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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2017 6:05:58 PM


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Moon Phase: begin, set intentions

Moon in Aries

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all ten Wisdom Goddesses

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Seth, God of the North

Skill: alignment with self worth

True Alignments: following one's own path, like mindedness, free will, heights of imagination, spiritual quests, group efforts, protection of what is priceless, reflections, dedication

Catalysts for Change: conformity, tightly restricted by self imposed limitations, reliant, greed within commerce, eruptions or build ups of energy, confusion, ego centric, pressure

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"

Today we start with the Sun as "men traveling a narrow path seeking illumination," and find ourselves with Neptune in "an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood."

We find paths to inner sanctuary.

The Sun and Neptune will make exact conjunction tomorrow...

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2017 6:08:18 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: You Can Only Change Yourselves, But When You Do The Whole World Changes!

Audio version.

As you move further into 2017, the changes that are occurring worldwide will intensify and increase in number because enormous alterations in the way in which humans interact with one another are occurring as you prepare for your awakening.

Part of the process is the recognition that the ways in which you do interact must change dramatically if you are to avoid self-destruction on a massive and planetary scale.

Humanity has chosen to awaken, and so self-destruction on a massive scale will not occur because of that choice. Nevertheless that does not mean that everyone can sit back, relax, and assume that all will be well, that all will be divinely taken care of. It is you, humanity, that will divinely take care of the multitude of major issues that must be addressed and resolved so that your awakening can continue to progress to the stage where no one is left behind, ignored, negatively judged and then abandoned.

Every single one of you – every human regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, culture, politics, intelligence, physical or psychological health, wealth, workplace competence, or in fact any personal aspects that can be used to differentiate between any of you – is a beloved child of God created perfect to enjoy eternal life at One with God.

What God creates is eternal and perfect, and has infinite value. What humanity has done is to invent judgment in an insane attempt to build a hierarchy of variable value among you, enabling you to separate good from bad or right from wrong and then attempt to raise a favored few to the level of a god – the unreal god you imagined to be likesome superior form of human that you could aspire to become – an all-powerful judge, and honor them greatly, while discarding those judged of less than acceptable value or bad on whatever value scale you chose to construct as a means by which to make these assessments.

You have been doing this for eons, ever since you established a social order in your tribal societies, and it has always led to disagreement, competition (like the biblical story of Cain and Abel), and then violent conflict. Now that you have the technical ability to make your beautiful planet uninhabitable either due to the dumping of toxins in your lakes, rivers, and oceans, or by the destructive use of nuclear explosives in global warfare, it is essential that urgent steps be taken to ensure that these insane activities are brought to an end.

The vast majority of you want to live in peace and cooperation without any desire for a hierarchy of values separating you into artificial and disparate groups competing with each other. However, at present, due to the acceleration in your awakening process, every one of you has enormous amounts of “stuff” arising all at once that needs to [be] recognized for what it is – ancient memories of mistreatment, bitterness, and resentment that have never served you, but which you have insisted in carrying with you from lifetime to lifetime, and which do appear to separate you into a multitude of opposing camps.

Doing this has led to these memories being very deeply buried within you, way below the level of your conscious awareness, and from there they arise suddenly and powerfully often causing you to react unthinkingly and perhaps also violently in interactions with others.

Most of you have experienced powerful and unexpected feelings of intense anger arising for no apparent reason, and have acted on them in the moment as they arose. Later on becoming aware that they were inappropriate, you were filled with a sense of guilt and possibly more anger that you again had to direct outwards.

Now, knowing this, when anger arises within you just acknowledge it: “I’m feeling (great) anger, or (intense) rage,” and let it flow through you without expressing it. At first this can be very difficult, and you may well feel unable to restrain yourselves from expressing it, but as your awareness grows that it is just a feeling or an emotion, you can also see that nothing outside yourself is truly responsible for it, and that you can choose to just let it go because it is not you, it is only a feeling which does not and can never control you.

