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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2017 6:29:16 PM

The Council – Intensification

Some of you are experiencing discomfort at this time. Not that before you have not. But this seems to be sudden and more intense. Some of you, when hearing of this, think it has passed you by. Sorry, but there are extremely few who have no clearing left to do. We are showing the channel a picture of a ski jumper on the downward run.

ski runAs you may have followed these messages for a while, we will tell you that you have been prepared for the changes that we have told you were coming. You have been down quite a bit if the downward run, as it were. You have each prepared for the end of the run that you will reach. But you will reach yours at your appropriate time. It may not be the same day as your neighbor, much less the same as the one who is half way around the globe. You have been preparing for what you will need where you are.

But consider this. You may be approaching the end of the run and yet still find some final baggage that you need to jettison. You won’t make your best jump carrying a bundle that you don’t need, will you?

Now you don’t need to get all tangled up in that mess. Just look at it, think ‘Oh, that old stuff.” And drop it. If there is a lesson in it that you can see, stick the lesson in your pocket. But drop the baggage.

launchLift-off is fast approaching for you. Lean into the jump and amaze yourself at how far you will fly.

For those of you who feel you are not touched by this message we sat this; you have either made your jump, or you are in line for the run. This is a time that will skip no one. So if you have chosen the path up this mountain, know that it will very soon be your turn to jump.

As each of you jump, the ones on the ground below will see your amazing flight. You will inspire them, and many of you who have agreed to teach will be sought out. Many others will have not made that agreement. And that is appropriate, too. Let your flight say it all.

Some of you have a picture in your mind of what your flight will look like. You think, “It needs to be like this.” And you may be quite correct. But do not be surprised if it is quite different and even much greater than you have thought. Let your soul live this out. Your intellect, we promise you, has no clue. You did not come down to the planet with the purpose of showing off your intellect. Well, some did, of course. But we don’t see many of those reading this sort of message.

That is why we have chosen this image. It is almost your time to launch yourself out over your ski tips and let yourself fly. Prepare daily. This is your Olympics.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available
HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2017 6:36:23 PM

Arcturian Council: Levels of Awakening

147483740665260Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

Awakening is a process that takes place on many different levels. First, you will have your mental awakening, which gives you a new framework from which to view reality. You shift your beliefs. You shift your concept of God or Source, and you shift your concept of self. That is your mental awakening.

Then you have an emotional awakening. The emotional awakening puts you in greater touch with the emotions that you have been experiencing but not expressing. It puts you in touch with the emotions that have been ignorable. It puts you in touch with emotions that are stored in your cellular structures.

You then move past the emotional awakening and into the energetic awakening. The energetic awakening is often felt as strange occurrences in your bodies. It is also something that you sense. It is awakening to your empathic nature. It is an awakening of the consciousness that you are and that you use to navigate through this reality.

And then you have your physical awakening, which can be the most troubling of all the awakenings, because you have been taught that when this, that or the other thing happens to your physical body, it means you are on a gradual decline. It may mean that you need surgery or pills to cure it. This is what you have been told, but it is not the truth. It is not a truth that you need to accept.

So when you have your ascension symptoms in your physical body, that is a test of your faith. It’s not a test that you have to pass, but rather, it’s an opportunity for you to take all that you have learned in your previous awakenings and apply it to your experience of your physical body. And when you do this, you can move through the physical awakening without needing to subject yourselves to some of what the health care professionals would have you subject yourselves to.

You always have the option of working energetically, emotionally, and with your thoughts to work through the physical experiences that you have of awakening. If you see them as experiences and as sensations, rather than as symptoms of a larger problem, you will be well on your way to releasing them and to being fully in your bodies, embracing your bodies, and navigating with your bodies to the fifth dimension.

Wherever you are in your awakening process, you will feel an acceleration after receiving this transmission, because you will understand more clearly what you have been going through.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2017 6:38:24 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/21/2017

will's picture

Whomever it may concern, you simply give. Don't be concerned about the address, you simply go on sending love letters. Somebody will receive them somewhere. And the more you go on sharing, the more goes on entering you from unknown sources. A man is just like a well...


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2017 6:41:59 PM

Third Message from the Golden Ones – Creating New Earth through Sue Lie 2-19-17

Third Message from The Golden Ones-Creating New Earth–Through Sue Lie


We are the Golden Ones, here with you all within this NOW. As you may remember, we are Gaia’s highest expression of SELF. We maintain the frequency spectrum of Gaia’s many versions of reality while she continues Her Ascension Process.

