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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/26/2017 9:09:57 PM

Archangel Michael: When Peace will Reign – Part 1/2

Today we offer Archangel Michael’s guidance to us on how peace is to be accomplished and when it will reign.

What is occurring is that the chaos and mayhem, whether it is within your sweet self or across the planet, becomes more abrasive, more obtrusive, more distasteful, because there is no place for it [any longer]…

It is time, sweet brothers and sisters, to set aside, to relinquish completely, any feeling, any experience [that is] what you would think of as less than love. We give you the tools. We offer to fill you up. We offer to create and co-create with thee. Allow us to do so…

Now, one of your questions is, “Michael, how, how do I simply become the observer? How can I feel justified or correct in laying aside everything, when I know that there are still missiles being dropped on innocent people? When there are women and children starving? When they are being abused? How can I do this when unfoldment in some arenas is delayed due to the mayhem or the chaos or the erratic actions, the warring actions, of others? Is that not irresponsible of me? Why would you even suggest standing back?”

In standing back, in holding the absolute vibration, frequency, and actuality, in your body, of love, of peace, you are acting as a beacon, as an anchor, as a transmitter, and you are holding the signal that nothing else is acceptable, viable, permissible upon the planet of Gaia.

We have said to thee, collectively and individually, you are billions. When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and love, then peace will reign. (1)

My purpose as archangel of peace is to anchor peace on Earth on behalf of the Mother/Father One. And until that has truly taken place, there are many other events, such as the return of particular masters, that do not and cannot take place, because the vibration is too low. So every opportunity in the physical realm, in the human realm, of bringing forth peace has need to be heartily and immediately, deeply, embraced.

There is no room for further conflict. Are these situations coming to the surface for the human collective to say, “This is too abhorrent. It cannot continue?” Yes. Have these souls died, as a soul group, to make this point? Yes.

Everybody is playing a role in this unfoldment. But the purpose, the higher purpose of the unfoldment is not to go and play political hockey, but to raise it to a joint decision on the part of all nations that this cannot continue. You are noticing that the Middle East is the cradle in this situation for the anchoring of new paradigms of peace. Are they also the places of greatest turmoil? Yes, and therefore the greatest opportunities for shift.

Are most of you traveling every night with me and with your star brothers and sisters to these places of conflict, of mayhem? Yes. Are your prayers, your meditations, your heart’s desire to create peace in these areas conjoining with the hearts of the populace that live there to create peace? Yes.

So despite these upheavals of violence, what is really happening is the people, each of you, in tandem with your brothers and sisters of these areas, is saying, “No, this simply cannot continue.” It is not a matter of which faction is right or wrong, because that is a completely gray area and it has no place, because to determine that someone is right or wrong means that they have greater favor with One, with God, with the Mother. And that is simply not so. It is an illusion of the most dim sort.

So that is what is truly transpiring. We are making many of what you think of as the political machinations, the posturing, the positioning, the jockeying, very slow right now in this situation, so that the true purpose of peace can come to the forefront and this violence simply stop. (2)

(Concluded tomorrow.)


(1) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Relinquish Any Feeling Less Than Love – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sept 2, 2014, at

(2) “Archangel Michael: Violence and War Cannot Continue – Part 1/2,” Sept. 4, 2013, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/26/2017 9:11:12 PM

GFP Newsletter - 4/25/2017

will's picture

You would like to receive the true teaching without any change. You would like to receive the true teaching as you are. That is not possible. It is not possible because of the very nature of the true teaching. I cannot do anything about it, nobody can. It is in the nature of the very phenomenon; you receive it only when you accept it.

God is available, Truth is available, Light is available, but you are such a miser in receiving. You are not only a miser in giving, you are a miser in receiving also. A miser has to be a miser whatsoever he does. You cannot give; you cannot receive. What type of life have you got? Giving and receiving are two aspects of the same coin. If you can give, you can also receive. Hence, so much insistence on giving - giving to people whatsoever you can give - giving in love. There is so much insistence from all the religions to give; give more and more. Why? - so that you can become capable of receiving more and more.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/26/2017 11:11:53 PM

Council of Radiant Light: Navigating Your Embodiment

Ailia Mira

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We greet you in a state of unconditional, generous, amplified, enthusiastic celebration of your very being. This is how we always feel about you. It’s how we always feel about you, because it’s so easy to love you. We love you and we love you not just a little bit, but a lot.