Previously you would have searched quickly and earnestly outside yourselves for a cause – the election result, an unexpectedly large bill, a comment made by someone in that moment or previously – and then justified and blamed your feelings on that event. And of course you have all had the experience of being angry at something that did not affect anyone else in the same way, demonstrating to you quite clearly that all anger is your own internal disturbance and really has nothing to do with outside events

When anger or rage arises do not look for a cause, either outside yourselves or from old memories – thoughts in your mind – instead just acknowledge them and watch as they flow and dissipate. You all are well aware that anger does not last indefinitely, and you are also aware that you can prolong that sense of anger by dwelling on the apparent cause.

But the cause is always within you, arising as a result of a painful and possibly completely unacceptable negative self-judgment of a thought, word, or action that you almost automatically project onto another person or an external situation in order to escape from it.

Release from unwanted emotions or feelings is achieved by acknowledging them: “Wow, that’s interesting . . . intriguing . . . unsettling . . . disturbing . . . frightening . . .” and releasing them without acting on them or judging them.

As you know Love is complete in Itself, It has absolutely no needs and does not sustain anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, or a desire for restitution or revenge. In fact those extremely divisive characteristics of the illusory environment you inhabit close your hearts to Love. That is why it is absolutely essential that you go within daily, to your holy altars, and open your hearts to the Love residing there in every moment, and invite It to dissolve all that you are clinging to that is not in perfect alignment and harmony with It.

Doing that every day with intent and integrity, by letting go of all judgment and conditionality will bring about great changes within you. You will, through doing this, find peace and contentment as self-love and self-acceptance grow within you. And of course, because all are one, as you change yourselves you change the world which is what so many of you have been attempting to do by demanding or forcing others to change.

You can only change yourselves, but when you do the whole world changes!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus: You Can Only Change Yourselves, But When You Do The Whole World Changes!” Channeled by John Smallman, February 27, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2017 6:12:11 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 28, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Do you surrender or do you play tug of war? Do you give it up and then take it back? Surrender, true surrender, involves the handing over of the reins to your highest self, your angels, guides, and helpers, to Source energy, to lead you beyond where you are stuck to where your highest outcomes exist.

We understand that feels like you are giving away your power, but in reality it is an act of empowerment. It is activating your full team of helpers rather than trying to go it alone. It is letting those with the vantage point to see what you cannot help move you to where you wish to be.

But this does not mean that you have abdicated your say in matters. Far from it! It merely means that you begin to direct your path in a different way, by giving up struggle and embracing ease, by watching for the signs and synchronicities, by allowing the unfoldment, and by communicating your preferences by your gratitude and focus, which is the steering wheel of the flow.

Dear Ones, you always have a say. Surrender is never about losing your voice, but rather about bringing in the reinforcements to support you in the co-creation of the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/1/2017 12:04:11 AM

DL Zeta: Prophetic Dreams May Come: Activating High-Vibrational Timelines with the Pisces Solar Eclipse

The Pisces solar eclipse has the power to bring prophetic dreams, helping us activate timelines aligned with our highest visions. During this period portals to higher consciousness are more accessible. Those most strongly affected by the eclipse will enter levels of heightened sensitivity and psychic awareness.

Most intensely affected by this eclipse are those with significant planets and points in Pisces. Lightworkers, intuitives and others highly attuned to universal energies may reach new levels of clarity and downloads. Profound endings and beginnings can take place at this time. This is a turning point that we may look back upon years later and perceive as a moment from which significant new directions flowed.

This is a period when intuitive visions arrive with the power to carry you to high-vibrational timelines aligned with the new time. The Feb. 26 solar eclipse’s emphasis on spiritual development complements the Feb. 10 lunar eclipse and its mystical influence. The energies of this pair of eclipses will be felt most intensely over the next couple of weeks but will wield a strong influence throughout the next six months.

Bridging Past and Future brings Healing and Expansion

It’s possible during this time to progress on your spiritual path and experience a greater sense of oneness with all-that-is. Neptune rules Pisces, bringing a visionary component to this eclipse making it easier to envision and access timelines where past, present and future come into sharp focus. In other words, along these timelines one is able to see how the past has been guiding us toward our spiritual purpose all along and everything that has happened to us has happened in divine perfection. Past, present and future can be viewed as one simultaneous moment when we step beyond limiting beliefs and perceptions.