From our perspective on the Threshold into the fifth dimension, we can see the entire spectrum of our dear, Grounded One’s collective ascension experiences. This “spectrum” represents a huge spectrum of light/realities.

From our multi-dimensional perspective, there is NO difference between “Realities” and “Light” because all reality is light and light creates all of reality.

All reality is created by projections, angles, and frequencies of light that are magnetized into your Third Eye and High Heart to be fully transmuted into the illusion of an “external reality.”

While you are wearing your third dimensional Earth Vessel, it is easy, and natural, to perceive your self as a human who has a Soul. However, from our perspective of the Golden Ones, we perceive all reality as various configurations of swirling light.

This swirling light is multidimensional. The variations of color and the forms created by the myriad light projections are beautiful to behold. Within this NOW, we wish to inform you that we also have another Service.

Within this NOW, we are HERE to assist all of you whose consciousness can inter-face with the frequency range of our consciousness. This ability to align with our fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness only occurs when you ready to align your consciousness with the fifth dimensional sub-plane of your Multidimensional SELF.

We say, “the fifth dimensional sub-plane of your Multidimensional SELF,” because the fifth dimension is the Threshold to all the vast multidimensional realities. The fifth dimensional reality is beyond the conception of those who have not taken the journey deep into their own consciousness to meet and heal ALL the incarnations that they have EVER taken on planet Earth.

You see, ascension is much like leaving the stadium after a huge event. However, YOU are the creator of the event, the star performer of that event, as well as the director and producer of that event. Also, you have created many “events,” which we perceive as “incarnations into a physical, earth vessel.”

The NOW of your current reality is very special because the ever rising frequency rate of your planetary Mother Gaia greatly facilitates your ability to expand your consciousness beyond the limitation of your third/fourth dimensional earth vessel and into what humanity has believed to be the Threshold to the Fifth dimension.

We, the Golden Ones, resonate to the frequency of this fifth dimensional threshold and into what you have often called “New Earth.” We have located ourselves on this threshold so that we can best serve to assist all the Ascending Ones to remember, and clear, every incarnation they have ever taken on Gaia.

The only way to “infinitely remain within the resonance of the fifth dimension” is to clear and transmute, ALL residues of any lower frequency experiences that you ever had in ALL your incarnations. We, the Golden Ones, are here at the threshold of the resonance of the “fifth dimensional reality matrix” to assist you with this final, pre-ascension clearing.

By the word “clearing” we mean, “balancing” all the energy fields ofall your incarnations to the extent that you can gain and maintainan energy field of the highest frequency of mind and body, that you experienced during all of your many incarnations.

Just as one needs to take all their “stuff” when they move to another house, you will need to take (transmute) all your karma. By “karma” we mean the collective energy field that is the resonant frequency of all the incarnations you ever experienced.

Once you have expanded your consciousness to the frequency of our Golden Portal, we will assist you to “over light” every reality you ever experienced in all the incarnations that you experienced on Gaia. From our point of perception, these realities are all unified into ONE swirling energy field.

This energy field is the sum total of every incarnation, or visits to Earth, you ever experienced in the sum/total of ALL your 3D/4D incarnations. From the perspective of your third/fourth dimensional consciousness, you may think that there are only a few who would be in this group.

However, we The Golden Ones, want you to know that there is an ever-expanding, Golden Energy Field that our “graduates from 3D” are learning to maintain infinitely via their collective consciousness.

“Collective consciousness” is the norm in our world, as there is NO separation of any kind in the fifth dimensional HERE and NOW. Once you have expanded your consciousness into the fifth dimensional resonance, you will be asked to bond with and crossthe energy field between the Threshold to the fifth dimension and the fifth dimensional octave of reality.

It is within that NOW that you will need to TOTALLY transmute any dissonant energy patterns that you may have left on Gaia from any of your third or fourth dimensional incarnations.

We also wish to remind you to leave your gift of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire in any of the times or dimensions of reality that you have visited as a, “Thank You, Dear Gaia for allowing us to enter your multidimensional portals.”

These multidimensional portals have always existed on Gaia, but usually only “primitive tribes,” animals, birds, and insects could maintain a connection with Gaia that was innocent enough to be able to UNDERSTAND what Gaia’s opened portals were saying to them.

By the term “innocent connection,” we mean a connection that is as open and honest as that of a small child. We, the Golden Ones, have observed how many humans have lost their ability to look through the innocence of Heart and Mind as they begin to “mature.”

Without this “innocence of Heart and Mind,” many humans lose their ability to experience the innocence of Gaia’s Nature. By “the innocence of Gaia’s Nature,” we mean Nature’s inability to lie.

