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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/30/2017 7:05:42 PM

Timeline Split Progress: Integration and Alignment


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The second phase of the timeline shift completed with the New Moon on Monday. Gratitude to all who held the Solar focus as the flares arrived. Personally I AM experiencing a profound understanding of my Solar Self, and this pursuit of embodying the Solar Cosmic Christ state of beingness. Ascension is truly a sacred experience.
Vision Share

Among the many visions during last SUNday’s Unity Meditations was a clear image: Gaia appeared as a sycamore seed ball (painted to look like Earth), and a powerful galactic wind was blowing away the exterior fluff to reveal her crystalline core, which turned into a brilliant solar light. The old external reality was blown away, and she was shining as a brand new creation. This represents HUman Ascension as well as Gaia’s transformation. The revelation of our Higher Self and the New Earth as the cosmic winds intensify, the brilliant seed of the New, and the effect of the incoming light on lower realities.
The sycamore is an ancient symbol, used in the scriptures, House of David, ground zero, etc. There are many synchronicities for me with this symbol; you may pursue your own. This was the third in a series of strong symbols last weekend; a rainbow on the 25th over Mount Shasta to confirm the influx did its work; a white-cream hawk hovering and calling just a few feet over my head during Gatework on SUNday (Hawk is the messenger, so we pay attention); just after that was the sycamore vision.
After unifying with Solaris several times on Monday to send the dimensional-shifting frequencies (flares), I snowshoed up the mountain for the New Moon anchoring at 8pm. After Gatework on the hike down, multiple lightships sailed overhead and sent greetings as the second phase of this particular shift was completed.
Now we follow protocol; integrate the influx, shed what is no longer applicable, prepare for next week’s Gatework, maintain focus, avoid any mental gymnastics about the strangeness of this phase or its affect on the physical, and send LoveLight and gratitude to those embracing embodiment.
April Revelations and Blessings
Our next Gateway is April 3-7, and will fully anchor the timeline split. Remember this influx since the Equinox is a very high level of Divine Light, a true gift to all resonating with the 5D experience.
The frequency will rise exponentially after this split is complete; it will continue to expand your consciousness into higher realms of creation. This is a passage for Spiritual Maturity, which will demand your highest discernment and non-judgment of the external or internal effects.
In our Mastery, let us assist Gaia in revealing what has already been created; a Christed planet of peace and unity consciousness. We embody our new templates of Self NOW, and step into our roles as co-creators of these new realities. The massive cosmic stargate is assisting Divine Will; let us open as pure conduits of the highest intent.
Embodiment is a unique experience as we reclaim our Solar Self, which literally opens Gateways through HUmans for the new reality to be revealed. This is an unrecognizable level of empowerment for many of us. Remember that manifestation is amplified during Gateways. Let us Direct the light as ONE to call forth this creation with ease and grace.
Tools for this strong passage:
Meditation: Allow your Ascension column to align in stillness, so the Higher Self can take over. Rest, stay hydrated, calm, get out on Gaia to receive the maximum light influx, especially during the trigger points. Stay clear and open to the experience.
Visualize and call forth 5D: Feel the freedom, see the New Earth, visualize global Ascension, and the highest, brightest vibration you can hold. Draw it, write it, sing it, dance it, meditate on it, create it Now. Drop your attachment to the lower timelines.
Daily Dissolvement: Command and decree the final, effortless removal of all lower timelines, programs, entities, deities, thought forms and beings which control, manipulate HUmanity, Gaia, Kingdoms and elementals in a negative way. Command all which interferes with the Ascension, anything blocking the progression of HUmanity, to cease and desist across all timelines and realities. Bind all uncomplimentary creations back to Source, to make a full transition, never to return.
Gatekeepers and Gridworkers: Unify in Divine Intent to fully reveal the 5D timelines as a palpable manifestation for all. Call forth the Solar Cosmic Christed embodiment as a reality for all willing and capable of embodiment. Light up the new grid systems, Sacred sites, Temples, crystalline beds, water, every crystal placed by a Lightworker, and the HUman Heart Grid from the crystalline core of Gaia to the SUN, Galactic center, Great Central SUN, and Pure Source Consciousness. Welcome in the highest levels of photonic light and dimensional-shifting frequencies we can receive, in the highest interests of the pure and true Ascension. Feel the unification, this is a shining passage for all of us.
Master Gatekeepers: I again invite you to unify with the higher frequency templates entering our Solar system. We have conscious access to the Solar centers now. Divine Will rules the unfoldment – stay clear in your resonation and intent when connecting with these councils. Let us call forth the dimensional-shifting encodements, for the highest interest of those choosing Ascension, during the April 3 – 7 Gateway passage.
Unity Meditations on SUNday: Vibrational Assistance
Invite everyone to join the Light Tribe during these three 30-minute windows on SUNday: 8:11am Pacific Time, 11:11am PT, and 5:11pm PT or meditate anytime on SUNday to feel the effects and add your energy to this collective intention of service.
Connect with the HUman Heart Grid, Gaia’s crystalline core, the Crystalline Grid, the New Grid systems, Solaris (the SUN), Great Central Sun, and Source. Meditate on Pure Source embodiment and the revelation of crystalline consciousness. Use the guided Christ Light Activation meditation if you enjoy guided meditations (mp3 via the download link below), it is incredibly healing when done as ONE. All methods and forms of meditation are welcome.
Free Guided Meditation: Download it so you can be offline and (preferably) out in nature:
PC: right+click on the title below to Save As
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the title below to Download
April is a Highly Transformational Month
The levels of photonic, pure light are expected to dramatically increase in April. Let us focus on this Gateway as our keys to the kingdom of the New Self and the New Earth. Vibration = Vibration. Gratitude for your dedication and endurance; our service is deeply appreciated. Faith. Trust. Breathe. Let the Light assist us in transforming these realities with ease and grace.
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/30/2017 11:15:18 PM