We find everything about you stupendously beautiful. We enjoy all you are experiencing, we enjoy having a little glimpse of your journey, and seeing you discover things, and have sensations and feelings, and create stuff and connect with people and sleep and wake up and do it all over again. We celebrate you and we’re able to do that with ease, we’re able to do that with ease. You can live like that, too.

You can live like that, too, because the reason we are able and the reason we do love you all isn’t because you earned it, isn’t because you were exceptionally on your game today, although you always are. It’s because we are you, and we are part of All That Is, and we are in the nonphysical where we’re completely clear about who we are, and so as part of all that is, we take pleasure in you, in every single aspect of you, in all moments that you express in any form of consciousness. Because we are fundamentally loving and so are you, and so we love you because we’re lovers. We’re al lovers!

We love loving, and loving is easy for us because we aren’t holding some yardstick up to everything we see to decide if it’s worthy of our love. We’re just loving because we are in alignment and we like being in alignment, and we are in alignment, and in alignment, we love.

We don’t love you because you’ve proved something to us. We don’t love you less or more based on what’s going on with you. We don’t think you’re better or worse based on how your day’s going, and you don’t have to feel this way about you either.

We’re sovereign, in a state of nonphysical radiance. We don’t have the experience of contrast that you do, and our role is different. Our role is to stay in this ongoing state of expansion, celebrating and attending to, with our focus, all that you choose and create.

We see you and we know you and we pay attention to what you’re focused on and we amplify that with you and we find it all immensely beautiful.

Often we’ll get a question. “What’s it like for Archangel Michael? What’s it like for the Council of Radiant Light to be in this co-creation with us?” This is what it’s like. We love it all and you, immensely. This is how you can know yourself, too.

We also see you and know you as immensely capable and that is something you can also experience for yourself about yourself.

We see you and flow with you and amplify for you and with you, and with all that you are, and with All-That-Is, all the experiences within your life.

We amplify and light up what’s your path, what’s timely, what’s relevant now, what’s open for your flow, what’s aligned with your desires.

As an expression of All-That-Is, we participate in the amplification of the path of least resistance, the easy way for you around anything and everything, so that what you really want being realized. That’s our role; we amplify and we light the way, so that your desires are easy for you and you can feel your way because it’s lit. We’re also here to remind you of who you truly are and invite you to consciously co-create with All That Is. We love it!

Your desires – the pathway to your desires is lit up, so to speak, so that you can “see the way.” This lit-up-ness, it is not really always visual, although some things will feel more radiant to you, more lit up in what for you may be a very visual way, but we don’t really mean lights in a visual way. But you feel it. This is how you navigate your embodiment, once you understand how this all works.

All of us in the non-physical make vivid the way, we light up the pathway to your desires, by knowing you as fulfilled and in this state, you can use our alignment to feel your way into things. The way you feel when you move toward things on the easy road, is that things will feel better when you are in, or moving into an improved state of alignment.

Think of your good feelings as indicators: you’re getting warmer, you’re getting warmer, you’re on the lit up path. The lit up path is the path that’ll be easy. That’s the path that’s lined up where things will flow, that’s the path that when you’re on it, it’s going to be fun for you and expand you and clarify you. Through this way, on this path, in this experience of flow, your experience will manifest and get better and better, better for you, and all the while you’re going to feel good.

This is how it works. We embrace all you’ve become and we light the way to that state of you being you.
We light up the path, you feel your way onto it, we light up the path, you feel your way onto it. We light up the path, and when you veer off the path, we don’t come with you. We stay on the path, and when you find yourself focused in a way which you are not being the unconditional lover that you are, you’re not in alignment with who you truly are, we stay where we are so that you can find your way back. So you can feel your way back.

We hold our ground, loving, loving, loving, amplifying, enjoying, and you can feel us. You can feel us. You can feel us because we are amplifying that inner clarity, with all that you are, and you can tell by how you feel where the vastness of you is, and you can always tell where you are compared to that, by what you’re feeling now.

When you feel really, really good feelings, you’re in sync. When you’re feeling less than good, you’re out of sync. You can feel your way back into alignment by paying attention to what feels good to you and moving toward that.