During primitive realities and peak societies, Nature was beloved and protected by humanity. Therefore, Nature had NO fear, which was largely because the people had NO fear of Nature.

To these innocent, or expanded people, Nature was a huge living being that spoke to them through the weather. To them, a storm did not mean that something was bad. Instead, they realized that after the storm was over, all that was not strong enough to remain attached to their roots was ready to return Home to their Sky Gods.

They also noticed how the young trees with healthy roots could bend with the wind. However, the older trees, which were more brittle, and the trees with unhealthy roots, were pulled from the soil.

Then, the “dead tree” lying on the ground became the home form many insects and other creatures that needed a new home after the storm.

Nature does not “kill.” Nature “recycles.

When something, or someone, has become too ill, or too old, to contribute to Gaia, they are released from their physical earth vessel and return HOME to their Spirit.

Then, after the Spirit has shared all that it learned while in physical form, and has re-visited its higher dimensional home, the Spirit decides if it wishes to:

Take another earth vessel,

Return to their fifth dimensional Star Ship or Homeworld to learn more,

Or assist those on Earth from the higher dimensions,

In earlier eras on Gaia, there were many Shamans and Awakened Ones who could read the Light Language sent to them from those who resonated to the higher dimensions.

They could receive these messages via the Light Language that Gaia spoke with Her third dimensional weather, Her fourth dimensional dreams and meditations, as well as Her fifth dimensional Soulful yearnings.

All Light is shared with All Life. However, only those who are willing to expand their consciousness enough to be able to perceive the Light Language that constantly swirls above, around, and through them, are even aware that Light Language exists.

Light and reality are ONE. Light creates reality, but each reality can only exists for as long as it can capture and contain enough light to “feed” the energy field of that reality.

Reality is constructed of the sum/total of light and matter. Light is necessary to create, contain, and disburse itself through a given energy field. However, in order for light to create a reality, it must bond with some frequency of matter.

It is the bonding of light (which includes all mental and emotional constructs) with matter (which is the “building block of life”) that creates and maintains an ongoing reality. We, the Golden Ones, can assist Gaia’s transmutation by directing our multidimensional light through Gaia’s opened planetary portals.

It is the residents of Earth that must maintain these open portals through which our higher light can flow. As we, the Golden Ones, direct our multidimensional light through these opened portals, Gaia’s transmutation into Her fifth-dimensional, planetary expression will begin and be maintained. It is no coincidence that so many of you humans on Earth are openly talking about ascension into their fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

In fact, this “concept of ascension” has filled the consciousness of many humans because you, the members of humanity, are consciously, or unconsciously, receiving the Light Language messages that are increasingly flowing into your reality within this NOW.

You are consciously, or unconsciously, remembering how toperceive, and then receive, the Light Language messages in the same manner that you consciously, or unconsciously, have received your human language. This manner was that you learned your language from your family.

In the same manner, you will learn Light Language from your family of Earth’s inhabitants, as well as from your higher dimensional Galactic Family. Humanity has been praying, chanting, meditating, etc., in order to increase their ability to speak with the higher planes of reality since the dawn of time.

What is changed is that, as Gaia’s frequency increasingly rises, many fifth dimensional beings, who have been waiting for the NOW to assist with planetary ascension, are taking earth vessels.

Most important, more and more of you on Earth are remembering about your life beyond the limitations of third dimensional time and space. In fact, more and more of you are feeling the urge toembrace the NOW of each moment.

What we mean by, “embracing the NOW of each moment,” is that YOU have a choice to calibrate your attention to the dimension of your choice. You NOW have a choice to expand your “range of conscious perception” to encompass the third, fourth AND fifth dimension.

The awakened adults of your NOW have been studying, communicating, learning and meditating for decades so that they can expand their consciousness, as well as their perceptions, beyond the outer, daily life of the third dimension.

You, the awakening ones, are learning, and remembering, that you CAN “find the time” to meditate, and be creative enough that you can expand your brainwaves beyond your third dimensional beta wave consciousness into your fourth dimensional alpha wave consciousness.

Within this “time” that YOU have created for your SELF, you are choosing to construct a life that involves personal and groupcreative expression, time with nature, lively conversations with friends and family, and remembering how to inter-act with Gaia in the same manner that you would interact with a human.

Would you throw your trash at a human’s face? Would you walk past a human friend and forget to say, “Hello, how are you doing today? Would you have a drink of water without offering a glass of water to your friend? Would you take your trash and dump it on your neighbor’s front yard?

