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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/28/2016 11:10:37 PM

Mike Quinsey 10/28/2016

147403459048849The changes are progressing well and as they take hold so the power of the dark Forces is diminishing, so much so that they are becoming confused and unable to control events as before. In any event they are only allowed a certain degree of freedom to carry on with their plan for world control. They will not succeed as the end times have already been written and victory for the Light is inevitable and assured. The period that you are now in is full of potential changes, all leading to the uplifting of Humanity and their place in the New Age. The scene has been set and it is only a matter of time before those who are responsible for giving out the news, will feel compelled to commence giving you truthful reports. The truth cannot be held back much longer and as those who stand in the way are removed, the days of truthful reporting loom large.

There can be few of you that live your life bringing the Light down to Earth, that has not heard of David Wilcock. He is a Master who is effectively leading those of the Light towards completion, so that with the coming of the New Age and the end of the old Age, they may be sure of ascending. His work is so important to Humanity that he is fully protected whilst providing you with largely untold information regarding the larger Truth. His greater revelations are about the truth of life outside of Earth and well beyond. David is leading the Lightworkers so that they are aware of the many life forms within your Universe. In turn they will be able to pass the information down the line so that when those of the Light appear on Earth, you will already have some knowledge of their intentions.

Ascension is by no means unique but as many of you are already aware, for those who are about to do so it is a very special upliftment with Humans ascending in their physical bodies. Already the incoming energies are having an effect and every soul to a greater or lesser degree is affected. Those who are already aware of what is happening can take it in their stride, but for those who find it difficult it can be confusing. But do not worry as upliftment is intentionally a slow process so that it does not over power you. As you must by now be aware, at some point those who cannot rise up any further will move to a new path that suits their needs.

Exciting times are soon coming that will delight you unless you find them difficult to comprehend. Virtually everything you are familiar with will change for the better, and quickly take you into a future unlike anything you have experienced so far. Many souls who have gone before you will help you take your place amongst those who have preceded you. They are your brothers and sisters and eagerly await your return, as you will be celebrated and acknowledged for the great service you have performed for the rest of Humanity. Bear in mind that when you volunteered to drop into the lower vibrations, you knew what lay ahead and the many challenges you would encounter. You are all the greater for it and your experience will help many others who will follow.

For all those who are aware of their destiny and are progressing towards completion, know that the present times are your way out of duality. Every effort you put in will be well worthwhile and put you firmly on the path to full Galactic growth. You are already beginning to realise that you have much more to understand, and that it is only the lower vibrations that have held you back. It makes your progress a wonderful achievement yet your level of consciousness is still growing, and you are heading for full consciousness. No longer will you be kept in a false and unreal reality, and the revelations to come will help move you quickly into a more realistic situation.

Because of the variety that Earth is composed of it is one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. But for the actions of Man it would truly be the Garden of Eden, however Man has ridden roughshod over its beauty and deliberately destroyed it. You only have to look at the beauty in the masses of flowers that exist on Earth to appreciate the wonders of creation. Then consider the many types of animals that roam it to realise that the hand of God is in everything that has life. Man also has the gift of creation, but has largely lacked the ideals and foresight that is required to create lasting beauty. It will all change in the near future as you rise up into the higher dimensions.

Somewhere within each soul is the appreciation of beauty, but many have allowed themselves to drop down in vibrations and focussed on that which is undesirable. You will see the higher expressions when the first City of Light manifests very soon in Sedona, USA. It is there out of sight except to those who are of the higher vibrations and simply awaits the right time to fully manifest on Earth. It is a golden City of Healing Centres and will be open to those who need help and healing. Some of you will already be aware of their existence and have read Genii Townsend’s books about them. The Cities are just one of the wonderful sights that you will see once the New Age can fully come into being.

The vibrations upon Earth are now rising and many souls have noticed the changes within themselves. They feel a beautiful calmness even when those around them are in a turmoil, and their presence is in itself a calming energy for all those around them. You have long been advised to centre yourselves and place around your physical body a protective energy such as the Violet Flame. It can be done and you will be pleasantly surprised at your success, and because of your influence you are helping others to keep calm. It is difficult to change human habits of a lifetime, but it is now a most suitable time with the upliftment the higher vibrations give you.