What we’re really describing today is the way that embodiment works in the unfolding of it, over time, in your experience, and most of you are not thinking about it the way we’re going to talk about. Yet if you do, you would start to find you can navigate your embodiment brilliantly!

We’re excited, because we think the way we’re going to talk about it might be new for you, and if it’s not new for you, it might validate for you what you’re discovering about how embodiment and the manifested experience really happens and how it works.

What you’re experiencing in the unfolding of your life is best navigated – that’s how we want to say it – best navigated, as an emotional journey, an ever-changing, dynamic journey of you returning to alignment and knowing your way by the emotions you feel and what they mean about your alignment.

Most of humanity is not really living in a way in which they think of their life as an emotional journey. Ironic though, for all of you, your emotions are the things that really drive you. When you’re not happy, you want to be happy, and when you’re happy, you’re thrilled about it. Everything in between has a similar kind of effect on you.

Your emotions about anything and everything are present all the time and they’re what really drive you. When you feel really strong, beautiful, excited emotions about things, you sense that there’s something meaningful for you here that you’ll want, that you will enjoy, that you will savor, that’s important to you, that matters, that’s beautiful, that’s thrilling. You like those feelings, you want more of them.

When you’re not feeling good emotionally, you hate it, and it captures your attention and you tend to get swept up in it.

In a certain sense, you are really tuned to the emotional aspect of your experience but unfortunately for most of you, it’s not with clear understanding about what that means.

Your emotions always mean one and only one thing. Are you in alignment? How much alignment are you in? Are you in alignment?

By alignment, we mean are you in sync with who you’ve become and all that you are? Are you seeing this moment from a point of view that’s in resonance with the vaster you?

We love you, and we know you as this eternal, infinite, creative, capable, prolific being, this prolific, eternal consciousness, and you can feel that way about your life, too, as you start to use your emotional journey as a way of navigating.

You can live knowing who you truly are and that the real you is perfection… perfection! Isn’t that a radical thing to say?

Most people don’t believe in perfection. In fact, many people think they’ve gotten very enlightened because they’ve decided to not want to be perfect, because they’ve decided perfection is an unattainable goal, and therefore they’re going to drop the idea from their mind. In a certain sense, that’s helpful because holding yourself to a perfect external standard is excruciatingly painful, and will foster a tremendous diminishment of your alignment, but you in the same way you can live unconditionally loving, you can live knowing that the real you is just perfection, and see the embodied you as perfection.

The real you is always pleased with you, and you can feel that way about you, too.

We know this seems farfetched to you because we know you’ve practiced a lot of ways of thinking about yourself that are based on measuring yourself against all kinds of criteria and values, and accomplishments and income, and relationships and how skinny you are, and all kinds of stuff that you use to say, “Do I like myself today or not? Do I like myself today or not?” But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Your life doesn’t have to be an experience of measuring against some external standard. You might consider that all you manifest is temporary expressions of who you truly are and who you truly are – eternal consciousness – is perfection!

You could simply decide to make how you feel the priority, you could simply decide to make alignment with all you are the priority, and you could decide that you’re going to give your full attention to the emotional journey of continually cultivating your alignment, and in that choice, you decide, “I’m going to be the real me. I’m going to master that. I’m going to test this out and see how it goes. I don’t have to believe in it before I do it.”

If you do that you will feel so good about life and most wonderfully? You will feel SO good about YOU!

We can tell you that you’ll like it but it’s so much better for you to find out that you love it from direct experience because we know that’s how you feel, so that’s the invitation at hand.

Live as the real you and know the perfection of life, know the perfection of life, and feel the perfection, even, of you. Feel the perfection of you!

Imagine living day after day, waking up feeling yourself as absolutely perfect! Find out how it feels to be the lover that you innately are, unconditionally, and especially in relationship to you.

Who is more deserving of love than you? No one. No one that we’re aware of. No one! In loving generously, you are loved, and appreciating generously, you feel like you.

The irony is this: trying to do this doesn’t work. Trying to do this doesn’t work. Trying to love things never works, but reaching for alignment will shift you into love and reaching for alignment will bring forth the natural lover that you are.

When you tune to all that you are, by reaching for better feelings and caring about how you feel, you allow the real you to infuse you with that perfect eternal consciousness that is your true being. Then, you’re naturally happy. You’re naturally feeling the perfection of light. You’re naturally capable, you’re naturally loving.

