo your grip. Free yourself, and so you unfreeze all others. Set a loving scene. No more cuffing anyone, not even when you mean it for another’s good. Free, not cuff.

Unjail the world. No longer confine the world or anyone in it. Free the world, and you free yourself.

What do you want? What you want is what everyone wants. One thing you want is a little respect. Then this is what you must give.

Let’s shake hands on this.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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