Until the truth of your existence is revealed along with news of the imminent changes, you will have to rely upon your Internet, yet even there are people reporting who are simply the pawns of the Illuminati and spreading false information. However, if you keep up to date with the news from websites that you have identified as reliable, you should be well informed. You cannot know it all so concentrate on the latest news from sources that will give a fair and truthful account of what is taking place. There are many, many Beings of Light standing by your side and that is your guarantee of a safe journey to completion.

Keep patient and allow time for events to manifest, as you need not worry as the outcome will make you all happy, and joyous to at last be free from the restraints that have held you back from advancement. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/28/2016 11:14:57 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/27/2016

will's picture

Throughout the world human beings are always seeking security, both physiological and psychological. Physical security is denied when psychological security—which does not really exist—is sought in various forms of illusion and in divisive beliefs, dogmas, religious sanctions and so on. When there are these psychological divisions, there must inevitably be physiological division with all its conflicts, wars, and the suffering and the tragedy and the inhumanity of man to man.

-J Krishnamurti, The Wholeness of Life

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/28/2016 11:17:13 PM

Ervin Laslo with Gyorgyi Szabo: The Oneness Declaration


Ervin Laszlo


Gyorgyi Szabo

The Oneness Declaration: Sixteen Hallmarks of the New Consciousness

by Ervin Laszlo with Gyorgyi Szabo and

1. I am part of the world. The world is not outside of me, and I am not outside of the world. The world is in me, and I am in the world.

2. I am part of nature, and nature is part of me. I am what I am in my communication and communion with all living things. I am an irreducible and coherent whole with the web of life on the planet.

3. I am part of society, and society is part of me. I am what I am in my communication and communion with my fellow humans. I am an irreducible and coherent whole with the community of humans on the planet.

Gyorgyi: With the consciousness that arose in me, my life has taken on new meaning. I will never be lonely again, never feel alone. Because I am not alone and disconnected, I am an essential part of everybody and everything around me. I am one with the world, and have always been, even if with my earlier, and now discarded, duality-consciousness I did not know it.

4. I am more than a skin-and-bone material organism: my body, and its cells and organs are manifestations of what is truly me: a self-sustaining, self-evolving dynamic system arising, persisting and evolving in interaction with everything around me.

5. I am one of the highest, most evolved manifestations of the drive toward coherence and wholeness in the universe. All systems drive toward coherence and wholeness in interaction with all other systems, and my essence is this cosmic drive. It is the same essence, the same spirit that is inherent in all the things that arise and evolve in nature, whether on this planet or elsewhere in the infinite reaches of space and time.

Gyorgyi: I evolve and I am master of my evolution. But this is not a separate, me-only evolution: it is a co-evolution with everyone and everything around me. How I evolve is part of how they evolve, and how they evolve is part of my evolution. I co-evolve with people and with all life on the planet. I co-evolve with the universe, and the universe co-evolves with me. In this wholeness I am a small but not insignificant part—I am a master of the co-evolution of the whole planet.

6. There are no absolute boundaries and divisions in this world, only transition points where one set of relations yields prevalence to another. In me, in this self-maintaining and self-evolving coherence- and wholeness-oriented system, the relations that integrate the cells and organs of my body are prevalent. Beyond my body other relations gain prevalence: those that drive toward coherence and wholeness in society and in nature.

7. The separate identity I attach to other humans and other things is but a convenient convention that facilitates my interaction with them. My family and my community are just as much “me” as the organs of my body. My body and mind, my family and my community, are interacting and interpenetrating, variously prevalent elements in the network of relations that encompasses all things in nature and the human world.

8. The whole gamut of concepts and ideas that separates my identity, or the identity of any person or community, from the identity of other persons and communities are manifestations of this convenient but arbitrary convention. There are only gradients distinguishing individuals from each other and from their environment and no real divisions and boundaries. There are no “others” in the world: we are all living systems and we are all part of each other.

Gyorgyi: With my wholeness-consciousness I realize that not only am I not separate from the world around me, I know that nobody is. The entire concept of separation is a false, illusory concept. When we act with that concept in mind we divide the unity of the world, segment its wholeness into bits and pieces. Our ego divides us, but our body does not follow suit – it acts in coherence with the whole Earth. I am part of the Earth, part of the larger whole that is the world in its totality—an almost invisible but real and inseparable part of it.

9. Attempting to maintain the system I know as “me” through ruthless competition with the system I know as “you” is a grave mistake: it could damage the integrity of the embracing whole that frames both your life and mine. I cannot preserve my own life and wholeness by damaging that whole, even if damaging a part of it seems to bring me short-term advantage. When I harm you, or anyone else around me, I harm myself.