You, in alignment, are all these things, and you will feel it as true. We are constantly making it easier for you in any way we can, for you to feel your way into that state of being. That’s our role, and your job, if you want to play with us, on purpose, intentionally, knowing what’s going on and deliberately embracing your role, is to tune to who you truly are.

Your role is giving alignment your focus, and caring about how you feel. When you care about how you feel, and you make your life about pleasing you, because in that choice you foster your alignment, you become this radiant presence of unconditional love.

A lot of times in the world, people think loving people are the best people, and people think loving is what you should aspire to, but the irony is you can’t reach right for it and have it flow unconditionally.

When you reach for love and try to make it happen and try to feel it about things you don’t feel it about, you’re pushing and you’re reaching for something as if you don’t have it. None of that works.

But when you please yourself by doing the things that feel good to you, you create an aligned state and in that state, you allow all that you are to flow freely into your experience and in that expansive, aligned, resonate state of consciousness, you are unconditional love.

We are complete. We are the Council of Radiant Light.

» Source – Channel: Ailia Mira

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/26/2017 11:16:02 PM

Like It or Not, You Are Someone Who Keeps Growing

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Don’t interfere in Life very much. If you’re on a bus and can’t get off until it stops, wait until the bus stops. Then get off. Don’t jump out the window. Know when to save your energy. Know when to get out of your own way.

There are changes that can be made. There are changes you can make. Not all changes can be made at the very minute you would like. In that case, wait. Wait a moment, or wait a year.

Be spontaneous in Life. When you can’t seem to get spontaneity off the ground -- when a big hand seems to keep you in place -- then sit and wait or take a roundabout tour.

Sometimes you have to bide your time. You can’t be both patient and impatient at the same time. You don’t have to be clever. You don’t have to fight windmills. In some cases, you wait for the wind to speed up or to slow down. Whether slow or fast, you can grow leaps and bounds. You can even outgrow your thoughts.

What is inevitable is that you grow. You will never not grow. You are destined to grow. Allow yourself to grow at the rate of speed you do grow. There are many ways to grow, in this way, and in that way, and many ways in between.

You don’t call all the shots. You call the shots that you can. Life is not always out of your hands, yet Life is not all your domain either. Not every detail of your Life is yours to decide. Who is to say that Life doesn’t turn out just right even as it is not all you wanted. You can learn from Life withheld as much as you can learn from Life Abundant. Of course, one way or another, your Life is abundantly yours as it happens.

You can’t push Life into a mold. Sometimes Life is not what you would choose, yet, somehow, Life rushes to you, or Life may even skip past you and turn back or go past you again. Life can please you, or Life may do a number on you. You take your chances. Some choices you have to abide by, and some you can let go of or not.

It is said that Life is in the cards, or it is said that Life is in the roll of the dice. There is that, so it seems, yet it is you who chooses a card or not, and it is you who rolls the dice, yet how they come out, nobody knows. It is you who gets in the way, or it is you who gets out of the way, yet Life has choice as well that may be irrespective of your choices in the short haul or long haul as far as you can see at present or not.

What does it matter! You are engaged with Life! Disappointment is what you say it is. Certainly, disappointment is your decision even when it is not your first choice. What you see as Fulfillment is also your decision.

Yet, how can it be that Life lags? Can it be? Even when Life is lagging, you can’t be far behind. Tomorrow you could sprint ahead. In Life, what is not possible? Everything is possible -- and in leaps and bounds?

Of course, you can set the compass in one direction for India, and then find yourself in the Americas. What you may see as a loss can be a great Treasure. What you may see as a loss may not be a loss at all.

It can be that you have missed something and are yet to discover it.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/27/2017 7:00:57 PM



We are having a New Moon in Taurus on April 26th at 12:16pm Universal Time. New Moons are the beginning of a new wave of energy that lasts until the next one occurs 29 days later. However, the astrological configurations at this time mostly have a stronger influence over the following two weeks.

Mercury has been retrograde since April 9th/10th and will be finishing up during this window. It will slowly begin to change motion from moving backward to forward on May 3rd/4th, though it will appear stationary. From this point on it will pick up speed, and many of the lessons, insights, and changes that occurred over the previous three weeks will start to make more sense and things will start to fall into place and flow better. Some of the common Mercury retrograde complications can still occur during the following days after this shift in direction, but will minimize and then disappear as its speed increases.

