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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2017 6:21:38 PM

The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves.

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The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love! And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth. Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that. Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

None of you are in any way inadequate, you are all divine beings doing precisely what you incarnated to do. Let go of all negative self-judgments because they are completely invalid. You are all beloved children of God, highly honored for what you are doing even though it may appear to you that you have nothing of value to offer humanity in its massive awakening undertaking. Without even one of you it could not be achieved, and because it is God’s Will that you awaken, I assure you that you will. Just remind yourselves daily that you are, each and every one of you without exception, essential and utterly irreplaceable participants in the divine plan. When you remind yourselves of this and allow yourselves to accept the truth of this statement you will feel the divine and loving embrace in which God holds you in every moment of your eternal existence.

The field of divine Love, in which all that God creates has its eternal existence, supports everyone of you constantly and without interruption as you go about your daily lives as humans in the illusory and severely limited environment that you imagined into being for the lessons you chose to learn. Lessons that show you very clearly that without Love, God, your divine Source, life is impossible. And, of course, your human bodies decay and die, demonstrating this aspect of the illusion very clearly.

Your awakening is inevitable. However, you can choose to delay it, as many have, because the illusion has become so real for them that they are terrified to leave it. And that choice will be honored because, as we have so often told you, Love is gentle, It does not impose, demand, or command, It allows you to accept or reject It, knowing, as It does, that you will choose to awaken into Reality, your true and only Home. Any other dimension of time or space is unreal, temporary, and will dissolve into the nothingness from which it was imagined into being.

There is only Love, God, Source, Heaven, Reality – whichever word you choose to use, including others that are different from those listed, to mean All That Is is fine, because words are only symbols with no meaning other than the ones you each give them. And without doubt, as you continue to experience, those individual choices about the precise meaning of a word do lead to confusion, and sometimes to conflict.

Reality is where you have always lived in joy and without interruption, it just seems that you are somewhere else, only there is no somewhere else!

The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves where the flame of God’s Love burns constantly. Reality is within you awaiting your recognition and acceptance of It. You will all go within and find what you have been seeking outside yourselves for eons. Seeking outside is time-consuming and depressing for you because there is nothing there save illusion after illusion claiming to show you the path to Reality, when that path is firmly and irrevocably established within each one of you. In this present age many are coming to a mind-blowing realization of this, and as they add their intent to be only loving to the Tsunami of Love enveloping you all, your awakening process continues to accelerate.

All is unfolding exactly as divinely intended because the Will of God is always achieved. Many have talked of being saved, and many religions offer you saving, but you are already saved because in every moment you are one with Source, and that is an eternally unchanging state. The only salvation is to awaken from the illusion in which you have chosen to hide from Reality, and truly you cannot remain hidden because the veil or cloak under which you are hiding is dissolving and disintegrating, and soon it will be gone like mist in the morning sunshine.

There will remain a stubborn few who are presently so wedded to the illusion that they refuse to acknowledge God’s loving Call. Their refusal will be honored because, as I said above, Love does not command, demand, or impose, It waits patiently, knowing that those stubborn ones will change their minds. In the meantime they will find themselves in an environment that aligns completely with their current beliefs, and in which they can continue to deny Reality, so that they can continue with their games of conflict, chaos, and confusion in their insane individual hopes and desires to become the powerful one who controls that environment and the multitudes who are within it.

Each one of those that makes up those multitudes is but an illusory reflection of themselves. Eventually they will get bored with their mind-numbing games and choose, like everyone else, to awaken into Reality where the “Welcome Home” celebrations held in their honor will delightfully and beautifully blow their minds, just as they will for you as you awaken.

Your awakening is divinely assured, therefore all you need do is engage with Love, release your grip on fear, and go within and allow yourselves to experience once more the utter joy of Oneness with your Source.

With so very much love, Saul.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2017 6:34:30 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 25, 2017

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Dear Ones, remember, the ebb and flow of energies serves you. The universe, as well as your soul, always has a plan. How things are unfolding for you is always making the best use of the energies. Trust and know that there is always purpose and planning going on far beyond what you could possibly imagine, and it is all designed to serve you. Learning to dance with the natural rhythms of the universe will allow you to embrace all of it with grace and ease and appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2017 6:37:33 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, February 24, 2017

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, February 24, 2017

24th February 2017. Mike Quinsey.

Changes are forging ahead and much important work is taking place, literally out of your sight because it involves bases located in the Inner Earth. It is all destined to take away the power from the dark Forces to hold you “prisoners.” With modern detection devices your true history is being unraveled, and there will be no cover up as in the past.