10. Collaboration, not competition, is the royal road to the wholeness that hallmarks healthy systems in the world. Collaboration calls for empathy and solidarity, and ultimately for love. I do not and cannot love myself if I do not love you and others around me: we are part of the same whole and so are part of each other.

11. The idea of “self-defense” even of “national defense,” needs to be rethought. Patriotism if it aims to eliminate adversaries by force, and heroism even in the well-meaning execution of that aim, are mistaken aspirations. A patriot and a hero who brandishes a sword or a gun is an enemy also to himself. Every weapon intended to hurt or kill is a danger to all. Comprehension, conciliation and forgiveness are not signs of weakness; they are signs of courage.

Gyorgyi: I am part of a community called humanity, and my country is the Earth. My immediate and real family is everybody in my community and in my country. Everything I do reflects not just on me, but on everybody in this community, whether they live next to me or far away. I reflect consciously on how I live and what I do, because everything I think and do affects all the others. Hurting anybody no matter for what reason hurts me, and healing and making anybody whole heals me and makes me whole.

12. “The good” for me and for every person in the world is not the possession and accumulation of personal wealth. Wealth, in money or in any material resource, is but a means for maintaining myself in my environment. As exclusively mine, it commandeers part of the resources that all things need to share if they are to live and to thrive. Exclusive wealth is a threat to all people in the human community. And because I am a part of this community, in the final count it is a threat also to me, and to all who hold it.

13. Beyond the sacred whole we recognize as the world in its totality, only life and its development have what philosophers call intrinsic value; all other things have merely instrumental value: value insofar as they add to or enhance intrinsic value. Material things in the world, and the energies and substances they harbor or generate, have value only if and insofar they contribute to life and wellbeing in the web of life on this Earth.

Gyorgyi: My life, and the life of everyone in my community and my country, is the highest value, far higher than any other kind of wealth counted in money and material possessions. My possessions do not bring me pleasure or benefit if they harm others, make them unhappy, or diminish their chance for wholeness and fulfillment. The value of all things depends on what they do to my life, and since my life is part of everybody else’s life, on what they do to all other people’s lives.

14. Every healthy person has pleasure in giving: it is a higher pleasure than having. I am healthy and whole when I value giving over having. The true measure of my accomplishment and excellence is my readiness to give. Not the amount of what I give is the measure of my accomplishment and excellence, but the relation between what I give, and what my family and I need to live and to thrive.

15. A community that values giving over having is a community of healthy people, oriented toward thriving through empathy, solidarity, and love among its members. Sharing enhances the community of life, while possessing and accumulating creates demarcation, invites competition, and fuels envy. The share-society is the norm for all the communities of life on the planet; the have-society is typical only of modern-day humanity, and it is an aberration.

Gyorgyi: A life dedicated to hoarding and collecting what others or nature can give me is not a life worth living. The pleasure it gives is short-lived and paltry, compared to the satisfaction I feel when I can give to others something that comes genuinely from me. Only when I give do I feel myself happy and fulfilled, part of the wholeness I form in my community and my country.

16. I acknowledge my role and responsibility in evolving a planetary consciousness in me, and by example in others around me. I have been part of the aberration of human consciousness in the modern age, and now wish to become part of the evolution that overcomes the aberration and heals the wounds inflicted by it. This is my right as well as my duty, as a conscious member of a conscious species on a precious and now critically endangered planet.

Gyorgyi: I now realize that I am an integral part of the world, a member of the human and the Earth community. I live my life, but the life I live is not only my life: it is the life of the entire human and Earth community. I live it the best way I can. This is not a choice for me; it is a duty. Even more than a duty, it is simply the way I am, a human being endowed with a consciousness of oneness and belonging.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/28/2016 11:22:53 PM

The Arcturians: There Is Only ONE

147483740665260Dear ones, we see many still experiencing confusion with regard to world conditions. Know that what you are witnessing in these turbulent times is the emerging of old energies long suppressed and hidden in need of exposure in order to be observed, evaluated, and changed.

Never fear to look right at any appearance, not hiding from it or pretending not to notice but instead realizing it to be the material sense of a spiritual universe–pictures formed of the beliefs of duality and separation, impersonal, and without spiritual law hold them in place.