Walking Terra Christa ~ NEW MOON ~ ARIES 2017 ~ STEPPING INTO ACTION

The New Moon is now upon us within the sign of Aries. It occurred March 27, 2017, 7:59 PM Pacific, 10:59 PM Eastern, and March 28, 2017-2:58 GMT. It is now a time of action, creating the new pathway of beginning a cycle of light that has not been accomplished previously.

This cycle of the moon is very powerful as it comes after the March Equinox allowing for more movement into the world we would like to be part of. This, of course, should start with ourselves before we can see the changes that will occur in others around the world.

Café shares this about the Aires New Moon in 2017:

“This is a strong cycle under which to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make significant changes in our lives. It’s time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs.”

I believe that this cycle is going to help each of us to understand what has occurred in the past three months which is crucial for us to accept the changes we should make within our consciousness and our efforts to make it part of our existence.

Isn’t it true that what we think becomes our reality?

If we are still struggling, then that is what we will experience. But, yet if we take steps towards a healthier existence (emotionally, mentally, and physically), then we can become more passionate within our lives. There becomes a moment of having more meaning of what we are doing for ourselves, and then eventually for others.

This moon is helping us to come into a new existence of understanding our subconscious and allow our higher consciousness to help us through the difficulties of transitioning from the old self into the new self.

I believe this moon is helping us to transform the old self into a new level of understanding; thus, becoming a newly evolved human being; One, that is part of a spiritual essence but allowing the physical self to accept the movement of change.

The other important element within this equation that the full moon occurring on April 10th, 2017 represents the first ascension festival of the spring, The Festival of The Christ. This event brings forth the element of resurrecting the old self in preparation for the Wesak Festival occurring May 10th, 2017.

This takes into account that the changes we are trying to make through this new moon along with the past full moon, the equinox, and the upcoming moon are going to catapult us into a new consciousness if we allow it to occur.

I have been working with these energies for at least 20 years or more and I have never seen such an anticipated excitement within the Spiritual Hierarchy, especially Master Djwhal Khul. The effect of these festivals this year are going to assist our planet exponentially than ever before.