It is claimed that very soon much of the detail connected with very ancient finds will be revealed and made public. It will at least re-write the last 50,000 years and show the actual path of evolution that has led to Humans in their present form. Little is as you have been led to believe and the truth will be like a breath of fresh air and plainly inform Humanity of its true path of evolution.

The truth is going to excite most people, yet some will remain fearful as to what changes it will bring about and take away their “comfort zone.” Be assured that the final outcome will quickly lift you up, and it will be very apparent that your future is assured and will be most welcome. Simply consider what might have been held back from you for the last 150 years.

It would seem that the cabal has been taken down, but like a wounded animal they are now probably at their most dangerous. However, it means that their control has been severely broken and the odds are stacked against them as far as a recovery is concerned. It would also seem that their dreams have been shattered and it can only be a matter of time before the law catches up with them. It means that the prospects of soon being able to announce the new Republic are looking good.

In time it will lead to peace upon Earth and the end of all hostilities, as there will no longer be those in high places dictating the path of your lives and those that have been interfering will have been removed from the Earth. The dark Ones know that they have lost the battle and that the Forces of Light are closing in on them. There will, however, be nowhere to hide, even in the Inner Earth.

For too long you have been brought up to believe that war is a natural part of evolution, and maybe it is if you allow those who seek power over others to rule. Historically it was motivated by greed for another’s land and possessions. Yet in a world of plenty [that is, though the world has plenty], equality and sharing have rarely been considered as worthy.

Religion has also been guilty of dividing people and setting one against another. Now it is time to set aside those beliefs and accept that there is only the One God of All That Is. Be prepared and keep an open mind as those who cannot accept change will most likely find themselves left behind. The Truth is Universal and in time it will be the only interpretation remaining and you can be assured it is quite simple and based on Universal Love as taught by the Masters such as Jesus.

Many of you are having your last incarnation on Earth and are most likely aware of it. You are the Lights amongst the darkness on Earth and your mere presence is helping the enlightenment of others. Some souls are so lacking in Light that they have no concept of Universal Love, but nevertheless will be able to rise up once they start to awaken. No soul is really a lost cause, but if it was so they would be reabsorbed into the Godhead.

Be assured that at all stages of life many Beings of Light devote their time to lifting up trapped souls that become mired in the lower vibrations and almost total darkness. As a thought, bear in mind that once you have accepted the truth you will know that you have risen up, when you can send Love and Light to those that have harmed or threatened you or your loved ones.

This year will go down in history as the one when dramatic changes took place on Earth and when all souls were enlightened, changes so important that many more souls would have wished to be present to experience the end times. You who are present now and working for the Light are indeed privileged and selected because you are experienced and capable of carrying out your tasks. Wherever you go your Light has an effect on other souls, and some are so aware of your energy that it lifts them up.

As long as you can disassociate yourselves from what is going on around you, you can so to say live in your own world of Light unaffected by anything else that is going on. That enables you to fully express your Love and Light, and be of maximum benefit to all around you. Even those of you who are still lifting your vibrations can contribute to the upliftment by sending your Light to wherever you find it is needed. Never tell yourselves that you have so little to offer that it is not worth it; every contribution counts and most likely does far more good than you could imagine.

Not every soul’s future is to follow the same path and much depends on where you are on the ladder of evolution. Clearly not all souls are at the same level and the higher you go the more it changes. It is most likely that many will be ready to take their place in the Fifth Dimension/Density and it is a level where you are a Being of Light with like souls. Some join groups who have the same desire for particular experiences and often it involves being a Mentor to those who are also on the Path of Light.

Once a Light Being, you have a great freedom of choice as to where your travels take you. There are unlimited opportunities to experience virtually anything you desire, even to the extent of taking a different life experience in another form of expression. Some souls have come to Earth from planets other than Earth, and naturally once their life is over prefer to return to their own home. However, it is looking too far ahead for some of you who should not worry about such changes, and concentrate on your more immediate needs.

It should be apparent that you are not your body, which is a temporary form that is appropriate to the Human Race. In time through the power of thought and when you have uplifted your vibrations you will choose what form/body you use, or just remain in your Light Body. However, these situations are somewhat in the future and certainly not things that should unduly occupy your mind now. There is so much for you to learn about your present embodiment, and as time passes you can be assured that many advanced souls who are already on your Earth will help you whatever your needs.

Certainly you are now living in times when many truths are being made known to you. Hitherto there has been so much deliberately meant to keep the truth from you and actually mislead you. The greatest truth concerns your potential and how great you really are, and yet you have been made to feel insignificant and unworthy. You have been told more than once, that you are Gods in the making, and that may be too much for most of you to accept, but it is true.

I leave you with best wishes for your enlightenment and send you love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2017 6:38:42 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2017

will's picture

What is really happening here is a miracle.