Never deny or fear the emotions that may arise, but realize that today is a new time in which you are not the same you of even one year ago having attained a level of consciousness now able to reinterpret world appearances and recognize the ever present underlying spiritual reality.

The temptation for the majority is to become a part of current consensus consciousness, for being part of a group allows the individual to feel that they are accepted, and there is a sense of “love” being part of a group. Most of you are now able to see and act outside of the consensus consciousness which is how the world will change and gradually dissolve appearances reflective of duality/separation. This is the work.

We wish again to speak of Love for Love is the foundation of all things, which when understood and practiced in its truest sense, flows in and through every aspect of daily life no matter how seemingly ordinary. Once Love becomes your attained state of consciousness you begin to automatically perceive the world and all that is in it, from a whole new perspective which then allows many formerly accepted concepts and beliefs to fall away.

Love is Oneness and thus the connecting link between all things–humans, plants, animals, nature spirits, elementals etc. Even rocks have consciousness of a sort. There is nothing not made of the one and only substance–Divine Consciousness. Spiritual ideas within the one Divine Consciousness are interpreted according to an individual’s state of consciousness. If that consciousness holds strong beliefs in duality and separation, this is how their outer world will manifest but that never changes the reality of the Divine Idea.

As consciousness evolves, interpretations evolve. Horse and buggy used to represent the Divine Idea of Omnipresence, but now there are planes, high tech automobiles, and much better modes of transportation which will continue to evolve. The Star people have interpretations of Omnipresence (modes of transportation) way beyond what the human mind can conceive of at this point in their evolution.

As you come to understand the truth of One manifesting Itself as the many, you must also come to understand and accept that therefore there can only be one power. God Alone Is Power.

In order to attain and begin to practice a consciousness of One Power, an individual must first examine his concepts of God. God is a word that represents the idea of an “Allness of all that is”, but any word you choose will suffice because the finite human mind is simply not capable of understanding that which is infinite. IT, God, fiddlesticks, or whatever you wish to call It can only be experienced.

The human mind is able to understand the attributes of the Divine– qualities forever held in place by Divine law and expressing outwardly as peace, joy, completeness, wholeness, abundance, harmony, etc. These constitute the essence of the One Self sustained, Self maintained “Something” and since there is only One of this “Something”, all that it embodies has to be the only reality.

Mankind unaware of truth and experiencing a world of duality and separation throughout many lifetimes has come to accept a power for good or bad with regard to any and all outer appearances.

It is time to move into a consciousness of One Power. “God alone is power” must become the inner response to every situation be it physical, emotional, or mental. The Divine and all facets thereof must come to be seen and accepted as reality and thus the only power.

Where is this power? It is my very Self hood–the I that I really am, the I that formed and maintains this body I use . The I that which beats the heart and draws to me what I need when I need it. The I that I am manifests as guidance and comforts me in crisis for IT is complete and whole, needing nothing.

God alone is power. You are ready now to live, move, and have your being in a consciousness that knows that every quality of Divine Consciousness is also embodied within every individual expression of that Divine Consciousness. It is the I AM. This is what the master Jesus meant when he said; “I of my own self can do nothing” or “Greater works than these you will do.” He never purported himself to be the only son of God, but an ignorant world seeking power outside of itself has declared Jesus to be the only son of God.

God alone is power. Let this become the mantra with which you meet every experience throughout the day. An attained consciousness of One Power is a healing consciousness for it recognizes no power in disease. It is the peacemaker, for it knows only the ONE appearing as the many. Those who have attained a consciousness of One Power are able to allow the world around them to crumble in the realization that it can never touch the reality.

Begin to practice “God alone is Power” in every seemingly small event of daily living. You have a sore knee…bring to mind the fact that God could not express Itself as pain for that would be duality within the ONE that is infinitely complete and whole.

Pain in all its forms reflects an impersonal belief in a self apart from God. God alone is power…then take whatever human footsteps you may be guided to take. Your realization of God as the only power opens the door for Divine Completeness to manifest as whatever the best solution may be for you.

The process of withdrawing power from all appearances no matter how horrendous, is a necessary step in everyone’s evolutionary journey, but one you are now ready for.

There will always be difficulties while living in a world that still supports a three dimensional belief system but you now have the tools with which to meet them on a higher level. Disasters happen to evolved individuals because 1.- They are a chosen part of the person’s life plan to help awaken others, or 2.- to bring about a deeper realization of some truth necessary for their own spiritual growth.