Standing on this bridge between past and future we are able to perceive our present moment as divinely empowered to carry out visions we receive during this time. As you unite all moments in all time within your consciousness, aspects of your past may come forward to be seen and healed in the light of your present-moment awareness. Healing takes place to the extent that you’re able to view all moments in your life with love and understanding. This healing of the past releases strings binding you to past timelines, allowing you to step more fully into timelines of the new earth centered in oneness and unity.

Manifesting Visions into Reality

There are aspects of this solar eclipse that hold the potential to bring ‘good fortune and happiness.’ The fixed star Skat in Aquarius is closely connected with this eclipse. This is a star capable of bringing a wish in that it has the power to help you manifest your dreams into reality. When your dreams and intentions align with your gifts and talents, your spiritual purpose, and your intentions for the highest good of all, good fortune and other worldly assistance can help activate potentials that previously seemed only a faint glimmer.

Good Fortune is linked to Spiritual Development

If you experience an increase in love, wealth and happiness during this time, hold in awareness that your willingness to walk your spiritual path and your desire to serve and assist others will determine the long-term influence of this period. Those who enter this phase from an ego perspective may find the good fortune fading by the next solar eclipse in August.

The longevity of this time of good fortune, psychic awareness and ability to heal and release the past is intrinsically linked to your level of spiritual development. Not everyone experiences solar eclipse energies in the same way. Some may experience obstacles and challenges more keenly during this time and feel stressed by unhealed emotions and unrealized dreams rising to the surface. Some may experience overwhelm as emotional wounds come to the forefront, triggering memories that have been pushed aside.

Many will enter into this period with a sense of uncertainty as old structures unravel to make way for the new. Stand with an open mind and heart as winds of change swirl around you. Know that whatever you experience during this time is guiding you toward a greater realization of yourself as a divine being that incarnated here to carry out a higher purpose.

Choosing Higher Potentials over Past Traumas

As many new possibilities come before you, take this time to release what no longer serves you and open to formulate new visions for the future. Old ways of being, old beliefs and habits may come before you now, providing you the opportunity to choose higher potentials over past traumas and patterns you have outgrown. Those who choose to step into new potentials and possibilities will receive a boost of energy from this solar eclipse that will help them sail through needed changes over the next six months.

This is a good eclipse for relationships and for meeting new people who will become influential in your life. You may experience an influx of friends from other times entering your life – some of whom you may have soul contracts.

Some may feel drawn more strongly to occult [hidden] information during this time. This may include astrology which offers a blueprint of your soul’s intentions for this lifetime as well as a map of challenges and opportunities we are likely to encounter over time. Uranus will be in the mix with this eclipse which may bring a sense of energy and enthusiasm. It may also unleash sudden and unexpected events that allow you to heal unresolved emotions. Uranus’ influence has the power to trigger a major shift in consciousness, paving the way for sudden timeline shifts.

Moderation, discipline, focus, awareness, respect, patience and humility are traits that will help you navigate this period. Spend time meditating, journaling, working with dreams, eating light, and walking in nature. Write out intentions. Sit with all that comes before you and see all that happens in the light of love, appreciation and forgiveness.

“Prophetic Dreams May Come: Activating High-Vibrational Timelines with the Pisces Solar Eclipse,” by DL Zeta, February 10, 2017, at

Source Link: DL Zeta’s Celestial Vision February 26, 2017

©2010-2017 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/1/2017 12:07:59 AM

GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2017

will's picture

A fanatic Mohammedan is connected by his fanaticism to other Mohammedans. A fanatic Christian is connected by his fanaticism to other fanatic Christians, it is the fanatic element that connects them. Here, nobody is a fanatic.

How can you be a fanatic with a man like me, who takes nothing seriously?

I have never in my whole life taken anything seriously because I don't see the point, why one should take things seriously. Life is really such a joke, so hilarious.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