I think it is very important to reflect on what has occurred since January of this year, and how we have been affected by the energies in the outside world. For me, it has become increasingly more challenging to connect with others due to the conflict of politics especially here in the United States as it has effected the entire world to see what needs to be changed.

The important element is: what needs to be changed within each of us individually?

My own personal experience of this winter has been one of isolation due to the weather and working diligently not only on the teachings I am a part of but how it affects my personal consciousness. I have found that through each moon cycle and acceleration I learn more about myself.

As most of you know, I have been on this pathway for over 30 years but the more I walk upon it, the more I realize I do not know. It is an experience of understanding my soul’s consciousness, what my Etheric Body is trying to tell me and how I can get through the challenge of walking this earth in the higher realms of light. I could not do it without living in Mount Shasta. It helps me not only to sustain the energies but to realize what I need to change.

My challenge presently has been my physical body. I realized I chose this lifetime so that I could walk this pathway and I would have physical challenges. Some of these I have overcome throughout the years. I can feel myself getting younger even though chronologically I am getting older. I have confidence in the healing that is occurring within me physically as I am seeing dramatic improvements.

The most important lesson I have learned through this cycle that challenges help us to realize our true potential. I have arrived at a new state of consciousness about my body. It is getting stronger because I have persevered this winter to get up, do the exercises no matter how little, that consistency is the most important factor, and to call upon my I Am Presence continually to walk through the storm.

It is now Spring; it is a New Moon that will help me to create actions in my life that I have already desired to acquire through my Higher Mind, and it is becoming a reality.

I look forward to the full moon on the 10th of April for the Festival of the Christ so that this year I am becoming the Christed Being that I know I am within my physical body; how I walk, how my joints react and move, how the Light Energy I Am is now being more fully received into the Physical Self.

So, I say to those of you that are in pain emotionally and mentally, please know it will change if you are ready to continue the journey. Your I Am Presence is guiding you to be more than you ever thought you could be and you may just be surprised to see the results within your four-body system.

Step forward for this New Moon and realize your thoughts you desire to be, can be your Reality of your Life. We have a fabulous month ahead of us, and I hope you can reflect on how different you are now than you were in January.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be sharing more information about the three Ascension Festivals of the Spring, The Christ, Wesak, and Humanity along with information of how to join us for our global meditation calls.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 "Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body. Please use the link to learn more about this series.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/30/2017 11:39:35 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/29/2017

will's picture

Meditation is the rhythm of silence.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/30/2017 11:45:46 PM

Archangel Zadkiel: Staying Focused During Change

Linda Robinson
Greetings Beloved Ones, this is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss staying focused during change.

Many energy shifts are continuing to reach your planet. When this occurs, the existing energetic pattern may be affected. The energy is still there, but the form it takes can change.

Things may change form in the physical, mental or spiritual areas.

Many forces are at work during these shifts. Interests that have previously been a passing thought suddenly come to the forefront in your awareness, and you may feel a real call to explore them.

The reverse process also can occur. For example, you may decide to change a course of study. Something that has previously held your interest may feel complete, and you may feel drawn to study another related topic or to change your focus completely. The energy you had devoted to your studies is still there. You have just shifted the topic or focus of your studies.

At times, the strength of the energetic shift in forces can be quite strong, and suddenly you may feel as if you are being pulled off-center.

You may have others around you who would like you to explore an area to which they are drawn, or you may feel that you should study a certain path but are not quite drawn to it.

You may also be aware that your time is very precious and that your top interests need to take priority.

During these times of energetic shifts, it is important to take some time out to explore how you really feel and what is right for you. This process of discernment can be used whether you are considering a small change in activity or a larger focus.

One way to approach this evaluation is to take some quiet time away from all other activities. This can be a time early in the morning or later in the evening when outside energies have subsided, or it can be whenever you have uninterrupted time to turn inward. This is your time to sit and be with yourself.

As you sit quietly, close your eyes and allow your attention to turn inward. Notice how you feel throughout each part of your body. Pay particular attention to your heart center and your solar plexus. Determine whether you feel relaxed or tense in those areas.