Evolved souls do not live lives of random events formed from the energies of duality and separation much as the un-awakened do, but must learn to look for truths hidden in difficult life events.

There comes a point of choice in every spiritual seekers journey when he realizes he cannot worship both God and man. Free will allows everyone to take as long as they wish but most of you are recognizing that the time has come for you to step into living your truth. A time to step away from assigning power to three dimensional concepts be they personal or global and irregardless of whether they appear good or bad. Realize that good appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones and that God alone is power.

Those who keep themselves plugged in to technology in all its forms 24/7, or never take time to be silent, simply will not hear the still small voice within and thus continue to deny and reject the idea of there being a still, small, voice.

Those around you will not know exactly what has changed, but will notice that you have become quieter, more centered, and less reactive. At this point you will probably find others coming to you for advice, drawn by your energy of peace which is what they seek. This is when the spiritual work begins and you become Lightworkers in every activity of work, play, relationships, duties etc.

Many so called religious teachings taught that the ordinary world was not spiritual and must be left behind if one was to become “holy”. Thus were born the monasteries and convents of all religions.

There was a time when these places were the only places where peace, solitude, and spiritual seeking could take place without struggle but because everyone takes their state of consciousness with them, many convents and monasteries devolved into places of dogma, structure, rules, and ms-information. However, many of today’s convents and monasteries are serving to provide a flow of Light and Love to the world through the evolved consciousness of those members who understand and practice deeper levels of truth.

It is a new day, and new time, and the spiritual life must be lived in the world but not of it. Life on earth must no longer be separated into the profane versus the spiritual for that is old false and misleading energy of the past. There is only ONE. One power, One reality, One law, One cause, One effect, and that ONE is YOU.

We are the Arcturian Group.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/28/2016 11:24:42 PM

The Weaving of Life

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Dear Human Beings, I am well aware of all the fears that get caught in your craw. Let Me ask you some questions about the myriad of worry-worry that fills your life.

Do you believe you contribute to holding the Universe high? Do you believe in your Divine Will? Do you believe in Me as your Source and Resource?

And I will answer as well:

We can say that all this Life on Earth is a mixed bag, yet, relatively speaking, all is true depending upon the angle you look from. With fear, you are always looking at the world in the darkness of night. You are sure that something dreadful will pop out from the night and say, "Boo."

Now I ask another question of you: If you had no fears, could there be worries?

I will answer you as well: Don't be absurd. Of course not, if you had no fears, you would have no worries.

Fears are flibbertigibbets. Fears are like floaters in your eyes. Fears multiply of themselves. If you have fears, why do you cling to them as if they were your friends? That your fears are long-time associates doesn't mean they are your friends.

If you absconded from your ruminant fears, do you fear you would think of new and other fears? And would you rather stay with the fears you already know as if they are safer?

The idea of letting go of the burden of fears -- you find this idea dangerous. To you, letting go of your fears may seem like stepping out a 40th floor window and jumping with no buffer under you. Fears feel fatal to you, for this is the fatal world you live in. You live your Life on tenterhooks. My dears, you fear fear more than you fear anything else. You even have fears sorted into categories, as if to catalog your fears means you are more logical, and, therefore, safer. Is this your take on Life?

Let go of your fears about the Weaving of Life. Probably you can think of dozens of reasons to fear Life. Must you hold fears to you? To what avail?

Without fears, you would run free. You would be a colt who rides with the wind. How you will enjoy Life when you stop bowing down to your fears. You don't need to be so respectful of your fears. Certainly, you don't want to be owned by your fears. Better to wheel your Love around than fears. No longer tiptoe around fear. Step over your fears. It is time now for fears to go away and leave you alone.

Your fears keep multiplying and repeating themselves as if they were prayer beads you run through your fingers. You would do almost anything to be free of the risk of fear, and, so, you honor your fears. You worship them. You entangle yourself in your fears.

Be done with fear. Stomp on fear if you have to. Fears are your creation.

You remind me of the dear little prince who hovered over baobabs to weed them out so the little planet he lived on would not be over-run.

I ask you to stop running over your fears as if your recurring thoughts of fears would wear them down. You do not have to ignite the Furnace of Your Life fueled with the Fire of Fear.

There is more to Life than fear. And there is more to you than fear. I do not ask you to merely put on a bold face. I ask you to put fear in its rightful place. You are far greater than your fears. You think too much. Live instead. Go on your merry way and not your fear-filled way. Live Life.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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