How often do you remember to acknowledge a beautiful flower, a clear sky, or a tall tree? How often do you look into a clear sky and give thanksgivings?

How often do you look into the sky and transmute the smog and chemtrails?

How often have you found the “time” to do something for your planet, or even for your fellow man, or even an animal in need?

We are proud to say that more and more of you can say,

“YES, I just did that the other day.”

However, some of you would confess, “Oh, I got lost in all the fearful propaganda on Earth and forgot that I AM the creator of my life. But, when I stepped under my favorite tree, I remembered that “I” am the creator of my life. Then I said,

“Dear Gaia, I love you unconditionally and I Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire

Transmuting ALL shadow into Light, Light, Light.”

We, The Golden Ones, want to share with you that there is a “line forming” at our fifth dimensional threshold. Every day, more and more Multidimensional Beings are peeking out of their 3D earth vessel to say,

“Good Morning Mother Gaia.

Today I vow to remember that


And YOU, Dear Mother Gaia, are ME!

We, the Golden Ones, invite you all to begin your day with the above short sentence. If you do so, you will likely discover two things:

One, you will discover that Gaia, Mother Earth, is ALIVE!

Two, you will discover, how seldom you have said, “Good Morning Gaia.”

How often would you forget to say “Good Morning!” to the people that you live with?

When you remember to say “Good Morning” to your planet, you will also remember to say “Good Morning” to your family, your roommates, your neighbors, your trees, your flowers, your self, and YES, your many Higher SELVES.

We, the Golden Ones, remind you to begin your day by saying,

“Good Morning Golden Ones!”

By that simple statement, you will align yourself with us,

“The Protectors of the Portals to fifth dimensional Earth.”

We ask that you then align your physical, self with your physical planet. So that,

The Golden Ones,

The Humans,

Planet Gaia

Can work as ONE to ascend Earth into Her fifth dimensional expression of New Earth!

We, The Golden Ones, welcome you to our Threshold and will assist you to join us.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2017 6:45:42 PM

What Can You Not Create?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Who are you really, and where did you come from? Do you really exist, you sometimes wonder. Sometimes it seems you are the subject, and, at the same confluence of imagined time, you are also the observer. What are you observing but yourself? If you make motions, and you observe yourself, are you then also a messenger? Surely you spin tales. They may be all made-up. Can it be that you are a work of your own imagination, as if you are a rag doll?

There is some Truth in this idea, for life on Earth is make-believe. Life is believed in, yet it is made up. None of this that occupies you on Earth is real. How can the so real-seeming not be true? When you stub your toe, it hurts. Yet, you wonder, do you really have a leg to stand on on Earth?

All of Life may seem like a promissory note to you. It is a list you write. Your list includes anything you want, yet it doesn't include everything you want.

It has been said that you are dreaming. Why, then, can't you or don't you make your dreams come true within the context of your dream? If it is your dream, why not manifest all of it? What holds back all your dreams from becoming true?

It is like you have unfinished sentences. You start off, and then get distracted. The Truth is that you do manifest. Despite yourself and your imposed lists of restrictions, you are a creator of your own list. Remove any limits you have set. Anything and everything can manifest in this world of illusion. You are capable of more than you realize. You spin a web. Choose the web you spin. You can also choose to weave a bigger web. You can break the bank. You can create mayhem, and you can create peace. If you have not peace, go ahead now, be My guest, and create it. You can whip cream, and you can put whipped cream on top of strawberry short cake. What cannot you create?

I am not the only Creator on Earth.

Not at all.

You create every day with your thoughts and words. You definitely are not a mere receiver. You don’t just lie down and wait for what comes. You culture what comes. If you are a gardener on Earth, your thoughts and words are your spades, hoes and rakes. Pay attention to the tools you are using. You do not immediately create everything that occurs, yet you are party to it. Attract what you call good. You do, much of the time, attract your view of Life on Earth. How do you see it? You promote the way you see Life. You project the Life you see. Uplift your thoughts. Your thoughts in this very Life will catch up to you. You steer the boat you sail in. The Very Ocean bows to your thoughts. This is not to say that you caused the latest tsunami.

You are given many free rides. Somehow you contributed. Even if you live in a dry desert, your thoughts and actions contribute to everything.

This that I say is not for you to build guilt on. Guilt and its partner, conscience, add no value to you. Go in a direction from which you gain good use of your mind and heart. Guilt and conscience may dig you in deeper to that which you do not want.

Even the idea of conscience is not necessary. Let not Life come to be about that which you must cease. Let Life be natural and effervescent. Think of the Light in which I see you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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