Then think about one of the choices you are considering. Picture that choice in your mind, and imagine yourself doing that activity. Notice how you feel in your heart center and in your solar plexus. As you picture yourself living that choice, do you feel happy and relaxed, or do you feel tense? Notice where you feel this in your body. As you take another look, consider further how you feel. Does picturing this choice make your heart sing, or do you feel neutral, or do you feel a sense of dread? The way you feel in your body will be one indicator as to whether this is a choice you wish to make.

You can repeat this process if you are considering more than one alternative and then compare how the different alternatives feel.

Once you have settled on a choice that feels right to you, consider whether it is a good fit from a logistical perspective. When it is a good fit logistically as well as on a feeling level, you are likely to have a greater sense of peace.

When you have a good fit both in feeling and logistics, then you can move forward with your decision while maintaining your focus.

You can picture your choice and know that it is the right energetic fit for you at this time both on a feeling level and on a logistical level. You have determined that you feel good about the choice and that it is logistically sound.

As you continue along your path, you may wish to do a periodic review of your activities to stay current with your interests.

When you ask that your choices be aligned with highest good, you are sending Love and Light for the benefit of all.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are staying focused during change. We are with you as you review your choices and as you are working for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love. And so it is.

» Source

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/31/2017 12:02:53 AM

Mend Your Heart

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

You are meant to love. It is to you I am speaking. I created you to love. Enjoy the mind set of love. The intent to love serves.

How can it be that one of the biggest blocks you have on Earth is to feel love and to give it? You find so many reasons to not love. Not loving your fellow man seems a whole lot easier than loving. What are these impossible obstacles to repress full love from your heart that you build up and so keep your Love in reserve? Must you? What can be so urgent about not loving? How about setting unlovingness aside and never become acquainted with it again. What do you possibly need unlovingness for? It’s a poor excuse.

It may be you look for reasons not to love. One of these reasons may well be that your heart has been hurt. You know, dear ones, when someone offends you, all the more reason for you to open your heart. Open your eyes, and open your heart.

When you feel offended, you are the holder of offense. In the long run, offense is not a good reason to forgo love to and from your heart. Think of it, you have a heart. Keep it open.

Sometimes an offense may be that you simply can’t tolerate someone. This can be considered your offense. You can’t stand the sound of someone’s voice. The offense is the sound of his voice, or it is that he talks too much, and you don’t want to listen, or you find the person glum, and you don’t want to catch it.

You can reflect love with someone while you are free. You don’t have to sit and subject yourself to someone eternally. Don’t mistake this view of yours for love. No one wants to be tolerated by you or anyone. Why would anyone? Your foot-tapping tolerating isn’t good enough at all. Tolerating is its own kind of impatience. For someone to sense that he is being tolerated is intolerable.

When I speak of love issuing from your heart, I am not speaking about the fervor of Great Love. I am simply talking about a certain settled-ness in your heart. Your heart doesn’t have to overflow with love, not at all. I ask that you give your heart the freedom to make even a little room for someone else, someone whom you perceive as else. No matter how different the two of you may be, dear one, you are not wholly opposite. Let’s face it: From the world view, you are not perfect either.

Perhaps the love from your heart that you can best offer is peace. Peace is good. A silent thought of “Peace be with you” is excellent. A thought of peace opens passageways. Whatever opens passageways is love. When you think “Peace be with you” you let in some unbounded love. Peace is a great offering of love. It will do. And as you direct your thought of Peace to another soul, you will also hear your thoughts, and you will feel a greater sense of peace within you surge. Hallelujah!

When you bless another to peace, you are twice-blessed. You yourself become a blessing.

When someone appears to have not understood you and supported you, and, therefore, let you down, why are you bruised? Must you be bruised? Must you have to recover from it as an assault? It is a nothing thing really. Your ego made a mountain out of a molehill. Everyone favors the way he thinks and not what someone else thinks. No one is obligated to see the world as you do. Why are you offended? This sounds like your offense, beloveds. Is it too much to ask that you stay on an even keel?

Mend your heart, the heart that you consider yours to withhold.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