Venus finished its retrograde on April 15th; however, it is still moving slowly, as some of the themes, both developments and challenges, around our relationships, money, values, worth, and beauty/creativity will continue to sort themselves out. Since Mercury is partially retrograde in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, it is giving some of the same themes an extended run. A few days after this New Moon, on April 28th, Venus returns into Aries at the starting point of the zodiac, which can possibly mark new beginnings for some and also more assertiveness toward the Venus-ruled areas mentioned above.

New Moon in Taurus Sextile Neptune in Pisces

Taurus is an Earth sign of a ‘fixed’ quality. Therefore, it is like a rock: solid, strong, and grounded to the Earth. It is practical, dependable, determined, and it is associated with Venus-ruled areas such as values, beauty, money, and self-worth. The sign of Taurus is more invested in the physical/material world, as food, nature, and anything to do with stimulating the senses are all under the domain of this sign.

Taurus energy can also be stubborn and overindulgent. As a result of its ‘Fixed-Earth’ orientation, it can also be stagnant. Taurus is a sign that works best on momentum, and while this can be a key to productivity under the influence of this sign, it could also be a catalyst for consistent laziness.

Considering that Mercury retrograde is also partially in Taurus, and its ruler Venus is in its post-retrograde period, now and in the upcoming weeks we can see significant changes and beginnings in some of these areas that may have already been playing out in the weeks or months leading up to this period.

This New Moon is making a harmonious and supportive aspect to Neptune in Pisces, which is associated with spirituality and creativity. Taurus and Neptune energy combined in this way can suggest a great time to find tranquility and stillness, which can help us to receive insights from spirit during this Mercury retrograde period. This Neptunian influence will be strongest on the day of the New Moon as well as on May 3rd/4th, when Mercury begins to change motion.

Mercury Conjunct Uranus, Saturn Retrograde in a Tight Square With Chiron

Mercury retrograde is joining Uranus in Aries on the 28th, just over an hour before Venus enters the same sign at the beginning of the zodiac. In a positive light, it can represent a time of new or inventive ideas, sudden insights, or breakthroughs in communication. It can also manifest as conflicts with others, which could be rebellious, or with communications/agreements in relation to breaking free or separating from something. This Mercury-Uranus conjunction will still be prevalent over the following few weeks until it peaks again on May 10th at the Full Moon, when Mercury is in a ‘moving forward’ period.

Saturn is returning toward a tight square with Chiron. This square energy started in early winter and will conclude in early fall, but we are currently getting a strong taste of it this week following the New Moon. For many people, this has been a time for putting effort and discipline toward any types of personal healing, whether it is physical or spiritual, and it may be associated with negative patterns. Alternatively, it can also be time for us to improve any problems we have around Saturn-ruled areas of discipline, responsibility, and commitment.

Saturn has been retrograde since April 6th and will be until late August. This is a time of revisiting, reflecting on, and making changes for anything related to the Saturn themes mentioned above, which can help us with new developments coming into our lives in late Summer and Fall. The outer planets that orbit beyond Mars are retrograde for a significant amount of time overall, but we astrologers do not emphasize them as much as when the inner planets (aka ‘personal planets’) go retrograde, such as Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

Pluto started its retrograde on April 20th and will last until September 28th. Pluto rules power, control, manipulation, underworld, secrets, hidden matters, sex, and transformation. When it goes backward, these are the types of things that we are reflecting on or revisiting in some way. The last time Pluto was retrograde was from mid-late April 2016 until late September 2016.

Making Intentions and Things to Consider

What are your personal values and interests that you need be considering right now? What can you do to make your life more abundant financially and/or be more aligned and connected with the Earth? What are you worth?

These are some examples of what your New Moon intentions can revolve around, but they can also be related to other Taurus themes mentioned in this article, or perhaps other things that come up. The exact time of this New Moon will be at 12:16pm Universal Time on April 26th. You can click here to find out what that is in your time zone.

It is best to make your intentions as close to the New Moon is possible, but they can even be done within the first 24 hours following. However, the best time for making intentions would be within the first half hour following or just prior.

Have you ever had an astrology reading based on your specific birth time? Get a detailed personalized reading with astrologer Carmen Di Luccio based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