I do nothing but, I don't know why, you have fallen in love with me.

I don't deserve it either because I have never done anything; how can I deserve so many people's love?

But your love is doing the miracle.

You are here for no other reason.

Sometimes you also must be wondering why you are here. I also wonder why; but love is such a thing, that you go on wondering why, and it goes on happening.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2017 6:43:53 PM

‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse In Pisces: This Is What It Means!

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by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th, 2017 at 2:58pm Universal Time. While it will only be visible in parts of South America and Africa, as with every eclipse, the astrological significance will still affect the whole planet.

This is an annular eclipse, which is when the Sun is almost completely blocked from the Moon except for the outer edges. This is because the Moon is near its apogee, which is its furthest distance from the Earth. This type of eclipse is also referred to as a ‘ring of fire,’ thanks to its unique appearance.

We also had a Lunar Eclipse in Leo a few weeks ago. Eclipse season, which occurs every six months, is a significant period of transitions that can start up to six weeks before eclipses begin and play out over the following months. However, this eclipse window is particularly transitional because we are shifting away from two years of Virgo-Pisces eclipses and into Leo-Aquarius ones.

Venus is slowing down to go retrograde on March 4th. Any changes or developments we have had since January 30th regarding love, relationships, money, value(s), beauty/aesthetics, or art, will face a reflective and/or a reconsideration/adjusting phase over the next six to eight weeks. (Note: Join my mailing list here to be notified when that article will be published.)

Solar Eclipse in Pisces Conjunct Neptune


We have had a series of eclipses in Pisces since March 2015, but this will be the final one. These have all been South Node eclipses, which shake up certain negative aspects of ourselves that are no longer serving us, depending on the sign they’re in and where it is in your personal birth chart. The Eclipse is aligned with Neptune, which is a modern ruler (or sub-ruler) of Pisces; therefore it amplifies the Piscean themes mentioned below.

We need to look at the negative traits of Pisces and Neptune energy and identify what areas of our lives they are playing out in and what needs to change. It could be related to delusional behaviour or outlook, deception, escapism, carelessness, or avoiding our duties or physical health. This could also shake things up if we tend to self-sabotage, self-sacrifice, and/or if we have problems with drugs and alcohol.

For some people, there may be a direct connection between this eclipse and how the upcoming Venus retrograde will make changes in how they approach love relationships. For example, Pisces and Neptune expressed negatively can make us delusional about a person or relationship and not see the situation for what it is. Or if you have been treating a relationship as an escape while avoiding important duties/tasks, these upcoming months can shake that up as well.

Collectively, Neptune and Pisces are both associated with oil and the oil industry. It is very likely that during the upcoming six months we will see an escalation in problems and conflicts that arise as a result of the industry. However this plays out, it would clearly illustrate the need for us to abandon oil and move toward sustainable and clean energy sources.

Mars Conjunct Uranus in Aries, Opposite Jupiter and Trine Saturn

Mars is in its own sign of Aries in a tight conjunction with Uranus. This can be an energy of surprising, innovative, or explosive action. It could manifest as breaking free, or even some sort
of rebellion, attack, or shakeup. Both planets are in a challenging opposition with Jupiter in Libra, which wants to expand and teach us lessons in relating/diplomacy, relationships/partnerships, balance, justice, beauty, and art.

There is some potential for conflict here between these two sides. However, the initiating and assertive Mars in Aries will be making a harmonious trine to Saturn in Sagittarius that will be strongest from March 4th-6th. This is great for any sort of determined effort, and in some cases it could be connected to Sagittarian themes of travel, exploration, education, marketing, teaching, and publishing.

Making Intentions and Things to Consider

What negative Piscean-Neptunian traits do you need to let go of? Take a look at what came around a year ago, and almost two years ago when those eclipses were also in the same sign. There could be a connection between what came up then and now. If that is the case, these upcoming months are the time to make those changes, as the lunar nodes are in the final stretch the Pisces-Virgo polarity.

Another thing to consider is that we are transitioning to a push toward Leo energy, since the previous lunar eclipse was in that sign. One thing that Pisces and Leo have in common is that both signs can be very creative. Therefore, for those creative types who are being challenged by their own negative Piscean-type traits, this can be a excellent time to find greater fulfillment by shining in one’s creative self-expression. If you wish to do any intentions it is best to do them within the first 24 hours following the eclipse.


The exact time and peak of this New Moon Lunar Eclipse is at 2:58pm Universal Time on February 28th. Click here to find out what that is for your time zone.

What does this Lunar Eclipse mean for you specifically? Get a personalized reading with the author of this article based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information.


Collective Evolution

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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